Roughly 32 million more people will have health coverage thanks to ObamaCare by 2016

No, we aren't taxed enough. The wealthy certainly aren't either. Their rates are at an all time low.

you are a good little Progressive sheep my dear. carry on

Yes, I enjoy being progressive, therefore open-minded.

I'll engage you.

I put you at very young though. But that's ok. But when you say we aren't taxed enough, it's obvious you have not held a job.

Blood, sweat and tears child. And the man takes it away for what? Half your blood,sweat and tears so some crack mom can pump out her 40th child and live on the dole?

It's not government money. It's my money. It's my husband's money. It's my good neighbours money.

It's not government money. It's OUR money.
Everyone will be covered under Obamacare.

Problem is EVERYONE won't be paying for it. Just those who can. Those who can will be getting hosed to pay for those that can't. Its happening right now. Anyone who's buying their own insurance saw their premiums go way up. Those of us who are covered at work saw ours go up as well.

I'm not interested in paying for someone elses HC. End of story in my book.

First of all you have to start understanding that when you help others, you also help yourself... But that notwithstanding...

O'care is _NOT_ a giveaway as you describe it. In fact, what you just described in this post is far, far closer to an explanation of what's happening now, WITHOUT O'care.

What we're talking about is modest loosening of Medicaid eligibility (the only part I see as a giveaway of any stripe), and an individual mandate that most people must BUY and PAY FOR their own health insurance... Beyond that it's little more than regulatory reform.

The bill will actually reduce the phenomenon you describe, of non-paying customers being subsidized by paying customers. If paying for other peoples' healthcare is your #1 concern, you should be Obamacare's biggest fan.
Everyone will be covered under Obamacare.

Problem is EVERYONE won't be paying for it. Just those who can. Those who can will be getting hosed to pay for those that can't. Its happening right now. Anyone who's buying their own insurance saw their premiums go way up. Those of us who are covered at work saw ours go up as well.

I'm not interested in paying for someone elses HC. End of story in my book.

First of all you have to start understanding that when you help others, you also help yourself... But that notwithstanding...

O'care is _NOT_ a giveaway as you describe it. In fact, what you just described in this post is far, far closer to an explanation of what's happening now, WITHOUT O'care.

What we're talking about is modest loosening of Medicaid eligibility (the only part I see as a giveaway of any stripe), and an individual mandate that most people must BUY and PAY FOR their own health insurance... Beyond that it's little more than regulatory reform.

The bill will actually reduce the phenomenon you describe, of non-paying customers being subsidized by paying customers. If paying for other peoples' healthcare is your #1 concern, you should be Obamacare's biggest fan.

quick aside what a cutie in your avatar. and love the santa hat.

Merry Christmas.
Honestly and not pulling any punches here, check out France's two tier. Believe it or not, it works. I've been on this for years. And second only to France would be the Swiss.

There are answers out there.

The Swiss system? Compulsory private insurance, guaranteed issue rules, federally-prescribed covered treatments, and government subsidies after one has spent a set percentage of his income on insurance--that's the kind of system you'd like to see?

I have some good news for you...
With the national debt reaching what height in order to buy these additional votes?

Obama has tried to reduce the deficit by 4 trillion. Congress was quick to reject the proposal simply because it included raising taxes on the wealthy.

LOL That is pure fiction, to be more accurate he has tried to reduce spending through gimmicks that dont kick in until long after he is gone.

You mean like Lil' Dumbya did, with......​

......Medicare D?????

"That's why you will forgive me if sometimes I chuckle a little bit when I hear all these folks saying, 'oh, big-spending Obama' -- when I'm proposing something that will be paid for and they signed into law something that wasn't, and they had no problem with it. Same people, same folks. And they say with a straight face how we've got to be fiscally responsible."​


"Here are some things that happened on the night the GOP pushed the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit through the House of Representatives:

A 15-minute vote was scheduled, and at the end of 15 minutes, the Democrats had won. The Republican leadership froze the clock for three hours while they desperately whipped defectors. This had never been done before."

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Obama has tried to reduce the deficit by 4 trillion. Congress was quick to reject the proposal simply because it included raising taxes on the wealthy.

LOL That is pure fiction, to be more accurate he has tried to reduce spending through gimmicks that dont kick in until long after he is gone.

