Rubio Bill Lets ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage

Sure it is. Contraceptives are routinely provided by health care plans. For an employer to try to remove that coverage, which actually costs less than the cost of pregnancy (including maternity leave), or to try to get the legal right to do so, is, in fact, interference in the relationship between the employee and the insurance company.

you really ARE that stupid, aren't you.

The customer of the insurance company in an employer sponsored is the EMPLOYER, not the employee. The employee is the beneficiary of the transaction between the employer and the insurance company. The 'relationship' is between the employer and the insurance company.
In some circumstances, everything.

More to the point is that the GObP/Repubs are tightening their strangle hold over the gullible. Its the 21st century and yet, they're looking to force women to have babies?

And, while they force unwanted births, they also refuse to accept any responsibility for their actions.

Birth control/morning after pills , therapeutic abortions - all have been available from religion-affiliated hospitals. The pubs have discovered n avenue of control over the gullible ... and, sure nuff, they line up.

Vote for Sanatorium. He's obsessed with what you might be doing in your bedroom. That's why he's running for the office of National Peeping Tom and Sex Sheriff.

Its obvious O is hence his fascination with birth control in bedrooms.

Since so many rw's are illiterate, its difficult to understand your exact meaning. Therefore, I'm giving you a comma (,). Please use it wisely.

But, really, its squirrely little Santorum of frothy anal secretions, who talks of controlling birth control and every bedroom activity you can think of.

OTOH, President Obama has only addressed a woman's right to decide for herself when she should or wants to bear a child.

Why do you want to force women to bear a child every single year of her life?

To assuage your anguish, this was O's law that found it's way into the bedroom. Keep that comma. Since you're the grammar man, you should know that ending a sentence with a preposition is a no no.
In some circumstances, everything.

More to the point is that the GObP/Repubs are tightening their strangle hold over the gullible. Its the 21st century and yet, they're looking to force women to have babies?

And, while they force unwanted births, they also refuse to accept any responsibility for their actions.

Birth control/morning after pills , therapeutic abortions - all have been available from religion-affiliated hospitals. The pubs have discovered n avenue of control over the gullible ... and, sure nuff, they line up.

Vote for Sanatorium. He's obsessed with what you might be doing in your bedroom. That's why he's running for the office of National Peeping Tom and Sex Sheriff.

Its obvious O is hence his fascination with birth control in bedrooms.

Since so many rw's are illiterate, its difficult to understand your exact meaning. Therefore, I'm giving you a comma (,). Please use it wisely.

But, really, its squirrely little Santorum of frothy anal secretions, who talks of controlling birth control and every bedroom activity you can think of.

OTOH, President Obama has only addressed a woman's right to decide for herself when she should or wants to bear a child.

Why do you want to force women to bear a child every single year of her life?

why do you want to force us to pay for her reckless fucking habits?
"We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion." (D&C 121:39)

Pretty much sums up a progressive in control of government. They can't stand it when people have choices and they can't force them to do what they want.
Insurance,in its premise,is supposed to be a means to help with medical episodes that are out of the control of people,not self inflicted uncontrolled behaviors,or the end result of such.again,the entitlement society pushes on,instead of people exercising just a little bit of personal responsibility.

What's the sensible alternative to using birth control?

Buying your own birth control is the logical alternative to forcing your employer to pay for it.

Your employer is offering prescription drug benefits in exchange for your WORK. How hard is that for you to understand?

Obviously, quite hard. Too bad your healthcare plan doesn't include smart pills. :lol::lol:
What's the sensible alternative to using birth control?

abstain from having sex or, and i realize this is heartless of me to suggest, continue to have sex and buy your own condoms, diaphragm or pills with your own money.

So man and wife should only have sex for reproductive purposes.

btw, for the thousandths time, these are employee compensations, they are being paid for with WORK.

try not to be painfully stupid, ace.

i never said sex should only be for reproductive purposes only.

there is no reason why an employer should have to pay for his employees birth control any more than s/he should have to pay for plastic surgery.
Rubio’s spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

Who could blame him, his boss is an idiot.

But Rubio has managed to raise his little flag of rightist extremism for all the Nation to see.
By Sahil Kapur

Legislation introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) to reverse the Obama administration’s birth control rule would effectively permit any employer to deny contraception coverage in their employee health plans, critics note.

“Any employer could deny birth control coverage under Rubio’s bill and all the employer would have to do is say it’s for a religious reason,” said Jessica Arons, Director of the Women’s Health and Rights Program at the liberal Center for American Progress. “There is no test to prove eligibility. It’s a loophole you could drive a truck through.”

The Rubio bill, The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, comes in response to a Catholic firestorm over the fact that the administration’s exemption on its birth control rule does not include religious hospitals and universities along with churches. But this bill appears to go far beyond that, permitting any employer to claim the religious exemption without a criteria.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told reporters Thursday the measure would grant the exemption to “not just Catholic employers — to all employers.”

Rubio’s spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Rubio Bill Lets ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage | TPMDC

As long as our insurance coverage is tied to our employers this bullshit will occupy the political dialogue.

How about a bill to let insurance companies sell whatever kind of coverage they want and allow us to choose from all of them for our insurance needs instead of just what our various employers 'like' politically?

