Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

The problem is the investigations into Trump’s buddies keep turning into convictions. Darn it!
And the real funny thing is they were all convicted for being entrapped into lying under oath. Rosenstein and Weinstein bragged about being able to do that to anyone. Nice people those Trump haters are, eh? Ever since Obama brought back all those radical activist groups and racism, our country has been on a downward trajectory. Thank God Trumpy came along and changed all that
Not necessarily. Yes, some were convicted of lying under oath. There was no “entrapment”.

Trump brought along crooks and liars. Thank God?

Comrade, is withhold exculpatory evidence misconduct? In fact CRIMINAL misconduct?

Because that's what Weissman did with Gen. Flynn.

No exculpatory information was withheld.

Only one tool in your bag, lying..

Flynn Accuses Prosecutors of Hiding Exculpatory Evidence, Demands They Be Removed

Oh cute. An accusation from Sidney Powell. How did the judge rule?
You didn't watch the interview with Shokin where he stated he was fired because he was on Hunter's ass? HIs father had him fired for that reason, so yes, personal favors.

And of course Shokin has no reason to lie at all and he is so well known for being upright and honest.

No wonder you believe him so easily.

I'd trust him above Andrew Weissman or Peter Strzok.

Why? Because he tells you what you want to hear?

Because he's lied to me and to America FAR less than you democrats have.
And the real funny thing is they were all convicted for being entrapped into lying under oath. Rosenstein and Weinstein bragged about being able to do that to anyone. Nice people those Trump haters are, eh? Ever since Obama brought back all those radical activist groups and racism, our country has been on a downward trajectory. Thank God Trumpy came along and changed all that
Not necessarily. Yes, some were convicted of lying under oath. There was no “entrapment”.

Trump brought along crooks and liars. Thank God?

Comrade, is withhold exculpatory evidence misconduct? In fact CRIMINAL misconduct?

Because that's what Weissman did with Gen. Flynn.

No exculpatory information was withheld.

Only one tool in your bag, lying..

Flynn Accuses Prosecutors of Hiding Exculpatory Evidence, Demands They Be Removed

Oh cute. An accusation from Sidney Powell. How did the judge rule?

Should enemies of the party be denied counsel?

Sullivan hasn't ruled yet.
No he didn't do his job. His job would be through going through the legal means to acquire evidence, giving the American their constitutional rights, and used the DOJ and their investigative arm, to do the investigation.
NOTHING will be justified of Trump's illegal actions.

the vigilante does not get off any legal ramifications for murdering... a murder, outside of the law.

You can't launch an investigation until you have some proof of actual wrongdoing. Republicans are not like the Democrats. So if they find something, THEN they will approach the State department or DOJ.

Wait, what? No. You don’t need proof to launch an investigation. If you had proof, you wouldn’t need an investigation. To launch an investigation you need probable cause. The fact that the DoJ isn’t investigating is evidence you don’t have even the lowest threshold possible that a crime happened.

The dance just started. Give it time. It's unraveling slowly but surly.
It’s been about a year since Giuliani started peddling this nonsense. There’s no unraveling other than Giuliani’s story. Did you aquatint yourself with George Kent’s testimony?

Yes, did you acquaint yourself to the testimony I posted?

A year? The phone call only took place last July. It didn't hit the media until September.
I haven’t seen you post any testimony, just a federalist piece that has no actual testimony and is a fair bit out of context, even so does nothing to back up your assertions. If I missed it, I apologize. Who’s testimony were you referring to?

Giuliani has been beating this horse since Nov 2018. It’s been over a year and nothing to show for it other than an affidavit from someone no one really trusts.
You didn't watch the interview with Shokin where he stated he was fired because he was on Hunter's ass? HIs father had him fired for that reason, so yes, personal favors.

And of course Shokin has no reason to lie at all and he is so well known for being upright and honest.

No wonder you believe him so easily.

I'd trust him above Andrew Weissman or Peter Strzok.

Why? Because he tells you what you want to hear?

Because he's lied to me and to America FAR less than you democrats have.

How would you know if he’s telling the truth about Biden? I’d say he’s 0/1 in terms of truthfulness.
You didn't watch the interview with Shokin where he stated he was fired because he was on Hunter's ass? HIs father had him fired for that reason, so yes, personal favors.

And of course Shokin has no reason to lie at all and he is so well known for being upright and honest.

No wonder you believe him so easily.

I'd trust him above Andrew Weissman or Peter Strzok.

Why? Because he tells you what you want to hear?

Because he's lied to me and to America FAR less than you democrats have.

How would you know if he’s telling the truth about Biden? I’d say he’s 0/1 in terms of truthfulness.

I have no reason to doubt him. Stalinist democrats lie every single day about every single issue, they are crooks and vile scumbags.

Shokin has never lied to me, as far as I know.
Not necessarily. Yes, some were convicted of lying under oath. There was no “entrapment”.

