Rudi Gets Well, Comes Out Swinging at Biden for Racketeering

On Fox and Friends Saturday, just minutes ago, Rudy Giuliani said he has a thick file on Joe Biden's U. S. Senate, Vice President and government jobs conducting a racketeering operation using the high offices he has held.

That only disproves that Joe has been doing nothing for the last 46 years. Why the man has had a chokehold on doing evil to get, steal, take, and extort taxpayer income tax money for his crime family including brother and child getting the big bucks any which way he could, nonstop.

That's right. Hidin' Biden has a RACKETEERING EMPIRE. And he's been getting a free ride on elections, too, with all those greedy pals wanting a share of that Biden plunder from the fast ones Joe has pulled outta his butt using stolen taxpayer money like no one else in history.

Still think he's gonna be President when Rudy gets done with him? Or do you think Joe's dementia act is gonna creep back in?
Perhaps the COVID drug cocktail given to poor old Rudy cleared his addled noggin. It took something strong to shake his memory loose to have him remember he had his "thick file" on Biden.

So far, as the impeached president trump's personal lawyer, his performance has been dismal.

On Fox and Friends Saturday, just minutes ago, Rudy Giuliani said he has a thick file on Joe Biden's U. S. Senate, Vice President and government jobs conducting a racketeering operation using the high offices he has held.

That only disproves that Joe has been doing nothing for the last 46 years. Why the man has had a chokehold on doing evil to get, steal, take, and extort taxpayer income tax money for his crime family including brother and child getting the big bucks any which way he could, nonstop.

That's right. Hidin' Biden has a RACKETEERING EMPIRE. And he's been getting a free ride on elections, too, with all those greedy pals wanting a share of that Biden plunder from the fast ones Joe has pulled outta his butt using stolen taxpayer money like no one else in history.

Still think he's gonna be President when Rudy gets done with him? Or do you think Joe's dementia act is gonna creep back in?
More right wing, frivolous Hoax? If they had anything, they would have presented it a long time ago.
You would well know it has been quite well documented on all 3 rightie channels. Oh, wait. You can't very well engage in circle jerks in the face of the truth now. Could you. - - - - forgiven.
I prefer to practice not judging women by the clothes they may not bearing on the Internet and porting it to real life whenever I have the presence of mind to do so.

Insist on equality.
Why that's an even Steven way of putting it, O Danny boy, The pipes, the pipes are :drills:
Republicans always accuse Democrats of whatever it is that Republicans are guilty of.

Rudy Rubles knows that the RICO Act is about to come down on his head.
On Fox and Friends Saturday, just minutes ago, Rudy Giuliani said he has a thick file on Joe Biden's U. S. Senate, Vice President and government jobs conducting a racketeering operation using the high offices he has held.

That only disproves that Joe has been doing nothing for the last 46 years. Why the man has had a chokehold on doing evil to get, steal, take, and extort taxpayer income tax money for his crime family including brother and child getting the big bucks any which way he could, nonstop.

That's right. Hidin' Biden has a RACKETEERING EMPIRE. And he's been getting a free ride on elections, too, with all those greedy pals wanting a share of that Biden plunder from the fast ones Joe has pulled outta his butt using stolen taxpayer money like no one else in history.

Still think he's gonna be President when Rudy gets done with him? Or do you think Joe's dementia act is gonna creep back in?
More right wing, frivolous Hoax? If they had anything, they would have presented it a long time ago.
You would well know it has been quite well documented on all 3 rightie channels. Oh, wait. You can't very well engage in circle jerks in the face of the truth now. Could you. - - - - forgiven.
I prefer to practice not judging women by the clothes they may not bearing on the Internet and porting it to real life whenever I have the presence of mind to do so.

Insist on equality.
Why that's an even Steven way of putting it, O Danny boy, The pipes, the pipes are :drills:
I love it when modern women want to be modern friends, just for the practice and the fun.
On Fox and Friends Saturday, just minutes ago, Rudy Giuliani said he has a thick file on Joe Biden's U. S. Senate, Vice President and government jobs conducting a racketeering operation using the high offices he has held.

That only disproves that Joe has been doing nothing for the last 46 years. Why the man has had a chokehold on doing evil to get, steal, take, and extort taxpayer income tax money for his crime family including brother and child getting the big bucks any which way he could, nonstop.

That's right. Hidin' Biden has a RACKETEERING EMPIRE. And he's been getting a free ride on elections, too, with all those greedy pals wanting a share of that Biden plunder from the fast ones Joe has pulled outta his butt using stolen taxpayer money like no one else in history.

Still think he's gonna be President when Rudy gets done with him? Or do you think Joe's dementia act is gonna creep back in?
When was Biden charged with racketeering?
On Fox and Friends Saturday, just minutes ago, Rudy Giuliani said he has a thick file on Joe Biden's U. S. Senate, Vice President and government jobs conducting a racketeering operation using the high offices he has held.

