Roosevelt: His Bankrupt Policies

Lol...impartial source for GDP and ue data.

Lol have you considered writing comedy?

No, but I forgot that you are a conspiracy theorist. Can't stand them. Fuck off.[

So Mr. "I've read thousands of pages on economics" where do you go for impartial GDP and UE numbers for 1933-1940?[/QUOTE]

For conspiracy theorists, there is no place in the whole world. Because as a conspiracy theorist, you will not believe any source that does not meet with your needs for an agenda driven answer. Others, those with actual working minds (which leaves you out) would find that google takes you to economists who have studied the subject. Look up the word studied. And again, I do not like conspiracy theorists. find them to be lying and stupid clowns.[/QUOTE]
The anti-FDR/New Deal folks here at USMB have been beaten and debunked so often that a few of them, like the OP and Frank have to promote their misinformation by blaming FDR for events and happenings from before he took office in 1933 after he died. Plus, no matter how much reliable data they are provided with to debunk their conspiracy theory they come back a little later and promote the same debunked conspiracy theory claims.[/QUOTE] /[/QUOTE]

Posting FDRs actual track record is "disinformation "


Watch the laughing. It is often a sure sign of serious side effects of being a congenital idiot.
Look it up, just use google. god knows you have nothing else worth while to do.

Telling the truth is never bad. But I am still waiting for you to ever tell the truth. You lie like a rug when you discus fdr. And, being a conservative conspiracy theorist makes you totally worthless as a source of information. And, being stupid does not help you. Nor does absolutely no background or understanding of the subject. Dipshit.
Here is the thing, me boy. I have not seen you so far bring forward a single impartial source. Bat shit crazy sources, liberal or conservative, are not used by anyone who has integrity or honor or class. But then, you have to care about such things, me boy.
Which is why posting charts and data is of no import. Unless it is impartial. You may want to look that word up, dipshit.
Lol...impartial source for GDP and ue data.

Lol have you considered writing comedy?

No, but I forgot that you are a conspiracy theorist. Can't stand them. Fuck off.[


So Mr. "I've read thousands of pages on economics" where do you go for impartial GDP and UE numbers for 1933-1940?

For conspiracy theorists, there is no place in the whole world. Because as a conspiracy theorist, you will not believe any source that does not meet with your needs for an agenda driven answer. Others, those with actual working minds (which leaves you out) would find that google takes you to economists who have studied the subject. Look up the word studied. And again, I do not like conspiracy theorists. find them to be lying and stupid clowns.
The anti-FDR/New Deal folks here at USMB have been beaten and debunked so often that a few of them, like the OP and Frank have to promote their misinformation by blaming FDR for events and happenings from before he took office in 1933 after he died. Plus, no matter how much reliable data they are provided with to debunk their conspiracy theory they come back a little later and promote the same debunked conspiracy theory claims.

Not only is the clown a con troll, he is a conspiracy theory con troll. And dumb as a post. These guys just lie and lie then lie to get out of their lies, all with no problem. They are totally without integrity of any kind. So, you hit my pissed off button. Can not stand liars or conspiracy theory clowns, though I am being redundant. Thanks, by the way, for you warning. Turns out, I learned the same thing the hard way. that being actually reading their drivel.
Lol...impartial source for GDP and ue data.

Lol have you considered writing comedy?

No, but I forgot that you are a conspiracy theorist. Can't stand them. Fuck off.[

So Mr. "I've read thousands of pages on economics" where do you go for impartial GDP and UE numbers for 1933-1940?

For conspiracy theorists, there is no place in the whole world. Because as a conspiracy theorist, you will not believe any source that does not meet with your needs for an agenda driven answer. Others, those with actual working minds (which leaves you out) would find that google takes you to economists who have studied the subject. Look up the word studied. And again, I do not like conspiracy theorists. find them to be lying and stupid clowns.[/QUOTE]
The anti-FDR/New Deal folks here at USMB have been beaten and debunked so often that a few of them, like the OP and Frank have to promote their misinformation by blaming FDR for events and happenings from before he took office in 1933 after he died. Plus, no matter how much reliable data they are provided with to debunk their conspiracy theory they come back a little later and promote the same debunked conspiracy theory claims.[/QUOTE] /[/QUOTE]

Posting FDRs actual track record is "disinformation "


Watch the laughing. It is often a sure sign of serious side effects of being a congenital idiot.
Look it up, just use google. god knows you have nothing else worth while to do.

