Rubio Drops to 5th in NH GOP Poll


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
He screwed up with his immigration amnesty plan


Support for Sen. Marco Rubio among Republican voters in New Hampshire has dropped 18 points since April, according to the latest Granite State poll. Today, just 6% of GOP voters in the critical primary state would support him if he ran for President in 2016. He is now the 5th choice of voters in the state.

Rubio's net favorable ratings, the gap between favorable and unfavorable views, also collapsed in New Hampshire. In April, Rubio enjoyed a +51 favorable rating. Today, the number is down to +33, a significant drop for a popular Republican among base voters. The Senate Gang of 8 amnesty bill was released after the April poll.

Rubio Drops to 5th in NH GOP Poll

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