Rudy Giuliani: President Obama Doesn’t Love America

Do You Agree or Disagree With Giuliani

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This is how I was raised


This is how Republican children are raised


Republicans are not raised like you or I.....They do not love you and do not love me
Why the racist picture? Do you have a problem with a black president? I thought we were over this kind of thing. You are truly a disappointment.

I know

It is sad isn't it?

That Republican children are raised not to love America but to hate Obama. Comes from watching Foxnews
How can I be raised to hate Obama? I never knew the fucker before 2008. And we were raised to love America. That's what this thread is about.

How can you love America and be Republican?

Stop trying to bullshit us
You're back on ignore. I can't dumb myself down enough to talk to you.
It seems that Rudy Giuliani is using a tactic used by the GOP in the 2020 and 2004 elections, when Democrat's patriotism was questioned during the political election process. They did it to even vets who had sacrificed while serving their country such as Max Cleland..
This all reminds me of a particular country's approach to those who disagreed with the country's direction and environment.
"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on
a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of
it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people
don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in
Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the
country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to
drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked,
and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the
country to danger. It works the same in any country
." -Hermann Goering
How many times do we hear or see the far right stating the Obama/Clinton or any other predominant democrats is destroying/weakening the country.
And to be fair, the Democrats and particularly Obama have employed the same thing.
In 2008, Obama called President Bush “unpatriotic” for adding trillions to the national debt. (Oh, the irony).
This crap is not needed. It's a fact that the US is so divided right now and polarization is at a all-time high. , This angry division doesn't help the country, it severely hurts the country. Most of this division has been driven by hyper-partisan talking heads, you know the ones who many members of USMB love to quote. If anyone should have their patriotism questioned, it's these people who are pocketing millions of dollars, while doing those who would love to see the US destroyed, a huge favor.

WRONG. many of the people he Represents is asking this very question because he sure as hell put us down constantly. who does he think he telling us to get off our high horse? he constantly defends Islam then comes out and slams Christians. Maybe now some of you will see why many people wonders if he even LIKES us and our country

Stephanie, I think it's pretty safe to say that partisans may feel the way you feel but not the general public.
Hey, I'm seriously disappointed with Obama. I was seriously disappointed with Bush and Clinton. I don't hate any of these men. If I hated everyone I disagreed with, I'd be one sorry soul every minute of my life and also a failure as a Christian, as the Bible tells us that hating someone is equivalent to murder.
Partisanship in America today is driven by hate. People are making money my driving the hate. That's a really a sad state of affairs if you ask me.
It seems that Rudy Giuliani is using a tactic used by the GOP in the 2020 and 2004 elections, when Democrat's patriotism was questioned during the political election process. They did it to even vets who had sacrificed while serving their country such as Max Cleland..
This all reminds me of a particular country's approach to those who disagreed with the country's direction and environment.
"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on
a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of
it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people
don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in
Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the
country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to
drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked,
and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the
country to danger. It works the same in any country
." -Hermann Goering
How many times do we hear or see the far right stating the Obama/Clinton or any other predominant democrats is destroying/weakening the country.
And to be fair, the Democrats and particularly Obama have employed the same thing.
In 2008, Obama called President Bush “unpatriotic” for adding trillions to the national debt. (Oh, the irony).
This crap is not needed. It's a fact that the US is so divided right now and polarization is at a all-time high. , This angry division doesn't help the country, it severely hurts the country. Most of this division has been driven by hyper-partisan talking heads, you know the ones who many members of USMB love to quote. If anyone should have their patriotism questioned, it's these people who are pocketing millions of dollars, while doing those who would love to see the US destroyed, a huge favor.

WRONG. many of the people he Represents is asking this very question because he sure as hell put us down constantly. who does he think he telling us to get off our high horse? he constantly defends Islam then comes out and slams Christians. Maybe now some of you will see why many people wonders if he even LIKES us and our country

