Rudy Giuliani: President Obama Doesn’t Love America

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Leftists always feel the need to insist they're patriotic to, as if they know their patriotism is in question. On the other hand nobody ever questions the patriotism of conservatives. It's not very hard to tell who hates America and who loves it.

Nobody ever questions the patriotism of conservatives? You sure about that, champ?

Thats because the liberal left is all about appeasement
Leftists always feel the need to insist they're patriotic to, as if they know their patriotism is in question. On the other hand nobody ever questions the patriotism of conservatives. It's not very hard to tell who hates America and who loves it.

You're another guy who puts God before country, which is not patriotism.

No, we apply them equally... Which indeed is called patriotism

'One nation, under God'


Conservatives put 'under God' in the pledge because they wanted their country to be SUBORDINATE to an imagined supernatural being.

No, not at all. Just because you call it imaginary, does not make is so.

Hezbollah is the party of God...they must be on the side of God ....The God of Dogma is non existent....but OSOTU [operating system of the Universe] rules
Hey Rudy now you know how the Dixie Chicks felt you bum you...adulterer , drag Queen ...go Fk yourself Rudy

Butthurt much ?

Rudy is a crying whinny titty baby and you are too...

Not me, in fact I don't see what the big deal is here. Rudy doesn't think Obama loves America, big whoop. I don't think he loves America either.

I do not think you love America you are a wing nut and a conservative which means basically you are shit
Your "huge" list of what is right and good about America is duly noted.
The anti-American liberals have a hard time finding ANYTHING good about America.
Of course, what else can be expected from the "hate America crowd".
You forgot "WAR IS HELL", but unfortunatly, sometimes necessary.
Liberals think appeasement is the only way to go. Trouble is, evil people will negotiate forever while they are gaining strength, waiting until they think they can conquer you. nazi, communists, socialist, liberals, and islamic terrorists immediately come to mind.
THAT has happened since man stood up and walked on two legs ................... something you might learn to do in a few more thousand years.
Considering that you have a "degree in history"(SIC), you should know that.
Then again, liberals will lie about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
YOUR agenda is more important than telling-the-truth and more important to you than the well-being ANY COUNTRY, including America.
STILL waiting for the list of what America has done that is good.
Come on, even someone as anti-American as YOU can come up with at least 3 things for your list.
NOT individual people, but America as a whole.
Your "huge" list of what is right and good about America is duly noted.
The anti-American liberals have a hard time finding ANYTHING good about America.
Of course, what else can be expected from the "hate America crowd".
You forgot "WAR IS HELL", but unfortunatly, sometimes necessary.
Liberals think appeasement is the only way to go. Trouble is, evil people will negotiate forever while they are gaining strength, waiting until they think they can conquer you. nazi, communists, socialist, liberals, and islamic terrorists immediately come to mind.
THAT has happened since man stood up and walked on two legs ................... something you might learn to do in a few more thousand years.
Considering that you have a "degree in history"(SIC), you should know that.
Then again, liberals will lie about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
YOUR agenda is more important than telling-the-truth and more important to you than the well-being ANY COUNTRY, including America.
STILL waiting for the list of what America has done that is good.
Come on, even someone as anti-American as YOU can come up with at least 3 things for your list.
NOT individual people, but America as a whole.
You forgot "WAR IS HELL", but unfortunatly, sometimes necessary.
Liberals think appeasement is the only way to go. Trouble is, evil people will negotiate forever while they are gaining strength, waiting until they think they can conquer you. nazi, communists, socialist, liberals, and islamic terrorists immediately come to mind.
THAT has happened since man stood up and walked on two legs ................... something you might learn to do in a few more thousand years.
Considering that you have a "degree in history"(SIC), you should know that.
Then again, liberals will lie about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
YOUR agenda is more important than telling-the-truth and more important to you than the well-being ANY COUNTRY, including America.
STILL waiting for the list of what America has done that is good.
Come on, even someone as anti-American as YOU can come up with at least 3 things for your list.
NOT individual people, but America as a whole.

Last edited:
Your "huge" list of what is right and good about America is duly noted.
The anti-American liberals have a hard time finding ANYTHING good about America.
Of course, what else can be expected from the "hate America crowd".
You forgot "WAR IS HELL", but unfortunatly, sometimes necessary.
Liberals think appeasement is the only way to go. Trouble is, evil people will negotiate forever while they are gaining strength, waiting until they think they can conquer you. nazi, communists, socialist, liberals, and islamic terrorists immediately come to mind.
THAT has happened since man stood up and walked on two legs ................... something you might learn to do in a few more thousand years.
Considering that you have a "degree in history"(SIC), you should know that.
Then again, liberals will lie about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
YOUR agenda is more important than telling-the-truth and more important to you than the well-being ANY COUNTRY, including America.
STILL waiting for the list of what America has done that is good.
Come on, even someone as anti-American as YOU can come up with at least 3 things for your list.
NOT individual people, but America as a whole.
You forgot "WAR IS HELL", but unfortunatly, sometimes necessary.
Liberals think appeasement is the only way to go. Trouble is, evil people will negotiate forever while they are gaining strength, waiting until they think they can conquer you. nazi, communists, socialist, liberals, and islamic terrorists immediately come to mind.
THAT has happened since man stood up and walked on two legs ................... something you might learn to do in a few more thousand years.
Considering that you have a "degree in history"(SIC), you should know that.
Then again, liberals will lie about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
YOUR agenda is more important than telling-the-truth and more important to you than the well-being ANY COUNTRY, including America.
STILL waiting for the list of what America has done that is good.
Come on, even someone as anti-American as YOU can come up with at least 3 things for your list.
NOT individual people, but America as a whole.

you are not going to get that answer from a leftist

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