Good (insert your preferred Deity here), we look stupid from space!
You know people,

we could go to single payer healthcare and make this issue disappear altogether.
What's the sensible alternative to using birth control?

Buying your own birth control is the logical alternative to forcing your employer to pay for it.

Your employer is offering prescription drug benefits in exchange for your WORK. How hard is that for you to understand?

Obviously, quite hard. Too bad your healthcare plan doesn't include smart pills. :lol::lol:

those aren't smart pills you're taking, slick.

they're rabbit pellets :thup:

bon appetit

and as long as we're on the subject, it's not an *offer* when the employer is coerced into providing it.
abstain from having sex or, and i realize this is heartless of me to suggest, continue to have sex and buy your own condoms, diaphragm or pills with your own money.

So man and wife should only have sex for reproductive purposes.

btw, for the thousandths time, these are employee compensations, they are being paid for with WORK.

try not to be painfully stupid, ace.

i never said sex should only be for reproductive purposes only.

there is no reason why an employer should have to pay for his employees birth control any more than s/he should have to pay for plastic surgery.

You said

abstain from having sex

I guess I misinterpreted that. Apparently you meant married couples should never have sex.
Its obvious O is hence his fascination with birth control in bedrooms.

Since so many rw's are illiterate, its difficult to understand your exact meaning. Therefore, I'm giving you a comma (,). Please use it wisely.

But, really, its squirrely little Santorum of frothy anal secretions, who talks of controlling birth control and every bedroom activity you can think of.

OTOH, President Obama has only addressed a woman's right to decide for herself when she should or wants to bear a child.

Why do you want to force women to bear a child every single year of her life?

why do you want to force us to pay for her reckless fucking habits?

You don't pay for it you daft cow.
Think about the concept of "birth control coverage" for a minute. We aren't talking about injuries or accidents resulting in loss of work time. We are talking about birth control pills and other stuf. Doesn't any freaking intelligent American realize that women can chose not to have sex or (God forbid) buy their own freaking birth control drugs without forcing the American taxpayer to foot the bill?

The people who receive this coverage receive it as part of their compensation for doing WORK.

It is PAY in a form other than money. At least try to understand that much of this.
So what you want is for your co-workers to subsidize your sex life?
What does contraceptive coverage cost? maybe $200/year? What does a contraceptive prescription cost? Probably $400/year. So, everyone's premium goes up $200 and you get the benefit. Self absorbed twit!
Insurance,in its premise,is supposed to be a means to help with medical episodes that are out of the control of people,not self inflicted uncontrolled behaviors,or the end result of such.again,the entitlement society pushes on,instead of people exercising just a little bit of personal responsibility.

What's the sensible alternative to using birth control?

Buying your own birth control is the logical alternative to forcing your employer to pay for it.

They are buying them. Employer provided prescription drug plans are given as PAYMENT FOR WORK.

Why is that so hard to understand? Why do you people insist on destroying every shred of my rapidly diminishing faith in my fellow humans' ability to think?
Think about the concept of "birth control coverage" for a minute. We aren't talking about injuries or accidents resulting in loss of work time. We are talking about birth control pills and other stuf. Doesn't any freaking intelligent American realize that women can chose not to have sex or (God forbid) buy their own freaking birth control drugs without forcing the American taxpayer to foot the bill?

The people who receive this coverage receive it as part of their compensation for doing WORK.

It is PAY in a form other than money. At least try to understand that much of this.
So what you want is for your co-workers to subsidize your sex life?
What does contraceptive coverage cost? maybe $200/year? What does a contraceptive prescription cost? Probably $400/year. So, everyone's premium goes up $200 and you get the benefit. Self absorbed twit!

I don't support employer provided insurance AT ALL.

I am arguing the facts vs. those who have contempt for the facts.
So man and wife should only have sex for reproductive purposes.

btw, for the thousandths time, these are employee compensations, they are being paid for with WORK.

try not to be painfully stupid, ace.

i never said sex should only be for reproductive purposes only.

there is no reason why an employer should have to pay for his employees birth control any more than s/he should have to pay for plastic surgery.

You said

abstain from having sex

I guess I misinterpreted that. Apparently you meant married couples should never have sex.

oh brother...:cuckoo:
abstain from having sex or, and i realize this is heartless of me to suggest, continue to have sex and buy your own condoms, diaphragm or pills with your own money.

So man and wife should only have sex for reproductive purposes.

btw, for the thousandths time, these are employee compensations, they are being paid for with WORK.

try not to be painfully stupid, ace.

i never said sex should only be for reproductive purposes only.

there is no reason why an employer should have to pay for his employees birth control any more than s/he should have to pay for plastic surgery.

There's no reason for my employer to be involved with ANY of my medical decisions.
So man and wife should only have sex for reproductive purposes.

btw, for the thousandths time, these are employee compensations, they are being paid for with WORK.

try not to be painfully stupid, ace.

i never said sex should only be for reproductive purposes only.

there is no reason why an employer should have to pay for his employees birth control any more than s/he should have to pay for plastic surgery.

You said

abstain from having sex

I guess I misinterpreted that. Apparently you meant married couples should never have sex.

i'm not surprised that you misinterpreted it and continue to do so, given that you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.

perhaps you should cut back on the paint chips?

they're not really food, you know.

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