ROTFLMFAO!!!.....Only 4 people show up for Hildebeast rally today in Pa.!!!!

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No. Hillary is the loser....and I am not talking about just for this race to the white house, either.
Once upon a time, I wanted her as POTUS. That was long long ago before her true colors began to surface.

Meanwhile...anyone who doesn't think the media plays a HUGE part in this process needs to get their heads out the sand. And, the media is the one people listen to when news is breaking...which could be warped and twisted as well. Gone are the days of unbiased Walter Cronkite reportings. Gone. Corruptness goes down many MANY paths.
No need to go any further...Headline at Gateway Pundit

One has to wonder where all her POLL # are coming from...or is Trump correct...the crooked media!!!!

Biden campaigns with Clinton in Pennsylvania: Trump 'thoroughly unqualified' for presidency

Holy shit. Say what you want about Trump, but he does know how to at least act like a human being. What is she doing?

No need to go any further...Headline at Gateway Pundit

One has to wonder where all her POLL # are coming from...or is Trump correct...the crooked media!!!!
On the contrary:

Somebody I know have been to a Trump rally recently. The theater was completely full and all 25 hundred people were standing for over an hour during his speech.

At the end of the rally Trump said: "Please, sit down, nobody's making you stand!" However everybody kept standing till he finished his speech.

And Trump has his rallies basically twice a day!

Thank you. This keeps me fired up. I only have radio and dial up but everything I hear and read is solid over the top support. TY!

And during that Trump's rally all the 25 hundred audience was repeatedly chanting: "Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! "
Hillary's big opponent is not Trump but the oil market:

Demand is down, supply is going up and so our prices. That will end very badly and as the candidate of four more years she will get the blame.
What's funnier is Donnie is hiring hundreds of poll watchers for someone who only has 4 supporters. The man is a genius I tell you.

Count me in. I am sick of the Democrats trying to steal the elections they can't win the right way.
Oh for Godssake, knock off the whining. No one's cheating. Your boy is a loser.

Prove it or shut the fuck up. Neck and neck in the real polls? Internals? Clinton is in a complete meltdown trying to pull off this Trump is Boris Badenov shit?


The bitch is going down.
I can prove it with polls. How are you proving it? By only "believing" the two polls that show him ahead? The point is, you guys are such losers you're already making excuses for why .... and you can't prove anyone is cheating, either, so go fry ice.
Mod Message:

Closing this. But if anyone can produce a CREDIBLE source on the ACTUAL attendance, With or without paid stooges, --- I'll gladly reopen it for ya !!

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