Rubio Bill Lets ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
By Sahil Kapur

Legislation introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) to reverse the Obama administration’s birth control rule would effectively permit any employer to deny contraception coverage in their employee health plans, critics note.

“Any employer could deny birth control coverage under Rubio’s bill and all the employer would have to do is say it’s for a religious reason,” said Jessica Arons, Director of the Women’s Health and Rights Program at the liberal Center for American Progress. “There is no test to prove eligibility. It’s a loophole you could drive a truck through.”

The Rubio bill, The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, comes in response to a Catholic firestorm over the fact that the administration’s exemption on its birth control rule does not include religious hospitals and universities along with churches. But this bill appears to go far beyond that, permitting any employer to claim the religious exemption without a criteria.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told reporters Thursday the measure would grant the exemption to “not just Catholic employers — to all employers.”

Rubio’s spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Rubio Bill Lets ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage | TPMDC
This seems way over the top. I really don't understand the Republican agenda.
Think about the concept of "birth control coverage" for a minute. We aren't talking about injuries or accidents resulting in loss of work time. We are talking about birth control pills and other stuf. Doesn't any freaking intelligent American realize that women can chose not to have sex or (God forbid) buy their own freaking birth control drugs without forcing the American taxpayer to foot the bill?
Think about the concept of "birth control coverage" for a minute. We aren't talking about injuries or accidents resulting in loss of work time. We are talking about birth control pills and other stuf. Doesn't any freaking intelligent American realize that women can chose not to have sex or (God forbid) buy their own freaking birth control drugs without forcing the American taxpayer to foot the bill?

Are you daft?

The right keeps talking about liberty and freedom as if it's disappearing, and the next thing we know, Republicans want to give employers the power to interfere in the reproductive choices of their employees, and you guys don't seem to see a problem with that. What's wrong with you people?
By Sahil Kapur

Legislation introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) to reverse the Obama administration’s birth control rule would effectively permit any employer to deny contraception coverage in their employee health plans, critics note.

“Any employer could deny birth control coverage under Rubio’s bill and all the employer would have to do is say it’s for a religious reason,” said Jessica Arons, Director of the Women’s Health and Rights Program at the liberal Center for American Progress. “There is no test to prove eligibility. It’s a loophole you could drive a truck through.”

The Rubio bill, The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, comes in response to a Catholic firestorm over the fact that the administration’s exemption on its birth control rule does not include religious hospitals and universities along with churches. But this bill appears to go far beyond that, permitting any employer to claim the religious exemption without a criteria.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told reporters Thursday the measure would grant the exemption to “not just Catholic employers — to all employers.”

Rubio’s spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Rubio Bill Lets ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage | TPMDC

Here's a novel idea... then go get your own fucking insurance.
Birth control is not an insurers responsibility,but an individuals.whats between someones legs is the.most that can be controlled.
Think about the concept of "birth control coverage" for a minute. We aren't talking about injuries or accidents resulting in loss of work time. We are talking about birth control pills and other stuf. Doesn't any freaking intelligent American realize that women can chose not to have sex or (God forbid) buy their own freaking birth control drugs without forcing the American taxpayer to foot the bill?

Are you daft?

The right keeps talking about liberty and freedom as if it's disappearing, and the next thing we know, Republicans want to give employers the power to interfere in the reproductive choices of their employees, and you guys don't seem to see a problem with that. What's wrong with you people?

That's fucking retarded.... by an employer choosing to not pay for contraception your reproductive rights are being infringed upon?

How fucking stupid is that? Go buy some condoms.. they're pretty cheap. Problem solved. God you libs are fucking needy.
Think about the concept of "birth control coverage" for a minute. We aren't talking about injuries or accidents resulting in loss of work time. We are talking about birth control pills and other stuf. Doesn't any freaking intelligent American realize that women can chose not to have sex or (God forbid) buy their own freaking birth control drugs without forcing the American taxpayer to foot the bill?

Are you daft?

The right keeps talking about liberty and freedom as if it's disappearing, and the next thing we know, Republicans want to give employers the power to interfere in the reproductive choices of their employees, and you guys don't seem to see a problem with that. What's wrong with you people?

That's fucking retarded.... by an employer choosing to not pay for contraception your reproductive rights are being infringed upon?

