Roosevelt: His Bankrupt Policies

the depression ended between 1939 and 1941 according to all those sources.

dear Stalin and FDR put people to work in war production but that does not count obviously. If it did we'd always have 0% unemployment by making weapons and dumping them into the sea.

Simply enough for your liberal IQ?
Tens of millions of people went to work today by driving on over bridges and through tunnels or out of airports still in service after over 70 years by the people you just claimed didn't have real jobs.

so what you liberal idiot the Romans were building
bridges and tunnels 2000 years ago some of which still function today!!

notice the way you lie and try to change the subject rather than tell us if Morganthau lied??
You asked two questions and I answered one. I have already answered the Morgentheu question in this thread. I have in fact answered both question several time and provided links with my responses. Your generic cut and pace post was an exact replica of one PoliticalChic uses all the time. You must both go to the same rw site to plagiarize post material. The question about the Morgentheu statement was controversial and debated a half century ago. You are just regurgitating and old debating point.

I explained the two standards or differences in judging data just a few post back when I explained and provided a link to show how there were different standards used for judging the economic affects on industry and the affects on the citizens as a whole. I gave you the example of the small factory town. The factory was closed down the the economy sucked. When the WPA projects came to town the citizens did good. The economy was good. Folks had jobs and received pay checks that they went on to spend in the town stores and places of business. The factory however stayed closed and the factory owners said the economy sucked. Morgenthau represented the factory owners. FDR represented the citizens. Morgenthau and Roosevelt had differing priorities. FDR had patience and was willing to wait out the world wide depression. He knew the USA was limited in the 30's as to how it could influence the global economy. If you refuse to accept these simple facts and insist on stubbornly sticking to old agenda driven talking points that omit data not attractive or helpful to your position and distorted quotes you will never learn beyond what you get from opinion dominated commentaries.

BTW, you asked how many people died building the Hoover Dam while comparing working at the Hoover Dam to Stalin's forced labor. Millions died under Stalin's forced labor. 96 people died while building the Dam.


The liar is in denial.
Explain how building the Blue Ridge Parkway closed down towns..

Dear they had to shut down other towns to built the parkway towns.
If libturd govt knew what to built the USSR would have been a tremendous success and recessions would be a thing of the past. All we have to do is ask libturds where to tax and spend.

Got it now? You cant fill a swimming pool by draining one side and filling the other.
Show a link where taxes to pay for one town shut down another.

100% stupid and liberal. If tax money can sustain one town, then taking that money away can destroy it too. America had a million towns suffering in the FDR's Depression

Is that simple enough for your liberal IQ?
As I said, just talk. You claim America had a million towns that suffered but you also said towns were shut down and suffered for the the ones given good economies from WPA, work projects. I specifically challenged you to provide an example and you are instead deflecting and evading by changing the topic to "towns that suffered". You are unable to back up your claim. You are a bullsh--ter.
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Tens of millions of people went to work today by driving on over bridges and through tunnels or out of airports still in service after over 70 years by the people you just claimed didn't have real jobs.

so what you liberal idiot the Romans were building
bridges and tunnels 2000 years ago some of which still function today!!

notice the way you lie and try to change the subject rather than tell us if Morganthau lied??
You asked two questions and I answered one. I have already answered the Morgentheu question in this thread. I have in fact answered both question several time and provided links with my responses. Your generic cut and pace post was an exact replica of one PoliticalChic uses all the time. You must both go to the same rw site to plagiarize post material. The question about the Morgentheu statement was controversial and debated a half century ago. You are just regurgitating and old debating point.

I explained the two standards or differences in judging data just a few post back when I explained and provided a link to show how there were different standards used for judging the economic affects on industry and the affects on the citizens as a whole. I gave you the example of the small factory town. The factory was closed down the the economy sucked. When the WPA projects came to town the citizens did good. The economy was good. Folks had jobs and received pay checks that they went on to spend in the town stores and places of business. The factory however stayed closed and the factory owners said the economy sucked. Morgenthau represented the factory owners. FDR represented the citizens. Morgenthau and Roosevelt had differing priorities. FDR had patience and was willing to wait out the world wide depression. He knew the USA was limited in the 30's as to how it could influence the global economy. If you refuse to accept these simple facts and insist on stubbornly sticking to old agenda driven talking points that omit data not attractive or helpful to your position and distorted quotes you will never learn beyond what you get from opinion dominated commentaries.

BTW, you asked how many people died building the Hoover Dam while comparing working at the Hoover Dam to Stalin's forced labor. Millions died under Stalin's forced labor. 96 people died while building the Dam.


The liar is in denial.
Nothing in my response is in anyway a denial in appearance of fact. You are just a desperate sore loser. Your thesis has been shown to be trash and I played a part in exposing it for the garbage it was. I am answering the same questions I answered for you. Neither of you has a viable response because what I wrote is accurate.
I specifically challenged you to provide an example.

how 100% stupid can a liberal be. You mentioned the example of a town that did so well when the WPA came to the rescue with tax money but did not say one word about where the money came from. If giving money to one town is wonderful then taking it away from another must not be wonderful.

Simply enough for your liberal IQ?
Explain how building the Blue Ridge Parkway closed down towns..

Dear they had to shut down other towns to built the parkway towns.
If libturd govt knew what to built the USSR would have been a tremendous success and recessions would be a thing of the past. All we have to do is ask libturds where to tax and spend.

