Rubio ok with allowing 10–20 million illegal entrants to stay and keep American jobs!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Well, the cats out the bag! Rubio will allow illegal entrants to stay!

See: For Immigrants In U.S. Illegally, Rubio Favors 'Very Long Path' To Citizenship

Updated November 11, 2015

”Rubio told NPR on Wednesday that he favors a path to citizenship for some, though the prospect would be very distant.

"If you haven't been here very long, or you're a criminal, you will be deported," Rubio told NPR's Morning Edition. "Otherwise, you will have to come forward, pass the background check, learn English, pay a fine, because you violated the law, start paying taxes, and you'll get a work permit. And that's all you're going to have for at least a decade."

Rubio went a step further. "After 10 years on the work permit, I personally am open to — after the 10 years have expired — to allowing people to apply for a green card, just through the normal process that anyone else would use."

This confirms that Marco Rubio doesn’t give two twits that American citizens have been squeezed out of decent paying jobs in the construction trades by illegal entrants, nor does Rubio give a crap that the majority of immigrants from Mexico and Central America wind up on the public dole while hard working American Citizens are made into tax slaves to support the economic needs of those who have invaded our borders.

Rubio, take your dog and pony show to the next Democrat party debate. They will greet you with open arms, you traitor.


To support Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
Can we be reasonable and rational about this? Rubio has always, always, always made it clear that he would not do anything about illegal alien status until after the border were sealed, period--that that would be his first condition to any move on starting a "very long" path to citizenship or legal status.
Rubio can be moved to push an omnibus law that would secure the borders, harshly punish business practices (including triple fine on dividends illegally earned), and a pathway to legal status.

The immigrants are never going to be deported.
Rubio can be moved to push an omnibus law that would secure the borders, harshly punish business practices (including triple fine on dividends illegally earned), and a pathway to legal status.

The immigrants are never going to be deported.

The old and tired open borders talking point: we can't round them up and deport them.

I’m curious why you have chosen to adopt our open borders talking point.

No thinking person who I know suggests to “round them all up and deport them”. But, they do support a policy which makes it very uncomfortable for illegal entrants to remain in our country and would actually encourage them to leave on their own and re-enter legally if they are inclined to do so. For example, what is so objectionable to implement the following?

impose a year hard labor jail sentence on illegals if caught working in our country [painting our bridges; cleaning our roads; etc. to pay for their room and board while incarcerated];

require business owners to utilize e-verify when hiring;

punish those who knowingly hire illegal aliens;

deny illegal entrants any tax payer financed medical care (excepting in a life death situation);

deny the children of illegal aliens access to a State’s public school system and all public assistance programs, i.e., any privileges created by a state for its citizens;

forbid and make it a crime for illegals to live in any public housing unit or section eight housing;

evict section eight occupants and public housing occupants if caught harboring illegal aliens;

and never allow a person who has entered our country illegally to re-enter our country legally in the future __ give existing illegals a two month period to leave on their own before implementing this rule;

finally, offer a nominal bounty for reporting an illegal alien who is working off the books and a like bounty for reporting an the employer who is employing the alien.

Aside from that, I have become very suspicious of those who pretend the only option for getting rid of illegal entrants is to “round them all up and deport them”.


When will the America People realize we have an Islamic cell operating out of our nation's White House? Will they come to this conclusion when Islamic terrorist activities begin in our southern Border States or cities like New York City?
The old "we can deport them" rube.

Not going to happen. Mainstream America will not permit it. I mean more than not support it. Americans will not permit it.
The old "we can deport them" rube.

Not going to happen. Mainstream America will not permit it. I mean more than not support it. Americans will not permit it.

Black Americans join to protest illegal aliens who take jobs from American citizens

See Video: Black protesters confront pro-Illegal immigrant supporters with raw passion

July 8, 2014

”A small group of black Americans at the Murrieta California Border Patrol Station on July 4th debated illegal immigration with a passion that went beyond individual opinion, reaching into the effects the surge would have on American society as a whole.

At times, the discussion focused on the predicted impact the problem will have on the black community, already facing a significantly higher unemployment rate than the rest of society. Immigration is not a black or white issue, but the arguments here are powerful and based on deeply rooted experiences.”

Neither Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, or John Kasich want to have the conversation about how illegal immigration is affecting Black and Puerto Rican American citizens who are being squeezed out of the job market by illegals.


