Roughly 32 million more people will have health coverage thanks to ObamaCare by 2016

There you have it, gang....The liberoidals are avowed and proud fifth columnist subversives.

Though cold comfort, it's kinda nice to see them start owning up to the fact.

There is nothing wrong with making some tweaks here and there. However, it can be argued that ObamaCare is constitutional. Some conservative judges do think so.
Face it...You don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution, as long as you get free shit paid for by everyone else.
There you have it, gang....The liberoidals are avowed and proud fifth columnist subversives.

Though cold comfort, it's kinda nice to see them start owning up to the fact.

There is nothing wrong with making some tweaks here and there. However, it can be argued that ObamaCare is constitutional. Some conservative judges do think so.

You can argue all day, It goes to the biggest court.

Now just for shits and giggles lets say it stays. You bankrupt the country until you deny services. Cold hard fact you can not lie your way out of.
There you have it, gang....The liberoidals are avowed and proud fifth columnist subversives.

Though cold comfort, it's kinda nice to see them start owning up to the fact.

There is nothing wrong with making some tweaks here and there. However, it can be argued that ObamaCare is constitutional. Some conservative judges do think so.

You can argue all day, It goes to the biggest court.

Now just for shits and giggles lets say it stays. You bankrupt the country until you deny services. Cold hard fact you can not lie your way out of.

Prove we are being set up for bankruptcy.
Obama care passed w/o being read to force people to join it. That's tyranny

The mark-ups of the various iterations of the legislation were televised, as were the floor debates. The text of the final legislation was readily available online for months before it was signed into law. If you chose not to read it, that's your business but I don't think it has much to do with "tyranny."

Bill Summary & Status - 111th Congress (2009 - 2010) - H.R.3590 - All Congressional Actions with Amendments - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

The plain language Chairman's Mark of the Senate Finance bill (which is the core of the ACA) was released on September 22, 2009. The text of the ACA (having incorporated some of the HELP committee bill's language) was on THOMAS on November 21, 2009 (Reid had released it on his own website a few days earlier). The Senate voted on it on December 24, 2009. The House voted on it on March 21, 2010. Obama signed it on March 23.
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There is nothing wrong with making some tweaks here and there. However, it can be argued that ObamaCare is constitutional. Some conservative judges do think so.

You can argue all day, It goes to the biggest court.

Now just for shits and giggles lets say it stays. You bankrupt the country until you deny services. Cold hard fact you can not lie your way out of.

Prove we are being set up for bankruptcy.

Dont have to, you cant prove its fiscally sound. Then add in the double counts of medicare savings that doesnt get saved because iof the doctor fix, and I laugh at you all day.

You see you first have to prove its sustainability and you cant.
The mark-ups of the various iterations of the legislation were televised, as were the floor debates. The text of the final legislation was readily available online for months before it was signed into law. If you chose not to read it, that's your business but I don't think it has much to do with "tyranny."

Bill Summary & Status - 111th Congress (2009 - 2010) - H.R.3590 - All Congressional Actions with Amendments - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

The plain language Chairman's Mark of the Senate Finance bill (which is the core of the ACA) was released on September 22, 2009. The text of the ACA (having incorporated some of the HELP committee bill's language) was on THOMAS on November 21, 2009 (Reid had released it on his own website a few days earlier). The Senate voted on it on December 24, 2009. The House voted on it on March 21, 2010. Obama signed it on March 23.
That's why the legal departments of numerous companies are still pouring through that monumental heap of shit, in order to sort out all the various and sundry implications and costs.

There really is no end to you Stalinists, is there?
The Dems adds 32 million more that did not have health insurance.
While 76 million Seniors will not have Health Care.
What a trade off.
Where is the Dems bills for reforming Medicare and SSI? They have just rejected the Repubs reforming both, but they have offered nothing while taking away 611 Billion from the Medicare program.
And both parties are for the extended payroll tax for another year of not funding Medicare.
Obamacare is GOOD for the country? Really, and how many freakin politicians that you know of have:

1. Read the entire 2,700 pages of this monstrosity
2. Understand what it's effects will be.

Let's look at number one first. Nancy Pelosi has said many, many times that she has not read the bill but she 'trusts' her staffers who have read 'parts' of the bill. When asked what "parts" mean, she said that they have read maybe 1,000 pages of it! Charlie Rangel has bragged about not reading it because "he's not a lawyer" and has said that he doesn't know one collegue who has spent the time to read it. Anthony Wiener, before he quit the House, said that he doesn't have to read the entire bill. Harry Reid has said that he hasn't read it. Dick Durbin said he hasn't. The socialist independent from Vermont said he hasn't read it. Leiberman said he hadn't read it. I've heard that Tom Coburn from Oklahoma tried to read the bill AFTER it was passed, but quit because it was too hard to understand so he has assigned a staffer to read the bill. Haven't heard how that has gone yet.