Got it now? You cant fill a swimming pool by draining one side and filling the other.
The parkway didn't and doesn't go through towns. It is a purely tourist road that follows the ridge line and nerver passes through towns. Before it existed there was nothing by forest.
I specifically challenged you to provide an example.

how 100% stupid can a liberal be. You mentioned the example of a town that did so well when the WPA came to the rescue with tax money but did not say one word about where the money came from. If giving money to one town is wonderful then taking it away from another must not be wonderful.

Simply enough for your liberal IQ?
The money wasn't taken away. I know where it came from, you don't. Look up FERA and Glass-Steagall and whatever you can find about silver and gold transfers.
The parkway didn't and doesn't go through towns. It is a purely tourist road that follows the ridge line and nerver passes through towns. Before it existed there was nothing by forest.

and your point is that soviet liberals know where to spend our money better than we do???
The money wasn't taken away. I know where it came from, you don't.

100% stupid and liberal as a always. Federal spending comes from taxing, borrowing, and printing. Either way soviet liberal turn bureaucrats are guessing where to best spend our money and always making mistakes thus depressing or recessing the economy.

Do you understand now?
The money wasn't taken away. I know where it came from, you don't.

100% stupid and liberal as a always. Federal spending comes from taxing, borrowing, and printing. Either way soviet liberal turn bureaucrats are guessing where to best spend our money and always making mistakes thus depressing or recessing the economy.

Do you understand now?
Dude, you are just a agenda driven fool who can't back up his crap. You are now reduced to spouting off unrelated disjointed blather to escape answering questions about statements you have made and pretended they were credible. You have not answered a single question you have been asked in two days. You are like a sock of PoliticalChic. If you are going to attempt to debate a topic like the greatness of FDR and the New Deal you have to come loaded with more than blather, fluff and bullcrap.
I specifically challenged you to provide an example.

how 100% stupid can a liberal be. You mentioned the example of a town that did so well when the WPA came to the rescue with tax money but did not say one word about where the money came from. If giving money to one town is wonderful then taking it away from another must not be wonderful.

Simply enough for your liberal IQ?

Of course.

And, the way the money was applied....

1. Economist Jim Powell, in “FDR’s Folly,” notes that a disproportionate amount of FDR’s relief and public works spending “went not to the poorest states such as the South, but to western states were people were better off , apparently because there were ‘swing’ states which could yield FDR more votes in the next election.”
For those not familiar with the great WPA project that created jobs in the Great Depression and continues to provide jobs to private business along a 500 mile path of towns today, 80 years later while preserving American heritage and history. Private business built the roadway but were required to hire workers from the unemployment roles. Other WPA programs were used to provide various other projects such as landscaping to embellish the parkway, a project of the eastern US in one of the poorest regions in America at the time, the Appalachian mountain regions of Virginia and North Carolina.

You can check out this 5 minute motorcycle ride if you want to see what riding the Parkway is like.
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I specifically challenged you to provide an example.

how 100% stupid can a liberal be. You mentioned the example of a town that did so well when the WPA came to the rescue with tax money but did not say one word about where the money came from. If giving money to one town is wonderful then taking it away from another must not be wonderful.

Simply enough for your liberal IQ?

Of course.

And, the way the money was applied....

1. Economist Jim Powell, in “FDR’s Folly,” notes that a disproportionate amount of FDR’s relief and public works spending “went not to the poorest states such as the South, but to western states were people were better off , apparently because there were ‘swing’ states which could yield FDR more votes in the next election.”
"FDR's Folly" is a misinformation propaganda effort regurgitated endlessly by dishonest hacks. No matter how much the distorted anti New Deal claims are made, the truth is easy to access.
In the post above, #214, you are able to view the WPA project known as the Blue Ridge Parkway. It stretched 500 miles through the mountains of Virginia and North Carolina.

Here is what the WPA did south from the Blue Ridge Parkway.
I specifically challenged you to provide an example.

how 100% stupid can a liberal be. You mentioned the example of a town that did so well when the WPA came to the rescue with tax money but did not say one word about where the money came from. If giving money to one town is wonderful then taking it away from another must not be wonderful.

Simply enough for your liberal IQ?

Of course.

And, the way the money was applied....

1. Economist Jim Powell, in “FDR’s Folly,” notes that a disproportionate amount of FDR’s relief and public works spending “went not to the poorest states such as the South, but to western states were people were better off , apparently because there were ‘swing’ states which could yield FDR more votes in the next election.”
Can you take the vote out of a political equation in a democracy. Those states will be paying for the program and they better be included or no votes. That's the plain and simple how it works in the American political system. A dictatorship might not have these "what's in it for my state" problems.
Here is what the WPA did south from the Blue Ridge Parkway.

the WPA took money from one side of the pool and used it to fill up the other side but as a typical brain dead liberal you lack the IQ to see both sides of the pool and so lack the IQ to understand why FDR's administration was the Great Depression.
Here is what the WPA did south from the Blue Ridge Parkway.

the WPA took money from one side of the pool and used it to fill up the other side but as a typical brain dead liberal you lack the IQ to see both sides of the pool and so lack the IQ to understand why FDR's administration was the Great Depression.
Keep working on that batshit-craziness. One day, a loser somewhere will believe you.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Here is what the WPA did south from the Blue Ridge Parkway.

the WPA took money from one side of the pool and used it to fill up the other side but as a typical brain dead liberal you lack the IQ to see both sides of the pool and so lack the IQ to understand why FDR's administration was the Great Depression.
Keep working on that batshit-craziness. One day, a loser somewhere will believe you.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

translation: As a typical liberal I lack the IQ for substance and so find name calling meaningful.

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