How fucking stupid is that? Go buy some condoms.. they're pretty cheap. Problem solved. God you libs are fucking needy.

The employers in these cases are interfering in the relationship between the insurance companies and his employees because of the employers' personal views. It's none of his damn business.
Are you daft?

The right keeps talking about liberty and freedom as if it's disappearing, and the next thing we know, Republicans want to give employers the power to interfere in the reproductive choices of their employees, and you guys don't seem to see a problem with that. What's wrong with you people?

That's fucking retarded.... by an employer choosing to not pay for contraception your reproductive rights are being infringed upon?

How fucking stupid is that? Go buy some condoms.. they're pretty cheap. Problem solved. God you libs are fucking needy.

The employers in these cases are interfering in the relationship between the insurance companies and his employees because of the employers' personal views. It's none of his damn business.

Sure it is... you don't like it? Go somewhere else or buy your own fucking insurance.
The employers in these cases are interfering in the relationship between the insurance companies and his employees because of the employers' personal views. It's none of his damn business.

Last time I checked, it was the employer who determined what the insurance coverages for employer sponsored health insurance would be... not the employee.
Are you daft?

The right keeps talking about liberty and freedom as if it's disappearing, and the next thing we know, Republicans want to give employers the power to interfere in the reproductive choices of their employees, and you guys don't seem to see a problem with that. What's wrong with you people?

That's fucking retarded.... by an employer choosing to not pay for contraception your reproductive rights are being infringed upon?

How fucking stupid is that? Go buy some condoms.. they're pretty cheap. Problem solved. God you libs are fucking needy.

The employers in these cases are interfering in the relationship between the insurance companies and his employees because of the employers' personal views. It's none of his damn business.

No they're not. They're offering the coverage and they can choose whatever group plan they want for their employees.
Think about the concept of "birth control coverage" for a minute. We aren't talking about injuries or accidents resulting in loss of work time. We are talking about birth control pills and other stuf. Doesn't any freaking intelligent American realize that women can chose not to have sex or (God forbid) buy their own freaking birth control drugs without forcing the American taxpayer to foot the bill?

Are you daft?

The right keeps talking about liberty and freedom as if it's disappearing, and the next thing we know, Republicans want to give employers the power to interfere in the reproductive choices of their employees, and you guys don't seem to see a problem with that. What's wrong with you people?
This is not about reproductive choice. You libs are so caught up with "choice". What about the choice of an employer to not fund a practice that is against HIS convictions? Or doesn't he get to choose?
Under this bill, no employer is going to deny their employee birth control. Once they cash their pay check, they can buy whatever they want.
Think about the concept of "birth control coverage" for a minute. We aren't talking about injuries or accidents resulting in loss of work time. We are talking about birth control pills and other stuf. Doesn't any freaking intelligent American realize that women can chose not to have sex or (God forbid) buy their own freaking birth control drugs without forcing the American taxpayer to foot the bill?

Are you daft?

The right keeps talking about liberty and freedom as if it's disappearing, and the next thing we know, Republicans want to give employers the power to interfere in the reproductive choices of their employees, and you guys don't seem to see a problem with that. What's wrong with you people?

Do you mustangs really think republicans might "interfere in the reproductive choices of their employees" if the freaking taxpayers don't buy them birth control pills? You people gotta be nuts.
Think about the concept of "birth control coverage" for a minute. We aren't talking about injuries or accidents resulting in loss of work time. We are talking about birth control pills and other stuf. Doesn't any freaking intelligent American realize that women can chose not to have sex or (God forbid) buy their own freaking birth control drugs without forcing the American taxpayer to foot the bill?

Are you daft?

The right keeps talking about liberty and freedom as if it's disappearing, and the next thing we know, Republicans want to give employers the power to interfere in the reproductive choices of their employees, and you guys don't seem to see a problem with that. What's wrong with you people?

Do you mustangs really think republicans might "interfere in the reproductive choices of their employees" if the freaking taxpayers don't buy them birth control pills? You people gotta be nuts.

They are... their parents shoudl be investigated for child abuse for making them this useless and needy.
Insurance,in its premise,is supposed to be a means to help with medical episodes that are out of the control of people,not self inflicted uncontrolled behaviors,or the end result of such.again,the entitlement society pushes on,instead of people exercising just a little bit of personal responsibility.
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