Stephanie, I think it's pretty safe to say that partisans may feel the way you feel but not the general public.
Hey, I'm seriously disappointed with Obama. I was seriously disappointed with Bush and Clinton. I don't hate any of these men. If I hated everyone I disagreed with, I'd be one sorry soul every minute of my life and also a failure as a Christian, as the Bible tells us that hating someone is equivalent to murder.
Partisanship in America today is driven by hate. People are making money my driving the hate. That's a really a sad state of affairs if you ask me.
The Bible says a lot of things. It says that the heavens suffer violence and the violent take it by force. We are in a brutal struggle in which we are called to contend mightily for righteousness. Let's face it, people are calling everything hate these days, but it isn't necessarily so. My passion is driven by love, love of God, love of righteousness, and love of America. don't be so quick to judge those who are passionate in their fight to preserve this country. We're all on the same side here.
It seems that Rudy Giuliani is using a tactic used by the GOP in the 2020 and 2004 elections, when Democrat's patriotism was questioned during the political election process. They did it to even vets who had sacrificed while serving their country such as Max Cleland..
This all reminds me of a particular country's approach to those who disagreed with the country's direction and environment.
"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on
a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of
it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people
don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in
Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the
country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to
drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked,
and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the
country to danger. It works the same in any country
." -Hermann Goering
How many times do we hear or see the far right stating the Obama/Clinton or any other predominant democrats is destroying/weakening the country.
And to be fair, the Democrats and particularly Obama have employed the same thing.
In 2008, Obama called President Bush “unpatriotic” for adding trillions to the national debt. (Oh, the irony).
This crap is not needed. It's a fact that the US is so divided right now and polarization is at a all-time high. , This angry division doesn't help the country, it severely hurts the country. Most of this division has been driven by hyper-partisan talking heads, you know the ones who many members of USMB love to quote. If anyone should have their patriotism questioned, it's these people who are pocketing millions of dollars, while doing those who would love to see the US destroyed, a huge favor.

WRONG. many of the people he Represents is asking this very question because he sure as hell put us down constantly. who does he think he telling us to get off our high horse? he constantly defends Islam then comes out and slams Christians. Maybe now some of you will see why many people wonders if he even LIKES us and our country

Stephanie, I think it's pretty safe to say that partisans may feel the way you feel but not the general public.
Hey, I'm seriously disappointed with Obama. I was seriously disappointed with Bush and Clinton. I don't hate any of these men. If I hated everyone I disagreed with, I'd be one sorry soul every minute of my life and also a failure as a Christian, as the Bible tells us that hating someone is equivalent to murder.
Partisanship in America today is driven by hate. People are making money my driving the hate. That's a really a sad state of affairs if you ask me.

You can call me whatever you want. But first and foremost, I am a citizen and that is how I feel with him. I find him to be cold, unfeeling, he's like an automated machine that reads from a teleprompter. why would a person who supposedly loves their country want to transform it? . And from people I've been around many people feels the same way... and as proof they kicked the Democrats from control of the house and then the Senate while HE was the leader of them. so you can think whatever you want.
Conservatives have no character
Conservatives hate the American people and are known Koch suckers
I go by conservative's behavior not their bull shit
Conservative are trash cheap trash
Maybe some day you will be able to think for yourself, I'm not holding my breath waiting though!
Conservatives have no character
Conservatives hate the American people and are known Koch suckers
I go by conservative's behavior not their bull shit
Conservative are trash cheap trash
Maybe some day you will be able to think for yourself, I'm not holding my breath waiting though!

Everyone should be that idiot on ignore. nothing but trash talking from them. TROLL
Conservatives have no character
Conservatives hate the American people and are known Koch suckers
I go by conservative's behavior not their bull shit
Conservative are trash cheap trash
Maybe some day you will be able to think for yourself, I'm not holding my breath waiting though!
You think you are a role model ? what kind of arrogant entitled white male douche are you ? your snark sucks your political thinking sucks and you are an ***hole
It seems that Rudy Giuliani is using a tactic used by the GOP in the 2020 and 2004 elections, when Democrat's patriotism was questioned during the political election process. They did it to even vets who had sacrificed while serving their country such as Max Cleland..
This all reminds me of a particular country's approach to those who disagreed with the country's direction and environment.
"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on
a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of
it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people
don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in
Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the
country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to
drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked,
and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the
country to danger. It works the same in any country
." -Hermann Goering
How many times do we hear or see the far right stating the Obama/Clinton or any other predominant democrats is destroying/weakening the country.
And to be fair, the Democrats and particularly Obama have employed the same thing.
In 2008, Obama called President Bush “unpatriotic” for adding trillions to the national debt. (Oh, the irony).
This crap is not needed. It's a fact that the US is so divided right now and polarization is at a all-time high. , This angry division doesn't help the country, it severely hurts the country. Most of this division has been driven by hyper-partisan talking heads, you know the ones who many members of USMB love to quote. If anyone should have their patriotism questioned, it's these people who are pocketing millions of dollars, while doing those who would love to see the US destroyed, a huge favor.

WRONG. many of the people he Represents is asking this very question because he sure as hell put us down constantly. who does he think he telling us to get off our high horse? he constantly defends Islam then comes out and slams Christians. Maybe now some of you will see why many people wonders if he even LIKES us and our country

Stephanie, I think it's pretty safe to say that partisans may feel the way you feel but not the general public.
Hey, I'm seriously disappointed with Obama. I was seriously disappointed with Bush and Clinton. I don't hate any of these men. If I hated everyone I disagreed with, I'd be one sorry soul every minute of my life and also a failure as a Christian, as the Bible tells us that hating someone is equivalent to murder.
Partisanship in America today is driven by hate. People are making money my driving the hate. That's a really a sad state of affairs if you ask me.

