Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

because there is evidence of wrong doing by his father the vice president through him,,,

There isn’t. Which is why corrupt politicians are doing it and now legitimate law enforcement agencies. It’s against DoJ rules to go on political witch hunts.

yes there is,,,you should broaden your news sources,,,

No there’s not. I don’t broaden my news sources to the fake news variety.

Corrupt politicians are using the government against private citizens. Any honest American would be appalled by this.
yes there is,,,and your opinion doesnt make you right but it does make you ignorant,,,

oh and joe biden is not a private citizen and when he used his son for personal gain he brought him into it,,,
No, there’s not. Which is why the DoJ isn’t investigating it. It would be against their rules to engage in a baseless investigation. Congress isn’t bound by any ethics or rules. They are free to go on political witch hunts as long as it’s for Democrats.

We are talking about Hunter Biden, not Joe. Don’t get confused.

we are talking about both of them,,,its you that wants to ignore joe to meet your narrative,,,sorry not gonna work on me,,,,
There isn’t. Which is why corrupt politicians are doing it and now legitimate law enforcement agencies. It’s against DoJ rules to go on political witch hunts.

yes there is,,,you should broaden your news sources,,,

No there’s not. I don’t broaden my news sources to the fake news variety.

Corrupt politicians are using the government against private citizens. Any honest American would be appalled by this.
yes there is,,,and your opinion doesnt make you right but it does make you ignorant,,,

oh and joe biden is not a private citizen and when he used his son for personal gain he brought him into it,,,
No, there’s not. Which is why the DoJ isn’t investigating it. It would be against their rules to engage in a baseless investigation. Congress isn’t bound by any ethics or rules. They are free to go on political witch hunts as long as it’s for Democrats.

We are talking about Hunter Biden, not Joe. Don’t get confused.

we are talking about both of them,,,its you that wants to ignore joe to meet your narrative,,,sorry not gonna work on me,,,,
Your link only said Hunter. Did you read it?

Either way, you’re celebrating a politically motivated investigation into a private citizen (Hunter). This is Soviet Era corruption.
yes there is,,,you should broaden your news sources,,,

No there’s not. I don’t broaden my news sources to the fake news variety.

Corrupt politicians are using the government against private citizens. Any honest American would be appalled by this.
yes there is,,,and your opinion doesnt make you right but it does make you ignorant,,,

oh and joe biden is not a private citizen and when he used his son for personal gain he brought him into it,,,
No, there’s not. Which is why the DoJ isn’t investigating it. It would be against their rules to engage in a baseless investigation. Congress isn’t bound by any ethics or rules. They are free to go on political witch hunts as long as it’s for Democrats.

We are talking about Hunter Biden, not Joe. Don’t get confused.

we are talking about both of them,,,its you that wants to ignore joe to meet your narrative,,,sorry not gonna work on me,,,,
Your link only said Hunter. Did you read it?

Either way, you’re celebrating a politically motivated investigation into a private citizen (Hunter). This is Soviet Era corruption.
that was just a link to current state of things,,,the world is bigger than that,,,

how is it political if its just about a private citizen??? your own words prove you wrong on the context of the big picture,,that or youre lying,,,
No there’s not. I don’t broaden my news sources to the fake news variety.

Corrupt politicians are using the government against private citizens. Any honest American would be appalled by this.
yes there is,,,and your opinion doesnt make you right but it does make you ignorant,,,

oh and joe biden is not a private citizen and when he used his son for personal gain he brought him into it,,,
No, there’s not. Which is why the DoJ isn’t investigating it. It would be against their rules to engage in a baseless investigation. Congress isn’t bound by any ethics or rules. They are free to go on political witch hunts as long as it’s for Democrats.

We are talking about Hunter Biden, not Joe. Don’t get confused.

we are talking about both of them,,,its you that wants to ignore joe to meet your narrative,,,sorry not gonna work on me,,,,
Your link only said Hunter. Did you read it?

Either way, you’re celebrating a politically motivated investigation into a private citizen (Hunter). This is Soviet Era corruption.
that was just a link to current state of things,,,the world is bigger than that,,,

how is it political if its just about a private citizen??? your own words prove you wrong on the context of the big picture,,that or youre lying,,,

This is congressional harassment.
yes there is,,,and your opinion doesnt make you right but it does make you ignorant,,,

oh and joe biden is not a private citizen and when he used his son for personal gain he brought him into it,,,
No, there’s not. Which is why the DoJ isn’t investigating it. It would be against their rules to engage in a baseless investigation. Congress isn’t bound by any ethics or rules. They are free to go on political witch hunts as long as it’s for Democrats.

