Roosevelt: His Bankrupt Policies

And where would the large population of the poor have found the money?.

So as a silly liberal you think if the govt gave the poor tons of money to spend that would have ended the Great liberal Depression?

And you think a more educated population in the right fields couldn't result in more wealth for our society?

  1. Almost no believes your fable, Frank. Only WWII brought full employment because the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT stimulated it through purchases for the sinews of war.
  2. Quit being a goof.

So Hitler ended the FDR Depression?[i/QUOTE]

Economists believe the Great Republican Depression of 1929 ended in 1938. The ue rate trailed as it always does in recessions or depressions. But by 1941 it was down to 9%, from 24.75% when FDR took office. So, lets see how your claims wash, dipshit.
In 1929 the ue rate was 3%.
Under a republican congress and president, it went up 22% in the 5 years until FDR was sworn into office. Fastest rise in unemployment in our history. Yeah, republicans.
In the 8 years after taking office, the ue rate dropped 16% to 9% in 1941, and another 5% by 1942.The fastest decrease in the ue rate in history.
After his inauguration Roosevelt realized that his first priority was to reduce unemployment, and that some of the promises in the 1932 Democrat Party platform would detract from that.

Because the private sector was not hiring Roosevelt expanded government employment with policies like the Civilian Conservation Corps. CCC was popular with Democrats and Republicans.

During Roosevelt's first term there was nearly as much economic growth as there was during the terms of Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge. There was considerably more job creation.

Life for most Americans began to improve soon after Roosevelt's 1933 inauguration. That is why he was reelected three times, and why reactionaries in the Republican Party have never been able to repeal the main reforms of the New Deal.
What is funny is republican policies of deregulations, hands off and massive transfer of wealth into the hands of the super rich caused every recession and depression in this nations history.

It was not funny for the people who lost heir jobs due to those Republican policies.
After his inauguration Roosevelt realized that his first priority was to reduce unemployment, and that some of the promises in the 1932 Democrat Party platform would detract from that.

Because the private sector was not hiring Roosevelt expanded government employment with policies like the Civilian Conservation Corps. CCC was popular with Democrats and Republicans.

During Roosevelt's first term there was nearly as much economic growth as there was during the terms of Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge. There was considerably more job creation.

Life for most Americans began to improve soon after Roosevelt's 1933 inauguration. That is why he was reelected three times, and why reactionaries in the Republican Party have never been able to repeal the main reforms of the New Deal.


And that unemployment averaged 20% from the FDR inauguration until Hitler conquered France is just revisionist history, right.

Pesky facts spoiling the fictional narrative
Only you are saying that FDR supposedly reversed the UE figures during the 1930s.

He did not. Full employment was generated by the Federal Government in orders from businesses for the war effort.

Frank, you are confused. FDR was instrumental in bringing about relief and reform, but only WWII ended the UE problem across the world. It also led to fifty million deaths.
Only you are saying that FDR supposedly reversed the UE figures during the 1930s.

He did not. Full employment was generated by the Federal Government in orders from businesses for the war effort.

Frank, you are confused. FDR was instrumental in bringing about relief and reform, but only WWII ended the UE problem across the world. It also led to fifty million deaths.
Facts are stubborn things, Jake.

FDR policies were a total failure from 1933 until our participation in WWII was a done deal and millions of Americans joined the armed forces.

Please admit FDR was a total failure from 1933 until I940
Only you are saying FDR's policies were a total failure. You can have your opinion, but it is wrong.
Only you are saying that FDR supposedly reversed the UE figures during the 1930s.

He did not. Full employment was generated by the Federal Government in orders from businesses for the war effort.

Frank, you are confused. FDR was instrumental in bringing about relief and reform, but only WWII ended the UE problem across the world. It also led to fifty million deaths.
Facts are stubborn things, Jake.

FDR policies were a total failure from 1933 until our participation in WWII was a done deal and millions of Americans joined the armed forces.

Please admit FDR was a total failure from 1933 until I940
Employment went down as soon as FDR's policies began, including the saving of banks, five thousand of which had been closed before he took office. There are two separate unemployment figures, those for private industry and those that included the millions who gained employment in the New Deal Programs that built infrastructure, much of which is still being used today. Overall unemployment was reduced to less than 10% before WWII and unemployment in private industry were brought down from a high of 25% to less than 14%.
Only you are saying FDR's policies were a total failure. You can have your opinion, but it is wrong.

You're claiming that a 20% unemployment rate over 7 whole years is a success?

Average rate of unemployment
in 1933: 24.9%
in 1934: 21.7%
in 1935: 20.1%
in 1936: 16.9%
in 1937: 14.3%
in 1938: 19.0%
in 1939: 17.2%
in 1940: 14.5%

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." -- John Adams
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Your figures are from a disreputable source, Frank, but for the sake of discussion . . . the jump in figures from 1937 on were due to try more conservative fiscal policy. It failed.
Only you are saying FDR's policies were a total failure. You can have your opinion, but it is wrong.

You're claiming that a 20% unemployment rate over 7 whole years is a success?

