Rubio goes on homophobic rant ending political career.

I want to know how you constitutionally outlaw child pornography without interpreting the 1st Amendment..

By understanding the words freedom of speech and press... and the responsibilities that are intrinsic to each.

You want to dismiss the meaning of the words, then declare that the enforcement of their meaning is a function of 'interpretation'.

NO, the 'responsibilites' are not mentioned in the language of the 1st amendment.

Again, you need to believe that freedom means the absence of responsibility, when it means precisely the opposite.

Understand, the Framers did not write the constitution to govern imbeciles...

You see Gilligan, there is no means for imbeciles to be free.

lol, you are doing very poorly at this.

So responsibility is an unwritten implication in the Constitution that one should discover when one interprets it.

See, now you agree with me. You've been educated.
I'm glad Marco Rubio said this. Please, I hope that more GOP candidates say this kind of stuff. Because the crazy-assed stuff that wins an Elephant the nomination will lose him the GE, because in the GE, that stuff is a poison pill.

So, Sen. Rubio, you just keep on talking. I'm cool with that.

Keep thinking that. I guess he struck a nerve.

From what the SJW's are doing in general, the progressive playbook is known to everyone.

Not with me. I'm not gay, but I am acutely aware that the more hateful stuff Righties like Rubio say, the more they hurt the GOP in the GE. Or have you Righties learned absolutely nothing from 2012?

I prefer the lessons from 2014.
Non-sequitur. An entirely different clientele comes out to vote in presidential elections. But hey, you go with that one...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Can't wait for 2016.
I'm glad Marco Rubio said this. Please, I hope that more GOP candidates say this kind of stuff. Because the crazy-assed stuff that wins an Elephant the nomination will lose him the GE, because in the GE, that stuff is a poison pill.

So, Sen. Rubio, you just keep on talking. I'm cool with that.

Keep thinking that. I guess he struck a nerve.

From what the SJW's are doing in general, the progressive playbook is known to everyone.

Yes he probably struck a nerve with the 60% of Americans who now support same sex marriage.
And the 75% (admittedly some of the same group) who are sympathetic to gays who languish under the abuse from lesser lights of our nation.
When your base is that hateful and ignorant, you must cut them lose and rally the moderates and centrists.

But no, the GOP continue to open their big tent to most hateful and despicable people.

Do you really think all these people are "the most hateful and despicable people?" The majority would disagree with you. And the GOP has already "done that math" ages ago:

Liberal France ..



Mainstream moderate/centrist USA...


I'm glad Marco Rubio said this. Please, I hope that more GOP candidates say this kind of stuff. Because the crazy-assed stuff that wins an Elephant the nomination will lose him the GE, because in the GE, that stuff is a poison pill.

So, Sen. Rubio, you just keep on talking. I'm cool with that.

Keep thinking that. I guess he struck a nerve.

From what the SJW's are doing in general, the progressive playbook is known to everyone.

Not with me. I'm not gay, but I am acutely aware that the more hateful stuff Righties like Rubio say, the more they hurt the GOP in the GE. Or have you Righties learned absolutely nothing from 2012?

I prefer the lessons from 2014.
Non-sequitur. An entirely different clientele comes out to vote in presidential elections. But hey, you go with that one...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Can't wait for 2016.
But most politicians only speak in single digit reading ages, and don't read the bills they pass.

I need to lower my IQ, and go back and fail high school, in order to understand their policies.:eek:'s a sincerely held religious belief. See...this is America. You have the right to religious freedom and free speech.

Only Libturds want to squash religious freedom and free speech. That is the real intolerance and bigotry. All of you should be ashamed. :(

Opposition to interracial marriage has been a sincerely held religious belief in the past, and still is in places.

are human beings allowed to hold views and beliefs that differ from yours? Just curious.


However when trying to get a plurality of Americans to vote for you, calling legal actions by some a "clear and present danger" is no way to cultivate those votes. Calling those actions a "clear and present danger" for his reasons is even more repugnant.
I want to know how you constitutionally outlaw child pornography without interpreting the 1st Amendment..

By understanding the words freedom of speech and press... and the responsibilities that are intrinsic to each.

You want to dismiss the meaning of the words, then declare that the enforcement of their meaning is a function of 'interpretation'.

NO the 'responsibilites' are not mentioned in the language of the 1st amendment.

Again, you need to believe that freedom means the absence of responsibility, when it means precisely the opposite.

Understand, the Framers did not write the constitution to govern imbeciles...

You see Gilligan, there is no means for imbeciles to be free.

lol, you are doing very poorly at this.

So responsibility is an unwritten implication in the Constitution that one should discover when one interprets it.

See, now you agree with me. You've been educated.

No Gilligan, Responsibility is an obvious function of sustaining freedom; with your ignorance of such, notwithstanding.

As an imbecile, you require the rules to be written in tedious detail, wherein every conceivable scenario must be presently defined in 'what is allowed' and what is 'disallowed'.

What you're insufficient to understand is that where every conceivable scenario is defined, separating what is allowed and what is forbidden, the first thing you'll come to realize is that you didn't write it.

The second thing you're going to figure out is you don't like it.

The third thing that you'll finally come to realize, is that: you're IN PRISON.

See how that works?
When your base is that hateful and ignorant, you must cut them lose and rally the moderates and centrists.

But no, the GOP continue to open their big tent to most hateful and despicable people.

Do you really think all these people are "the most hateful and despicable people?" The majority would disagree with you. And the GOP has already "done that math" ages ago:

Liberal France ..



Mainstream moderate/centrist USA...



It should be pointed out that those lines out the door of the Chic fil a stores above, happened simultaneously, all day, FOR DAYS... at a thousand stores, across the United States. Creating what is known as the most successful repulsion of deviancy in world history AND simultaneously, the best week of sales in fast food history.

