rubio seeking votes in ohio

WSJ reporting that Rubio is telling supporters to vote for Kasich:

Rubio Camp Tells Ohio Supporters to Vote Kasich to Stop Trump

Mar 11, 2016 1:15 pm ET
In an effort to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump, Sen. Marco Rubio’s campaign is telling its supporters in Ohio to vote for rival Gov. John Kasich.

“There’s no question that John Kasich has the best chance to beat Donald Trump in Ohio. I’m just stating the obvious that John Kasich is the one person that can beat Donald Trump in Ohio, just like Marco Rubio is the one person that can beat Donald Trump here in Florida,”Alex Conant, Mr. Rubio’s communications director, told CNN on Friday.
People don't like being told who to vote for, not even by their candidate of choice. Rubio must think he's some kind of magic personality and "his people" will do as he tells them. He may as well call his supporters sheep.

Looks to me that half the GOP doesn't want Trump as their candidate. So, yeah, if you're a Rubio supporter living in Ohio you vote for the guy who will deny Trump delegates.
Rubio is polling at 18% nationwide so I guess that means 82% of the GOP doesn't want him as their candidate, according to your math. BTW, Rubio is polling at an average of 7% in Ohio. :lol:
Rubio won't get the nomination and neither will Trump.
Trump has a huge lead.
Rubio is polling at 18% nationwide so I guess that means 82% of the GOP doesn't want him as their candidate, according to your math. BTW, Rubio is polling at an average of 7% in Ohio. :lol:

The polls are horseshit and everybody knows it...or should know it.
when i looked at your thread, for 0001.2 of a second, I thought it read,,,"Rubio Looking For Water In Ohio"
It makes sense for Rubio to support Kasich in Ohio because the only way he can win is if there is a corrupt brokered convention.
"Corrupt" means the Trumpeters don't get their minority candidate.
Plurality candidate.
Still minority, bub.

People need to watch VERY closely how this works out Mr Jake, because it is already over if Trump wins Florida. Does anyone think Illinois is going to go for Cruz? How about Wisconsin?

I thought for a New York minute, that Cruz could catch Trump, now I have "emoted," or "expanded my horizons" as some would say, and realize that if Florida falls, Trump is the GOP nominee. To many blue states left, to many blue collar Trump voters.

That should make the left happy; and they may very well be 100% correct; but I am banking on the addition through subtraction factor, and the fact that a deal has already been cut by their demeanor in last nights debate for the GOP to support his candidacy.

A bloodbath is coming, and if I have to choose between a savage business person facing off against a political operative that really has no power but persuasion, I am choosing the savage business person.
Cruz knows he can't win FL but he can knock Rubio out of the race if he continues campaigning there

Rubio is gone after Tuesday.

iamwhosure makes good sense.

The second Trump has a majority of the primary delegates, watch the GOP Convention rules committee allow anyone to be nominated on the First Ballot. Such a move will permit the majority anti-Trump leadership the convention delegates to choose Trump on the first ballot.

50% it chooses Kasich who chooses Rubio as his running mate.

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