Rose McGowan twitter war & boycott


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
I just read her tweets. I'm not impressed. Posting pics of herself as some woman warrior raising a "rosearmy", some tweets dissing those who posted in her behalf that don't toe her line in signing petitions, and the red flags waving that she (to me anyway) is acting in her own movie and tweeters are her unpaid supporting actors and actresses?
To be honest, I never heard of her. I had to google to find out her info on what she does exactly. Writer, producer, actress, etc. Ok. Still never heard of her but do remember seeing her face in a movie or two or tv show.

My question is...why did SHE stay silent until recently? She says she told people. If she did, why did nobody hear about it until recently? Same with Judd, Jolie, Lawrence, etc. Why did they stay silent? This was supposedly going on for decades, yet...silence. Until recently. Now they are all stepping forward with this supposed "war" about women...(who stayed silent)...that were raped or fondled or mistreated that if they did not bend to this creep, they would not be "stars". Ok. So these women that stayed silent made their choice. They either went with the flow with Weinstein and others like him and got their coveted academy awards, leads in movies, household names in the hollywood industry by STAYING silent...or they said fuck you and found other work along with council. Right?

MY question is...or rather my musings are....these women were grown assed women that made a choice. Do, or don't and not be a star and then seek legal council. They are still grown assed women. Some spoke up and were ignored, some never said a peep because they wanted that oscar. Point is...they made a choice and as wrong as that creep was to do that to them, they still were GROWN people. Adults.

Which brings me to my musings. All this hoopla over at twitter and this womans "rosearmy" doesn't address those that could NOT speak up. Could NOT find other employment. Could NOT cope because they were not GROWN yet and were put in that position by their parents and agents. I am talking about the children actors. Feldman, Phoenix, Haim, and many others.

Check out this website I found:
12 Former Child Actors Who Spoke Out On Hollywood Child Abuse

This shit has been going on for a long LONG time. Yet, now all of a sudden its just the women forming an "army" against the filth in Hollywood, led by this McGowan woman because Twitter closed her account for a few hours because she posted a phone number which is against their rules and she took it personally as an attack against HER?

Why was this sex abuse crap not addressed when these kids that are now grown, spoke out??? Why were they ignored? And why is this woman leading a "rosearmy" for women while forgetting what the KIDS experienced and STILL ARE experiencing but nobody HEARS THEM?
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Why did they stay silent?

I think I got turned off by the "rosearmy" after seeing her post pics of herself as some warrior woman like she was acting in a movie as lead actress in a part of her own making. Yes, she has cause to be angry and want to fight back...Weinstein IS a creep and got away with this shit way too long...but she lost her edge when she began to recruit that "army" and named it after herself. She is not the only one he did this too. And if those other women that experienced it PRIOR to her experience had NOT have taken MONEY$$$$$ to stay quiet, he would have been in jail and numerous women would not have had the same experience. Right?

And it still begs the question: Why were the CHILDREN at the mercy of those pervs not listened to? Were their parents paid? This shit goes deeper than McGowans war that suddenly is the newest trend.
I think I got turned off by the "rosearmy" after seeing her post pics of herself as some warrior woman like she was acting in a movie as lead actress in a part of her own making. Yes, she has cause to be angry and want to fight back...Weinstein IS a creep and got away with this shit way too long...but she lost her edge when she began to recruit that "army" and named it after herself. She is not the only one he did this too. And if those other women that experienced it PRIOR to her experience had NOT have taken MONEY$$$$$ to stay quiet, he would have been in jail and numerous women would not have had the same experience. Right?

