Rowan County Attorney Throws County Clerk Under Bus in Interview


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Looks like it is falling apart for Kim

County attorney Watkins indicates that Kim Davis "does not represent" Rowan County and is not representative of its inclusive values.

From Day One, Watkins told Davis I "will not and cannot support" you in her defiance of the law. Not only that he was clear he would not represent her as the law in the case of same sex marriage is clear.

Rowan County Attorney Throws County Clerk Under Bus in Interview
When the issue was put to the vote did the people vote to legalize same sex marriage or did they pass a prohibition against it?

All of a sudden Kim Davis does not represent Rowan County? Absurd. The vote, struck down by the supreme court, says that Davis most certainly represents the county.

The County Attorney can do whatever he wants to do. He doesn't need to lie about it.
Looks like it is falling apart for Kim

County attorney Watkins indicates that Kim Davis "does not represent" Rowan County and is not representative of its inclusive values.

From Day One, Watkins told Davis I "will not and cannot support" you in her defiance of the law. Not only that he was clear he would not represent her as the law in the case of same sex marriage is clear.

Rowan County Attorney Throws County Clerk Under Bus in Interview

I would like for the County Attorney to cite the State, County or City LAW that makes same sex marriage clear.
Granny says, "Dat's right, lissen up - he be the Man o' God talkin'...

Prominent Rabbi: 'Kim Davis Is Literally the Flag and Banner-Carrier for God'
September 15, 2015 | Yehuda Levin, an Orthodox Jewish rabbi and spokesman for the 850-member Rabbinical Alliance of America, said the arrest and imprisonment of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis because she refused to issue gay “marriage” licenses was “an example of homo-fascistic bullying,” and added that “we are jealous, jealous of Kim Davis” because of the “spiritual bounty” she has earned.
Rabbi Levin also explained that given the gross immorality of the current culture and related problems – corruption, lawlessness, civil unrest – it is clear to him and people of faith that there is a “spiritual holocaust” going on in America and “we are in some sort of an era of the end times.” In an telephone interview, asked Rabbi Levin why he and Orthodox Jews are jealous of Davis.


Rabbi Yehuda Levin.

He said, “Because we have a teaching that goes back millennia that when somebody takes up the glory or the honor of God and does a good deed, if you will -- when everyone else is going South that person goes North, especially if it’s a self sacrifice -- that person will see a spiritual bounty, a reward in this world or the world to come, commensurate with all the millions of people who either were on the other side of the issue.” “Kim Davis is literally the flag and banner-carrier for God on this issue,” said Rabbi Levin. “She’s head and shoulders above the rest and that’s why we have, in a positive sense, a jealousy with regard to her.”


Rowan County, Kentucky clerk Kim Davis.

Levin stressed that while he did not have authorization to speak on this issue on behalf of the Rabbinical Alliance, he was “loosely speaking” on behalf of the sentiments of “many, many hundreds of thousands of Orthodox Jews throughout North America and beyond.” “This has to become part of our jargon, the word is homo-fascist bullying,” Levin said of the Kim Davis situation. “What this is, is an example of homo-fascistic bullying.”


The Torah.

The rabbi said the Davis situation was similar to what happened with Aaron and Melissa Klein, Christians who operate a bakery in Oregon but who were sued because they declined to make a cake for a homosexual “wedding.” “What is forcing the Kleins to pay a $175,000 fine and not allowing the computer site that raises money for all kinds of causes not to allow them, when they were getting close to their goal -- they had $120,000 dollars -- to stop their fundraising efforts?” said Rabbi Levin. “What is that?” he said. “It’s homo-fascistic bullying.”

Granny thinks he looks like Mr. Burns, Homer's boss on the Simpsons...

Family Foundation: KY Governor Real ‘Culprit’ in Gay Marriage License Controversy
September 23, 2015 | The media’s focus is on Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, but Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear is the one at fault for not accommodating her religious beliefs as he is required to do under state law, says Kent Ostrander, executive director of The Family Foundation of Kentucky.
“Kim Davis did not go to jail for what she did. She went to jail because of what Gov. Beshear did not do,” he stated. “Without doubt, Governor Beshear is the culprit of this whole thing because by law, he had to make sure government had a compelling interest," Ostrander told "In this case, it was getting the licenses out, and we’ll stipulate that. But he also had to by law prove that he had used the least restrictive means in limiting religious freedom. "And he literally did nothing,” he pointed out.


Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear.

That same law - Kentucky’s 2013 Religious Freedom Restoration Act (HB 279) - was vetoed by Beshear, but legislators easily overrode his veto. On June 16, “only moments after the Supreme Court decided Obergefell, and without permitting any legislative response or action, Gov. Beshear issued a directive ordering all Kentucky county clerks to personally authorize SSM [same-sex marriage] licenses,” according to a Sept. 7 brief filed by Liberty Counsel, which is defending Davis. Ostrander told that Beshear exhibited “amazing hypocrisy” after he hired outside counsel to accommodate Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway’s conscientious refusal to defend the state’s marriage amendment in court, but refused to make a similar accommodation for Davis.

On Monday, The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a motion in federal court asking U.S. District Judge David Benning to hold Davis in contempt of court a second time for taking her name and her office off marriage licenses issued to same-sex couples and adding a note stating that they were being issued “pursuant to Federal Court Order”. ACLU also asked Judge Benning to put the Rowan County Clerk’s office “into a receivership for the limited purposes of issuing marriage licenses and the imposition of civil monetary fines as appropriate and necessary to coerce Davis’ compliance with this Court’s Order.” “They want her scalp to hang on the wall as a trophy,” responded Liberty Counsel chairman Mat Staver.

Family Foundation: KY Governor Real ‘Culprit’ in Gay Marriage License Controversy

See also:

Kentucky clerk could head back to court over licenses
September 22, 2015 | She's already spent five days in jail, and now a Kentucky clerk could be back in court soon for altering marriage license forms issued to same-sex couples.
On Monday, lawyers for two gay couples and two straight couples questioned the validity of the new marriage licenses and asked a federal judge to order Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis' office to reissue them. If she refuses, the lawyers asked the judge to put the office in receivership and have someone else do it. Davis is prepared to return to jail over her beliefs, according to an interview that aired Tuesday morning on "Good Morning America" — the first she's given since her refusal to issue licenses gained national attention. "I have never once spouted a word of hate. I have not been hateful," she said. She also said the licenses going out of her office now, issued by a deputy clerk, don't have her authorization and are "not valid in God's eyes."

Davis stopped issuing all marriage licenses in June after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling effectively legalized gay marriage nationwide. Two gay couples and two straight couples sued her. A federal judge ordered Davis to issue the licenses, and the U.S. Supreme Court upheld that order. But Davis refused, citing "God's authority." That's when U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning threw her in jail, prompting a fierce debate in the public square about religious liberty versus the civil rights afforded to all U.S. citizens. Davis' office issued marriage licenses while she was in jail, but the licenses did not include her name. Bunning ruled those licenses were valid and released Davis on the condition that she not interfere with her employees. Davis, a Democrat, was greeted at the Carter County Detention Center by a crowd of thousands and a church choir, flanked by her attorney and Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee.


Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, with Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee at her side, greets the crowd after being released from the Carter County Detention Center, in Grayson, Ky. Politicians who may have thought they wouldn’t have to say much at all about gay marriage once the U.S. Supreme Court effectively legalized it are being called on to say whether they support Davis.

But when Davis returned to work last week, she confiscated the marriage licenses and replaced them. The new licenses say they were issued not under the authority of the county clerk, but "pursuant to federal court order." On Monday, lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union wrote that the validity of the altered licenses is "questionable at best," and the new licenses bring "humiliation and stigma" to the gay couples who receive them. They asked Judge Bunning to order Davis' office to reissue the licenses. If Davis interferes, the lawyers say Bunning should place her office in a receivership for the purposes of issuing marriage licenses. "The adulterated marriage licenses received by Rowan County couples will effectively feature a stamp of animus against the LGBT community, signaling that, in Rowan County, the government's position is that LGBT couples are second-class citizens unworthy of official recognition and authorization of their marriage licenses but for this Court's intervention and Order," the lawyers for the couples wrote in a court filing.

