Roosevelt: His Bankrupt Policies

FDR's policies were clearly not bankrupt, and in terms of relief and recovery successful

I enjoy watching Roshemer driving Frank weeping before him.
If FDR had bankrupted the country he would not have been able to develop and lay keels for the most advanced aircraft carriers ever seen in history before the war began, developed the most advanced and aircraft in history before the war began that would go on to decimate both the Japanese and German air forces and develop weapons that would give American troops great advantage on the battlefields and save untold numbers of casualties.
FDR used work projects of the New Deal to improve, enlarge and build new ports, airfields, and training facilities. He prepared the nation and military for the coming war despite the objections of isolationist and other procrastinators. He did all that without driving the nation into bankruptcy.
FDR's policies were clearly not bankrupt, and in terms of relief and recovery successful

I enjoy watching Roshemer driving Frank weeping before him.

Jake, stick with topics you know, this ain't one of them
Says the guy who has no idea what was the Great Depression and the facts of it. You are an embarrassment to yourself.
For Crusader rabbit, facts are the things he makes up. Pretty much from whole cloth.
FDR's policies were clearly not bankrupt, and in terms of relief and recovery successful

I enjoy watching Roshemer driving Frank weeping before him.

Jake, stick with topics you know, this ain't one of them

hell, man, You should stick to topics you know, if there are any. You are proving it is not this one. Jesus. Are you proving it.

You're the F student who insisted we work with "impartial" data
FDR's policies were clearly not bankrupt, and in terms of relief and recovery successful

I enjoy watching Roshemer driving Frank weeping before him.

Jake, stick with topics you know, this ain't one of them
Says the guy who has no idea what was the Great Depression and the facts of it. You are an embarrassment to yourself.

Jake, you're the first person to posit an economic idea so awful that nobody on the planet, not even Krugman, agrees

0 Google hits for your 1921 legislation slowed the expansion, most Epic Fail ever
FDR's policies were clearly not bankrupt, and in terms of relief and recovery successful

I enjoy watching Roshemer driving Frank weeping before him.

Jake, stick with topics you know, this ain't one of them

hell, man, You should stick to topics you know, if there are any. You are proving it is not this one. Jesus. Are you proving it.

You're the F student who insisted we work with "impartial" data

Now, now. No one pays any attention to the delusional personal attacks from a ignorant con troll And, speaking of your personal opinions, you do know how much I value your opinion, eh.
And yes, as a con troll, I also understand how much you hate impartial sources. I understand it is so much easier to deal with whatever you get your nut case heroes to provide you. No research needed. Your head is kind of like a gas tank. Just fill er up.
FDR's policies were clearly not bankrupt, and in terms of relief and recovery successful

I enjoy watching Roshemer driving Frank weeping before him.

Jake, stick with topics you know, this ain't one of them

hell, man, You should stick to topics you know, if there are any. You are proving it is not this one. Jesus. Are you proving it.

You're the F student who insisted we work with "impartial" data

Now, now. No one pays any attention to the delusional personal attacks from a ignorant con troll And, speaking of your personal opinions, you do know how much I value your opinion, eh.
And yes, as a con troll, I also understand how much you hate impartial sources. I understand it is so much easier to deal with whatever you get your nut case heroes to provide you. No research needed. Your head is kind of like a gas tank. Just fill er up.

You're the invective spewing tool who insisted on "Impartial data" which was code for "I'm in over my head here, have no answer so I have to attack the data" I know that, like Starkey, you're a clown just entertaining me with your nonsense and ignorance
FDR's policies were clearly not bankrupt, and in terms of relief and recovery successful

I enjoy watching Roshemer driving Frank weeping before him.

Jake, stick with topics you know, this ain't one of them

hell, man, You should stick to topics you know, if there are any. You are proving it is not this one. Jesus. Are you proving it.

You're the F student who insisted we work with "impartial" data
An example of your distorted data you use Frank is your insistence of using the Lebbergott method of unemployment calculation, despite the fact you have been repeatedly been inform that that method only gives a part of the unemployment facts. Two methods are used and it has been explained to you along with objective academic links to read if you were unhappy with the explanations. You even conceded and acknowledged you understood the explanations, but shortly later began ignoring them.
FDR's policies were clearly not bankrupt, and in terms of relief and recovery successful

I enjoy watching Roshemer driving Frank weeping before him.

Jake, stick with topics you know, this ain't one of them
Says the guy who has no idea what was the Great Depression and the facts of it. You are an embarrassment to yourself.