We are talking about Hunter Biden, not Joe. Don’t get confused.

we are talking about both of them,,,its you that wants to ignore joe to meet your narrative,,,sorry not gonna work on me,,,,
Your link only said Hunter. Did you read it?

Either way, you’re celebrating a politically motivated investigation into a private citizen (Hunter). This is Soviet Era corruption.
that was just a link to current state of things,,,the world is bigger than that,,,

how is it political if its just about a private citizen??? your own words prove you wrong on the context of the big picture,,that or youre lying,,,

This is congressional harassment.

unless its true,,,
Didn't need one. BIDEN is the Crook. Not our Just and Truthful President. Just remember this. In 2016 ,USA was on the verge of disaster. But God was watching. And Donald Trump was ordained to save the country from the Evil Gorgon Hitlery Clinton.

Impeached Trump's not a crook?? He paid millions to people he defrauded with Impeached Trump University. He had to pay fines for stealing from his own charities.
Our Great and Just President forgives you for this hubris. --Go Tell it on the mountain--Over the hills and far away---Go tell it on the Mountain ---That Donald Trump has WON!

That's not going to put the $25 million Impeached Trump had to pay out to those he defrauded with Impeached Trump University. Nor is it going to return the $2 million he was fined for stealing from his own charities.

Fined by Eric Schneidermann. You know, the DEM then-AG of Nazi York who then got nailed for being involved in a sex slave ring, which likely involved underage girls. Funny how that same pervert outright REFUSED to even look at the Clintons. Now this little yellow coward likes to throw the words impeached around. Try EXONERATED Trump loser.
So Impeached Trump appealed it on those grounds then, right, Twinky?

Wrong again asshole. Now projecting your gay fantasies you stupid eunuch. Try EXONERATED Trump you lifelong failure. Now explain why the Clinton Slush Fund “donations” dried up after the hag lost. These lie should be good. Then ask the people of Haiti about that bogus foundation. Checkmate. You lose again. Bitch slapping you is so easy.
Hillary got rich by Grafting foreign countries and money laundering through her fake charity. Mad Maxine got rich stealing Gov't funds.
I thought she got rich because Putin gave her $145 million?

The Clintons are worth about $5 million, which they earned with their book deals. The speaking fees and a large chunk of their income, is donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons aren't "laundering" money through their Foundation, they're giving a large percentage of their income to the Foundation. This contrasts to Trump who hasn't donated ANY money to his Family Foundation since 2008, and has been forced to repay some $2 million that he raised illegally, and then failed to pass through to the veterans charities it was intended for.

The Charity is recognized worldwide as providing AIDS drugs to treat children and adults in Thirds World Countries. Unlike most family foundations, which act as pass throughs - raising funds and distributing them to the charities in need, the Clinton Foundations runs its own programs, and enjoys a 5 star rating worldwide for its low administration and fundraising costs, meaning that more of its funds go to the people it was given to help.

Much of Third World medical supply donations end up on the black market and is stolen and sold by militias to fund military efforts, or ends up in the pockets for corrupt foreign leaders. By running their own programs, the Clinton Foundation ensure that the drugs they're buying end up helping AIDS suffering in Third World countries.

It drives Trumpists crazy that the Clintons continue to do good throughout the world, while Donald Trump continues to get caught pulling illegal bullshit and graft.

And still not a single charge for any of the so-called crimes committed by the Clintons, even though Trump has been trying to "lock her up" for three years.

Funny isn't it how the Trumpskies never want to talk about how Trump robbed his own charity for his own personal benefit?

I don't remember Hillary ever using the Clinton Foundation to buy a portrait of herself to hang in their own home.

Ask the people of Haiti about your beloved Clinton Slush Fund....errr Foundation..... Checkmate.

The Clintons Didn’t Screw Up Haiti Alone. You Helped.

Why don't you ask them?

The Clinton Foundation raised $30,000,000 for Haiti- and it may have been poorly spent- but that was $30,000,000 more than the Trump Foundation ever spent on Haiti.

The Trump Foundation was focusing on paying Trump's legal bills.

Pathetic deflection. Showing your utter stupidity yet again. One would think you would be embarrassed at your lack of understanding about anything. Try again. You’ve only failed on every post you’ve made here.
Shills. And Biden threatened to withhold a Billion.
Yes, Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars to get a corrupt prosecutor thrown out of office. Kudos to him. You've be celebrating Impeached Trump had he done that.
Let us see. Hmmmmm… Haven't been watching? This is EXACTELY what Trump was accused of.