Mat Staver, Davis' attorney and founder of the Liberty Counsel law firm, did not directly respond to the ACLU's request for Bunning to put the office in a receivership. Staver said he would formally respond to the ACLU's motion Tuesday. But he noted that Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear said last week that the altered marriage licenses would be recognized by the state. "Kim Davis has made a good-faith effort to comply with the court's order," Staver said. "The ACLU's motion to again hold Kim Davis in contempt reveals that their interest is not the license but rather a marriage license bearing the name of Kim Davis. They want her scalp to hang on the wall as a trophy."

Granny says, "Dats' right - don't plan on him apologizin' to Sodom an' Gomorrah...

Will God Judge America or Apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah?
10/1/2015 - All one has to do is glance at a news site to see the moral decay. Abortion. Gay marriage. War. Greed.
Echoing the words of famed evangelist Billy Graham, Bible scholar Chuck Missler says, "God will either judge America or apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah."

But does that mean we should put God on a timeline? Absolutely not!

"It's not our job to predict the future," Missler says. "That's called divination, it was punishable by death in the Torah."

Watch the video to see more.
I have a bad feeling that her lawyer or someone made the whole thing up...

Vatican upends Davis affair with news of audience with gays
Oct 2,`15 -- The Vatican turned the tables on the Kim Davis affair Friday: Not only did it distance Pope Francis from her claims that he endorsed her stand on same-sex marriage, it said the only "real audience" Francis had in Washington was with a small group that included a gay couple.
The revelations, doled out during the course of the day, put a new twist on Francis' encounter with Davis after she and her lawyers insisted that her invitation to meet the pope on Sept. 24 amounted to an affirmation of her cause. The Davis case has sharply divided the United States, and news of Francis' meeting with the Kentucky clerk, who went to jail after refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses, had upended his six-day U.S. tour. During the visit, Francis had tried to steer clear of such hot-button issues, only to see the Davis affair dominate the post-trip news cycle. The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, sought to give the Vatican's take of events in a statement early Friday, saying Francis had met with "several dozen" people at the Vatican's embassy before leaving Washington for New York.

Davis was among them and had a "brief meeting," he said. Lombardi said such meetings are common during papal trips and are due to the pope's "kindness and availability." "The pope did not enter into the details of the situation of Mrs. Davis, and his meeting with her should not be considered a form of support of her position in all of its particular and complex aspects," Lombardi said. "The only real audience granted by the pope at the nunciature was with one of his former students and his family," Lombardi added.

The man, Yayo Grassi, was later identified by The New York Times and CNN as an openly gay Argentine caterer who lives in Washington. In a video posted online, Grassi is shown entering the Vatican's embassy, embracing his former teacher and introducing Francis to his longtime partner, whom Francis recognized from a previous meeting, as well as an elderly Argentine woman and a few friends from Asia. Lombardi later confirmed that Grassi had "asked to present his mother and several friends to the pope during the pope's stay in Washington." "As noted in the past, the pope as pastor has maintained many personal relationships with people in a spirit of kindness, welcome and dialogue," Lombardi said.

Judge allows lawsuit against her to stand - how two-faced ya wanna get?...

Appeals court drops Kim Davis' lawsuit against former Kentucky governor
April 21, 2016 -- A federal appeals court dismissed a lawsuit filed by Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis against the state for requiring her to issue same-sex marriage licenses.
Davis filed a lawsuit against former Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear and other state officials after she was compelled by state law to sign the marriage licenses against her religious beliefs. In December, newly elected Republican Gov. Matt Bevin signed an executive order removing names from the license forms.


"The revision of the official marriage license form eliminates any claim by Davis that she is suffering any serious or irreparable consequences as the result of the district court's order," the appeals court said.

Davis, the longtime Rowan County clerk, sparked controversy in August when she refused to issue marriage licenses to all couples after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling legalized gay marriage. She was jailed for five days for defying a judge's order to issue the licenses. She was sued by the American Civil Liberties Union. The lawsuit is pending.

Appeals court drops Kim Davis' lawsuit against former Kentucky governor

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