That only disproves that Joe has been doing nothing for the last 46 years. Why the man has had a chokehold on doing evil to get, steal, take, and extort taxpayer income tax money for his crime family including brother and child getting the big bucks any which way he could, nonstop.

That's right. Hidin' Biden has a RACKETEERING EMPIRE. And he's been getting a free ride on elections, too, with all those greedy pals wanting a share of that Biden plunder from the fast ones Joe has pulled outta his butt using stolen taxpayer money like no one else in history.

Still think he's gonna be President when Rudy gets done with him? Or do you think Joe's dementia act is gonna creep back in?
When was Biden charged with racketeering?
It's a weekend doll. Monday's coming.
On Fox and Friends Saturday, just minutes ago, Rudy Giuliani said he has a thick file on Joe Biden's U. S. Senate, Vice President and government jobs conducting a racketeering operation using the high offices he has held.

That only disproves that Joe has been doing nothing for the last 46 years. Why the man has had a chokehold on doing evil to get, steal, take, and extort taxpayer income tax money for his crime family including brother and child getting the big bucks any which way he could, nonstop.

That's right. Hidin' Biden has a RACKETEERING EMPIRE. And he's been getting a free ride on elections, too, with all those greedy pals wanting a share of that Biden plunder from the fast ones Joe has pulled outta his butt using stolen taxpayer money like no one else in history.

Still think he's gonna be President when Rudy gets done with him? Or do you think Joe's dementia act is gonna creep back in?
“Rudi Gets Well, Comes Out Swinging at Biden…”

…and misses.
Oh, no he didn't..... mister.
However boring – even asleep – Biden will be a better president than Trump.
Quit kidding yourself. They're both "spokespeople' for The Real owners. tRump is highly outspoken but, in the long term. you get the same end result
Republicans always accuse Democrats of whatever it is that Republicans are guilty of.

Rudy Rubles knows that the RICO Act is about to come down on his head.
The people loyal to the US Constitution are righties, and we have options, and they do not reflect well on extortionists like Biden, criminals like Pelosi, malicious motormouths like Harris, and stalking weaponizers like Maxine Waters. Oh, yes, and flunkies like the minion Mr. S.
On Fox and Friends Saturday, just minutes ago, Rudy Giuliani said he has a thick file on Joe Biden's U. S. Senate, Vice President and government jobs conducting a racketeering operation using the high offices he has held.

That only disproves that Joe has been doing nothing for the last 46 years. Why the man has had a chokehold on doing evil to get, steal, take, and extort taxpayer income tax money for his crime family including brother and child getting the big bucks any which way he could, nonstop.

That's right. Hidin' Biden has a RACKETEERING EMPIRE. And he's been getting a free ride on elections, too, with all those greedy pals wanting a share of that Biden plunder from the fast ones Joe has pulled outta his butt using stolen taxpayer money like no one else in history.

Still think he's gonna be President when Rudy gets done with him? Or do you think Joe's dementia act is gonna creep back in?
Perhaps the COVID drug cocktail given to poor old Rudy cleared his addled noggin. It took something strong to shake his memory loose to have him remember he had his "thick file" on Biden.

So far, as the impeached president trump's personal lawyer, his performance has been dismal.
Rudy hasn't begun his fight yet. He was sidelined by covid19, and he had a prayer chain of millions of us for his healing. He's the right man to clean up the criminals in the swamp. You, sir or madam are presently witnessing united people who love the Constitution and hate fraudulent powermongers.
On Fox and Friends Saturday, just minutes ago, Rudy Giuliani said he has a thick file on Joe Biden's U. S. Senate, Vice President and government jobs conducting a racketeering operation using the high offices he has held.

That only disproves that Joe has been doing nothing for the last 46 years. Why the man has had a chokehold on doing evil to get, steal, take, and extort taxpayer income tax money for his crime family including brother and child getting the big bucks any which way he could, nonstop.

That's right. Hidin' Biden has a RACKETEERING EMPIRE. And he's been getting a free ride on elections, too, with all those greedy pals wanting a share of that Biden plunder from the fast ones Joe has pulled outta his butt using stolen taxpayer money like no one else in history.

Still think he's gonna be President when Rudy gets done with him? Or do you think Joe's dementia act is gonna creep back in?
Oh, I think America is done with Big Chief Dripping Hair, don't you?

From "America's Mayor" to National Laughing Stock - he wasted his reputation and legacy by slavishly championing his Orange Baboon-God.

Nobody is paying attention to him any longer...

