Rudy Giuliani: President Obama Doesn’t Love America

Do You Agree or Disagree With Giuliani

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Obama sees America throught the eyes of an outsider and as one of the oppressed minority.

All he is concentrating on is his own wrong personal perception of an American history of aggression, imperialism, mistreatment of other nations, marginalizing of blacks and Muslims etc..etc...the list could go on forever.

He obviously sees very little positive in the American history or culture and all his negativity about America is dragging the country down.

Rudy is absolutely correct, Obama doesn not love America!

Probably deep down in his soul he even hates the country.

Okay, a couple of points.

1) Are you seriously trying to claim that we haven't done a lot of really bad shit in our history that we ought to be a little embarrassed about?

2) Are you really trying to claim that we don't have a really, really bad record of treating minorities? Slavery, Jim Crow, the Genocide of Native Americans, the internment of Japanese Americans in WWII, the list can go on and on.

It seems what upsets you and Rudy is that Obama lays a guilt trip on you. Yeah, that's upsetting, I guess. No one likes a guilt trip laid on them. Rudy must hate Thanksgiving when his whole family gives him the Stink-eye for abandoning them.

I suppose you prefer presidents who just make us feel better about ourselves without addressing the problems. yOu know, like Ronnie Reagan.
seems to me that obama never has anything good to say about America.
LIKE how we saved the world, THREE TIMES (WWI, WWII and the cold war).
How many people have America taken from ruthless dictators and freed them.
America has taken care of so many in the world, but you NEVER hear from obama or other liberals how the USA feeds the world or how much money America/Americans have just given to countries, some of those countries hate or guts, but we give them money anyways.
America is the most generous country the world has ever known.
How many millions of people has America liberated?
Liberals are a bunch of anti-American pukes.
America suffered around 1 million American casualities freeing the slaves in America.
Obama wants to blame America/Americans for the crusaders retaking the holy land back from the muslims ............... A thousand years ago.
Liberals have good things to say aboyut terrists though ........."They are terroists because they can't find jobs", "we need to listen to the terrorists grievences", "One man's terrorists is another man's freedon fighter".
Obama doesn't love America.
Obama has more nice things to say about the terrorists than he has nice things to say about America.
Okay, a couple of points.

1) Are you seriously trying to claim that we haven't done a lot of really bad shit in our history that we ought to be a little embarrassed about?

"We"? No...

2) Are you really trying to claim that we don't have a really, really bad record of treating minorities? Slavery, Jim Crow, the Genocide of Native Americans, the internment of Japanese Americans in WWII, the list can go on and on.

"We"? No...

So let me get this straight. All Muslims are responsible for ISIS, but Americans are blameless for all the things Americans did in the past.

Got it.
???Is THAT the new lie that liberals are going to be parroting???
After God, Family, pets, possessions, America is on my list of loves somewhere. Good enough. This "love America" stuff is so overdone.
You can NOT hide an anti-American. They simply will not allow it.

This from a guy who puts an imagined God ahead of his real country.
THIS from a guy that puts his socialistic/communistic belief ahead of his real country.
................. Or is YOUR REAL COUNTRY North Korea????
I think Giuliani's Spot On. Gotta give him much props for having the guts to say it. I wish more Republicans would step up too.
Speaking the truth could get you killed. Obamabots are unhinged and turning to violence. Gee go figure, right? Stay safe Giuliani. God Bless.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said his office has received death threats since his controversial comments accusing President Barack Obama of not loving America.

"My secretary has received some death threats," Giuliani said in a brief interview by phone. But the former mayor emphasized the majority of the voice mails left at his office were supportive of his remarks. Giuliani did not say whether he alerted police to the threatening calls. CNN cannot confirm whether the threats were made.

As for his initial remarks that ignited the firestorm, spoken at a private dinner for Wisconsin's Republican Gov. Scott Walker, a potential 2016 presidential contender, Giuliani offered no apologies.

"I don't regret making the statement. I believe it," Giuliani said. "I don't know if he loves America," he added...

Giuliani stands by Obama comments -
I think Giuliani's Spot On. Gotta give him much props for having the guts to say it. I wish more Republicans would step up too.
By all means, attack the patriotism of the President while we are at war. I'm sure Americans will respond, just not in the way that you believe.

He hates America. Always has. And he really hates those White Christians.

