Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand

The OP’er does not want to discuss reality and believe all minorities will vote for the Democratic Socialists of America platform because Trump was the President and ran under the GOP ticket...

What the OP and those like him forget Biden did horribly with Cuban Americans in Miami and in some Tejano regions of Texas, but the OP does not care about that...

Hell the OP is on record telling posters that he or she want a one political party system that reflect a Socialistic Society and never allowing any form of opposition...

So ya know the OP is a troll!
OMG :laugh:

This guy actually thinks he can win in 2024. The focus on defeating his Senate re-election in 2022 is going to be massive. He’s a weak little man.

Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand as party of "multiethnic, multiracial, working class" voters

Wow they really think that just saying something makes it true.

This is pathetic.
The dems were already expressing fear about being beat to death in 2022-
We are?
Yes, haven't you been paying attention to fellow dem politicians.............this election even before the cheating came out was a bad sign for 2022 and now with the evidence of the massive cheating-----blood bath a coming for dems. Soros paid for AOC and squad dem FRaudsters will go down in the history books when political fraud is mentioned for decades if not centuries to come.
OMG :laugh:

This guy actually thinks he can win in 2024. The focus on defeating his Senate re-election in 2022 is going to be massive. He’s a weak little man.

Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand as party of "multiethnic, multiracial, working class" voters

The dems were already expressing fear about being beat to death in 2022------now that the cheating is out--its going to be worse. Rubio is right---instead of the religious anti abortion club---being the working man and womans party will be extremely beneficial for them going forward. It will appeal far more to hispanics and blue collar workers.

Also Hispanics like Asians are social Conservatives which mean the Democratic Socialists of America Party that the Democratic Party is heading towards will not be a great option for those communities...

too broad a brush

No, not really seeing California Chicano’s and Mexicans usually vote Democratic but Tejanos in Texas are like Cubans and a lot of times go GOP.

If someone like Bush ( the son of Jeb ) ran for Governor he would win and he is GOP just like Rubio and Cruz.

Many times the left dismiss the Hispanic and Latino community as Mexican and ignores the Cuban, Central and South American Communities which will cost them like it did with Biden in Florida.

Trump should have lost in Florida but like the media pointed out on Election night Biden didn’t take the Cuban community serious enough which cost him Florida.

So if the GOP follows Rubio then you can see a massive shift...

Also let not kid ourselves with Harris as VP and Sanders in the cabinet the reality is the Democratic Party will lunge further left which will drive non-Mexican voters to the GOP...
OMG :laugh:

This guy actually thinks he can win in 2024. The focus on defeating his Senate re-election in 2022 is going to be massive. He’s a weak little man.

Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand as party of "multiethnic, multiracial, working class" voters

Sounds like butt hurt. Rubio is one candidate. Certainly no shoo in, but there's no reason he's not viable, Syndi
The dems were already expressing fear about being beat to death in 2022-
We are?
Yes, haven't you been paying attention to fellow dem politicians.............this election even before the cheating came out was a bad sign for 2022 and now with the evidence of the massive cheating-----blood bath a coming for dems. Soros paid for AOC and squad dem FRaudsters will go down in the history books when political fraud is mentioned for decades if not centuries to come.

The OP believe the Democratic Party will win in 2022 even though they failed to capture the Senate and lost House Seats in 2020...

The idiot believe Trump has killed the GOP while not realizing Pelosi is killing the Democratic Party!
This is the guy who supported a confederate flag defending racist who built his campaign on building a wall and separating children from their parents. Rebrand that! :laugh:

I like the party that lays out temptations to get parents to take their kids across a desert and die or be captured by slave or sex traffickers and get raped and robbed suddenly acting like you care about the children. Whatever as long as some of them turn into Democrat voters, huh, Syndi?
OMG :laugh:

This guy actually thinks he can win in 2024. The focus on defeating his Senate re-election in 2022 is going to be massive. He’s a weak little man.

Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand as party of "multiethnic, multiracial, working class" voters

Somehow multi-ethnic and multi-racial and GOP don't go saying oil and water go together.
The one thing of value Donald J. Trump accomplished was showing just how cowardly, unprincipled, and weak every elected Republican in America is, with few exceptions.

Remember when you pretended you WERE a Republican?????

Democrats are in the process of rebranding, so I guess the republicans feel the need
to rebrand.
Does that drastic of a rebrand succeed? The base is still the base for the reasons they became the base. Or does Rubio assume the base are morons, easily led in any direction?
Trump did capture more multi ethnic voters than what was realistically expected. They will have to figure out that.
Democrats directions seems to be going towards what AOC is looking for.

