Rubio Attacks Obama

Wrong about what? The responses I have recd are not relevant to what I stated. Americans should make the decision to accept & then vet refugees coming to our shores....Other nations might want the right to do that too instead of having huge groups of people pushed on them without their agreement by the UN.
What you want is what is happening.
The US doesn't get to select the refugees it admits for vetting.
They are referred by the UNHCR.

Why is the US giving up this right to the UNHCR? Why are we allowing the decisions that belong to our country to be given to and decided by an international entity?

If we give up this right, then what other rights will we give to international powers to decide for us?

Does anyone recognize that this is our being controlled by people we as citizens have not voted for and who do not understand the American culture?
The US still vets them.
There's no giving up of rights.
Refugees turn up in whatever country they turn up in, apply for refugee status, the UN accepts them or not under that status then refers them to different countries to go through their own immigration process.
Explain how the UN vets them with no background information. They call up Assad and ask him to email the info?
I would have thought you could look it up yourself.

How a Syrian refugee gets to the US - BBC News

Refugee screening process in US - Business Insider
I'm not doing your homework for you. Where does it support your claim that they are vetted or have any background check at all? And did you know the Boston bombers were refugees? How were they vetted? Post the evidence, not some 2 second google hit, Lazybrains.

Sen. Marco Rubio told Fox News tonight that President Obama’s stance on America’s refugee program is driven by “radical ideology”,"hatred of white Christians" and “political correctness.” Do you agree?

How many thousands of Cubans did we let in, Baby Face?
How many Cubans were cultists sworn to kill all people that didn't share their beliefs in Sharia Law, dufus? You're neglecting the one thing that makes these 'Syrian' refugees different from any others in our history. They could be (and will be) infiltrated by radical Muslims that are sworn to kill us.

You are proving yourself to be more stupid than I once thought.
The US doesn't get to select the refugees it admits for vetting.
They are referred by the UNHCR.

Why is the US giving up this right to the UNHCR? Why are we allowing the decisions that belong to our country to be given to and decided by an international entity?

If we give up this right, then what other rights will we give to international powers to decide for us?

Does anyone recognize that this is our being controlled by people we as citizens have not voted for and who do not understand the American culture?
The US still vets them.
There's no giving up of rights.
Refugees turn up in whatever country they turn up in, apply for refugee status, the UN accepts them or not under that status then refers them to different countries to go through their own immigration process.
Explain how the UN vets them with no background information. They call up Assad and ask him to email the info?

The vetting is the problem.

No way can these people be vetted and for them to be allowed in our country with no way to vet them is beyond stupid.

Most Americans don't want them here and Barry doesn't care what the American people want. He will let them in and we taxpayers will pay for them.

He sure doesn't have America's best interests at heart.

Mans a fool.

Sen. Marco Rubio told Fox News tonight that President Obama’s stance on America’s refugee program is driven by “radical ideology”,"hatred of white Christians" and “political correctness.” Do you agree?

How many thousands of Cubans did we let in, Baby Face?
How many have gone on murderous sprees in the name of their ancient religious beliefs, Prune Face?

The Cubans were coming from a Communist country. Why didn't we argue that Cubans should be barred from this country on the grounds that Castro might be trying to infiltrate Communists into the US among the Cuban refugees?
Communists are not barred from this country. We have our own communist party. And then there are those communists that disguise themselves as environmentalists.

Keep'll prove yourself TOTALLY stupid!
The numbers of Christians being killed is the greatest since the Crusades is merely an opinion not a fact.
What' was Rubios stance when Obama wanted to send a missile up Assads ass?

"We've been begging Obama ... ". Please .
Obama can't even stand up to Assad when 'the red line' is crossed. Obama is a PUSSY!
In Syria Christian children are being crucified, their mothers raped and sold into white slavery, the fathers are killed. These people need refuge and can be vetted in their own country by their priest and their church. Why doesn't our President or Press talk about this or the suffering of these Syrians?

ISIS is killing more Muslims than Christians.

There is a true persecution of Christians going on over there. The numbers of Christians being killed is the greatest since the Crusades. And you are correct when you say they are bullying and killing the other Muslims in great numbers.

My point is the President and the press never mention the suffering of the Christians or try to help them. He helps and talks about only Muslims.

Is your point that Christians lives are not as valuable as those of Muslims because you think they are killing more Muslims than Christians?

Obama's opponents are saying worse. Both Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz have taken positions of strict preference of Christian refugees.
Ted Cruz' new bill would prevent Christian refugees from Syria.

