Rudy Giuliani: President Obama Doesn’t Love America

Do You Agree or Disagree With Giuliani

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He's called all of the people who are Republican every ugly name he could dream up, including tea bagger , terrorist, hostage takers, flat earthers, deniers, and the list is so long and disgusting to post them all

So the list is long, and those were the best five you could come up with?
Obama sees America throught the eyes of an outsider and as one of the oppressed minority.

All he is concentrating on is his own wrong personal perception of an American history of aggression, imperialism, mistreatment of other nations, marginalizing of blacks and Muslims etc..etc...the list could go on forever.

He obviously sees very little positive in the American history or culture and all his negativity about America is dragging the country down.

Rudy is absolutely correct, Obama doesn not love America!

Probably deep down in his soul he even hates the country.
Obama sees America throught the eyes of an outsider and as one of the oppressed minority.

All he is concentrating on is his own wrong personal perception of an American history of aggression, imperialism, mistreatment of other nations, marginalizing of blacks and Muslims etc..etc...the list could go on forever.

He obviously sees very little positive in the American history or culture and all his negativity about America is dragging the country down.

Rudy is absolutely correct, Obama doesn not love America!

Probably deep down in his soul he even hates the country.

Okay, a couple of points.

1) Are you seriously trying to claim that we haven't done a lot of really bad shit in our history that we ought to be a little embarrassed about?

2) Are you really trying to claim that we don't have a really, really bad record of treating minorities? Slavery, Jim Crow, the Genocide of Native Americans, the internment of Japanese Americans in WWII, the list can go on and on.

It seems what upsets you and Rudy is that Obama lays a guilt trip on you. Yeah, that's upsetting, I guess. No one likes a guilt trip laid on them. Rudy must hate Thanksgiving when his whole family gives him the Stink-eye for abandoning them.

I suppose you prefer presidents who just make us feel better about ourselves without addressing the problems. yOu know, like Ronnie Reagan.
Guiliani is echoing what many other Americans are saying. But what say you? Agree or Disagree?

You're kinda late to the party paulitician. Somebody else got their daily email of talking points before you and already started a thread on this. Don't you ever look to see if something has already been posted?
I have no doubt "O" hasn't been a good president, but him not loving America? Man, that has been a standard talking point from Day One by the rightwing haters.

If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck...

How has Obama "fundamentally changed" America? It's no different than it was before.

And what is American has fundamentally changed a number of times. It was American to have people as property. It was American to have facilities "separate but equal". And on and on. The great thing about this country, what makes it truly American, is that we the people can change the government and the direction of our country. Because people see things differently does not mean they hate America
Go Mayor. I got your back


At a private dinner in midtown Manhattan, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani accused President Barack Obama of not loving America, Politico reports.

Giuliani was speaking to a group including Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and conservative business executives.

"I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America," Giuliani said, according to Politico. "He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country."

Read more: Rudy Giuliani says Obama doesn t love America - Business Insider
I think we knew that, Rudy.....

You guys really miss your evangelical, born-again, DUI-busted-Alfredo Gonzales-rescued cowboy, don't you?
And then you wonder why people in the MIddle East fly planes into our buildings? This pumping up the Christian bullshit when you are the leader of the free world has shown to be deadly, hasn't it?

Obama would be disingenuous if he stood at the podium and brought the cross with him. That's not his job. He is keeping religion and state separate, that is constitutionally correct.

Go suck up to Jeb, maybe he can return you to the fantasy turned horror.
When did you move to Austin? Run out of fags in New Jersey?
Gulliani didn't back track a scintilla... and obama is not even remotely aligned with America, as everything he stands for, stands in opposition to American principle.
Obama is much more of a patriot than you are. You're what's called a fifth-columnist. An enemy posing as a friend, but sowing discontent and division to undermine the country. IMO, Giuliani realized he was giving aid and comfort to people of your ilk and modified his comments to register that fact.

Giuliani has no other platform besides 9/11. I can't believe he's beating a dead horse now. I know a lot of people in the NYC metro area and yes, they were and still are devastated by the attack. New Yorkers took it very personally.

But c'mon, Rudy.....Just because Obama doesn't take to the bully pulpit and gin up his base with a lot of emotional crap doesn't mean he isn't a patriot. Grow up.

Post 9/11, people in the NYC area voted for Obama,

not McCain, not Romney. Not Giuliani's choices.

Regale us about how you Demons lost New York's heavily Jewish 9th District to the Republicans after B. Hussein attacked Israel. I always enjoy hearing that story.
Post 9/11, people in the NYC area voted for Obama, ... .