Jake, you're the first person to posit an economic idea so awful that nobody on the planet, not even Krugman, agrees 0 Google hits for your 1921 legislation slowed the expansion, most Epic Fail ever
Interesting that you have not brought anything up when it is so easily there. What is interesting is that now you want to include 1921 instead of starting with 1933 when you should be starting with 1929. You are hopeless, little rabbit.
FDR's policies were clearly not bankrupt, and in terms of relief and recovery successful

I enjoy watching Roshemer driving Frank weeping before him.

Jake, stick with topics you know, this ain't one of them

hell, man, You should stick to topics you know, if there are any. You are proving it is not this one. Jesus. Are you proving it.

You're the F student who insisted we work with "impartial" data
An example of your distorted data you use Frank is your insistence of using the Lebbergott method of unemployment calculation, despite the fact you have been repeatedly been inform that that method only gives a part of the unemployment facts. Two methods are used and it has been explained to you along with objective academic links to read if you were unhappy with the explanations. You even conceded and acknowledged you understood the explanations, but shortly later began ignoring them.

Even with the adjustments, FDR's Jihad on the American economy (aka: the New Deal) still resulted in a 16% average unemployment over his first 7 years and the equivalent of $3 Trillion in new spending.

16% over 7 years with your adjustments.

That's a horrific track record
FDR's policies were clearly not bankrupt, and in terms of relief and recovery successful

I enjoy watching Roshemer driving Frank weeping before him.

Jake, stick with topics you know, this ain't one of them

hell, man, You should stick to topics you know, if there are any. You are proving it is not this one. Jesus. Are you proving it.

You're the F student who insisted we work with "impartial" data

Now, now. No one pays any attention to the delusional personal attacks from a ignorant con troll And, speaking of your personal opinions, you do know how much I value your opinion, eh.
And yes, as a con troll, I also understand how much you hate impartial sources. I understand it is so much easier to deal with whatever you get your nut case heroes to provide you. No research needed. Your head is kind of like a gas tank. Just fill er up.

You're the invective spewing tool who insisted on "Impartial data" which was code for "I'm in over my head here, have no answer so I have to attack the data" I know that, like Starkey, you're a clown just entertaining me with your nonsense and ignorance

Jeese, you are really pissed, me poor con troll. Funny how you get that way after you get your ass kicked. Which is a normal state for you.
Relative to impartial data, it is quite simple. Just as any study done by impartial folks, any one looking for truth (you may need to look that word up) insists on impartial sources. Doing otherwise is disrespectful to anyone looking at your information, and shows you to be ignorant of research methodology.
Now, as a con troll, you simply get your pre constructed talking points, and believe what you are told to believe. Makes stuff simpler for stupid people like yourself.
One of the problems you then have is that no one except other con tools will believe your conclusions. But, what the hell, that is all you are concerned about. Because you love group think. And you prefer to believe what you want to believe. Because you are, again, STUPID.
FDR's policies were clearly not bankrupt, and in terms of relief and recovery successful

I enjoy watching Roshemer driving Frank weeping before him.

Jake, stick with topics you know, this ain't one of them
Says the guy who has no idea what was the Great Depression and the facts of it. You are an embarrassment to yourself.

Jake, you're the first person to posit an economic idea so awful that nobody on the planet, not even Krugman, agrees 0 Google hits for your 1921 legislation slowed the expansion, most Epic Fail ever
Interesting that you have not brought anything up when it is so easily there. What is interesting is that now you want to include 1921 instead of starting with 1933 when you should be starting with 1929. You are hopeless, little rabbit.

You, Camp and your Doppelganger Rshermr, have you considered forming a Comedia Dell'Arte Troupe?
Jake, stick with topics you know, this ain't one of them

hell, man, You should stick to topics you know, if there are any. You are proving it is not this one. Jesus. Are you proving it.

You're the F student who insisted we work with "impartial" data

Now, now. No one pays any attention to the delusional personal attacks from a ignorant con troll And, speaking of your personal opinions, you do know how much I value your opinion, eh.
And yes, as a con troll, I also understand how much you hate impartial sources. I understand it is so much easier to deal with whatever you get your nut case heroes to provide you. No research needed. Your head is kind of like a gas tank. Just fill er up.

