Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

Well it has now been two weeks and at not a damn thing from Rudy.

you rubes ready to admit you were fooled once again?
Do you have Internet service in Florida?
Treasury complies with GOP Senate inquiry, hands over highly confidential info on Hunter Biden, report says
Ah, the corruption of this administration. They’ll cooperate with investigations into Democrats and haul everyone into years of litigation when Congress wants to investigate Republicans.

This is the kind of corrupt BS that we used to criticize countries like Ukraine for.

3 yrs in and its been democrats with the endless litigation not trump,,,

Litigation because Trump is illegally interfering with Congressional investigations. This is what you wanted.

Litigation because the president has rights, and congress is trying to undermine those rights. They want to get rid of those rights. Congress is interfering with the smooth operation of the Executive Branch.
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You t
The only one twisting words is you. Clapper said nothing about Trump in that quote. You can’t point to it because it doesn’t exist.
You’re actually agreeing with me.. not sure what your missing, it was a bout Russia.. fisa warrants, was because of the fake Russia collusion/interference haveing to do with russia that was proven trump had nothing to do with. You do understand carter page is suing the government right?

So we agree. Thanks

You’re confused. Now you’re twisting my words too. Clapper was talking about Russian interference, not campaign collusion. The FBI decided to investigate the campaign on their own. They didn’t ask Obama.
Yes we agree Clapper signed the fisa warrants . Are you confused? You are correct don’t worry about it

You think the DNI signs FISA warrants?

I really hope that you’re not John Durham because he wouldn’t make such a stupid statement.
Metaphorically speaking clapper signed off on all these FISA warrants used to spy on Trump.. then when Asked he said he was doing what Obama told him to do it

lol, then metaphorically arrest him.
Well it has now been two weeks and at not a damn thing from Rudy.

you rubes ready to admit you were fooled once again?
Do you have Internet service in Florida?
Treasury complies with GOP Senate inquiry, hands over highly confidential info on Hunter Biden, report says
Ah, the corruption of this administration. They’ll cooperate with investigations into Democrats and haul everyone into years of litigation when Congress wants to investigate Republicans.

This is the kind of corrupt BS that we used to criticize countries like Ukraine for.

3 yrs in and its been democrats with the endless litigation not trump,,,

Litigation because Trump is illegally interfering with Congressional investigations. This is what you wanted.

Litigation because the president has rights, and congress is trying to undermine those right. They want to get rid of those rights. Congress is interfering with the smooth operation of the Executive Branch.

Turning over Trump’s taxes is interfering with the smooth operation of the executive? That’s not the argument they made in court.

What about Hunter’s rights?
You t
You’re actually agreeing with me.. not sure what your missing, it was a bout Russia.. fisa warrants, was because of the fake Russia collusion/interference haveing to do with russia that was proven trump had nothing to do with. You do understand carter page is suing the government right?

So we agree. Thanks

You’re confused. Now you’re twisting my words too. Clapper was talking about Russian interference, not campaign collusion. The FBI decided to investigate the campaign on their own. They didn’t ask Obama.
Yes we agree Clapper signed the fisa warrants . Are you confused? You are correct don’t worry about it

You think the DNI signs FISA warrants?

I really hope that you’re not John Durham because he wouldn’t make such a stupid statement.
Metaphorically speaking clapper signed off on all these FISA warrants used to spy on Trump.. then when Asked he said he was doing what Obama told him to do it

lol, then metaphorically arrest him.
Well seeing how he flipped on Obama we have a lot to work on lol
Ah, the corruption of this administration. They’ll cooperate with investigations into Democrats and haul everyone into years of litigation when Congress wants to investigate Republicans.

This is the kind of corrupt BS that we used to criticize countries like Ukraine for.

3 yrs in and its been democrats with the endless litigation not trump,,,

Litigation because Trump is illegally interfering with Congressional investigations. This is what you wanted.

Litigation because the president has rights, and congress is trying to undermine those right. They want to get rid of those rights. Congress is interfering with the smooth operation of the Executive Branch.

Turning over Trump’s taxes is interfering with the smooth operation of the executive? That’s not the argument they made in court.

What about Hunter’s rights?

as we've seen there is clear evidence of wrong doing on hunter and joe that requires him/they be investigated,,,
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Didn't need one. BIDEN is the Crook. Not our Just and Truthful President. Just remember this. In 2016 ,USA was on the verge of disaster. But God was watching. And Donald Trump was ordained to save the country from the Evil Gorgon Hitlery Clinton.
Wow you really have drunk the koolaid.

I know that you members of Trump's cult don't understand truth or facts but let me review
a) There is no evidence that Biden broke any laws- but of course you have already convicted him because your Dear Leader told you so.
b) "Just and truthful"- your Dear Leader is the most dishonest President in American history- he is constantly lying to all Americans.
c) In 2016, the United States had emerged from the Bush recession and the stock market had rebounded, unemployment was falling and the economy was doing well. That is what you call the 'verge of disaster'
d) So why wasn't God watching when Obama was President? Your God seems particularly fickle- he seems to be responsible for who our President is only when you like that President.

