Rubio (R) relents; agrees to turn over state-issued, credit card records

And in comes the rightwing idiot brigade, armed only with failed attempts to deflect, red herring fallacies, and the blind partisan defense of a republican candidate solely because he's a republican.
Hillary storing documents on an unsecured server is a tintsie bit more of a national concern than Rubio's credit card usage don't you think? Or do we chalk you up as an idiot since the bitch you will vote for admits it?Hmm?
I had a lot more respect for Rubio before he announced he wasn't going to return to the Senate (which is fine) but wouldn't resign now and let the Party nominate someone who can campaign as the incumbent (senseless) AND let the people of Florida have a steward of their voting that would and does wish to represent them.

It takes a special type of arrogance to do that.
If it winds up being Charlie I quit
The smoking gun?

Inside Marco Rubio’s messy American Express statements

The American Express card had been a major perk for Rubio as he rose in prominence in Florida politics. It was granted to him by the state Republican Party to pay for recruiting candidates, raising campaign donations and other expenses related to his political work.

Things quickly got messy, the records show.

After his first month with the card, Rubio was notified that he had not paid the bill on time. On top of the Feb. 16, 2005, statement, there was an admonition from American Express in bold letters: “Your account is 30 days past due.”

The warning was repeated again on top of the March bill, this time with a delinquency charge of $39.78 added.
And here's the problem for Rubio and any other republican with the same mess: as is the case with the nonsense about republicans being the 'party of family values' and a republican getting caught cheating on his wife, republicans also contrive the myth that they're 'fiscally responsible.' and when a republican fails in that regard he has only himself to blame for the ridicule, scrutiny, and any adverse consequences.
WoW....that was profound jones........
Again, no one is accusing Rubio of 'wrongdoing,' he's innocent of accusations of wrongdoing until evidence of his wrongdoing is established.

But that's not the issue.

At issue is how Rubio responds to the accusations – and thus far he's done so poorly; and like Carson exhibits his lack of political acumen.
jones is on fire tonight.....hit and run,hit and run......
Have we discovered all the classified documents Russia and China have taken from Hillary's servers hidden in that bathroom closet? Does Rubio's credit card usage matter to the People more?
And in comes the rightwing idiot brigade, armed only with failed attempts to deflect, red herring fallacies, and the blind partisan defense of a republican candidate solely because he's a republican.
is that kinda like you jonesy? know your blind partisan defense of a democrat candidate solely because he's a democrat.......[/QUOTE]
next few weeks? Why not Monday? :dunno:
How easily can you retrieve financial statements from 5 years ago?
ummm..... This is no surprise to him as he mentioned that its been an issue for 5 years. Why he waiting to clear it up/
Probably doesn't take it as dire and earth-shattering as you do.
Thought it was settled, then it's not...then it fades and comes back again and again

I don't think he's the only person in this thread to take a misstep with a credit card.
He's paid it back.
Did he really break any laws?

I mean it's not like he was caught puffing on a big doob, or anything

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