Telling the truth is never bad. But I am still waiting for you to ever tell the truth. You lie like a rug when you discus fdr. And, being a conservative conspiracy theorist makes you totally worthless as a source of information. And, being stupid does not help you. Nor does absolutely no background or understanding of the subject. Dipshit.[/QUOTE]

So you don't know dick about anything but you keep on Strakey-like insisting how smart you are.

Starkey came up an unprecedented 100% incorrect analysis of the 1921 economic recovery. I've never seen anything like it, there is NO ONE ON PLANET EARTH that agrees with.

You can't even post your imaginary "impartial" data set for 1933-1940. You don't like the ones I posted because they show FDR as the biggest economic failure ever. so you say my data is somehow partial.

Show us these impartial data sets detailing the greatness of FDR. Look at all the good he did for the unemployed!
Frank, you are the conspiracy theorist operating from a confirmation basis.

You have not shown the differences between the two eras.
Frank, you are the conspiracy theorist operating from a confirmation basis.

You have not shown the differences between the two eras.

Jake, I actually look things up for myself. That's how I realized your Hero FDR was the worst President in American History
Frank, you are the conspiracy theorist operating from a confirmation basis.

You have not shown the differences between the two eras.

Jake, I actually look things up for myself. That's how I realized your Hero FDR was the worst President in American History
Why won't you explain the differences between the two eras? Because if you did you would look the fool.
FDR's policies = 35 years of prosperity. FDR's policies deregulated in the 80s early 90s = 2008 financial crash, where of course businesses and banks were bailed out, not people. Socialism for the banks!

Thirty-five years of prosperity? You're quite amusing.

2001 Recession
It lasted eight months (March-November 2001). It was caused by the Y2K scare, which created aboom and subsequent bust in Internet businesses. It was aggravated by the 9/11 attack. The economy contracted in two quarters: Q1 -1.1% (-0.5%) and Q3 -1.3% (-1.4%). Unemploymentreached 5.7% during the recession, but rose even further to 6% in June 2003. This often happens in recessions, as unemployment is a lagging indicator. Most employers wait until they are sure the economy is back on its feet again before hiring permanent employees.

1990-1991 Recession
This recession was eight months (July 1990 to March 1991). It was caused by the Savings and Loan Crisis in 1989. GDP was -3.4% (-3.0%) in Q4 1990 and -1.9% (-2.0%) in Q1 1991.

1980-1982 Recession
This was technically two recessions: the first six months of 1980 and 16 months from July 1981 - November 1982. It was partially caused by the Iranian oil embargo, which reduced U.S. oil supplies driving up prices. The Fed raised interest rates to combat inflation, reducing business spending. GDP was negative for six of the 12 quarters. The worst was Q2 1980 at -7.9% (-7.8%), the worst quarterly decline since the Great Depression (until the 2008-2009 recession). In Q1 1982, it was nearly as bad, plummeting 6.5%. Unemployment rose to 10.8% in November 1982, the highest level of unemployment in any recession. It was above 10% for 10 months. President Reagan ended it by lowering the tax rate and boosting the defense budget.

1973-1975 Recession
This recession lasted sixteen months (November 1973-March 1975). OPEC is blamed for quadrupling oil prices, but the OPEC oil embargo alone didn't cause such a deep recession. Several factors contributed. First, President Nixon instituted wage-price controls. This kept prices too high, reducing demand. Wage controls made salaries too high, which forced businesses to lay off workers. Second, Nixon took the U.S. off of the gold standard in response to a run on the gold held at Fort Knox. That created inflation, as the price of gold skyrocketed to $120 an ounce and the dollar's value plummeted. The result was stagflation and three consecutive quarters of negativeGDP growth: 1974 Q3 -3.8% (-3.8%), Q4 -1.6% (-1.6%), 1975 Q1 -4.7%(-4.7%). Unemployment reached a peak of 9% in May 1975, two months after the recession technically ended.