Try using facts because owning you so far isnt even a challenge.

Obama Lays Out Plan to Reduce Deficit by $4 Trillion in 12 Years

Obama Proposes New Plan to Cut Deficit -

Owning me? What are you, 5? Christ, grow up.
you mean 333 Billion/yr which is a drop in the bucket compared to the reported standard of $15 TRILLION = 2.2% ....don't you feel really's just math
SO building the economy is second, right douche-bag.

Where do you see a ranking, :asshole:???

what the fok R you talking about dilbert dumass..anal retensive moron. Maybe you can add little extra thought that relates or is in the same zipcode since I was responding to BilDo.

Just so we are on the same level ....ok fuk face.

Please note this lefist view of the Constitution.

a complete disregard for what Americans have fought and died for.

and people still ask me why I don't support democrats.

No regard for the Constitution, the law, the sanctity of life or the economy that affects all Americans.

It's that kind of hyperbole that drives the wedge even further between the two parties.
32million more covered? Thats about 3/4 of the people he has on food stamps too.

Please note this lefist view of the Constitution.

a complete disregard for what Americans have fought and died for.

and people still ask me why I don't support democrats.

No regard for the Constitution, the law, the sanctity of life or the economy that affects all Americans.

It's that kind of hyperbole that drives the wedge even further between the two parties.

No regard for the Constitution; Obama care passed w/o being read to force people to join it. That's tyranny

The law; Fast and Furious comes to mind.

Sanctity of life; Obama executed a US citizen w/o a trial.

The economy; The country is nearly broke, so lets borrow and spend more, then pass a bill [obamacare] that will put the economy and taxpayer under even a greater strain.

I did not use hyperbole, I had no need to.

You want hyperbole? Astroturf. Tea baggers are all racist. The new class warfare. 3000 deaths a year from cellphones being used in cars. Turns out that's the total of all distractions that lead to accidents. But hey, lets ban them.

the hyperbole from the left has people living in tents demanding their freedoms be taken away.
32million more covered? Thats about 3/4 of the people he has on food stamps too.

Most people on food stamps already get free medical. This is an additional 32 million that we, working people, will have to keep paying for.
Please note this lefist view of the Constitution.

a complete disregard for what Americans have fought and died for.

and people still ask me why I don't support democrats.

No regard for the Constitution, the law, the sanctity of life or the economy that affects all Americans.

It's that kind of hyperbole that drives the wedge even further between the two parties.

No regard for the Constitution; Obama care passed w/o being read to force people to join it. That's tyranny

The law; Fast and Furious comes to mind.

Sanctity of life; Obama executed a US citizen w/o a trial.

The economy; The country is nearly broke, so lets borrow and spend more, then pass a bill [obamacare] that will put the economy and taxpayer under even a greater strain.

I did not use hyperbole, I had no need to.

You want hyperbole? Astroturf. Tea baggers are all racist. The new class warfare. 3000 deaths a year from cellphones being used in cars. Turns out that's the total of all distractions that lead to accidents. But hey, lets ban them.

the hyperbole from the left has people living in tents demanding their freedoms be taken away.

We killed a traitor that we couldn't have possibly captured. Fuck a trial. Some rules were meant to be broke, even if they came from the constitution. You can bet that had the founding fathers knew about the contemporary America of today, they would have accommodated the resolve of those circumstances.

The argument can be made that ObamaCare was constitutional. It depends on your persepective.

The weak economy started before Obama became president. There has been steady (if slight) economic growth since mid 2009.

Bush is responsible for 8 trillion of the deficit.

Yes, of course there is hyperbole on both sides of the aisle.
Obama care passed w/o being read to force people to join it. That's tyranny

The mark-ups of the various iterations of the legislation were televised, as were the floor debates. The text of the final legislation was readily available online for months before it was signed into law. If you chose not to read it, that's your business but I don't think it has much to do with "tyranny."
Obama care passed w/o being read to force people to join it. That's tyranny

The mark-ups of the various iterations of the legislation were televised, as were the floor debates. The text of the final legislation was readily available online for months before it was signed into law. If you chose not to read it, that's your business but I don't think it has much to do with "tyranny."

[ame=]Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it - YouTube[/ame]
The text of the final legislation was readily available online for months before it was signed into law.


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