So who's read this thing? And really, are you going to try and tell me that since no one has read the entire bill that it's not a big thing? YOU haven't read it. It's online and I've read PARTS of it. My Lord in Heaven it's a freakin nightmare. There's got to be the creation of a hundred new government agencies, which of course, in the mind of a Democrat is a very good thing. Because we all know that the government can take so much better care of us that we can ourselves. There's hidden fees and taxes that are just too many to mention. PLUS, I have to tell you something, and I don't have the definitive answer yet to this question, but the joke that was made about the 'death panels' and how the left just absolutey PUMMELED Sarah Palin for saying it? Don't be so quick to say that they are not going to happen. There WILL be the creation of a government agency that will determine IF someone should get care based upon cost and return of "investment". Really? Now my life is going to be measured by "return on investment"?

Remember when the member of the house yelled at Obama during the State of the Union because Obama "assurred" us that illegal aliens wouldn't get Obamacare? And the member of the House yelled "Liar!" Oh my goodness how rude of those dang Republicans. Turns out that no one will be asked to prove anything when they ask for medical treatment. When asked if Obamacare will be given to illegal aliens, Sebillus answered, "Probably."

Now the second one. In the Obamacare bill, one of the taxes that will go into effect in 2014, concerns when you sell your house. Now part of the equity that you get from that sale will go to fund Obamacare. It's a new tax and it's right now at 3%. But wait, it gets better. When the bill was passed what was the mantra from Obama and the left? Why it will SAVE us so much money! Horse dookey! Even Obama and his cronies don't even say that anymore. The CBO has revised their figures so many times that it's becoming a joke. There is no SAVE in the equation anymore. Now it's "How much is this thing going to cost?" The answer: Why no one knows because no one UNDERSTANDS it and no one understands it because NO ONE HAS READ THE FREAKIN THING!

Oh, and let's not forget the waivers. You know you can get a waiver from being under the thumb of this Obamacare thing right? The list of waivers? Why it reads like a list of Obama supporters: AFL-CIO, Teamsters, SEIU, National Teacher's Unions (both of them by the way), and the list goes on and on. Unions and mostly entities from the east or west coast.

FInally, I can personally tell you that there are many, many businesses that have put off hiring anyone. Why? One word: Obamacare. No one KNOWS what it will do, how it will be implemented, what hoops businesses will have to jump through, or how much it will cost per employee. No one knows because NO ONE HAS READ IT and NO ONE UNDERSTANDS IT.

And for you and the sheep on the left, it's a good thing?
Where is the Dems bills for reforming Medicare and SSI?

Their bill for reforming Medicare is now law. A long series of Medicare (and Medicaid) reforms was passed and is now being implemented, including: the electronic health record incentives (and the Regional Extension Centers that have been helping providers to adopt the technology), shared savings with providers who find ways to deliver high-quality care at a lower cost, payments based on value instead of just quantity of procedures, reductions in preventable hospital re-admissions, the Multi-Payer Advanced Primary Care Initiative, greater transparency through the various "Compare" tools, bundled payments to mitigate volume-based incentives, quality reporting, reductions in hospital-acquired conditions, the creation of the IPAB, improvements in patient safety, a host of new tools for fighting fraud, and so on. These reforms are about changing the way Medicare does business.

Read the entire 2,700 pages of this monstrosity

So who's read this thing? And really, are you going to try and tell me that since no one has read the entire bill that it's not a big thing? YOU haven't read it. It's online and I've read PARTS of it. My Lord in Heaven it's a freakin nightmare. There's got to be the creation of a hundred new government agencies, which of course, in the mind of a Democrat is a very good thing.

What is the source of this obsession with the page count? It's 955 pages long. And yes, I've read it. Lots of people have.

If you're actually interested (and, based on your post, that seems unlikely), your best bet is to start with a comprehensive section-by-section summary of the legislation. You can even use as it as cliff notes and follow along with the actual text of the legislation. That will at least get you started on familiarizing yourself with the content.

There WILL be the creation of a government agency that will determine IF someone should get care based upon cost and return of "investment". Really?

Well, no, not really, since you ask.
still trying to educate how obumer care will destroy middle class, one family at a time.

Ain't gonna happen. The more the law comes into effect, the better it looks. By the time the fall of 2012 gets here, the Dems will be able to beat the GOP over the head with their threat to kill the law.
When Doctors and hospitals are refusing to take new patients because they can't afford the payments made by Medicare,Seniors will not have health care period.
It's going bankrupt and Dem's have taken away 500 billion to pay for the new health care bill
And now they are not funding it with the payroll tax cuts.

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