1970 Recession
This recession was relatively mild, lasting 11 months. GDP was down for two quarters: Q1 -0.7% and Q4 -4.0%. Unemployment peaked at 6.1% in December 1970.

1960 Recession
Starting in April 1960, the recession lasted 10 months. GDP was -1.5% (-2%) in Q2 and -4.8% (-5.1%) in Q4. Unemployment reached a peak of 7.1% in May 1961. President Kennedy ended the recession with stimulus spending. His opponent, Richard Nixon, said the recession cost him the election. That's because he had been Vice-President and was blamed for causing it.

Recession of 1957
It was eight months (August 1957-April 1958). GDP was - 4.0% in Q4 1957. It immediately plummeted 10.0% in Q1 1958. Unemployment didn't reach its peak of 7.1% until September 1958. It was caused by contractionary monetary policy.

Recession of 1953
Beginning July 1953, this recession lasted 10 months, a result of the end of the Korean War. Unemployment didn't reach its peak of 6.1% until September 1954, four months after the recession ended. GDP contracted 2.25 in Q3, 5.9% in Q4, and 1.8% in Q1 1954.

1949 Recession
This 11 month recession began in November 1948 and lasted until October 1949, when unemployment reached a peak of 7.9%. GDP fell .5% for the year. This was another natural down cycle, caused by the economy adjusting to peace-time production.

1945 Recession
This recession lasted only eight months, between February and October 1945. However, it seemed to last longer, since GDP plummeted 10.6% in 1946. This was a natural result of the demobilization from WWII, as the huge demand for military weapons were no longer needed. Government spending dropped, although business spending was robust. (Source: NBER, Business Cycle Expansions and Contractions)

11 Recessions Since the Great Depression
That you think when I say prosperity I mean "everything is perfect" is amusing as well. The nature of Capitalism includes dips and peaks. Capitalism is the best system IMO but it is not perfect as there is no perfect system. That is why some regulations are needed to rein it in and try to keep the dips and peeks as small as possible. The dips of the depression and 2008 were very big and the common factor with both was too much deregulation beforehand. Roosevelt spearheaded policies that lessened the dips and peeks substantially and worked for a long period. It can be argued that some went to far but most were effective and needed. Of course they aren't perfect but nothing is. Hell look up Teddy Roosevelt a Republican who understood what I am saying and also spearheaded policies that did a lot of good for the economy.

Your statement was that there was thirty five years of PROSPERITY. I proved you lied.

2001 Recession
It lasted eight months (March-November 2001). It was caused by the Y2K scare, which created aboom and subsequent bust in Internet businesses. It was aggravated by the 9/11 attack. The economy contracted in two quarters: Q1 -1.1% (-0.5%) and Q3 -1.3% (-1.4%). Unemploymentreached 5.7% during the recession, but rose even further to 6% in June 2003. This often happens in recessions, as unemployment is a lagging indicator. Most employers wait until they are sure the economy is back on its feet again before hiring permanent employees.

1990-1991 Recession
This recession was eight months (July 1990 to March 1991). It was caused by the Savings and Loan Crisis in 1989. GDP was -3.4% (-3.0%) in Q4 1990 and -1.9% (-2.0%) in Q1 1991.

1980-1982 Recession
This was technically two recessions: the first six months of 1980 and 16 months from July 1981 - November 1982. It was partially caused by the Iranian oil embargo, which reduced U.S. oil supplies driving up prices. The Fed raised interest rates to combat inflation, reducing business spending. GDP was negative for six of the 12 quarters. The worst was Q2 1980 at -7.9% (-7.8%), the worst quarterly decline since the Great Depression (until the 2008-2009 recession). In Q1 1982, it was nearly as bad, plummeting 6.5%. Unemployment rose to 10.8% in November 1982, the highest level of unemployment in any recession. It was above 10% for 10 months. President Reagan ended it by lowering the tax rate and boosting the defense budget.