Not quite.

Biden withheld money to get a corrupt prosecutor thrown out. That served the best interest of the U.S.

Impeached Trump did hold up money when asking a foreign leader to look into one of his political rivals (which is a crime).
No "Crime" was mentioned in the impeachment.
Not true. Obstruction of Congress is a crime.

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress

Hanahahahahan! Keep showing how utterly uneducated you are you ignorant eunuch. Trump took the LEGAL remedy of the courts to settle a dispute between the other two branches. You morons CHOSE not to take your legal option. That is not obstruction. The only people obstructing you retards were yourselves. :21::fu:
Yes, Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars to get a corrupt prosecutor thrown out of office. Kudos to him. You've be celebrating Impeached Trump had he done that.
Let us see. Hmmmmm… Haven't been watching? This is EXACTELY what Trump was accused of.

Not quite.

Biden withheld money to get a corrupt prosecutor thrown out. That served the best interest of the U.S.

Impeached Trump did hold up money when asking a foreign leader to look into one of his political rivals (which is a crime).
No "Crime" was mentioned in the impeachment.
Not true. Obstruction of Congress is a crime.

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress

Hanahahahahan! Keep showing how utterly uneducated you are you ignorant eunuch. Trump took the LEGAL remedy of the courts to settle a dispute between the other two branches. You morons CHOSE not to take your legal option. That is not obstruction. The only people obstructing you retards were yourselves. :21::fu:
Ever heard of "Obstruction of Congress? Uh ,like in Benghazi? (snicker). Dems can sure throw it. To bad they can't catch.
yes there is,,,you should broaden your news sources,,,

No there’s not. I don’t broaden my news sources to the fake news variety.

Corrupt politicians are using the government against private citizens. Any honest American would be appalled by this.
yes there is,,,and your opinion doesnt make you right but it does make you ignorant,,,

oh and joe biden is not a private citizen and when he used his son for personal gain he brought him into it,,,
No, there’s not. Which is why the DoJ isn’t investigating it. It would be against their rules to engage in a baseless investigation. Congress isn’t bound by any ethics or rules. They are free to go on political witch hunts as long as it’s for Democrats.

We are talking about Hunter Biden, not Joe. Don’t get confused.

we are talking about both of them,,,its you that wants to ignore joe to meet your narrative,,,sorry not gonna work on me,,,,
Your link only said Hunter. Did you read it?

Either way, you’re celebrating a politically motivated investigation into a private citizen (Hunter). This is Soviet Era corruption.

So who do you want investigating this? Our agencies are jammed with blue staters and none of them can be trusted.
No, there’s not. Which is why the DoJ isn’t investigating it. It would be against their rules to engage in a baseless investigation. Congress isn’t bound by any ethics or rules. They are free to go on political witch hunts as long as it’s for Democrats.

We are talking about Hunter Biden, not Joe. Don’t get confused.

we are talking about both of them,,,its you that wants to ignore joe to meet your narrative,,,sorry not gonna work on me,,,,
Your link only said Hunter. Did you read it?

Either way, you’re celebrating a politically motivated investigation into a private citizen (Hunter). This is Soviet Era corruption.
that was just a link to current state of things,,,the world is bigger than that,,,

how is it political if its just about a private citizen??? your own words prove you wrong on the context of the big picture,,that or youre lying,,,

This is congressional harassment.

unless its true,,,

Y’all have a bad track record at exposing corruption.
No there’s not. I don’t broaden my news sources to the fake news variety.

Corrupt politicians are using the government against private citizens. Any honest American would be appalled by this.
yes there is,,,and your opinion doesnt make you right but it does make you ignorant,,,

oh and joe biden is not a private citizen and when he used his son for personal gain he brought him into it,,,
No, there’s not. Which is why the DoJ isn’t investigating it. It would be against their rules to engage in a baseless investigation. Congress isn’t bound by any ethics or rules. They are free to go on political witch hunts as long as it’s for Democrats.

We are talking about Hunter Biden, not Joe. Don’t get confused.

we are talking about both of them,,,its you that wants to ignore joe to meet your narrative,,,sorry not gonna work on me,,,,
Your link only said Hunter. Did you read it?

Either way, you’re celebrating a politically motivated investigation into a private citizen (Hunter). This is Soviet Era corruption.

So who do you want investigating this? Our agencies are jammed with blue staters and none of them can be trusted.

The DoJ, as would be expected for any criminal investigation.
Not my fault you’re paranoid.
as we've seen there is clear evidence of wrong doing on hunter and joe that requires him/they be investigated,,,

Congress is law enforcement now?
who made that claim???