You can call me whatever you want. But first and foremost, I am a citizen and that is how I feel with him. I find him to be cold, unfeeling, he's like an automated machine that reads from a teleprompter. why would a person who supposedly loves their country want to transform it? . And from people I've been around many people feels the same way... and as proof they kicked the Democrats from control of the house and then the Senate while HE was the leader of them. so you can think whatever you want.

Feelings....nothing more than...Feeeeeelings
Giuliani is a hero. He just said what many many Americans have thought since day one. If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck...
here you go. you can call him a partisan hack too. you freaks act like us citizens don't have feelings.... because to you every damn THING is about politics. you eat, sleep and breath it. that's why you are such hateful people

VIDEO at the site I couldn't bring over for some reason.

12 Year Old Young Man Defends Giuliani, “President Obama, You Don’t Love America”
Completely love this young man. He has more intelligence and heart at 12 than Obama will ever have. He has started his own organization, Young Georgians In Government, check out his Facebook,and you’ll be encouraged for the future of America.

Via The Blaze:

As debate continues over former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani’s claim that he doesn’t believe President Barack Obama loves America, a 12-year-old kid from Georgia has released a now-viral video passionately defending Giuliani — and outlining the reasons that he believes the president has “downright hatred” for the United States.

C.J. Pearson opened his three minute video with praise for Giuliani before launching into the reasons that he agrees with the ex-mayor’s assessment of Obama’s patriotism, addressing the president directly in his remarks.

“I don’t want to be politically correct. I don’t care about being politically correct at this point,” Pearson proclaims in the clip. “President Obama, you don’t love America.”

He continued, “If you really did love America, you would call ISIS what it really is — an assault on Christianity, an assault on America, and a down-right hate for the American values our country holds — freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and every single thing out country stands for.”

all of it and video Here:
12 Year Old Young Man Defends Giuliani President Obama You Don t Love America Weasel Zippers
Giuliani is a hero. He just said what many many Americans have thought since day one. If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck...
Julie Annie is an adulterer and a drag queen...some effing hero

I'll take him over the Foreign Anti-American Communist wanker in there now.

I'll still take him over the Communist in Chief anyday. I don't believe he hates America and White Christians like the current asshole in the White House does.
It seems that Rudy Giuliani is using a tactic used by the GOP in the 2020 and 2004 elections, when Democrat's patriotism was questioned during the political election process. They did it to even vets who had sacrificed while serving their country such as Max Cleland..
This all reminds me of a particular country's approach to those who disagreed with the country's direction and environment.
"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on
a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of
it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people
don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in
Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the
country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to
drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked,
and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the
country to danger. It works the same in any country
." -Hermann Goering
How many times do we hear or see the far right stating the Obama/Clinton or any other predominant democrats is destroying/weakening the country.
And to be fair, the Democrats and particularly Obama have employed the same thing.
In 2008, Obama called President Bush “unpatriotic” for adding trillions to the national debt. (Oh, the irony).
This crap is not needed. It's a fact that the US is so divided right now and polarization is at a all-time high. , This angry division doesn't help the country, it severely hurts the country. Most of this division has been driven by hyper-partisan talking heads, you know the ones who many members of USMB love to quote. If anyone should have their patriotism questioned, it's these people who are pocketing millions of dollars, while doing those who would love to see the US destroyed, a huge favor.

WRONG. many of the people he Represents is asking this very question because he sure as hell put us down constantly. who does he think he telling us to get off our high horse? he constantly defends Islam then comes out and slams Christians. Maybe now some of you will see why many people wonders if he even LIKES us and our country

Stephanie, I think it's pretty safe to say that partisans may feel the way you feel but not the general public.
Hey, I'm seriously disappointed with Obama. I was seriously disappointed with Bush and Clinton. I don't hate any of these men. If I hated everyone I disagreed with, I'd be one sorry soul every minute of my life and also a failure as a Christian, as the Bible tells us that hating someone is equivalent to murder.
Partisanship in America today is driven by hate. People are making money my driving the hate. That's a really a sad state of affairs if you ask me.

You can call me whatever you want. But first and foremost, I am a citizen and that is how I feel with him. I find him to be cold, unfeeling, he's like an automated machine that reads from a teleprompter. why would a person who supposedly loves their country want to transform it? . And from people I've been around many people feels the same way... and as proof they kicked the Democrats from control of the house and then the Senate while HE was the leader of them. so you can think whatever you want.

Why would someone who says they love this country not want to make it better?
The Anti-American Communist Organizer sure did 'Transform' America. He moved it closer to Third World Misery than any other President in history. So the programmed Obamabots can celebrate if they want, but the rest of us will obviously pass. It's time to 'Transform' it back.

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