1973-1975 Recession
This recession lasted sixteen months (November 1973-March 1975). OPEC is blamed for quadrupling oil prices, but the OPEC oil embargo alone didn't cause such a deep recession. Several factors contributed. First, President Nixon instituted wage-price controls. This kept prices too high, reducingdemand. Wage controls made salaries too high, which forced businesses to lay off workers. Second, Nixon took the U.S. off of the gold standard in response to a run on the gold held at Fort Knox. That created inflation, as the price of gold skyrocketed to $120 an ounce and the dollar's value plummeted. The result was stagflation and three consecutive quarters of negativeGDP growth: 1974 Q3 -3.8% (-3.8%), Q4 -1.6% (-1.6%), 1975 Q1 -4.7%(-4.7%). Unemployment reached a peak of 9% in May 1975, two months after the recession technically ended.

1970 Recession
This recession was relatively mild, lasting 11 months. GDP was down for two quarters: Q1 -0.7% and Q4 -4.0%. Unemployment peaked at 6.1% in December 1970.

1960 Recession
Starting in April 1960, the recession lasted 10 months. GDP was -1.5% (-2%) in Q2 and -4.8% (-5.1%) in Q4. Unemployment reached a peak of 7.1% in May 1961. President Kennedy ended the recession with stimulus spending. His opponent, Richard Nixon, said the recession cost him the election. That's because he had been Vice-President and was blamed for causing it.

Recession of 1957
It was eight months (August 1957-April 1958). GDP was - 4.0% in Q4 1957. It immediately plummeted 10.0% in Q1 1958. Unemployment didn't reach its peak of 7.1% until September 1958. It was caused by contractionary monetary policy.

Recession of 1953
Beginning July 1953, this recession lasted 10 months, a result of the end of the Korean War. Unemployment didn't reach its peak of 6.1% until September 1954, four months after the recession ended. GDP contracted 2.25 in Q3, 5.9% in Q4, and 1.8% in Q1 1954.

1949 Recession
This 11 month recession began in November 1948 and lasted until October 1949, when unemployment reached a peak of 7.9%. GDP fell .5% for the year. This was another natural down cycle, caused by the economy adjusting to peace-time production.

1945 Recession
This recession lasted only eight months, between February and October 1945. However, it seemed to last longer, since GDP plummeted 10.6% in 1946. This was a natural result of the demobilization from WWII, as the huge demand for military weapons were no longer needed. Government spendingdropped, although business spending was robust. (Source: NBER, Business Cycle Expansions and Contractions)

11 Recessions Since the Great Depression
Frank, you are the conspiracy theorist operating from a confirmation basis.

You have not shown the differences between the two eras.

Jake, I actually look things up for myself. That's how I realized your Hero FDR was the worst President in American History
Why won't you explain the differences between the two eras? Because if you did you would look the fool.

I explained the difference many times. In 1920-21 you had real grown ups running the country who trusted free enterprise and stood back while assets, liabilities and wages repriced. From 1928 on we elected Progressives who KNEW, they just KNEW they were the smartest people on the planet and humanity would be better off if we let them run the economy.

“Well, they’re going to elect that Superman Hoover, and he’s going to have some trouble. He’s going to have to spend money, but it won’t be enough. Then the Democrats will come in. But they don’t know anything about money." - Coolidge
Frank, you are the conspiracy theorist operating from a confirmation basis.

You have not shown the differences between the two eras.

Jake, I actually look things up for myself. That's how I realized your Hero FDR was the worst President in American History
Why won't you explain the differences between the two eras? Because if you did you would look the fool.

I explained the difference many times. In 1920-21 you had real grown ups running the country who trusted free enterprise and stood back while assets, liabilities and wages repriced. From 1928 on we elected Progressives who KNEW, they just KNEW they were the smartest people on the planet and humanity would be better off if we let them run the economy.