Your right. Miami Dade Cubans and Central Americans bought Donald's socialism lie lock stock and barrel as if Biden was EXACTLY like Castro and Noriega.
They are the ones that delivered Florida for Trump.
Dems need some introspection as to their messaging on that front.
I think that they realize that Joe will be lucky to make it 4 years.
They do know just how whacky Kamala is. They also
know just how bad socialism is, the lived it.
The ‘Whacky Kamala’ narrative is DOA. Unless you can come up with anything whacky about anything she has said or done in the Senate.
Yeah, Meister's post is symptomatic. With mail in voting, and Stacy Abrams brand of getting minorities registered and motivated, the racist taints like the "Kamala name" are going to be harder to sell. In places like SC or Ala or Miss, it'll still sell. And it may sell in homogenous white places like Idaho, but Idaho might vote for Richard Spencer simply because he looks like they do. LOL

But Rubio has been running multi-ethnic campaigns for years. And his call for middle class economics is not new.

The gop has lost VA, as it lost Ca. They have to change tack for Az. Tex may be a longer reach, but the trend is clear, even though the dems fail at the state level. Abrams would be governor in Ga right now if Kemp hadn't purged black voters.
Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.

Beto is going to run for governor of Texas.

He is busy registering people to vote and campaigning for that office.

That is why he didn't run for the senate this time.
OMG :laugh:

This guy actually thinks he can win in 2024. The focus on defeating his Senate re-election in 2022 is going to be massive. He’s a weak little man.

Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand as party of "multiethnic, multiracial, working class" voters

Somehow multi-ethnic and multi-racial and GOP don't go saying oil and water go together.

Yes, Democrats are multi-ethnic and if non-whites don't vote for you, you get out the rope and find the nearest tree to let them know
I would be a large amount of money that the kung flu comment changed no ones mind about anything, hahahaha
Then you would lose a lot of money. The polling confirmed it. Most people don't vote for people who are bigots against them. Except for White trailer trash. Trump kept telling them at his rallies, basically "if I didn't need your votes I would never visit your shithole towns".

Oh the polling confirmed it? /s

What was the difference in asian voting rates? Unchanged i'm sure

Like i said, your average american chinese person is not a fan of the CCP or they would not be here. And most asian americans are not chinese americans

Stupid racist shit. Like koreans or japanese don't like seeing the chinese shit on, lol
Is your Google broken, or are you just a lazy dumbass?

Asian American group once for Trump now says 'we made a mistake'
'Asian GOP' makes 11th hour endorsement for Biden

What the fuck is the Asian GOP? lol

No votes were shifted

As a half south asian i'm insulted this even exists. What the fuck?

lol googled it, they put out their shit in mandarin too. Yea no votes.

If a single indian had been involved in that the site would look a lot better
Democrats are in the process of rebranding, so I guess the republicans feel the need
to rebrand.
Does that drastic of a rebrand succeed? The base is still the base for the reasons they became the base. Or does Rubio assume the base are morons, easily led in any direction?
Trump did capture more multi ethnic voters than what was realistically expected. They will have to figure out that.
Democrats directions seems to be going towards what AOC is looking for.

Your right. Miami Dade Cubans and Central Americans bought Donald's socialism lie lock stock and barrel as if Biden was EXACTLY like Castro and Noriega.
They are the ones that delivered Florida for Trump.
Dems need some introspection as to their messaging on that front.
I think that they realize that Joe will be lucky to make it 4 years.
They do know just how whacky Kamala is. They also
know just how bad socialism is, the lived it.
The ‘Whacky Kamala’ narrative is DOA. Unless you can come up with anything whacky about anything she has said or done in the Senate.
Yeah, Meister's post is symptomatic. With mail in voting, and Stacy Abrams brand of getting minorities registered and motivated, the racist taints like the "Kamala name" are going to be harder to sell. In places like SC or Ala or Miss, it'll still sell. And it may sell in homogenous white places like Idaho, but Idaho might vote for Richard Spencer simply because he looks like they do. LOL

But Rubio has been running multi-ethnic campaigns for years. And his call for middle class economics is not new.

The gop has lost VA, as it lost Ca. They have to change tack for Az. Tex may be a longer reach, but the trend is clear, even though the dems fail at the state level. Abrams would be governor in Ga right now if Kemp hadn't purged black voters.
Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.

Beto is going to run for governor of Texas.

He is busy registering people to vote and campaigning for that office.

That is why he didn't run for the senate this time.

