Rubio (R) relents; agrees to turn over state-issued, credit card records

I had a lot more respect for Rubio before he announced he wasn't going to return to the Senate (which is fine) but wouldn't resign now and let the Party nominate someone who can campaign as the incumbent (senseless) AND let the people of Florida have a steward of their voting that would and does wish to represent them.

It takes a special type of arrogance to do that.
This is also racist.

A brown man being open and honest about his feelings and you have to hate on him.
The smoking gun?

Inside Marco Rubio’s messy American Express statements

The American Express card had been a major perk for Rubio as he rose in prominence in Florida politics. It was granted to him by the state Republican Party to pay for recruiting candidates, raising campaign donations and other expenses related to his political work.

Things quickly got messy, the records show.

After his first month with the card, Rubio was notified that he had not paid the bill on time. On top of the Feb. 16, 2005, statement, there was an admonition from American Express in bold letters: “Your account is 30 days past due.”

The warning was repeated again on top of the March bill, this time with a delinquency charge of $39.78 added.
Just when I thought Rubio the bean boy could handle shit, he buckles and deflects the blame onto democrats who could give a fuck about his non issue...but this is the party bean boy like.
Being a political moderate, Rubio is one of the half dozen or so candidates I wouldn't mind seeing get the nomination. With that disclosure, I think those that try to use this against him will be spinning their wheels. I can imagine if he gets that far, Hillary wouldn't dare touch the topic with a 10 foot pole.

First off, democrats could give a fuck about these non issues you GOP lunatics keep bring up, ie emails, ACA, Bengazi, Bunny rabbits and credit cards, its the media and bean boy, ie Rubio that's trying to put this all on us, when we could give a fuck!!
'Rubio, 44, said that if he could go back in time and change the way he handled the charge card, he would not have made any personal purchases with it to avoid all the “confusion it’s created in the minds of some.”'

Being a political moderate, Rubio is one of the half dozen or so candidates I wouldn't mind seeing get the nomination. With that disclosure, I think those that try to use this against him will be spinning their wheels. I can imagine if he gets that far, Hillary wouldn't dare touch the topic with a 10 foot pole.

First off, democrats could give a fuck about these non issues you GOP lunatics keep bring up, ie emails, ACA, Bengazi, Bunny rabbits and credit cards, its the media and bean boy, ie Rubio that's trying to put this all on us, when we could give a fuck!!

Fuck is the only thing you Democrats have minds for. You're a sub-species that has no concern about who or what you do it with.
The smoking gun?

Inside Marco Rubio’s messy American Express statements

The American Express card had been a major perk for Rubio as he rose in prominence in Florida politics. It was granted to him by the state Republican Party to pay for recruiting candidates, raising campaign donations and other expenses related to his political work.

Things quickly got messy, the records show.

After his first month with the card, Rubio was notified that he had not paid the bill on time. On top of the Feb. 16, 2005, statement, there was an admonition from American Express in bold letters: “Your account is 30 days past due.”

The warning was repeated again on top of the March bill, this time with a delinquency charge of $39.78 added.
And here's the problem for Rubio and any other republican with the same mess: as is the case with the nonsense about republicans being the 'party of family values' and a republican getting caught cheating on his wife, republicans also contrive the myth that they're 'fiscally responsible.' and when a republican fails in that regard he has only himself to blame for the ridicule, scrutiny, and any adverse consequences.
Being a political moderate, Rubio is one of the half dozen or so candidates I wouldn't mind seeing get the nomination. With that disclosure, I think those that try to use this against him will be spinning their wheels. I can imagine if he gets that far, Hillary wouldn't dare touch the topic with a 10 foot pole.

First off, democrats could give a fuck about these non issues you GOP lunatics keep bring up, ie emails, ACA, Bengazi, Bunny rabbits and credit cards, its the media and bean boy, ie Rubio that's trying to put this all on us, when we could give a fuck!!

Fuck is the only thing you Democrats have minds for. You're a sub-species that has no concern about who or what you do it with.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ and this coming from a guy who's tag name ID is registered sex offender...okay. I just hope your female pets are safe!!
The smoking gun?

Inside Marco Rubio’s messy American Express statements

The American Express card had been a major perk for Rubio as he rose in prominence in Florida politics. It was granted to him by the state Republican Party to pay for recruiting candidates, raising campaign donations and other expenses related to his political work.

Things quickly got messy, the records show.

After his first month with the card, Rubio was notified that he had not paid the bill on time. On top of the Feb. 16, 2005, statement, there was an admonition from American Express in bold letters: “Your account is 30 days past due.”

The warning was repeated again on top of the March bill, this time with a delinquency charge of $39.78 added.
A 10 year old late fee for $40 is your smoking gun?
Your ball spike
your moonwalk stage left
you woot there it is?

It's cost more to print that story

Again, no one is accusing Rubio of 'wrongdoing,' he's innocent of accusations of wrongdoing until evidence of his wrongdoing is established.

But that's not the issue.

At issue is how Rubio responds to the accusations – and thus far he's done so poorly; and like Carson exhibits his lack of political acumen.
Again, no one is accusing Rubio of 'wrongdoing,' he's innocent of accusations of wrongdoing until evidence of his wrongdoing is established.