“Well, they’re going to elect that Superman Hoover, and he’s going to have some trouble. He’s going to have to spend money, but it won’t be enough. Then the Democrats will come in. But they don’t know anything about money." - Coolidge
No, that is not the explanation as you well know. You are dodging that the UE was coming down then in 36 and 37 economic legislation was passed, which reversed the recovery.
Frank, you are the conspiracy theorist operating from a confirmation basis.

You have not shown the differences between the two eras.

Jake, I actually look things up for myself. That's how I realized your Hero FDR was the worst President in American History
Why won't you explain the differences between the two eras? Because if you did you would look the fool.

I explained the difference many times. In 1920-21 you had real grown ups running the country who trusted free enterprise and stood back while assets, liabilities and wages repriced. From 1928 on we elected Progressives who KNEW, they just KNEW they were the smartest people on the planet and humanity would be better off if we let them run the economy.

“Well, they’re going to elect that Superman Hoover, and he’s going to have some trouble. He’s going to have to spend money, but it won’t be enough. Then the Democrats will come in. But they don’t know anything about money." - Coolidge
Shortly after Coolidge left office, the stock market crashed and began the Great Depression in 1929. Coolidge was right about Hoover, but when the Democrat Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster that Coolidge and Hoover had created.
Frank, you are the conspiracy theorist operating from a confirmation basis.

You have not shown the differences between the two eras.

Jake, I actually look things up for myself. That's how I realized your Hero FDR was the worst President in American History
Why won't you explain the differences between the two eras? Because if you did you would look the fool.

I explained the difference many times. In 1920-21 you had real grown ups running the country who trusted free enterprise and stood back while assets, liabilities and wages repriced. From 1928 on we elected Progressives who KNEW, they just KNEW they were the smartest people on the planet and humanity would be better off if we let them run the economy.

“Well, they’re going to elect that Superman Hoover, and he’s going to have some trouble. He’s going to have to spend money, but it won’t be enough. Then the Democrats will come in. But they don’t know anything about money." - Coolidge
Shortly after Coolidge left office, the stock market crashed and began the Great Depression in 1929. Coolidge was right about Hoover, but when the Democrat Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster that Coolidge and Hoover had created.

Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster by adding on another 7 years to it, creating the worst economy in recorded history
Frank, you are the conspiracy theorist operating from a confirmation basis.

You have not shown the differences between the two eras.

Jake, I actually look things up for myself. That's how I realized your Hero FDR was the worst President in American History
Why won't you explain the differences between the two eras? Because if you did you would look the fool.

I explained the difference many times. In 1920-21 you had real grown ups running the country who trusted free enterprise and stood back while assets, liabilities and wages repriced. From 1928 on we elected Progressives who KNEW, they just KNEW they were the smartest people on the planet and humanity would be better off if we let them run the economy.

“Well, they’re going to elect that Superman Hoover, and he’s going to have some trouble. He’s going to have to spend money, but it won’t be enough. Then the Democrats will come in. But they don’t know anything about money." - Coolidge
Shortly after Coolidge left office, the stock market crashed and began the Great Depression in 1929. Coolidge was right about Hoover, but when the Democrat Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster that Coolidge and Hoover had created.

Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster by adding on another 7 years to it, creating the worst economy in recorded history
Frank's revisionist history is a non-starter.
Frank, you are the conspiracy theorist operating from a confirmation basis.

You have not shown the differences between the two eras.

Jake, I actually look things up for myself. That's how I realized your Hero FDR was the worst President in American History
Why won't you explain the differences between the two eras? Because if you did you would look the fool.

I explained the difference many times. In 1920-21 you had real grown ups running the country who trusted free enterprise and stood back while assets, liabilities and wages repriced. From 1928 on we elected Progressives who KNEW, they just KNEW they were the smartest people on the planet and humanity would be better off if we let them run the economy.

“Well, they’re going to elect that Superman Hoover, and he’s going to have some trouble. He’s going to have to spend money, but it won’t be enough. Then the Democrats will come in. But they don’t know anything about money." - Coolidge
Shortly after Coolidge left office, the stock market crashed and began the Great Depression in 1929. Coolidge was right about Hoover, but when the Democrat Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster that Coolidge and Hoover had created.

Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster by adding on another 7 years to it, creating the worst economy in recorded history
That claim has been routinely debunked right here at USMB. It is a distortion that equals a blatant lie and ignores FDR's priority not to focus on industry fat cats, but instead to focus on the suffering of the masses. To this end, he put four million Americans to work building infrastructure, much which is still being used and benefitting America to this very day. And let us not ignore the continued hurricane like natural disasters called the Dust Bowl Storms that put huge numbers of farmers and ranchers onto the unemployed wandering the country looking for work. Those storms wreaked havoc during the entire period of the FDR administration in the 30's.
Jake, I actually look things up for myself. That's how I realized your Hero FDR was the worst President in American History
Why won't you explain the differences between the two eras? Because if you did you would look the fool.

I explained the difference many times. In 1920-21 you had real grown ups running the country who trusted free enterprise and stood back while assets, liabilities and wages repriced. From 1928 on we elected Progressives who KNEW, they just KNEW they were the smartest people on the planet and humanity would be better off if we let them run the economy.

“Well, they’re going to elect that Superman Hoover, and he’s going to have some trouble. He’s going to have to spend money, but it won’t be enough. Then the Democrats will come in. But they don’t know anything about money." - Coolidge
Shortly after Coolidge left office, the stock market crashed and began the Great Depression in 1929. Coolidge was right about Hoover, but when the Democrat Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster that Coolidge and Hoover had created.

Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster by adding on another 7 years to it, creating the worst economy in recorded history
That claim has been routinely debunked right here at USMB. It is a distortion that equals a blatant lie and ignores FDR's priority not to focus on industry fat cats, but instead to focus on the suffering of the masses. To this end, he put four million Americans to work building infrastructure, much which is still being used and benefitting America to this very day. And let us not ignore the continued hurricane like natural disasters called the Dust Bowl Storms that put huge numbers of farmers and ranchers onto the unemployed wandering the country looking for work. Those storms wreaked havoc during the entire period of the FDR administration in the 30's.


Share with me your MoonBat Data Set that shows something better than the 20% Average Unemployment from 1933-1940. Even the revised Moonbat set we've already discused had an average of 16% Unemployment over those 7 years.

How does 16% (really 21%) unemployed help people?
Jake, I actually look things up for myself. That's how I realized your Hero FDR was the worst President in American History
Why won't you explain the differences between the two eras? Because if you did you would look the fool.

I explained the difference many times. In 1920-21 you had real grown ups running the country who trusted free enterprise and stood back while assets, liabilities and wages repriced. From 1928 on we elected Progressives who KNEW, they just KNEW they were the smartest people on the planet and humanity would be better off if we let them run the economy.

“Well, they’re going to elect that Superman Hoover, and he’s going to have some trouble. He’s going to have to spend money, but it won’t be enough. Then the Democrats will come in. But they don’t know anything about money." - Coolidge
Shortly after Coolidge left office, the stock market crashed and began the Great Depression in 1929. Coolidge was right about Hoover, but when the Democrat Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster that Coolidge and Hoover had created.

Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster by adding on another 7 years to it, creating the worst economy in recorded history
Frank's revisionist history is a non-starter.

Quoting the data set only revised the foolish notion of FDR Imaginary Greatness
You make an assertion, give a conclusion, but ignore everything in between.

The economic conservative legislation reversed the recovery from earlier more liberal legislation.

You must address this to have any cred, because right now you are in deep waters, bub.
Why won't you explain the differences between the two eras? Because if you did you would look the fool.

I explained the difference many times. In 1920-21 you had real grown ups running the country who trusted free enterprise and stood back while assets, liabilities and wages repriced. From 1928 on we elected Progressives who KNEW, they just KNEW they were the smartest people on the planet and humanity would be better off if we let them run the economy.

“Well, they’re going to elect that Superman Hoover, and he’s going to have some trouble. He’s going to have to spend money, but it won’t be enough. Then the Democrats will come in. But they don’t know anything about money." - Coolidge
Shortly after Coolidge left office, the stock market crashed and began the Great Depression in 1929. Coolidge was right about Hoover, but when the Democrat Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster that Coolidge and Hoover had created.

Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster by adding on another 7 years to it, creating the worst economy in recorded history
That claim has been routinely debunked right here at USMB. It is a distortion that equals a blatant lie and ignores FDR's priority not to focus on industry fat cats, but instead to focus on the suffering of the masses. To this end, he put four million Americans to work building infrastructure, much which is still being used and benefitting America to this very day. And let us not ignore the continued hurricane like natural disasters called the Dust Bowl Storms that put huge numbers of farmers and ranchers onto the unemployed wandering the country looking for work. Those storms wreaked havoc during the entire period of the FDR administration in the 30's.


Share with me your MoonBat Data Set that shows something better than the 20% Average Unemployment from 1933-1940. Even the revised Moonbat set we've already discused had an average of 16% Unemployment over those 7 years.

How does 16% (really 21%) unemployed help people?
Yes Frank, we did go over and have been over many times. First, the "average" disregards the first year, 1933 that Roosevelt inherited, which was around 25%. That number got shaved down by 5% down to 20%. Those two years boosted the average you keep talking about and disregards the fact that FDR brought the unemployment down to about 9.5% in three of those years. The high average you give relies on counting the years of high unemployment FDR inherited.

Unemployment figures for the period are given using two different methods. One counted only figures provided by industry to indicate how many workers could be employed or should be employed in private industry but private sector industry could not afford to employ. The other method shows how many were actually collecting paychecks, including those working on government funded projects. You know, the guys who built the TVA, local post offices, hospitals, bridges, roads, airports and other infrastructure. So when you say "16% *really 21%) you are distorting and misusing the word "really". The real unemployment rate that shows the percentage of people actually employed and collecting paychecks is the method that used the overall unemployment figure, and that would be much lower without the first two years that FDR inherited.

Worst seven year economy in history Frank? It was a golden age of American infrastructure development.
I explained the difference many times. In 1920-21 you had real grown ups running the country who trusted free enterprise and stood back while assets, liabilities and wages repriced. From 1928 on we elected Progressives who KNEW, they just KNEW they were the smartest people on the planet and humanity would be better off if we let them run the economy.

“Well, they’re going to elect that Superman Hoover, and he’s going to have some trouble. He’s going to have to spend money, but it won’t be enough. Then the Democrats will come in. But they don’t know anything about money." - Coolidge
Shortly after Coolidge left office, the stock market crashed and began the Great Depression in 1929. Coolidge was right about Hoover, but when the Democrat Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster that Coolidge and Hoover had created.

Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster by adding on another 7 years to it, creating the worst economy in recorded history
That claim has been routinely debunked right here at USMB. It is a distortion that equals a blatant lie and ignores FDR's priority not to focus on industry fat cats, but instead to focus on the suffering of the masses. To this end, he put four million Americans to work building infrastructure, much which is still being used and benefitting America to this very day. And let us not ignore the continued hurricane like natural disasters called the Dust Bowl Storms that put huge numbers of farmers and ranchers onto the unemployed wandering the country looking for work. Those storms wreaked havoc during the entire period of the FDR administration in the 30's.


Share with me your MoonBat Data Set that shows something better than the 20% Average Unemployment from 1933-1940. Even the revised Moonbat set we've already discused had an average of 16% Unemployment over those 7 years.

How does 16% (really 21%) unemployed help people?
Yes Frank, we did go over and have been over many times. First, the "average" disregards the first year, 1933 that Roosevelt inherited, which was around 25%. That number got shaved down by 5% down to 20%. Those two years boosted the average you keep talking about and disregards the fact that FDR brought the unemployment down to about 9.5% in three of those years. The high average you give relies on counting the years of high unemployment FDR inherited.

Unemployment figures for the period are given using two different methods. One counted only figures provided by industry to indicate how many workers could be employed or should be employed in private industry but private sector industry could not afford to employ. The other method shows how many were actually collecting paychecks, including those working on government funded projects. You know, the guys who built the TVA, local post offices, hospitals, bridges, roads, airports and other infrastructure. So when you say "16% *really 21%) you are distorting and misusing the word "really". The real unemployment rate that shows the percentage of people actually employed and collecting paychecks is the method that used the overall unemployment figure, and that would be much lower without the first two years that FDR inherited.

