Rubio’s Chance To Lead


Sep 23, 2010
The XVI Amendment pays for everything Marco Rubio says he opposes. If Rubio is serious he will lead the charge to repeal the XVI Amendment:

Rubio said the party needed to do a better job of explaining that “free enterprise is the only way to consistently create the kind of growth and opportunity that America's always been identified with.”

“We are about upward mobility,” he said. “We're about the true free enterprise system. We're not about big companies being able to use the federal government to create rules and regulations that make it harder on their competitors.”

Rubio: Republicans are 'primarily' to blame for culture of dependency
By Jonathan Easley - 04/18/13 04:04 PM ET

Rubio: Republicans are 'primarily' to blame for culture of dependency - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Rubio has nothing to lose by starting a repeal-the-income-tax movement. He ain’t going anywhere irrespective of how hard the media pushes him. His association with the Gang of Eight pretty much killed his chance of being on the Republican ticket in 2016 —— at the very least he’s a gone-goose with conservatives. Even Karl Rove knows that no Republican ticket can win without the conservative vote; hence, the ongoing double-talk; establishment Republicans are the true conservatives. In fact, Rove’s Republicans are the very people Rubio is denouncing. That’s a plus for Rubio on the face of it.

The income tax is not the only problem:

Corporate executives do not have the power to extort salaries through the threat to seize homes. This threat lies behind the ability of local government employees to tax property, which has become the primary source of public sector union wages and pensions. And local taxpayers have virtually no say in either the amount their homes are taxed or the terms of public union contracts. These are all inside deals given to the biggest campaign contributors and the most closely connected politicians and their families.

Doing away with property taxes on every primary residence was my primary topic for the first seven or eight years I posted messages. I’ve not talked about it much the last few years. So I want to point out a few things should Rubio, or anybody else, throw the gauntlet down and challenge the XVI Amendment.

1. Property taxes are state and local abuses designed to support the education industry. The federal government has no constitutional authority to fund education on any level, yet it contributes tax dollars (the income tax) to fund schools, colleges, and university. Should Democrats lose the XVI Amendment they will turn to a federal property tax.

2. Realtors lobby for higher property taxes in order to churn residential home sales in the desirable, well-established, suburbs. Many elderly Americans on fixed incomes are driven out of their homes because of higher property taxes. Ditto younger Americans who fall on hard times.

3. Eminent domain abuses aimed specifically at homeowners; never at corporations. Kelo v. New London, Connecticut became a national disgrace when the Supreme Court upheld ‘confiscation for tax revenues’:

Summary of Kelo v. New London (2005) - Supreme Court Eminent Domain Case
By Tom Head, Guide

Summary of Kelo v. New London (2005) - Supreme Court Eminent Domain Case - Kelo v. City of New London (2005)

NOTE: Forty-three states have an income tax in addition to some cities, counties, and municipalities:

City Income Taxes - U.S. Cities That Levy Income Taxes
From Tonya Moreno, CPA

City Income Taxes - U.S. Cities With an Income Tax

My point: The income tax is the primary tool of the parasite class. The income tax must be eliminated if socialism/communism is to be defeated once and for all.

Property taxes

Taxing homeowners is a secondary tool because not every American owns a home. The ongoing financial disaster began because of mortgages given to unqualified buyers —— Democrats in the US Congress wanted more homeowners paying property taxes to local governments. As it turned out unqualified buyers couldn’t pay the mortgage let alone pay property taxes.

Bottom line: In the unlikely event the XVI Amendment is repealed real property must first be protected from the federal government.

Let me close by offering some choices.

An amendment calling for repealing the XVI Amendment automatically offers a choice; repeal or don’t repeal. The repeal amendment should prohibit every tax on income not just a federal income tax.

In the event that NOT filing a tax return fails to protect a person’s income, the repeal amendment should prohibit taxes that can only be paid with income dollars; i.e., taxes by other names such as fees, assessments, etcetera, and forcing Americans to purchase whatever the government orders them to purchase.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were “like paying taxes.” He added that Congress has “broad authority” to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote “the general welfare.”

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance
October 21, 2009

Hoyer Says Constitution?s ?General Welfare? Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance | CNS News

Voters in state and local governments should be given the choice of repealing property taxes, or at least given a vote on every property tax increase along with voting on every government employee’s pay and pension.

Here’s the link to the piece about abusive taxation on the local level:

April 18, 2013
Why Government Bureaucrats Abuse Taxpayers
By Michael Bargo Jr.

Articles: Why Government Bureaucrats Abuse Taxpayers
[ame=]Chariots of fire - movie, opening scene - YouTube[/ame]​

Marco Rubio, you need to run – but not in 2016. Run now. Today. Quickly.

Run away, Marco, run as fast as you can. Run away from the electoral Hiroshima that is this immigration reform bill. It’s a fraud and a scam, and we know it’s a fraud and a scam, and you telling us from every mic and every camera you can get in front of that it’s not a fraud and a scam is making us wonder just what the hell is going on with you.

Do you actually think it’s not a fraud and a scam? In that case, we worry that maybe you’re not as bright as we thought from your terrific work on other issues over the last few years.

That’s bad.

Or do you think it’s us that aren’t very bright and that your soothing assurances that Chuck Schumer and company have only the best of intentions and that we ought not to concern our simple selves with trifles like the actual text of the legislation are enough to get us to sign onto this political suicide pact.

Can Marco Rubio Save Marco Rubio From Himself?
Kurt Schlichter
April 29, 2013

Can Marco Rubio Save Marco Rubio From Himself? - Kurt Schlichter - Page 1

Rubio could have wings on his heels and he wouldn’t be able to outrun the immigration bill and the seven losers he hooked up with.

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