But that's not the issue.

At issue is how Rubio responds to the accusations – and thus far he's done so poorly; and like Carson exhibits his lack of political acumen.
well when the media doesn't tell you the spin they want to run with, you have to come up with stuff yourself.

Things like honesty and integrity are alien to leftist, so it seems they lack acumen.
Have we discovered all the classified documents Russia and China have taken from Hillary's servers hidden in that bathroom closet? Does Rubio's credit card usage matter to the People more?
I don't have anything against Mexicans but he has to come clean on this and quit wasting everybody's time because its a real game changer.
spoken like a true racist

damn, this election is really hard for you leftist, yall can't keep your racism in check. All those years of keeping it in check and just the idea that a minority might be in the Ofc, not under your control, is throwing yall off your game
We're finding Leftist are misognists too.
Have we discovered all the classified documents Russia and China have taken from Hillary's servers hidden in that bathroom closet? Does Rubio's credit card usage matter to the People more?
And in comes the rightwing idiot brigade, armed only with failed attempts to deflect, red herring fallacies, and the blind partisan defense of a republican candidate solely because he's a republican.
With the release of the 2005-06 statements, there is now a full public accounting of Mr. Rubio’s expenses for the four years he had a Republican Party credit card in his capacity as head of campaign operations for Florida House Republicans. His opponents and news outlets had long asked that they be disclosed.

In all, his campaign said on Saturday, Mr. Rubio spent $182,072 on the card from January 2005 through December 2008, of which 12 percent, or $22,003, was personal and was paid to American Express directly by him.

But those payments were routinely late — 21 times over the course of those four years — sometimes because he did not pay on time, and sometimes because the Republican Party fell behind. The account, which was listed under his name, was assessed delinquency charges seven times, adding up to $1,639.47.


The embarrassment started in 2010 with the disclosure that he had used the party’s card to pay for personal items — a $10,000 family reunion in Georgia, for instance that became a big distraction for Mr. Rubio when it was first disclosed five years ago: a $3,756 charge in October 2005 to Iberia Tiles for what has been described as stone pavers at his home. Mr. Rubio, who has said that he pulled the wrong card from his wallet to pay the bill, paid American Express at the time to cover the bill, according to his campaign.


There were expenses for Disney World and Sea World, regular gathering spots for Florida’s political class. Sometimes he spent a lot more, like a $1,600 fund-raising trip to New York when he stayed at the St. Regis Hotel.

Around this time Mr. Rubio saw significant swings in his net worth, when he had multiple mortgages and a home equity line of credit, while making $300,000 a year as a lawyer in addition to his legislative pay, according to Florida financial disclosures.

In late 2008, around the time he left office, Mr. Rubio disclosed a net worth of about $8,000, down from $200,000 a couple years earlier, according to his disclosures.

Mr. Rubio blamed his opponent in the 2010 Senate primary, Charlie Crist, the governor at the time, for leaking an earlier batch of credit card statements, and he denounced Mr. Crist with a statement that seems almost unbelievable in the context of today’s presidential campaign. “The Florida G.O.P. under Jeb Bush was never run with this sort of arrogance, mismanagement, lack of integrity and lack of leadership.”

Mr. Bush, who is also running for president, said last week that he believes the credit card statements are fair game.


His blurring of personal and professional expenses, while not illegal, is already being seized on by rivals like Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor who got to know Mr. Rubio as a rising star but is now calling his judgment into question, and Donald J. Trump, who has mocked him for making financially irresponsible decisions like liquidating a retirement account.
Marco Rubio says he will release credit card history in ‘next few weeks’
“It’s been coming up for five years,” he said Wednesday, as reported by the Washington Post. “It wasn’t a credit card. It was a charge card. It was American Express. And every month I would get a bill in my home, and I would review it. And if it was something on it that was personal, I would pay it. And if it wasn’t, the party paid it.”

Rubio, 44, said that if he could go back in time and change the way he handled the charge card, he would not have made any personal purchases with it to avoid all the “confusion it’s created in the minds of some.”

"confusion"? lol More like defrauding state government

This is good. Just not for Rubio. And that's good too
The smoking gun?

Inside Marco Rubio’s messy American Express statements

The American Express card had been a major perk for Rubio as he rose in prominence in Florida politics. It was granted to him by the state Republican Party to pay for recruiting candidates, raising campaign donations and other expenses related to his political work.

Things quickly got messy, the records show.

After his first month with the card, Rubio was notified that he had not paid the bill on time. On top of the Feb. 16, 2005, statement, there was an admonition from American Express in bold letters: “Your account is 30 days past due.”

The warning was repeated again on top of the March bill, this time with a delinquency charge of $39.78 added.
And here's the problem for Rubio and any other republican with the same mess: as is the case with the nonsense about republicans being the 'party of family values' and a republican getting caught cheating on his wife, republicans also contrive the myth that they're 'fiscally responsible.' and when a republican fails in that regard he has only himself to blame for the ridicule, scrutiny, and any adverse consequences.
so true. Repubs :uhoh3:

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