Rosenstein to make major cyber law enforcement announcement


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2014
The last time he made an announcement, he was solo and it was about thirteen Russians.

Wonder what’s going on this time.

No guesses on what it’s about?

Anybody plan on tuning in?
More specifically?

I honestly have no clue, and I’m forcing myself to stay awake until the top of the hour to find out.
My guess would be new penalties for cyber crimes; we've been kind of trying to "adapt" 1950s laws to fit computers and it's not been working out well. A lot of digital loop holes and such.
My guess would be new penalties for cyber crimes; we've been kind of trying to "adapt" 1950s laws to fit computers and it's not been working out well. A lot of digital loop holes and such.

I hope so. I don’t know why he’d need all those other people though, but the safety of our information superhighway is in about as good of shape as our infrastructure.
My guess would be new penalties for cyber crimes; we've been kind of trying to "adapt" 1950s laws to fit computers and it's not been working out well. A lot of digital loop holes and such.

I hope so. I don’t know why he’d need all those other people though, but the safety of our information superhighway is in about as good of shape as our infrastructure.

Well depending on "what" they might be changing in regards to online information (for example FB, Google, Amazon, etc selling user data) they could face a shit ton of backlash from businesses who have been, as the newly invented terminology goes, "exploiting" the sales of said data to provide "free" usage to their customers. To example USMB has ads on it as a way to mitigate the cost of providing these forums to us free of charge. So too does FB, YouTube, Google, etc. Even Amazon mitigates their costs through the use of "targeted ads" (which use your browser history to feed you stuff you would be likely to buy)

These companies are all partnered up together to share your data and thus are able to command a higher price from stores who want a "more effective" marketing campaign than the "traditional methods" (Which is more akin to stuffing envelopes and mailing them to everyone in the city in the hopes that some of them respond - vs "targeted marketing" would look at the individuals spending and browsing habits to know that, for example, users in this particular house were researching roofing, so the roofing companies can feed them "targeted" ads)
Iranian hackers!

And I only know that because they cut in on CNN, where I actually thought the press conference would be covered, but no. Nor was it on MSNBC. Guess I will just hear the specifics after the fact. In fact Twitter probably has a running commentary going.
“These nine Iranian nationals allegedly stole more than 31 terabytes of documents and data from more than 140 American universities, 30 American companies, five American government agencies, and also more than 176 universities in 21 foreign countries,” said Rosenstein.
Ah. So more than likely we're looking at a global plea for other nations to sign onto some kind of cyber agreement. It likely won't fly and it'll be forgotten by next week ~yawns~

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