You're the invective spewing tool who insisted on "Impartial data" which was code for "I'm in over my head here, have no answer so I have to attack the data" I know that, like Starkey, you're a clown just entertaining me with your nonsense and ignorance

Jeese, you are really pissed, me poor con troll. Funny how you get that way after you get your ass kicked. Which is a normal state for you.
Relative to impartial data, it is quite simple. Just as any study done by impartial folks, any one looking for truth (you may need to look that word up) insists on impartial sources. Doing otherwise is disrespectful to anyone looking at your information, and shows you to be ignorant of research methodology.
Now, as a con troll, you simply get your pre constructed talking points, and believe what you are told to believe. Makes stuff simpler for stupid people like yourself.
One of the problems you then have is that no one except other con tools will believe your conclusions. But, what the hell, that is all you are concerned about. Because you love group think. And you prefer to believe what you want to believe. Because you are, again, STUPID.

LOL Funny coming from the pigeon on the chess board
So, even accounting for giving FDR complete control over the US economy and making revisions based on his unprecedented spending, UE averaged 16% until Hitler conquered France.

Do you clowns disagree with any of that?
FDR's policies were clearly not bankrupt, and in terms of relief and recovery successful

I enjoy watching Roshemer driving Frank weeping before him.

Jake, stick with topics you know, this ain't one of them

hell, man, You should stick to topics you know, if there are any. You are proving it is not this one. Jesus. Are you proving it.

You're the F student who insisted we work with "impartial" data
An example of your distorted data you use Frank is your insistence of using the Lebbergott method of unemployment calculation, despite the fact you have been repeatedly been inform that that method only gives a part of the unemployment facts. Two methods are used and it has been explained to you along with objective academic links to read if you were unhappy with the explanations. You even conceded and acknowledged you understood the explanations, but shortly later began ignoring them.

Even with the adjustments, FDR's Jihad on the American economy (aka: the New Deal) still resulted in a 16% average unemployment over his first 7 years and the equivalent of $3 Trillion in new spending.

16% over 7 years with your adjustments.

That's a horrific track record

Even with the adjustments, the Republican Jihad on the American economy (aka: the Doing Nothing) still resulted in a 25% from a decent 3% unemployment rate, after 5 years, which Republicans could not fix and handed over to democrats, who then fixed their mess. Saving many billions of dollars for the US.

That is a 25% unemployment rate with no adjustments needed. Because:
1. I do not lie like you.
2. It took only 5 years for the great republican depression of 1929 to be the worst in US history.
3. And it Provided Republicans with the ability to lie about the cause and effect of their great depression.

That is a horrific track record for Republicans, and fixing their mess was a huge feather in the cap of FDR.
Jake, stick with topics you know, this ain't one of them

hell, man, You should stick to topics you know, if there are any. You are proving it is not this one. Jesus. Are you proving it.

You're the F student who insisted we work with "impartial" data
An example of your distorted data you use Frank is your insistence of using the Lebbergott method of unemployment calculation, despite the fact you have been repeatedly been inform that that method only gives a part of the unemployment facts. Two methods are used and it has been explained to you along with objective academic links to read if you were unhappy with the explanations. You even conceded and acknowledged you understood the explanations, but shortly later began ignoring them.

Even with the adjustments, FDR's Jihad on the American economy (aka: the New Deal) still resulted in a 16% average unemployment over his first 7 years and the equivalent of $3 Trillion in new spending.

16% over 7 years with your adjustments.

That's a horrific track record

Even with the adjustments, the Republican Jihad on the American economy (aka: the Doing Nothing) still resulted in a 25% from a decent 3% unemployment rate, after 5 years, which Republicans could not fix and handed over to democrats, who then fixed their mess. Saving many billions of dollars for the US.

That is a 25% unemployment rate with no adjustments needed. Because:
1. I do not lie like you.
2. It took only 5 years for the great republican depression of 1929 to be the worst in US history.
3. And it Provided Republicans with the ability to lie about the cause and effect of their great depression.

That is a horrific track record for Republicans, and fixing their mess was a huge feather in the cap of FDR.

And the same careless deregulations and arguments that Hover(Harding) used to cause the great depression caused the great recession under George Bush. What do the republicans do this election? Double down.

They never learn .
So, even accounting for giving FDR complete control over the US economy and making revisions based on his unprecedented spending, UE averaged 16% until Hitler conquered France.

Do you clowns disagree with any of that?

Uh, it makes no difference. What we have established is that Republicans caused the Great Republican Depression of 1929, and that FDR fixed it. So, do you enjoy acting like the pigeon at the chess board, dipshit?

You are again looking really, really stupid. I think the reason for that is that you are. indeed, stupid.
Here. Let me try to help you to understand:

5 Scientific Studies That Prove Republicans Are Plain Stupid
5 Scientific, Peer-Reviewed Studies That Prove Republicans Are Just Stupid

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