Ahhhhhh. I thought he was mediating a dispute between two of his Barbie dolls
Democrats are in the process of rebranding, so I guess the republicans feel the need
to rebrand.
Does that drastic of a rebrand succeed? The base is still the base for the reasons they became the base. Or does Rubio assume the base are morons, easily led in any direction?
Trump did capture more multi ethnic voters than what was realistically expected. They will have to figure out that.
Democrats directions seems to be going towards what AOC is looking for.

Your right. Miami Dade Cubans and Central Americans bought Donald's socialism lie lock stock and barrel as if Biden was EXACTLY like Castro and Noriega.
They are the ones that delivered Florida for Trump.
Dems need some introspection as to their messaging on that front.
I think that they realize that Joe will be lucky to make it 4 years.
They do know just how whacky Kamala is. They also
know just how bad socialism is, the lived it.
The ‘Whacky Kamala’ narrative is DOA. Unless you can come up with anything whacky about anything she has said or done in the Senate.
Yeah, Meister's post is symptomatic. With mail in voting, and Stacy Abrams brand of getting minorities registered and motivated, the racist taints like the "Kamala name" are going to be harder to sell. In places like SC or Ala or Miss, it'll still sell. And it may sell in homogenous white places like Idaho, but Idaho might vote for Richard Spencer simply because he looks like they do. LOL

But Rubio has been running multi-ethnic campaigns for years. And his call for middle class economics is not new.

The gop has lost VA, as it lost Ca. They have to change tack for Az. Tex may be a longer reach, but the trend is clear, even though the dems fail at the state level. Abrams would be governor in Ga right now if Kemp hadn't purged black voters.
Texas would have elected Beto over Cornyn this year, after he registered 2 million additional voters over the past 2 years.

Beto is going to run for governor of Texas.

He is busy registering people to vote and campaigning for that office.

That is why he didn't run for the senate this time.

I kinda wish Beto had run for Cornyn's seat in the Senate. :confused:
OMG :laugh:

This guy actually thinks he can win in 2024. The focus on defeating his Senate re-election in 2022 is going to be massive. He’s a weak little man.

Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand as party of "multiethnic, multiracial, working class" voters

The dems were already expressing fear about being beat to death in 2022------now that the cheating is out--its going to be worse. Rubio is right---instead of the religious anti abortion club---being the working man and womans party will be extremely beneficial for them going forward. It will appeal far more to hispanics and blue collar workers.

Also Hispanics like Asians are social Conservatives which mean the Democratic Socialists of America Party that the Democratic Party is heading towards will not be a great option for those communities...

There are generational shifts as well as regional differences there as well. Didn't Bernie have a big Hispanic support?
OMG :laugh:

This guy actually thinks he can win in 2024. The focus on defeating his Senate re-election in 2022 is going to be massive. He’s a weak little man.

Rubio calls on GOP to rebrand as party of "multiethnic, multiracial, working class" voters

The dems were already expressing fear about being beat to death in 2022------now that the cheating is out--its going to be worse. Rubio is right---instead of the religious anti abortion club---being the working man and womans party will be extremely beneficial for them going forward. It will appeal far more to hispanics and blue collar workers.

Also Hispanics like Asians are social Conservatives which mean the Democratic Socialists of America Party that the Democratic Party is heading towards will not be a great option for those communities...

There are generational shifts as well as regional differences there as well. Didn't Bernie have a big Hispanic support?

Yes, but Bernie support is more with Mexican communities and less with Cuban communities...

I agree with you on what you wrote and the older Mexican or Tejanos lean more right than the younger ones which will lean more toward Bernie but let remember those communities are usually social Conservative and very deep into their religion which over time those like Cortez does not appeal to them.

Also people should realize Cubans and Mexicans hate each other along with South Americans not liking the Mexican community either...

So we as community should discuss how these communities are different and not just one big community that will vote for whatever one party offers.

Cubans for some reason are actually more Republican like most Filipinos I know...
This is the guy who supported a confederate flag defending racist who built his campaign on building a wall and separating children from their parents. Rebrand that!
For about the 1,000th time it was the ACLU, during the Obama regime, that got parents and children
separated once in ICE custody at the border.

And that's why Biden and Obama built all those holding cages that children were placed in.

Check it out yourself, liar.
A guy could spend a lot of time every day just going around correcting the many myths and persistent lies
that leftists tell all the time even though they should know better...and probably do.

I suppose a satisfying lie used to attack conservatives is preferable to the truth.
The one thing of value Donald J. Trump accomplished was showing just how cowardly, unprincipled, and weak every elected Republican in America is, with few exceptions.

Remember when you pretended you WERE a Republican?????

I was a Republican when it meant something good and principled. Now that the party has been hijacked by psychos, liars, hypocrites, bigots, and retards, I am a registered independent.

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