To support Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders, and panders to the Chamber of Commerce, the Club for Growth and our Global Governance Crowd

"Rubio ok with allowing 10–20 million illegal entrants to stay and keep American jobs!"

No, if they're allowed to stay then they're no longer 'illegal.'
"Otherwise, you will have to come forward, pass the background check, learn English, pay a fine, because you violated the law, start paying taxes, and you'll get a work permit. And that's all you're going to have for at least a decade."

Again, anyone who agrees to do this is no longer 'illegal.'

By agreeing to the above conditions, an undocumented immigrant is afforded due process as required by the 5th Amendment, he's subject to punitive measures for having entered the country absent authorization, and once he's sustained those penalties he becomes a lawful resident alien, eligible for citizenship if he so desires.

It's a perfectly appropriate process consistent with the rule of law and the values of our American Nation, an all too rare example of rational thought on the part of conservatives and advocacy of responsible government by republicans.
I'm still waiting for some pro deportation politician to explain in FULL detail EXACTLY how much $$$$ it will cost taxpayers to round up 15 million people AND how long it will take to deport them..

Hell, I'm waiting for ANYONE to produce some actual numbers on the subject ...
Yup corporate america needs cheap labor. Imagine if we paid $18 per hour vs $8. No American adult should work for $8 an hour.
Why, just the other day, I heard a well-known fucking RINO say, "Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status."

That's an exact quote.
I'm still waiting for some pro deportation politician to explain in FULL detail EXACTLY how much $$$$ it will cost taxpayers to round up 15 million people AND how long it will take to deport them..

Hell, I'm waiting for ANYONE to produce some actual numbers on the subject ...

Don't fret about the cost, the Donald will get Mexico to pay for it. :D
"Otherwise, you will have to come forward, pass the background check, learn English, pay a fine, because you violated the law, start paying taxes, and you'll get a work permit. And that's all you're going to have for at least a decade."

Again, anyone who agrees to do this is no longer 'illegal.'

By agreeing to the above conditions, an undocumented immigrant is afforded due process as required by the 5th Amendment, he's subject to punitive measures for having entered the country absent authorization, and once he's sustained those penalties he becomes a lawful resident alien, eligible for citizenship if he so desires.

It's a perfectly appropriate process consistent with the rule of law and the values of our American Nation, an all too rare example of rational thought on the part of conservatives and advocacy of responsible government by republicans.

No it's not consistent with the values of the American nation, we have laws in place and people sworn to enforce them that aren't doing so. You can't get more antithetical to American values than that. Now the very folks that refused to enforce our laws want us not only give them a pass, but those who broke our laws as well. FUCK'M ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'm still waiting for some pro deportation politician to explain in FULL detail EXACTLY how much $$$$ it will cost taxpayers to round up 15 million people AND how long it will take to deport them..

Hell, I'm waiting for ANYONE to produce some actual numbers on the subject ...

You don't need to round them up. You make it impossible for them to work, bank, send money home or do anything else and most will leave on their own. The rest you deport them as you find them, eventually they will interact with government at some level and they're gone. Simple as that.
I'm still waiting for some pro deportation politician to explain in FULL detail EXACTLY how much $$$$ it will cost taxpayers to round up 15 million people AND how long it will take to deport them..

Hell, I'm waiting for ANYONE to produce some actual numbers on the subject ...

Don't fret about the cost, the Donald will get Mexico to pay for it. :D

Daily Double Donnie .. a wall AND deporting 15 million people, ALLLLLLLLLL for free.

Why, just the other day, I heard a well-known fucking RINO say, "Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status."

That's an exact quote.

Their equity should be seized under RICO laws.
The only time the GOP CARES is in the middle of one of their recessions, and only for propaganda purposes, dupes.
I'm still waiting for some pro deportation politician to explain in FULL detail EXACTLY how much $$$$ it will cost taxpayers to round up 15 million people AND how long it will take to deport them..

Hell, I'm waiting for ANYONE to produce some actual numbers on the subject ...

You don't need to round them up. You make it impossible for them to work, bank, send money home or do anything else and most will leave on their own. The rest you deport them as you find them, eventually they will interact with government at some level and they're gone. Simple as that.

write that down and mail it to Trump, he ain't that smart
Why, just the other day, I heard a well-known fucking RINO say, "Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status."

That's an exact quote.

jerk 15 million people out of the country that purchase the same goods as other Americans and there goes the economy across the border with them.

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