'GOD DAMN AMERICA!!!' To hell with him and his asshole buddy Wright.
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Guiliani is echoing what many other Americans are saying. But what say you? Agree or Disagree?

i agree

back when

two things that stick out


the prezbo saying over and over about fundamentally transforming America

anyone who wants to FUNDAMENTALLY transform the country

does not love it the way it is/was


the first lady saying shit about

for the first time in her life

she was proud of America

to me both have the ring of not loving the country
I think Giuliani's Spot On. Gotta give him much props for having the guts to say it. I wish more Republicans would step up too.
By all means, attack the patriotism of the President while we are at war. I'm sure Americans will respond, just not in the way that you believe.

He hates America. Always has. And he really hates those White Christians.

'GOD DAMN AMERICA!!! To hell with him and his asshole buddy Wright.
Shout it from the rooftops, I have no issues when you do. It works for my side just fine.
seems to me that obama never has anything good to say about America.
LIKE how we saved the world, THREE TIMES (WWI, WWII and the cold war).

we really didn't save the world in WWI. We made the world a worse place. We paved the way for Communism and Fascism to take root. I'm not sure we "saved" the world in the Cold War, either for that matter. So the only one you can say something nice is WWII. The war where other people did most of the fighting and dying.

How many people have America taken from ruthless dictators and freed them.

And how many ruthless dictators did we put into power? The Shah, Marcos, Somoza, Pinochet, Batista...

America has taken care of so many in the world, but you NEVER hear from obama or other liberals how the USA feeds the world or how much money America/Americans have just given to countries, some of those countries hate or guts, but we give them money anyways.

Actually, America gives out less in humanitarian aid than most other industrialized countries...

America suffered around 1 million American casualities freeing the slaves in America.

Well, no. We suffered 600,000 casualties because a few rich white people wanted to keep owning slaves, and were willing to break up the country to do it.

Liberals have good things to say aboyut terrists though ........."They are terroists because they can't find jobs", "we need to listen to the terrorists grievences", "One man's terrorists is another man's freedon fighter".

Well, you know, you might have a point on that last one. Ronnie Reagan said that Osama bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter' when he was killing Russians before those dirty commie bastards taught girls how to read.

Of course, maybe someone should ask the question, why do we keep letting the Zionists and Oil Companies drag us into wars in that part of the world.
seems to me that obama never has anything good to say about America.
LIKE how we saved the world, THREE TIMES (WWI, WWII and the cold war).

we really didn't save the world in WWI. We made the world a worse place. We paved the way for Communism and Fascism to take root. I'm not sure we "saved" the world in the Cold War, either for that matter. So the only one you can say something nice is WWII. The war where other people did most of the fighting and dying.

How many people have America taken from ruthless dictators and freed them.

And how many ruthless dictators did we put into power? The Shah, Marcos, Somoza, Pinochet, Batista...

America has taken care of so many in the world, but you NEVER hear from obama or other liberals how the USA feeds the world or how much money America/Americans have just given to countries, some of those countries hate or guts, but we give them money anyways.

Actually, America gives out less in humanitarian aid than most other industrialized countries...

America suffered around 1 million American casualities freeing the slaves in America.

Well, no. We suffered 600,000 casualties because a few rich white people wanted to keep owning slaves, and were willing to break up the country to do it.

Liberals have good things to say aboyut terrists though ........."They are terroists because they can't find jobs", "we need to listen to the terrorists grievences", "One man's terrorists is another man's freedon fighter".

Well, you know, you might have a point on that last one. Ronnie Reagan said that Osama bin Laden was a "Freedom Fighter' when he was killing Russians before those dirty commie bastards taught girls how to read.

Of course, maybe someone should ask the question, why do we keep letting the Zionists and Oil Companies drag us into wars in that part of the world.
WOW, you sound just like Joe Stalin with your revisionist history!!
I KNOW Joseph goebbels would be proud of you.
WOW, you sound just like Joe Stalin with your revisionist history!!
I KNOW Joseph goebbels would be proud of you.

Guy, I have a degree in history.

You probably watched "Patton" once and thought that was accurate.
YOU got a degree in "HOW TO HATE AMERICA".
How many good things has America done, that you can list,
You know, things that make you say "first time in my adult lifetime, I am proud of my country"???
"He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up"

^Roofy Doofy still pissed about blackness
Rudy's father spent time in prison, yet he emphasizes that Obama wasn't brought up "like we were brought up". Rudy is a sociopath.