Average rate of unemployment
in 1933: 24.9%
in 1934: 21.7%
in 1935: 20.1%
in 1936: 16.9%
in 1937: 14.3%
in 1938: 19.0%
in 1939: 17.2%
in 1940: 14.5%
You are using the industrial and private business figures that do not account for the millions of jobs created by New Deal programs. Those figures do not include the millions employed in government projects. But even using those, it shows that in the private sector unemployment went down. When the New Deal projects were reduced and the Fed's stopped pumping money into the economy, the rate started increasing and the population had less money to purchase consumer products in '38 and '39. As soon as the funding for projects were re-started the number of unemployment continued the downward progress.

How the differing methods of calculating unemployment were ascertained are explained, and the differing figures provided in this link.

FDR's priority was not to just bring the private business out of the depression. His priority was to relieve the suffering of the masses. To do this he transformed the economy from a trickle down economy to a trickle up economy. It worked and the government still floods the economy with government fund. The difference today is that the funds are used to support the military industrial complex and the jobs they create. The result is that we have huge amounts of unused, obsolete military hardware sitting in boneyards. Tanks and planes that will never be used for anything but parts and scrap metal. This instead of infrastructure.
Your figures are from a disreputable source, Frank, but for the sake of discussion . . . the jump in figures from 1937 on were due to try more conservative fiscal policy. It failed.

Jake are you saying there was no unemployment because of FDR economic genius? What is it you're saying?
Only you are saying FDR's policies were a total failure. You can have your opinion, but it is wrong.

You're claiming that a 20% unemployment rate over 7 whole years is a success?

Average rate of unemployment
in 1933: 24.9%
in 1934: 21.7%
in 1935: 20.1%
in 1936: 16.9%
in 1937: 14.3%
in 1938: 19.0%
in 1939: 17.2%
in 1940: 14.5%
You are using the industrial and private business figures that do not account for the millions of jobs created by New Deal programs. Those figures do not include the millions employed in government projects. But even using those, it shows that in the private sector unemployment went down. When the New Deal projects were reduced and the Fed's stopped pumping money into the economy, the rate started increasing and the population had less money to purchase consumer products in '38 and '39. As soon as the funding for projects were re-started the number of unemployment continued the downward progress.

How the differing methods of calculating unemployment were ascertained are explained, and the differing figures provided in this link.

FDR's priority was not to just bring the private business out of the depression. His priority was to relieve the suffering of the masses. To do this he transformed the economy from a trickle down economy to a trickle up economy. It worked and the government still floods the economy with government fund. The difference today is that the funds are used to support the military industrial complex and the jobs they create. The result is that we have huge amounts of unused, obsolete military hardware sitting in boneyards. Tanks and planes that will never be used for anything but parts and scrap metal. This instead of infrastructure.

I grew up hearing and believing that FDR saved capitalism from Hoover's disastrous laissez faire experiment. Thankfully, in Queens College, I had a Chicago school economics professor who tried to get the truth to sink in, that was the first time I heard anything contrary to the greatness of FDR. It's only relatively recently in my life that I've delved deeply into the conditions from 1929 on and learned that nothing I learned before was even remotely accurate.

"Well, they're going to elect that superman Hoover, and he's going to have some trouble. He's going to have to spend money. But he won't spend enough. Then the Democrats will come in and they'll spend money like water. But they don't know anything about money. Then they will want me to come back and save some money for them. But I won't do it." Calvin Coolidge, 1927.

While ultimately the Federal Reserve committed financial acts of terrorism, Hoover was a Progressive who laid the Foundation for the New Deal. It was HIS ideas that FDR compounded and did nothing but make things worse and worse until we moved to a full scale wartime economy.
Your figures are from a disreputable source, Frank, but for the sake of discussion . . . the jump in figures from 1937 on were due to try more conservative fiscal policy. It failed.

Jake are you saying there was no unemployment because of FDR economic genius? What is it you're saying?
Frank, I am saying your figures are from a poor source. Read Camp's post above to learn more about FDR's policies. Reading your post above informs one that you are believing ideologically and partisanly, not objectively and clear sightedly.
Your figures are from a disreputable source, Frank, but for the sake of discussion . . . the jump in figures from 1937 on were due to try more conservative fiscal policy. It failed.

Jake are you saying there was no unemployment because of FDR economic genius? What is it you're saying?
Frank, I am saying your figures are from a poor source. Read Camp's post above to learn more about FDR's policies. Reading your post above informs one that you are believing ideologically and partisanly, not objectively and clear sightedly.


a poor source?


Jake, by any measure the 1933-1940 FDR Depression was worse than the 7 Biblical Lean years

"We don't like the numbers so we change them" -- Progressive economist
Frank happily ignores that conservative polices go into the Depression drove the depression particulary when economically they were followed after 1936.
Frank happily ignores that conservative polices go into the Depression drove the depression particulary when economically they were followed after 1936.

Jake, ever the Progressive First Responder sees imaginary "Conservative principles" in FDR's New Deal Jihad on the US economy

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