And it still begs the question: Why were the CHILDREN at the mercy of those pervs not listened to? Were their parents paid? This shit goes deeper than McGowans war that suddenly is the newest trend.
look at how many children MJ had living with him and how many parents ended up rich.
I think I got turned off by the "rosearmy" after seeing her post pics of herself as some warrior woman like she was acting in a movie as lead actress in a part of her own making. Yes, she has cause to be angry and want to fight back...Weinstein IS a creep and got away with this shit way too long...but she lost her edge when she began to recruit that "army" and named it after herself. She is not the only one he did this too. And if those other women that experienced it PRIOR to her experience had NOT have taken MONEY$$$$$ to stay quiet, he would have been in jail and numerous women would not have had the same experience. Right?

And it still begs the question: Why were the CHILDREN at the mercy of those pervs not listened to? Were their parents paid? This shit goes deeper than McGowans war that suddenly is the newest trend.
look at how many children MJ had living with him and how many parents ended up rich.
Again..EXACTLY!!!! If..and thats a might big IF...MJ was a perv...and it was YOUR kid..would $$$$ silence you? It wouldn't me. That fucker would have been dead by my own hands or sitting in a jail cell and my bank account still empty.
I wonder what happened to the kid? Is he a drug addict now, knowing his parents sold him for their/his silence since they spoke FOR him and accepted a couple mil?
Did you read the link I gave above about the other childhood actors? I had no clue about some of them because nobody TALKED ABOUT IT.
One of the "stars" that spoke against Weinstein is slated to play the major lead in Woody Allens new movie.


I wonder how much he paid her?
Dylan Farrow, Frodo, Nellie on Little House On The Prairie, Todd Bridges (oldest kid on Different Strokes), Mara Wilson (little girl on Mrs Doubtfire), and others. All ignored.
Dylan Farrow, Frodo, Nellie on Little House On The Prairie, Todd Bridges (oldest kid on Different Strokes), Mara Wilson (little girl on Mrs Doubtfire), and others. All ignored.
when the hollyweed elite tell you how you should be living, just remember, they all allowed a molester and serial abuser go free for decades, as long as he was making them rich or richer.
Dylan Farrow, Frodo, Nellie on Little House On The Prairie, Todd Bridges (oldest kid on Different Strokes), Mara Wilson (little girl on Mrs Doubtfire), and others. All ignored.
when the hollyweed elite tell you how you should be living, just remember, they all allowed a molester and serial abuser go free for decades, as long as he was making them rich or richer.
And yet again...EXACTLY!
Here is my opinion, they stayed silent because basically women can be whores. When they were young and starting out they did what they thought they had to do to advance their career, even sleeping with scum bags, if that isn't the definition of whore I don't know what is. Yes, he took advantage and should be made to pay, no doubt. But they should have said something THEN. I just wonder, did every woman who ever got a part sleep with someone to get that part? I doubt it, so why did these women?

Now that the women are older they realize they have nothing to lose and everything to gain by these allegations. They need another angle to sell their body, pity.
Personally, I don't give a damn about those "stars". They accepted and got their celeb status..or they declined. My concern is for the kids...then and NOW, who are still being molested and abused by hollywood elites and its all kept hush hush. I hope this Weinstein situation outs a shitload of the pervs. Starting with Woody Allen. Stop sweeping his nastiness under the fucking rug! Stop watching his stupid movies. Throw his sorry ass in jail along with Weinstein!
A good portion of these self proclaimed victims; more than likely were willing to be complicit (however begrudgingly) to these prostitutional advances, in an effort to secure their stardom. Only after doing the deed, and reaping the financial reward do they then suffer a “dignity attack”, and suddenly want revenge against their benefactor, for the purpose of giving their dirty conscience, an elevated position of victimhood. Sounds shitty; I know. But for a great many it’s the absolute truth.
At twitter, they are having a boycott today. All day, do not post on twitter to show displeasure. Kinda like taking a knee. Well...I ain't doing it. Its kind of stupid to want people to be silent when they were already silent when all this shit went down.
I have 239 followers. I tweeted this thread. Pretty sure I'm gonna lose some because I am a traitor to womanhood. Ask me if I care.
It's stupid. And does NOTHING. concern is the SILENCE of PEDOS with actor children that are at their mercy.

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