Worst seven year economy in history Frank? It was a golden age of American infrastructure development.
I wondered if someone would pick up that average fallacy? thank you
Why won't you explain the differences between the two eras? Because if you did you would look the fool.

I explained the difference many times. In 1920-21 you had real grown ups running the country who trusted free enterprise and stood back while assets, liabilities and wages repriced. From 1928 on we elected Progressives who KNEW, they just KNEW they were the smartest people on the planet and humanity would be better off if we let them run the economy.

“Well, they’re going to elect that Superman Hoover, and he’s going to have some trouble. He’s going to have to spend money, but it won’t be enough. Then the Democrats will come in. But they don’t know anything about money." - Coolidge
Shortly after Coolidge left office, the stock market crashed and began the Great Depression in 1929. Coolidge was right about Hoover, but when the Democrat Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster that Coolidge and Hoover had created.

Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster by adding on another 7 years to it, creating the worst economy in recorded history
That claim has been routinely debunked right here at USMB. It is a distortion that equals a blatant lie and ignores FDR's priority not to focus on industry fat cats, but instead to focus on the suffering of the masses. To this end, he put four million Americans to work building infrastructure, much which is still being used and benefitting America to this very day. And let us not ignore the continued hurricane like natural disasters called the Dust Bowl Storms that put huge numbers of farmers and ranchers onto the unemployed wandering the country looking for work. Those storms wreaked havoc during the entire period of the FDR administration in the 30's.


Share with me your MoonBat Data Set that shows something better than the 20% Average Unemployment from 1933-1940. Even the revised Moonbat set we've already discused had an average of 16% Unemployment over those 7 years.
How does 16% (really 21%) unemployed help people?

Not sure why anyone would want to try to show you anything. Share, as you lyingly say. As a confirmed con troll, you can see no reason to understand that the worst economy ever was the one that was moving from 3% to 25% under republican presidents and congress. Like all rational people fully understand
Because as an agenda driven and conspiracy believing nut case, you really make no difference at all. You are truly irrelevant. And a true moonbat. Your arguments are specious. Not worth anything at al. And you are a simpleton who makes arguments that are way to easy to destroy. Based on sand, with no rock. Stupid. Obviously agenda based. From a con troll who is a conspiracy theorist. Truth be damned for any such troll.
Why won't you explain the differences between the two eras? Because if you did you would look the fool.

I explained the difference many times. In 1920-21 you had real grown ups running the country who trusted free enterprise and stood back while assets, liabilities and wages repriced. From 1928 on we elected Progressives who KNEW, they just KNEW they were the smartest people on the planet and humanity would be better off if we let them run the economy.

“Well, they’re going to elect that Superman Hoover, and he’s going to have some trouble. He’s going to have to spend money, but it won’t be enough. Then the Democrats will come in. But they don’t know anything about money." - Coolidge
Shortly after Coolidge left office, the stock market crashed and began the Great Depression in 1929. Coolidge was right about Hoover, but when the Democrat Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster that Coolidge and Hoover had created.

Roosevelt finally came into office he proved to know more than Coolidge or Hoover and immediately addressed the four-years long disaster by adding on another 7 years to it, creating the worst economy in recorded history
Frank's revisionist history is a non-starter.

Quoting the data set only revised the foolish notion of FDR Imaginary Greatness.

Lets take a look at your foolish notions:
1. That it was terrible to see FDR use policies to cause the ue rate to go from 25% to under 10% prior to the start of WWII in 1941.
2. That FDR caused the Great Republican Recession of 1929 which saw the ue rate explode, from 3% to 25% before he took office.
3. That people loosing their homes and farms, and starving to death, all prior to FDR took office, was not the worst economy ever.
4. That you have any credibility at all.
5. That as a con troll, anyone really believes anything you say.
6. That as a conspiracy theorist, anyone believes anything you say.
7. That what you say ever has any basic truth.

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