...Rudy the TailTucker, made an oopsie....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
Reported this afternoon in Politico about Don Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani:

"The three-member disciplinary committee agreed that Giuliani’s handling of litigation in Pennsylvania crossed ethical lines.
“Mr. Giuliani has testified on several occasions that he believes there was a conspiracy,” said D.C. Bar counsel Phil Fox, who investigated and argued the case for Giuliani’s punishment. “There was a conspiracy, and he was the head of it.”

Fox’s case relied on Giuliani’s rushed effort to file lawsuits to throw out hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvania votes without any direct evidence of election fraud. Giuliani testified about his hurried drive to Pennsylvania on Nov. 4 in a car with former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi to challenge the Pennsylvania election results and to begin spreading discredited claims that the election had been stolen.
Fox said the panel should disbar Giuliani for his conduct.
“I think the harm that was done is unprecedented,” Fox said. “The only sanction that’s appropriate for this kind of misconduct is disbarment.”

Personally, I think this decision by the panel is illustrative of the poor judgment and subsequent pain......so many of the enablers around the Trump candidacy and administration inflicted upon themselves. It is fairly easy to compile a list of men and women whose careers and reputations have been besmirched by their efforts to enable Trump.

Giuiliani is reaping what he has sown.
Sad to see what has happened to Giulianis legacy

He did it to himself

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