You Trumpian cultists are scary.
No Evidence? Sorry. The Evidence is ole' Joe SAYING so. It is on VIDEO.

It's also in all of the newspaper accounts and it was on the news when Biden went to the Ukraine and did this. And Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham thanked him for doing it because it was the Obama Administration policy to remove that corrupt prosecutor.

That's why Biden bragged about it. Because the EU, the IMF and the United Nations wanted this guy fired, and Biden did the job. Dumb Donald didn't tell that part did he.
Durham has not reported yet. I will take it under advisement. Until Hunter faces a Grand Jury. Then I will LAUGH.

That's what many on the right said about the IG report before Horowitz released it.

Rinse... blather... repeat...
IG is just a bureaucrat. Durham and Barr can INDICT. Note the difference. Now --Snivel-Sniff- Blow--Repeat.
Ah, the corruption of this administration. They’ll cooperate with investigations into Democrats and haul everyone into years of litigation when Congress wants to investigate Republicans.

This is the kind of corrupt BS that we used to criticize countries like Ukraine for.

3 yrs in and its been democrats with the endless litigation not trump,,,

Litigation because Trump is illegally interfering with Congressional investigations. This is what you wanted.

Litigation because the president has rights, and congress is trying to undermine those right. They want to get rid of those rights. Congress is interfering with the smooth operation of the Executive Branch.

Turning over Trump’s taxes is interfering with the smooth operation of the executive? That’s not the argument they made in court.

What about Hunter’s rights?

We've seen what they created over a motherfucking phone call. Imagine the crap they're gonna invent over his taxes.

FYI, The IRS has jurisdiction over federal taxes, not the Democrats in the House.
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The government of the people by the people and for the people. What they do is my business.

Tell me what business it is that Congress is getting financial records on Hunter Biden.
Extremely untalented man crackhead receiving money laundered from his father Joe Biden

The Trump administrations argument is they need a legislative purpose. You quoted a law enforcement purpose. Using the Trump administration’s own argument, they are breaking the law by turning over these documents.
When ever exposes the bidens.. we told you stay home democrats.

Sure you did. Just like y’all got Clinton locked up too. Or did you forget that one?
Trump has powers democrats can’t touch .. as you can see

Well it has now been two weeks and at not a damn thing from Rudy.

you rubes ready to admit you were fooled once again?
Took Mueller two years to find NOTHING.

Took Mueller two years to find out that
a) There was no intentional collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia- though the Trump campaign did welcome it.
b) And that Trump was obstructing justice.

But other than that- sure- nothing.
Ah, the corruption of this administration. They’ll cooperate with investigations into Democrats and haul everyone into years of litigation when Congress wants to investigate Republicans.

This is the kind of corrupt BS that we used to criticize countries like Ukraine for.

3 yrs in and its been democrats with the endless litigation not trump,,,

Litigation because Trump is illegally interfering with Congressional investigations. This is what you wanted.

Litigation because the president has rights, and congress is trying to undermine those right. They want to get rid of those rights. Congress is interfering with the smooth operation of the Executive Branch.

Turning over Trump’s taxes is interfering with the smooth operation of the executive? That’s not the argument they made in court.

What about Hunter’s rights?

as we've seen there is clear evidence of wrong doing on hunter and joe that requires him/they be investigated,,,

Congress is law enforcement now?
Has Rudy released his amazing evidence yet?

Are the Trumpsky rubes still waiting expectently for him to?

Just like their Dear Leader told Americans:
a) He would release his tax returns
b) That Americans wouldn't believe what he found about Obama as Trump wore his King Birther hat
c) That Mexico would pay to build the wall
You t
The only one twisting words is you. Clapper said nothing about Trump in that quote. You can’t point to it because it doesn’t exist.
You’re actually agreeing with me.. not sure what your missing, it was a bout Russia.. fisa warrants, was because of the fake Russia collusion/interference haveing to do with russia that was proven trump had nothing to do with. You do understand carter page is suing the government right?

So we agree. Thanks

You’re confused. Now you’re twisting my words too. Clapper was talking about Russian interference, not campaign collusion. The FBI decided to investigate the campaign on their own. They didn’t ask Obama.
Yes we agree Clapper signed the fisa warrants . Are you confused? You are correct don’t worry about it

You think the DNI signs FISA warrants?

I really hope that you’re not John Durham because he wouldn’t make such a stupid statement.
Metaphorically speaking clapper signed off on all these FISA warrants used to spy on Trump.. then when Asked he said he was doing what Obama told him to do it

Only little problem with that is almost everything you wrote is a lie.
a) Comey signed off on the first three FISA warrants used to spy on Carter Page- Trump's former campaign member- the others were signed by Trump appointees.
b) There was never any spying on Trump. Just another lie.
c) Comey never said Obama told him to sign off on anything. Just another lie.