LOL! They actually think that's a PLUS! The Left in NY also voted for obama after four years of unprecedented economic malaise, stagnation and unemployment the likes of which have not been seen since FDR's depression, not to mention obama's catastrophic failures in foreign policy.
Okay, a couple of points.

1) Are you seriously trying to claim that we haven't done a lot of really bad shit in our history that we ought to be a little embarrassed about?

"We"? No...

2) Are you really trying to claim that we don't have a really, really bad record of treating minorities? Slavery, Jim Crow, the Genocide of Native Americans, the internment of Japanese Americans in WWII, the list can go on and on.

"We"? No...
"He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up"

^Roofy Doofy still pissed about blackness
Rudy's father spent time in prison, yet he emphasizes that Obama wasn't brought up "like we were brought up". Rudy is a sociopath.
Post 9/11, people in the NYC area voted for Obama, ... .

LOL! They actually think that's a PLUS! The Left in NY also voted for obama after four years of unprecedented economic malaise, stagnation and unemployment the likes of which have not been seen since FDR's depression, not to mention obama's catastrophic failures in foreign policy.

They also voted for Clinton over native New York candidates because she put on a Yankees cap and said she cares about the issues facing New York.
"He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up"

^Roofy Doofy still pissed about blackness
Rudy's father spent time in prison, yet he emphasizes that Obama wasn't brought up "like we were brought up". Rudy is a sociopath.

Only an unscrupulous Leftist would hold against a person the fact their parent was in jail. There is no low that you creeps won't sink to.
"He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up"

^Roofy Doofy still pissed about blackness
Rudy's father spent time in prison, yet he emphasizes that Obama wasn't brought up "like we were brought up". Rudy is a sociopath.

Only an unscrupulous Leftist would hold against a person the fact their parent was in jail. There is no low that you creeps won't sink to.

LOW??? Rudy is the one who wants to talk about upbringing. FACTS suck, don't they...

Rudy can say about the President of the United States of America: "He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up, through love of this country.”

Okay, a couple of points.

1) Are you seriously trying to claim that we haven't done a lot of really bad shit in our history that we ought to be a little embarrassed about?

"We"? No...

2) Are you really trying to claim that we don't have a really, really bad record of treating minorities? Slavery, Jim Crow, the Genocide of Native Americans, the internment of Japanese Americans in WWII, the list can go on and on.

"We"? No...

So let me get this straight. All Muslims are responsible for ISIS, but Americans are blameless for all the things Americans did in the past.

Got it.
Rudy's father spent time in prison, yet he emphasizes that Obama wasn't brought up "like we were brought up". Rudy is a sociopath.

Only an unscrupulous Leftist would hold against a person the fact their parent was in jail. There is no low that you creeps won't sink to.

Rudy attacked the man's family. doesn't that put his family history on the table? If you are going to say, "Obama doesn't love America because of the views of his Grandfather", doesn't the fact HIS father was a career criminal also count?

Harold Giuliani had trouble holding a job and had been convicted of felony assault and robbery and served time in Sing Sing;[17] after his release he served as an enforcer for his brother-in-law Leo D'Avanzo, who ran an organized crime operation involved in loan sharking and gambling at a restaurant in Brooklyn.[
Now that we've established how many of you RWnuts think Giuliani is a credible and authority on the President,

let's hear what Giuliani's 'backtrack' statement was:

"Well, first of all, I'm not questioning his patriotism. He's a patriot I'm sure."

Can't argue with Giuliani on that, can you?

lol Giuliani Clarifies Obama s a Patriot but More Critic of America than Supporter Mediaite
Gee, going by obama's logic when he said that President GW Bush was un-patriotic for spending 4 trillion of debt in 8 years, Obama HAS TO BE un-patriotic for spending 8 trillion in debt in 6 years.
Rudy was just toooo kind to obama by says that he DOESN'T question obama being a patriot.

Bush took actions specifically designed to run up the debt.
Then the Obumanation does exactly the same thing, only doubles it!

Obama didn't.

I heard from the Kanaka's at Puna High that Obama was a little Mahoo Lani who got his a$$ beat routinely.

That explains a lot of things


Effeminate, queer types tend to ask for it.



And I can absolutely understand why someone would question the nature and depth of Obama's love for America, especially given some of his recent statements.

The left can howl all they want, but the facts are there. Look at Obama's very radical associations in his early days--a normal person may well have been denied a security clearance based on those associations alone. Consider how he was raised, and where he was raised. Consider his long association with America-is-KKK-and-OJ-was-framed Jeremiah Wright. Sorry, but facts are facts.

A worldview that would lead someone to compare the Crusades to ISIS terrorism is not a normal American viewpoint, nor a normal Western viewpoint. And that's just one of his many troubling statements.
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