No Riots, No destruction, just good people gathering to eat good food, to protest bad people, doing bad things.
I'm glad Marco Rubio said this. Please, I hope that more GOP candidates say this kind of stuff. Because the crazy-assed stuff that wins an Elephant the nomination will lose him the GE, because in the GE, that stuff is a poison pill.

So, Sen. Rubio, you just keep on talking. I'm cool with that.

Keep thinking that. I guess he struck a nerve.

From what the SJW's are doing in general, the progressive playbook is known to everyone.

Yes he probably struck a nerve with the 60% of Americans who now support same sex marriage.
And the 75% (admittedly some of the same group) who are sympathetic to gays who languish under the abuse from lesser lights of our nation.


Well sure... everyone supports a minuscule minority altering the nucleus of civilization, so that they can feel legitimate, without having to comport themselves to legitimate behavior, from which legitimacy actually stems.

My guess is that if instead of just asking if the individually poll-ee if they are a nice person who wants to be nice to other people, or a mean-nasty person who wants to violate the rights of others, and you asked the poll-ee if they wanted to subject their culture to the consequences of public policy based upon the addled, deceitful opinions of those suffering profound mental disorder, you'd find that the facade of popular support would taper off quite a bit. Particularly, where it was pointed out to the poll-ees that the normalization of sexual deviancy was the last thing that happened in ancient Greece and Rome, just before those cultures collapsed... .

It should also be noted that 100% of people approve of everyone being given a billion dollars... but if ya explained to them that if everyone got a billion dollars, a billion dollars would be the new zero, then the support would immediately fall to the same 10% who approve of any addled notion ya set before 'em.
I'm glad Marco Rubio said this. Please, I hope that more GOP candidates say this kind of stuff. Because the crazy-assed stuff that wins an Elephant the nomination will lose him the GE, because in the GE, that stuff is a poison pill.

So, Sen. Rubio, you just keep on talking. I'm cool with that.

Keep thinking that. I guess he struck a nerve.

From what the SJW's are doing in general, the progressive playbook is known to everyone.

Not with me. I'm not gay, but I am acutely aware that the more hateful stuff Righties like Rubio say, the more they hurt the GOP in the GE. Or have you Righties learned absolutely nothing from 2012?

I prefer the lessons from 2014.
Non-sequitur. An entirely different clientele comes out to vote in presidential elections. But hey, you go with that one...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Can't wait for 2016.

If the SCOTUS decides for you people... You will not care for 2016. As the representation for the Ideological Left will be erased in 2016.
I'm glad Marco Rubio said this. Please, I hope that more GOP candidates say this kind of stuff. Because the crazy-assed stuff that wins an Elephant the nomination will lose him the GE, because in the GE, that stuff is a poison pill.

So, Sen. Rubio, you just keep on talking. I'm cool with that.

Keep thinking that. I guess he struck a nerve.

From what the SJW's are doing in general, the progressive playbook is known to everyone.

Yes he probably struck a nerve with the 60% of Americans who now support same sex marriage.
And the 75% (admittedly some of the same group) who are sympathetic to gays who languish under the abuse from lesser lights of our nation.


Well sure... everyone supports a minuscule minority altering the nucleus of civilization, so that they can feel legitimate, without having to comport themselves to legitimate behavior, from which legitimacy actually stems.

My guess is that if instead of just asking if the individually poll-ee if they are a nice person who wants to be nice to other people, or a mean-nasty person who wants to violate the rights of others, and you asked the poll-ee if they wanted to subject their culture to the consequences of public policy based upon the addled, deceitful opinions of those suffering profound mental disorder, you'd find that the facade of popular support would taper off quite a bit. Particularly, where it was pointed out to the poll-ees that the normalization of sexual deviancy was the last thing that happened in ancient Greece and Rome, just before those cultures collapsed... .

It should also be noted that 100% of people approve of everyone being given a billion dollars... but if ya explained to them that if everyone got a billion dollars, a billion dollars would be the new zero, then the support would immediately fall to the same 10% who approve of any addled notion ya set before 'em.

Straw man failure in the extreme.
There is no such doctrine of strict constructionism.

That is a far right reactionary myth. Just read Keys' boadaciously bungled argument above.

Actually, it was the doctrine of the land until the first part of the 29th century. You need to study history, my friend.
Redfish keeps offending 90% of America and says it is their fault, and then cries when they vote against his presidential candidate. Too stupid.

That is a historical myth, Spare_change, about strict constructionism. Ask Chief Justice Marshall. SCOTUS made many perverse rulings, though, such as Dred Scott or Plessy v. Ferguson yes. (both conservative fuck ups) but they balance it with liberal boners (Citizens United).
Last edited:
Anytime someone says something negative about homosexuality or the gay rights agenda, no matter how factual or logical it may be, you guys scream "homophobic," "bigoted," etc., etc. Do you know what "homophobic" means? Do you really think that Rubio is "homophobic"?

We've already seen what happens here when people try to get you guys to engage in a rational, factual, logical discussion on the gay rights agenda: you engage in lots of name-calling, won't budge from your talking points, and won't address contrary facts and counter arguments.
Anytime someone says something negative about homosexuality or the gay rights agenda, no matter how factual or logical it may be, you guys scream "homophobic," "bigoted," etc., etc. Do you know what "homophobic" means? Do you really think that Rubio is "homophobic"?

We've already seen what happens here when people try to get you guys to engage in a rational, factual, logical discussion on the gay rights agenda: you engage in lots of name-calling, won't budge from your talking points, and won't address contrary facts and counter arguments.

When he calls gay marriage dangerous, in a fearful way, he is expressing an irrational fear of homosexuals.

Homophobia is the irrational fear of homosexuals.

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