But you are Jitler- the liar.
Well it has now been two weeks and at not a damn thing from Rudy.

you rubes ready to admit you were fooled once again?
Do you have Internet service in Florida?
Treasury complies with GOP Senate inquiry, hands over highly confidential info on Hunter Biden, report says
Ah, the corruption of this administration. They’ll cooperate with investigations into Democrats and haul everyone into years of litigation when Congress wants to investigate Republicans.

This is the kind of corrupt BS that we used to criticize countries like Ukraine for.
We told you over and over again leave Trump alone or you’re gonna find yourself in jail. We will go from roger stone in jail to OBAMA AND BIDEN.. good trade lol .. Stay home Democrats leave Trump alone you’re opening up a can of worms you don’t want
We told you over and over again leave Trump alone or you’re gonna find yourself in jail

Jitler- showing once again that his vision of America is one where no dissent or criticism of his Dear Leader is allowed, and those who do will be thrown in jail.
You know- like his other idols


Well it has now been two weeks and at not a damn thing from Rudy.

you rubes ready to admit you were fooled once again?
Took Mueller two years to find NOTHING.

Took Mueller two years to find out that
a) There was no intentional collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia- though the Trump campaign did welcome it.
b) And that Trump was obstructing justice.

But other than that- sure- nothing.
It said nothing of the kind. "Can not exonerate" is an ambiguous term meaning "We don't know" , but are to cowardly to admit it. Also ,it was a ruse to keep the Dems polarized.
3 yrs in and its been democrats with the endless litigation not trump,,,

Litigation because Trump is illegally interfering with Congressional investigations. This is what you wanted.

Litigation because the president has rights, and congress is trying to undermine those right. They want to get rid of those rights. Congress is interfering with the smooth operation of the Executive Branch.

Turning over Trump’s taxes is interfering with the smooth operation of the executive? That’s not the argument they made in court.

What about Hunter’s rights?

as we've seen there is clear evidence of wrong doing on hunter and joe that requires him/they be investigated,,,

Congress is law enforcement now?

who made that claim???
Litigation because Trump is illegally interfering with Congressional investigations. This is what you wanted.
Litigation because the president has rights, and congress is trying to undermine those right. They want to get rid of those rights. Congress is interfering with the smooth operation of the Executive Branch.
Turning over Trump’s taxes is interfering with the smooth operation of the executive? That’s not the argument they made in court.

What about Hunter’s rights?
as we've seen there is clear evidence of wrong doing on hunter and joe that requires him/they be investigated,,,

Congress is law enforcement now?
who made that claim???

Why is Congress investigating Hunter Biden?
You t
You’re actually agreeing with me.. not sure what your missing, it was a bout Russia.. fisa warrants, was because of the fake Russia collusion/interference haveing to do with russia that was proven trump had nothing to do with. You do understand carter page is suing the government right?

So we agree. Thanks

You’re confused. Now you’re twisting my words too. Clapper was talking about Russian interference, not campaign collusion. The FBI decided to investigate the campaign on their own. They didn’t ask Obama.
Yes we agree Clapper signed the fisa warrants . Are you confused? You are correct don’t worry about it

You think the DNI signs FISA warrants?

I really hope that you’re not John Durham because he wouldn’t make such a stupid statement.
Metaphorically speaking clapper signed off on all these FISA warrants used to spy on Trump.. then when Asked he said he was doing what Obama told him to do it

Only little problem with that is almost everything you wrote is a lie.
a) Comey signed off on the first three FISA warrants used to spy on Carter Page- Trump's former campaign member- the others were signed by Trump appointees.
b) There was never any spying on Trump. Just another lie.
c) Comey never said Obama told him to sign off on anything. Just another lie.

But you are Jitler- the liar.
I would wait for durham to be finished,, trump had top fbi clearance when he said they wire tapped trump towers
Well it has now been two weeks and at not a damn thing from Rudy.

you rubes ready to admit you were fooled once again?
Do you have Internet service in Florida?
Treasury complies with GOP Senate inquiry, hands over highly confidential info on Hunter Biden, report says
Ah, the corruption of this administration. They’ll cooperate with investigations into Democrats and haul everyone into years of litigation when Congress wants to investigate Republicans.

This is the kind of corrupt BS that we used to criticize countries like Ukraine for.
We told you over and over again leave Trump alone or you’re gonna find yourself in jail. We will go from roger stone in jail to OBAMA AND BIDEN.. good trade lol .. Stay home Democrats leave Trump alone you’re opening up a can of worms you don’t want
We told you over and over again leave Trump alone or you’re gonna find yourself in jail

Jitler- showing once again that his vision of America is one where no dissent or criticism of his Dear Leader is allowed, and those who do will be thrown in jail.
You know- like his other idols
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You can have opinions all you want but lynching him his a different story

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