Only an unscrupulous Leftist would hold against a person the fact their parent was in jail. There is no low that you creeps won't sink to.

LOW??? Rudy is the one who wants to talk about upbringing. FACTS suck, don't they...

Rudy can say about the President of the United States of America: "He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up, through love of this country.”


Even children of prisoners can be brought up to love America. You fail on every level.
Obama sees America throught the eyes of an outsider and as one of the oppressed minority.

All he is concentrating on is his own wrong personal perception of an American history of aggression, imperialism, mistreatment of other nations, marginalizing of blacks and Muslims etc..etc...the list could go on forever.

He obviously sees very little positive in the American history or culture and all his negativity about America is dragging the country down.

Rudy is absolutely correct, Obama doesn not love America!

Probably deep down in his soul he even hates the country.

Okay, a couple of points.

1) Are you seriously trying to claim that we haven't done a lot of really bad shit in our history that we ought to be a little embarrassed about?

2) Are you really trying to claim that we don't have a really, really bad record of treating minorities? Slavery, Jim Crow, the Genocide of Native Americans, the internment of Japanese Americans in WWII, the list can go on and on.

It seems what upsets you and Rudy is that Obama lays a guilt trip on you. Yeah, that's upsetting, I guess. No one likes a guilt trip laid on them. Rudy must hate Thanksgiving when his whole family gives him the Stink-eye for abandoning them.

I suppose you prefer presidents who just make us feel better about ourselves without addressing the problems. yOu know, like Ronnie Reagan.

Regarding your points 1 and 2.... of course not, but these are the grounds for Obama's constant stupid irrelevant moral equivalence theories which are his dangerous excuses for forgiving the enemy, taking wrong actions and making the US the weak laughing stock of the world.

Guliani has correctly sensed his seeming unfriendly bias and prejudices against the US!

It's about time more people wake up to the dangers that Obama poses .....but it's already probably too late.
YOU got a degree in "HOW TO HATE AMERICA".
How many good things has America done, that you can list,
You know, things that make you say "first time in my adult lifetime, I am proud of my country"???

Well, unlike you, I served in the Armed forces.

I just don't take the view of our history that we were always the good guys. Sometimes we did the right thing, sometimes we even did it for the right reasons. Sometimes we did the wrong thing for the right reasons.
Regarding your points 1 and 2.... of course not, but these are the grounds for Obama's constant stupid irrelevant moral equivalence theories which are his dangerous excuses for forgiving the enemy, taking wrong actions and making the US the weak laughing stock of the world.

Obama has killed more major terrorist leaders than Bush did, including bin Laden and Khadafy. But maybe he realizes that a war against 1/6 of the world's population isn't going to work for us...

We win this by separating ordinary Muslims who want to live their lives from the extremists doing stupid shit.

Guliani has correctly sensed his seeming unfriendly bias and prejudices against the US!

It's about time more people wake up to the dangers that Obama poses .....but it's already probably too late.

Again, Obama hasn't fucked this country up as nearly as badly as Bush did. Not by a longshot.
Well, unlike you, I served in the Armed forces.

I just don't take the view of our history that we were always the good guys. Sometimes we did the right thing, sometimes we even did it for the right reasons. Sometimes we did the wrong thing for the right reasons.
I'm STILL waiting for your list of good things America has done.
You can make the list as long as you want to make it.
BTW, YOU have no idea where or what I served.
Too much "stolen valor" here, by liberals.
Regarding your points 1 and 2.... of course not, but these are the grounds for Obama's constant stupid irrelevant moral equivalence theories which are his dangerous excuses for forgiving the enemy, taking wrong actions and making the US the weak laughing stock of the world.

Obama has killed more major terrorist leaders than Bush did, including bin Laden and Khadafy. But maybe he realizes that a war against 1/6 of the world's population isn't going to work for us...

We win this by separating ordinary Muslims who want to live their lives from the extremists doing stupid shit.

Guliani has correctly sensed his seeming unfriendly bias and prejudices against the US!

It's about time more people wake up to the dangers that Obama poses .....but it's already probably too late.

Again, Obama hasn't fucked this country up as nearly as badly as Bush did. Not by a longshot.

If we get another Bush as president, it will be all your fault. It will be liberals who vote Jeb into office.

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