Why is Congress investigating Hunter Biden?

because there is evidence of wrong doing by his father the vice president through him,,,

Oh fantastic- can you provide that evidence to us?

Because we keep hearing that there is evidence- but no one seems to want to share it with the American people- so I am really happy you have that evidence and can provide it to us.

Share that evidence of 'wrong-doing' buy Joe Biden.

Thank you.

Viktor Shokin: Biden outraged we seized Burisma assets | One America News Network

Impeached Trump's not a crook?? He paid millions to people he defrauded with Impeached Trump University. He had to pay fines for stealing from his own charities.
Our Great and Just President forgives you for this hubris. --Go Tell it on the mountain--Over the hills and far away---Go tell it on the Mountain ---That Donald Trump has WON!

That's not going to put the $25 million Impeached Trump had to pay out to those he defrauded with Impeached Trump University. Nor is it going to return the $2 million he was fined for stealing from his own charities.

Fined by Eric Schneidermann. You know, the DEM then-AG of Nazi York who then got nailed for being involved in a sex slave ring, which likely involved underage girls. Funny how that same pervert outright REFUSED to even look at the Clintons. Now this little yellow coward likes to throw the words impeached around. Try EXONERATED Trump loser.
So Impeached Trump appealed it on those grounds then, right, Twinky?

Wrong again asshole. Now projecting your gay fantasies you stupid eunuch. Try EXONERATED Trump you lifelong failure. Now explain why the Clinton Slush Fund “donations” dried up after the hag lost. These lie should be good. Then ask the people of Haiti about that bogus foundation. Checkmate. You lose again. Bitch slapping you is so easy.

Poor little Trumpskyite.

The facts are really very straightforward- but then again you Trumpskyites deny facts and instead just parrot what your Dear Leader tells you.

The facts are that:
Trump used his family charity as his personal piggy bank to settle lawsuits against him and to purchase things for his own benefit- including a portrait of himself which he hung in his golf course. For this the State of New York shut down the charity and fined Trump $2,000,000. Which he paid. And admit his personal missuse of funds.

As part of a resolution of the lawsuit announced on November 7th, Trump was ordered to pay $2 million, or $250,000, a piece to eight different charities.

Additionally, as part of the settlement, Trump was required to agree to 19 admissions, acknowledging his personal misuse of funds at the Trump Foundation,

Compare this if you would like with the Clinton Foundation- which has not been used as a personal piggy bank to pay the Clinton's personal expenses, and that the Clinton's have not been forced to admit their personal misuse of funds.

And of course there was the $25,000,000 settlement that Trump paid out- for Trump University fraud.

Again- compare that to the Clintons.....nope no $25,000,000 settlement for fraud......
yes there is,,,and your opinion doesnt make you right but it does make you ignorant,,,

oh and joe biden is not a private citizen and when he used his son for personal gain he brought him into it,,,
No, there’s not. Which is why the DoJ isn’t investigating it. It would be against their rules to engage in a baseless investigation. Congress isn’t bound by any ethics or rules. They are free to go on political witch hunts as long as it’s for Democrats.

We are talking about Hunter Biden, not Joe. Don’t get confused.

we are talking about both of them,,,its you that wants to ignore joe to meet your narrative,,,sorry not gonna work on me,,,,
Your link only said Hunter. Did you read it?

Either way, you’re celebrating a politically motivated investigation into a private citizen (Hunter). This is Soviet Era corruption.

So who do you want investigating this? Our agencies are jammed with blue staters and none of them can be trusted.

The DoJ, as would be expected for any criminal investigation.
Not my fault you’re paranoid.

Yes, I am paranoid. When these agencies have demonstrated great political bias and ignoring real problems, you bet I'm paranoid. And what are you going to say if Congress does find true corruption?
No there’s not. I don’t broaden my news sources to the fake news variety.

Corrupt politicians are using the government against private citizens. Any honest American would be appalled by this.
yes there is,,,and your opinion doesnt make you right but it does make you ignorant,,,

oh and joe biden is not a private citizen and when he used his son for personal gain he brought him into it,,,
No, there’s not. Which is why the DoJ isn’t investigating it. It would be against their rules to engage in a baseless investigation. Congress isn’t bound by any ethics or rules. They are free to go on political witch hunts as long as it’s for Democrats.

We are talking about Hunter Biden, not Joe. Don’t get confused.

we are talking about both of them,,,its you that wants to ignore joe to meet your narrative,,,sorry not gonna work on me,,,,
Your link only said Hunter. Did you read it?

