Rudy Giuliani Says Black Parents Need To Teach Their Children To Respect Police Victim-blaming at it

Segregated police unions?

Sounds like a load.

You sound like a load yourself. A load of stupidity.

Welcome to the National Black Police Association

I doubt that's any cop's primary union, the one that's actually going to defend them when faced with adverse administrative action. Police unions are color blind, the real ones anyway.
Who said anything about a union except you dummy? A union is not the only type of organization.
So then all cops join the same union regardless of skin color. Apparently they aren't racist like you.
Thats typically how unions work. Everyone has to join it. However, to get resources and talk about racial problems they form racially separate groups since whites are so racist just like I just educated you about. Exactly how stupid are you?

National Native American Law Enforcement Association |
Luckily I never had to deal with that in my short tenure as a res cop. We were all NA and everyone we dealt with was NA....except the tourists. And unions were a quirky white cop thing. I'm sure that's changed by now.
Before Giuliani was mayor, downtown NYC had become a huge blight, and frankly was unsafe for families.
After several years, Giuliani cleaned the place up, and made it a place worth going to again.
If every large city had a mayor like Giuliani, imagine how much cleaner and safer they would all be.

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