How the Mighty have fallen...
I see Rudy being back on the case as being a positive step for Democrats.
Yup, they gotta get everything in place to get rid of Biden and put Harris in as prez. I wonder if she'll pick Fang Fang for her Veep?
When Joe was nominated I told my wife " If hes's elected he won't be in office more than 6 months. They'll quit giving him the Cognium declare he's mentally unfit and replace him (25th) with whom ever the Dem party decides is going to be his running mate..... Say it ain't so Joe!!!!! The 25th Amendment can only be acted on by the Presidents Cabinet! Look who they have around him already party line activists and swamp people who will do whatever Dem leadership wants. Joe is not the Leader and won't sit on the throne very long. Scary than Fang Fang!!!
Nancy Pelosi.
On Fox and Friends Saturday, just minutes ago, Rudy Giuliani said he has a thick file on Joe Biden's U. S. Senate, Vice President and government jobs conducting a racketeering operation using the high offices he has held.

That only disproves that Joe has been doing nothing for the last 46 years. Why the man has had a chokehold on doing evil to get, steal, take, and extort taxpayer income tax money for his crime family including brother and child getting the big bucks any which way he could, nonstop.

That's right. Hidin' Biden has a RACKETEERING EMPIRE. And he's been getting a free ride on elections, too, with all those greedy pals wanting a share of that Biden plunder from the fast ones Joe has pulled outta his butt using stolen taxpayer money like no one else in history.

Still think he's gonna be President when Rudy gets done with him? Or do you think Joe's dementia act is gonna creep back in?
Rudy says a lot of things lately, B, that aren't true. Like hunter's laptop proving pedophilia and his father's corruption, and thousands of dirty pictures...
Like massive fraud in our election, shot down by every court.
Rudy's not delivering these days. His files on this one and that one are about as believable as the other garbage he has been peddling lately.
Rudy has done such a fine job in overturning the election results, we need him front and center on the Biden investigation
That's exactly what the crooks of NYC thought when Rudy became mayor of New York City. A year later, NYC was no longer the murder and criminal capital and crook refuge it had been before Rudy locked and loaded the police department to lower the crime all time highs to become among the lowest in the nation. Well, except for Bill, Wyoming, that is. :rolleyes-41:
Rudy did a fine job fighting crime and was a key player in defeating the NY Mafia. They had a price on his head.
Then there was 9-11

Sad to see the joke that Rudy has become

Would the Rudy of old have used Melissa Carone as a star witness or been trapped by Borat in a Hotel Room?
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On Fox and Friends Saturday, just minutes ago, Rudy Giuliani said he has a thick file on Joe Biden's U. S. Senate, Vice President and government jobs conducting a racketeering operation using the high offices he has held.

That only disproves that Joe has been doing nothing for the last 46 years. Why the man has had a chokehold on doing evil to get, steal, take, and extort taxpayer income tax money for his crime family including brother and child getting the big bucks any which way he could, nonstop.

That's right. Hidin' Biden has a RACKETEERING EMPIRE. And he's been getting a free ride on elections, too, with all those greedy pals wanting a share of that Biden plunder from the fast ones Joe has pulled outta his butt using stolen taxpayer money like no one else in history.

Still think he's gonna be President when Rudy gets done with him? Or do you think Joe's dementia act is gonna creep back in?

Maybe trump will fire Barr today and make rudy the AG for the next 39 days.
You still thinking Trump is dumb as you? Well, kiss my grits. :abgg2q.jpg:

Dumb Donald was going to prosecute all of his enemies. So far 9 Trump associates have been found/plead guilty to corruption charges. No Democrats have even been charged, despite 4 years of Trump investigating them.

I would say that Debbie Downer is a whole lot smarter than either you or Trump.
Someone should give Rudy a roll of quarters so he can go back to the porn shop next to the Four Seasons and occupy himself more effectively than he has been in court.
On Fox and Friends Saturday, just minutes ago, Rudy Giuliani said he has a thick file on Joe Biden's U. S. Senate, Vice President and government jobs conducting a racketeering operation using the high offices he has held.

That only disproves that Joe has been doing nothing for the last 46 years. Why the man has had a chokehold on doing evil to get, steal, take, and extort taxpayer income tax money for his crime family including brother and child getting the big bucks any which way he could, nonstop.

That's right. Hidin' Biden has a RACKETEERING EMPIRE. And he's been getting a free ride on elections, too, with all those greedy pals wanting a share of that Biden plunder from the fast ones Joe has pulled outta his butt using stolen taxpayer money like no one else in history.

Still think he's gonna be President when Rudy gets done with him? Or do you think Joe's dementia act is gonna creep back in?
“Rudi Gets Well, Comes Out Swinging at Biden…”

…and misses.
Oh, no he didn't..... mister.
However boring – even asleep – Biden will be a better president than Trump.

Biden is a creepy senile fucking child molester and he will NEVER be more than that.

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