Rudy Giuliani: President Obama Doesn’t Love America

Do You Agree or Disagree With Giuliani

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Obama bragged about ending a successful war in Iraq. Was he lying again?

I think everyone was just happy it was ending.
Yep, that got us where we are now, thanks Obama.

Okay, where are we now? We are not involved.

This really, really isn't our problem. Maybe it's our fault, we toppled Saddam and let simmering sectarian things out...

But the point is, the Iraqis could have built a working government, or they could have collapsed into sectarian violence, they chose to do the latter.

Why is this OUR Problem again?
Go Mayor. I got your back


At a private dinner in midtown Manhattan, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani accused President Barack Obama of not loving America, Politico reports.

Giuliani was speaking to a group including Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and conservative business executives.

"I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America," Giuliani said, according to Politico. "He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country."

Read more: Rudy Giuliani says Obama doesn t love America - Business Insider

Really? I thought Rudy and Barack had the same vision of America...

"We need a federal law that bans all assault weapons, and if in fact you do need a handgun you should be subjected to at least the same restrictions -- and really stronger ones -- that exist for driving an automobile."
MAYOR'S MESSAGE - Sunday, March 2, 1997

do you think a statement on guns DEFINES everything that a person believes?

No, standing by your convictions define a man. Rudy is a liar and a political hack.

Rudy is many things that people can find objectionable---but liar? can
you cite some lies? "political hack"?-----nope. I cannot say I like the guy
all that much-----but I do not remember him LYING or ----being a hack

Giuliani Gets Exposed As Fraud by Firefighters
no evidence of "LYING"-----he was accused of self promotion-----
yup----he did that too-----do does Hilliary and Obama and Kerry
Go Mayor. I got your back


At a private dinner in midtown Manhattan, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani accused President Barack Obama of not loving America, Politico reports.

Giuliani was speaking to a group including Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and conservative business executives.

"I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America," Giuliani said, according to Politico. "He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country."

Read more: Rudy Giuliani says Obama doesn t love America - Business Insider
IF you buy a house, and the first thing you do, is to start tearing the house down to build a new house on that spot ...................... ???HOW MUCH LOVE COULD YOU HAVE FOR THE OLD HOUSE????
I go by Obama's actions NOT obama's words.
"He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up"

^Roofy Doofy still pissed about blackness
Rudy Giulani save more black lives when he was the mayor, than that pinko fruitcake that is now the mayor of NYC.
Are YOU happy that the curent liberal fruitcake mayor of NYC has more blacks being murdered in NYC?
"He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up"

^Roofy Doofy still pissed about blackness
Rudy Giulani save more black lives when he was the mayor, than that pinko fruitcake that is now the mayor of NYC.
Are YOU happy that the curent liberal fruitcake mayor of NYC has more blacks being murdered in NYC?

really? is the murder rate of blacks UP now?
"... obama doesn't love Americans?"

No Anti-American does.

YA see scamp, Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to BOTH the thesis and the antithesis.

Therefore, one who adheres to Foreign Ideas which are hostile to American Principles, which is known as the antithesis, can NOT claim to also be an adherent TO the thesis: America, which rests upon the principles that define America.

It simply can NOT be done.

Therefore Gulliani is, correct... as he usually is on such matters.

See how that works?

Invading Iraq was hostile to American principles.
Naaaa, that was just a continuation of the Gulf War.
Sadam and his sons had slaughtered, some with poison gas, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and made a hobby outta rapping young girls (some as young as 10 or 11 years old) and IF the parents objected, the parents were just murdered to stop their "whinney voice" (SIC).
Iraq had invaded two countries and Sadam had plotted to assassinate an American President.
Gee, Sadam and his sons were such wonderful people (SIC).
Someone needed to rid mankind of Sadam and his sons.
Is obama waiting for isis to start WWIII?
Or will it take a nuke from Iran going off in NYC or L.A. give obama some balls??????
Now that we've established how many of you RWnuts think Giuliani is a credible and authority on the President,

let's hear what Giuliani's 'backtrack' statement was:

"Well, first of all, I'm not questioning his patriotism. He's a patriot I'm sure."

Can't argue with Giuliani on that, can you?

lol Giuliani Clarifies Obama s a Patriot but More Critic of America than Supporter Mediaite
Gee, going by obama's logic when he said that President GW Bush was un-patriotic for spending 4 trillion of debt in 8 years, Obama HAS TO BE un-patriotic for spending 8 trillion in debt in 6 years.
Rudy was just toooo kind to obama by says that he DOESN'T question obama being a patriot.
It is a silly statement. Just b/c we have differing political views in no way means that one or the other doesn't love America. It is nonsensical charge that is as old as the hills.
Actually, I get a sense that he sees "bad" in Americans when the evidence shows it could be bad or good..all dependent on what one wants to see.

For example....we had three people shot and killed by some whacko 2 weeks ago. Whereas initial reports was it was over a parking spot, the fact that the three happened to be Muslim, the police are ensuring that it was not spurred by their religion; or the killers hatred for their religion.

The findings are not in yet.

However, when discussing concerns of Islamophobia yesterday, as the world watched, Obama mentioned the senseless killing of three Muslims.

Seems he has already determined that the whacko killed them because they were Muslims...even though there is no evidence saying such.

Just as he did with he did with Michael Brown...and as he did with the Boston Police/Professor situation.

