ROTFLMFAO.....Georgetown U. students vote to increase their tuition to pay slavery reparations

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
My God, voted a $28 per semester BRIBE....Let start a #METOO campaign and I'll donate $28 for ONE YEAR ONLY if the Wogs promise to include the Japanese from WW II DemonRAT DETENTION in that money, and then STFU FOREVER on the subject....oh and can PROVE they had an ancestor that was a slave!

Georgetown University students overwhelmingly voted to increase their tuition to pay reparations to the descendants of slaves once owned by the school. The move comes as reparations are increasingly being discussed on the campaign trail for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

The Georgetown University Student Association held the referendum this week, with students supporting the measure by a two-to-one margin. The fee would increase tuition at the nation's oldest Catholic university by nearly $28 per semester for every student. The money would go into a fund for descendants of the 272 slaves the Jesuits sold in 1838 to keep the deeply indebted university open.

The vote is not binding, however. University leadership will make the final decision on whether to implement a mandatory fee for reparations.

The results of the referendum are as follows: 66.08% for yes (2541 votes), 33.92% for no (1304 votes). This means that the referendum passes.

— GUSA Elections (@GUSAElections) April 12, 2019

"There are many approaches that enable our community to respond to the legacies of slavery," Todd Olson, vice president for student affairs, said in a statement. "This student referendum provides valuable insight into student perspectives and will help guide our continued engagement with students, faculty and staff, members of the Descendant community, and the Society of Jesus."

Reparations have become a topic of debate in the race for the Democratic nomination for president. At least four White House hopefuls — Obama-era housing secretary Julián Castro, California Sen. Kamala Harris, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke — support payments to descendants of slaves. New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker has ripped into his opponents for not doing enough to make reparations a reality.

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Funny thing is that it won't be the idiot students paying the increased tuition.

It will be their parents. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
My God, voted a $28 per semester BRIBE....Let start a #METOO campaign and I'll donate $28 for ONE YEAR ONLY if the Wogs promise to include the Japanese from WW II DemonRAT DETENTION in that money, and then STFU FOREVER on the subject....oh and can PROVE they had an ancestor that was a slave!

Georgetown University students overwhelmingly voted to increase their tuition to pay reparations to the descendants of slaves once owned by the school. The move comes as reparations are increasingly being discussed on the campaign trail for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

The Georgetown University Student Association held the referendum this week, with students supporting the measure by a two-to-one margin. The fee would increase tuition at the nation's oldest Catholic university by nearly $28 per semester for every student. The money would go into a fund for descendants of the 272 slaves the Jesuits sold in 1838 to keep the deeply indebted university open.

The vote is not binding, however. University leadership will make the final decision on whether to implement a mandatory fee for reparations.

The results of the referendum are as follows: 66.08% for yes (2541 votes), 33.92% for no (1304 votes). This means that the referendum passes.

— GUSA Elections (@GUSAElections) April 12, 2019

"There are many approaches that enable our community to respond to the legacies of slavery," Todd Olson, vice president for student affairs, said in a statement. "This student referendum provides valuable insight into student perspectives and will help guide our continued engagement with students, faculty and staff, members of the Descendant community, and the Society of Jesus."

Reparations have become a topic of debate in the race for the Democratic nomination for president. At least four White House hopefuls — Obama-era housing secretary Julián Castro, California Sen. Kamala Harris, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke — support payments to descendants of slaves. New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker has ripped into his opponents for not doing enough to make reparations a reality.

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The total vote was 3845.

According to the university website the student body numbers over 17800. This means less than a quarter of the student body even bothered to cast a vote

No surprise really

I remember similar things when I was in college

The student government would hold elections and pass resolutions and try to hold referendums and a tenth or often far less of the student body would bother to vote.

Naturally the bills and resolutions they passed were ignored by administration

Don't know what George Town administrators will do but my guess they are gonna get flooded by parents, and students who want no part of this and aren't afraid to ignore the silly little vote.

They'll probably end up telling the student government to shut up and stay in their lane.

Don't forget what happened at Missouri State. They still have a crushing drop in enrollment which is threatening to shut the school down.
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When will the faculty and administration and students give up their positions to African Americans?

And when will these rich white people hand over the keys to their cars and houses to African Americans?
I would favor a government program that would buy any American citizen unhappy to be living in the United States, a one-way ticket to the foreign country of their choice, so long as they agree to surrender their U.S. passport and promise never to return.
My God, voted a $28 per semester BRIBE....Let start a #METOO campaign and I'll donate $28 for ONE YEAR ONLY if the Wogs promise to include the Japanese from WW II DemonRAT DETENTION in that money, and then STFU FOREVER on the subject....oh and can PROVE they had an ancestor that was a slave!

Georgetown University students overwhelmingly voted to increase their tuition to pay reparations to the descendants of slaves once owned by the school. The move comes as reparations are increasingly being discussed on the campaign trail for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

The Georgetown University Student Association held the referendum this week, with students supporting the measure by a two-to-one margin. The fee would increase tuition at the nation's oldest Catholic university by nearly $28 per semester for every student. The money would go into a fund for descendants of the 272 slaves the Jesuits sold in 1838 to keep the deeply indebted university open.

The vote is not binding, however. University leadership will make the final decision on whether to implement a mandatory fee for reparations.

The results of the referendum are as follows: 66.08% for yes (2541 votes), 33.92% for no (1304 votes). This means that the referendum passes.

— GUSA Elections (@GUSAElections) April 12, 2019

"There are many approaches that enable our community to respond to the legacies of slavery," Todd Olson, vice president for student affairs, said in a statement. "This student referendum provides valuable insight into student perspectives and will help guide our continued engagement with students, faculty and staff, members of the Descendant community, and the Society of Jesus."

Reparations have become a topic of debate in the race for the Democratic nomination for president. At least four White House hopefuls — Obama-era housing secretary Julián Castro, California Sen. Kamala Harris, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke — support payments to descendants of slaves. New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker has ripped into his opponents for not doing enough to make reparations a reality.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
People needs to stop playing into George Soros' schemes. He is trying to get the American people to hate reparations. And so if anyone even mentions of it. That the public will shun that person. They want the public to ignore issues like these. Since the truth is coming out about his products. That it will look like he will be paying out reparations to the world for a lifetime. That it'll bankrupt him and the Global Elites. They has planted shills in the President's administration. To persuade the President to make decisions that will fit into their own agenda. So George Soros is loving it, when he hears that the American people doesn't want reparations. These Elites knows how to toy around with our minds like putty. They are having some of these conservative's news outlets to get the people to help to promote their agenda.


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