Sen. Cruz Introduces the Terrorist Refugee Infiltration Prevention Act | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas
The bill includes:

(1) IN GENERAL.—An alien otherwise prohibited from admission to the United States under sub-section (a) may be admitted to the United States under section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1157) if the alien clearly proves, beyond doubt, that he or she—(A) satisfies the requirements for admission as a refugee; and (B) is a member of a group that has been designated by the Secretary of State or by an Act of Congress as a victim of genocide.

(2) NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT.—An alien may not be admitted under paragraph (1) unless--(A) the alien has undergone the highest level of security screening of any category of traveler to the United States, including assessments by the Department of State, the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation Terrorist Screening Center, and the National Counterterrorism Center;

MDM15H86 S.L.C. (B) full multi-modal biometrics of the alien have been taken, including face, iris, and all fingerprints; and (C) the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Director of National Intelligence certify that such alien is not a threat to the national security of the United States.

(c) APPLICABILITY.—Subsections (a) and (b) shall not apply to any alien seeking admission under section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1157) if the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Director of National Intelligence certify that the alien—(1) provided substantial assistance to the United States; and(2) would face a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury because of that assistance if not admitted to the United States.

That would let an honest Christian in...any day!
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The US doesn't get to select the refugees it admits for vetting.
They are referred by the UNHCR.

Why is the US giving up this right to the UNHCR? Why are we allowing the decisions that belong to our country to be given to and decided by an international entity?

If we give up this right, then what other rights will we give to international powers to decide for us?

Does anyone recognize that this is our being controlled by people we as citizens have not voted for and who do not understand the American culture?
The US still vets them.
There's no giving up of rights.
Refugees turn up in whatever country they turn up in, apply for refugee status, the UN accepts them or not under that status then refers them to different countries to go through their own immigration process.
Explain how the UN vets them with no background information. They call up Assad and ask him to email the info?
I would have thought you could look it up yourself.

How a Syrian refugee gets to the US - BBC News

Refugee screening process in US - Business Insider
I'm not doing your homework for you. Where does it support your claim that they are vetted or have any background check at all? And did you know the Boston bombers were refugees? How were they vetted? Post the evidence, not some 2 second google hit, Lazybrains.
I just did your homwork for you.
All you have to do is click on each link with the left button on your mouse.

You'll get the hang of it eventually.
Why is the US giving up this right to the UNHCR? Why are we allowing the decisions that belong to our country to be given to and decided by an international entity?

If we give up this right, then what other rights will we give to international powers to decide for us?

Does anyone recognize that this is our being controlled by people we as citizens have not voted for and who do not understand the American culture?
The US still vets them.
There's no giving up of rights.
Refugees turn up in whatever country they turn up in, apply for refugee status, the UN accepts them or not under that status then refers them to different countries to go through their own immigration process.
Explain how the UN vets them with no background information. They call up Assad and ask him to email the info?
I would have thought you could look it up yourself.

How a Syrian refugee gets to the US - BBC News

Refugee screening process in US - Business Insider
I'm not doing your homework for you. Where does it support your claim that they are vetted or have any background check at all? And did you know the Boston bombers were refugees? How were they vetted? Post the evidence, not some 2 second google hit, Lazybrains.
I just did your homwork for you.
All you have to do is click on each link with the left button on your mouse.

You'll get the hang of it eventually.
No I won't. I don't bend over for people, especially lazy stupid fucks. Do you know how to post content? Do you know what that means? Lazy liberal asshole.
The US still vets them.
There's no giving up of rights.
Refugees turn up in whatever country they turn up in, apply for refugee status, the UN accepts them or not under that status then refers them to different countries to go through their own immigration process.
Explain how the UN vets them with no background information. They call up Assad and ask him to email the info?
I would have thought you could look it up yourself.

How a Syrian refugee gets to the US - BBC News

Refugee screening process in US - Business Insider
I'm not doing your homework for you. Where does it support your claim that they are vetted or have any background check at all? And did you know the Boston bombers were refugees? How were they vetted? Post the evidence, not some 2 second google hit, Lazybrains.
I just did your homwork for you.
All you have to do is click on each link with the left button on your mouse.

You'll get the hang of it eventually.
No I won't. I don't bend over for people, especially lazy stupid fucks. Do you know how to post content? Do you know what that means? Lazy liberal asshole.
Why are you so lazy that you ask for information that's easily searchable?

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