Rudi Giuliani said Cohen's FIL is from Ukraine and

Someone needs to explain how saying that Cohen's FIL "should be investigated" is a threat to Cohen?? I agree with Rudy that its not obstruction. Cohen is free to testify, and my be required to testify by subpoena. It should be great theater seeing the questions from both parties, and watching Cohen take the 5th time after time...
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witness tampering...

the most powerful office in the land, using that position to threaten a witness that would be testifying against him, by saying and hinting and implying that they will go after your family if you testify...

it is a gangster, mafia, mobster tactic that Trump and Giuliani are using to keep Cohen from testifying.

Jebus! :eek:

Trump and Giuliani should be locked up!
It's somewhat ironic, imo, that Cohen who was known as Trump's "pit bull" is now getting the intimidation treatment. Rather than having any sympathy or sense of outrage that Trump is treating Cohen the same way he used Cohen to treat other people .... it might be interesting to look at Cohen's FIL, and I hope Mueller is looking....

Michael Cohen’s Ties to Russia, Crime and Trump – Rolling Stone

I spoke to two former federal investigators who told me Cohen was introduced to Donald Trump by his father-in-law, Fima Shusterman, a naturalized U.S. citizen from Ukraine who arrived in the U.S. in 1975. Shusterman was in the garment business and owned a fleet of taxicabs with his partners, Shalva Botier and Edward Zubok – all three men were convicted of a money-laundering related offense in 1993. “Fima may have been a (possibly silent) business partner with Trump, perhaps even used as a conduit for Russian investors in Trump properties and other ventures,” a former federal investigator told me. “Cohen, who married into the family, was given the job with the Trump Org as a favor to Shusterman.” (“Untrue,” Cohen told me. “Your source is creating fake news.”)


Michael Cohen’s in-laws, the Shustermans, also bought real estate in Sunny Isles. The development was paying off. Trump’s oldest son, Don Jr., would later note, “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” There is no question Trump owed his comeback in large part to wealthy Russian expatriates.
What is the threat? Hint: there is no threat. WTF is wrong with potential investigations if any wrongdoing was found? Its all the dems have been doing, except without any evidence of wrongdoing.
What is the threat? Hint: there is no threat. WTF is wrong with potential investigations if any wrongdoing was found? Its all the dems have been doing, except without any evidence of wrongdoing.

At this point, its all they have. Once the investigation, pony show, is shut down........all hope goes away for dems and depression sets in. Initially, right after this happens, there will a figurative and literal jonestown that takes place.
It is a threat for the chief law enforcement officer in the nation to say your FIL should be investigated ... but the fact is the guy has been, and is most likely, already investigated. LOL

The irony here is that there is a reasonable probability that Trump is part of moneylaundering for the Russians. I don't see how it is ILLEGAL moneylaundering unless the US govt can prove the Russians got their cash illegally under Russian law, but it all goes to Trump's financial ties to Russia and how he would be essentially be out of business without Russian cash infusions.
just another thread of many that's this weeks flavor of the week for dems
Each "Flavor of the week" causes more Trump supporters to desert him and lower his approval ratings. Those are headed towards the 20 percentage zones.
What is the threat? Hint: there is no threat. WTF is wrong with potential investigations if any wrongdoing was found? Its all the dems have been doing, except without any evidence of wrongdoing.
Doing such, by the president, out loud and through public tweet, and through Trump`s personal lawyer is NOT the way to do it...

CERTAINLY you know this KYZR..

It was meant as a threat, PERIOD.

Witness tampering ..... And it worked.
Cohen's FIL is not only being investigated but it was the FBI investigation that started the whole investigation of Cohen! It is the father in law that had the taxi business.
Ghouliani may be facing obstruction charges...and Trump should face at least Congressional censure
witness tampering...

the most powerful office in the land, using that position to threaten a witness that would be testifying against him, by saying and hinting and implying that they will go after your family if you testify...

it is a gangster, mafia, mobster tactic that Trump and Giuliani are using to keep Cohen from testifying.

Jebus! :eek:

Trump and Giuliani should be locked up!
Trump married 3 times Giuliani married 3 times Wilber married 3 times The family values party What a fn joke republicans are and Pence not allowed in a room with a women if his wife isn't present Jezzus

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