Either way, you’re celebrating a politically motivated investigation into a private citizen (Hunter). This is Soviet Era corruption.

So who do you want investigating this? Our agencies are jammed with blue staters and none of them can be trusted.

Well lets see- you don't think that any of our law enforcement agencies can be trusted to investigate an American citizen- but you think that the country that you called 'the most corrupt country in the world' can be trusted to investigate an American citizen.


You literally trust 'the most corrupt country' in the world more than the FBI. More than the Secret Service. More than the Attorney General's office.

And that is the sign of how cultish the Trump Party has become.
Congress is law enforcement now?
who made that claim???

Why is Congress investigating Hunter Biden?

because there is evidence of wrong doing by his father the vice president through him,,,

Oh fantastic- can you provide that evidence to us?

Because we keep hearing that there is evidence- but no one seems to want to share it with the American people- so I am really happy you have that evidence and can provide it to us.

Share that evidence of 'wrong-doing' buy Joe Biden.

Thank you.

Viktor Shokin: Biden outraged we seized Burisma assets | One America News Network

More of Shokin’s unsubstantiated hearsay.

a little background on the seizure:
No, there’s not. Which is why the DoJ isn’t investigating it. It would be against their rules to engage in a baseless investigation. Congress isn’t bound by any ethics or rules. They are free to go on political witch hunts as long as it’s for Democrats.

We are talking about Hunter Biden, not Joe. Don’t get confused.

we are talking about both of them,,,its you that wants to ignore joe to meet your narrative,,,sorry not gonna work on me,,,,
Your link only said Hunter. Did you read it?

Either way, you’re celebrating a politically motivated investigation into a private citizen (Hunter). This is Soviet Era corruption.

So who do you want investigating this? Our agencies are jammed with blue staters and none of them can be trusted.

The DoJ, as would be expected for any criminal investigation.
Not my fault you’re paranoid.

Yes, I am paranoid. When these agencies have demonstrated great political bias and ignoring real problems, you bet I'm paranoid. And what are you going to say if Congress does find true corruption?

They haven’t demonstrated great political bias, at the very least not more than the Republican Senate. They aren’t ignoring real problems, that’s just the excuse that the right wing uses to hide the fantasies they’ve been telling themselves.
we are talking about both of them,,,its you that wants to ignore joe to meet your narrative,,,sorry not gonna work on me,,,,
Your link only said Hunter. Did you read it?

Either way, you’re celebrating a politically motivated investigation into a private citizen (Hunter). This is Soviet Era corruption.

So who do you want investigating this? Our agencies are jammed with blue staters and none of them can be trusted.

The DoJ, as would be expected for any criminal investigation.
Not my fault you’re paranoid.

Yes, I am paranoid. When these agencies have demonstrated great political bias and ignoring real problems, you bet I'm paranoid. And what are you going to say if Congress does find true corruption?

They haven’t demonstrated great political bias, at the very least not more than the Republican Senate. They aren’t ignoring real problems, that’s just the excuse that the right wing uses to hide the fantasies they’ve been telling themselves.

Oh please. The FBI, the IRS, the FISA court, all of them. Of course you want the DOJ to handle it because you know they won't look into it very deep. What you're asking is for the deep state to investigate the deep state.
yes there is,,,and your opinion doesnt make you right but it does make you ignorant,,,

oh and joe biden is not a private citizen and when he used his son for personal gain he brought him into it,,,
No, there’s not. Which is why the DoJ isn’t investigating it. It would be against their rules to engage in a baseless investigation. Congress isn’t bound by any ethics or rules. They are free to go on political witch hunts as long as it’s for Democrats.

We are talking about Hunter Biden, not Joe. Don’t get confused.

we are talking about both of them,,,its you that wants to ignore joe to meet your narrative,,,sorry not gonna work on me,,,,
Your link only said Hunter. Did you read it?

Either way, you’re celebrating a politically motivated investigation into a private citizen (Hunter). This is Soviet Era corruption.

So who do you want investigating this? Our agencies are jammed with blue staters and none of them can be trusted.

Well lets see- you don't think that any of our law enforcement agencies can be trusted to investigate an American citizen- but you think that the country that you called 'the most corrupt country in the world' can be trusted to investigate an American citizen.


You literally trust 'the most corrupt country' in the world more than the FBI. More than the Secret Service. More than the Attorney General's office.

And that is the sign of how cultish the Trump Party has become.

The FBI is too biased to be trusted so we need the Senate Republicans to do it instead because apparently they aren’t as biased.

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