It is not that he hates America. He has little faith that Americans, overall, are good people. It seems he grew up being leery of American People.

FYI has absolutely nothing to do with Obamas race....get off it already. Your hatred for white people is showing again.

The "Whacko" was a committed LEFTIST! No different than any of the "whackoes" on this forum.
Sad to see Rudy G sink so low

He used to be a respected American

No its not. Its refreshing to see.

Reminds me of the fine congressman who called Obama a liar.

Rudy said what many, many, Americans believe. Its up to Obama to change that perception.... And he refuses to do so....

Recognize. "... what many, many Americans recognize." It's a demonstrable FACT, thus no 'belief' element to it.
Looks like some things never change.

The board liberals are still afraid to discuss what Giuliani actually said.

They continue to simply attack the messenger instead, slime him, slime those who don't attack him, and desperately change the subject again and again.

I get the feeling that Obama doesn't love the America we have today. Instead, he loves the America he thinks he can turn it into: A country where the government forces everybody to "share", and which never blames Islam for the horrible atrocities done in its name by Islamic militant radicals.

The fact that a government forcing its citizens to "share" everything has never worked, and has frequently resulted in complete disaster with thousand or even millions of deaths and the eventual destruction of that government, never bothers him. He believes (as all liberals do) that it will work "this time" if he tries hard enough to make it happen.

BTW, "sharing" is never forced. When you force it, it is simply "theft".

Someone should inform Mr. Obama and his liberal cohorts of this fact.

Giuliani slimes the president, and it's inappropriate to attack him as a person?


The Peasantpimp of the Union States 'slimes' itself... .
GO RUDY. Millions of us stand with you. It's about time that thug Obama got some of his own crap thrown back at him. He's called all of the people who are Republican every ugly name he could dream up, including tea bagger , terrorist, hostage takers, flat earthers, deniers, and the list is so long and disgusting to post them all

so all you whining about it. here ya go:boohoo::boohoo::boohoo:
Looks like some things never change.

The board liberals are still afraid to discuss what Giuliani actually said.

They continue to simply attack the messenger instead, slime him, slime those who don't attack him, and desperately change the subject again and again.

I get the feeling that Obama doesn't love the America we have today. Instead, he loves the America he thinks he can turn it into: A country where the government forces everybody to "share", and which never blames Islam for the horrible atrocities done in its name by Islamic militant radicals.

The fact that a government forcing its citizens to "share" everything has never worked, and has frequently resulted in complete disaster with thousand or even millions of deaths and the eventual destruction of that government, never bothers him. He believes (as all liberals do) that it will work "this time" if he tries hard enough to make it happen.

BTW, "sharing" is never forced. When you force it, it is simply "theft".

Someone should inform Mr. Obama and his liberal cohorts of this fact.

Giuliani slimes the president, and it's inappropriate to attack him as a person?


The Peasantpimp of the Union States 'slimes' itself... .

You need to learn when you've lost the argument.
Looks like some things never change.

The board liberals are still afraid to discuss what Giuliani actually said.

They continue to simply attack the messenger instead, slime him, slime those who don't attack him, and desperately change the subject again and again.

I get the feeling that Obama doesn't love the America we have today. Instead, he loves the America he thinks he can turn it into: A country where the government forces everybody to "share", and which never blames Islam for the horrible atrocities done in its name by Islamic militant radicals.

The fact that a government forcing its citizens to "share" everything has never worked, and has frequently resulted in complete disaster with thousand or even millions of deaths and the eventual destruction of that government, never bothers him. He believes (as all liberals do) that it will work "this time" if he tries hard enough to make it happen.

BTW, "sharing" is never forced. When you force it, it is simply "theft".

Someone should inform Mr. Obama and his liberal cohorts of this fact.

Giuliani slimes the president, and it's inappropriate to attack him as a person?


The Peasantpimp of the Union States 'slimes' itself... .

You need to learn when you've lost the argument.
Now, that's funny!....Delusional, but funny!
Now that we've established how many of you RWnuts think Giuliani is a credible and authority on the President,

let's hear what Giuliani's 'backtrack' statement was:

"Well, first of all, I'm not questioning his patriotism. He's a patriot I'm sure."

Can't argue with Giuliani on that, can you?

lol Giuliani Clarifies Obama s a Patriot but More Critic of America than Supporter Mediaite
Gee, going by obama's logic when he said that President GW Bush was un-patriotic for spending 4 trillion of debt in 8 years, Obama HAS TO BE un-patriotic for spending 8 trillion in debt in 6 years.
Rudy was just toooo kind to obama by says that he DOESN'T question obama being a patriot.

Bush took actions specifically designed to run up the debt.
Now that we've established how many of you RWnuts think Giuliani is a credible and authority on the President,

let's hear what Giuliani's 'backtrack' statement was:

"Well, first of all, I'm not questioning his patriotism. He's a patriot I'm sure."

Can't argue with Giuliani on that, can you?

lol Giuliani Clarifies Obama s a Patriot but More Critic of America than Supporter Mediaite
Gee, going by obama's logic when he said that President GW Bush was un-patriotic for spending 4 trillion of debt in 8 years, Obama HAS TO BE un-patriotic for spending 8 trillion in debt in 6 years.
Rudy was just toooo kind to obama by says that he DOESN'T question obama being a patriot.

Bush took actions specifically designed to run up the debt.
Then the Obumanation does exactly the same thing, only doubles it!


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