Trump brought along crooks and liars. Thank God?

Comrade, is withhold exculpatory evidence misconduct? In fact CRIMINAL misconduct?

Because that's what Weissman did with Gen. Flynn.

No exculpatory information was withheld.

Only one tool in your bag, lying..

Flynn Accuses Prosecutors of Hiding Exculpatory Evidence, Demands They Be Removed

Oh cute. An accusation from Sidney Powell. How did the judge rule?

Should enemies of the party be denied counsel?

Sullivan hasn't ruled yet.
He wasn’t denied counsel.

Judge Sullivan ruled in the Aug 30 motion. It was denied in full. To put it simply, Sullivan said that Flynn’s argument was bullshit.

Sullivan Memorandum Opinion | Plea | Discovery (Law)

Better luck next time brother.
And of course Shokin has no reason to lie at all and he is so well known for being upright and honest.

No wonder you believe him so easily.

I'd trust him above Andrew Weissman or Peter Strzok.

Why? Because he tells you what you want to hear?

Because he's lied to me and to America FAR less than you democrats have.

How would you know if he’s telling the truth about Biden? I’d say he’s 0/1 in terms of truthfulness.

I have no reason to doubt him. Stalinist democrats lie every single day about every single issue, they are crooks and vile scumbags.

Shokin has never lied to me, as far as I know.
His reason to lie is to get revenge on the people that forced him out for being corrupt.

Your trust is misplaced and if you knew anything about him you wouldn’t be saying this.
Gee, sounds an awful lot like the model you Communists have used against Trump for the last 4 years. HOW many "investigations" have you had against your political rival? At least a dozen, all in hopes of Kavanaughing him.
The problem is the investigations into Trump’s buddies keep turning into convictions. Darn it!

If democrats are above the law, they can't be convicted.

Affidavit: Ukrainian Prosecutor Testified Under Oath That Biden Got Him Fired to Stop Investigation of Son's Firm - Big League Politics
They’re not above the law. They’re just not as corrupt like you like to claim.

Trying to stop the will of the voters is indeed the very worst crime

It’s like y’all are claiming Trump can’t be impeached because he won the election.
It’s like electing a King
He is not answerable for his actions
You can't launch an investigation until you have some proof of actual wrongdoing. Republicans are not like the Democrats. So if they find something, THEN they will approach the State department or DOJ.

Wait, what? No. You don’t need proof to launch an investigation. If you had proof, you wouldn’t need an investigation. To launch an investigation you need probable cause. The fact that the DoJ isn’t investigating is evidence you don’t have even the lowest threshold possible that a crime happened.

The dance just started. Give it time. It's unraveling slowly but surly.
It’s been about a year since Giuliani started peddling this nonsense. There’s no unraveling other than Giuliani’s story. Did you aquatint yourself with George Kent’s testimony?

Yes, did you acquaint yourself to the testimony I posted?

A year? The phone call only took place last July. It didn't hit the media until September.
I haven’t seen you post any testimony, just a federalist piece that has no actual testimony and is a fair bit out of context, even so does nothing to back up your assertions. If I missed it, I apologize. Who’s testimony were you referring to?

Giuliani has been beating this horse since Nov 2018. It’s been over a year and nothing to show for it other than an affidavit from someone no one really trusts.

Yeah? Well the House impeachment was conducted by somebody nobody really trusts.
It’s like y’all are claiming Trump can’t be impeached because he won the election.
It’s like electing a King
He is not answerable for his actions

Not to forget, following the Constitutional provision, for one impeached and convicted, to preclude him from ever holding public office again, would be the height of election tampering. That one might even top the "A trial with witnesses? Unprecedented!" chants.

Rightardia is funny that way.
Wait, what? No. You don’t need proof to launch an investigation. If you had proof, you wouldn’t need an investigation. To launch an investigation you need probable cause. The fact that the DoJ isn’t investigating is evidence you don’t have even the lowest threshold possible that a crime happened.

The dance just started. Give it time. It's unraveling slowly but surly.
It’s been about a year since Giuliani started peddling this nonsense. There’s no unraveling other than Giuliani’s story. Did you aquatint yourself with George Kent’s testimony?

Yes, did you acquaint yourself to the testimony I posted?

A year? The phone call only took place last July. It didn't hit the media until September.
I haven’t seen you post any testimony, just a federalist piece that has no actual testimony and is a fair bit out of context, even so does nothing to back up your assertions. If I missed it, I apologize. Who’s testimony were you referring to?

Giuliani has been beating this horse since Nov 2018. It’s been over a year and nothing to show for it other than an affidavit from someone no one really trusts.

Yeah? Well the House impeachment was conducted by somebody nobody really trusts.
Devin Nunes?
I'd trust him above Andrew Weissman or Peter Strzok.

Why? Because he tells you what you want to hear?

Because he's lied to me and to America FAR less than you democrats have.

How would you know if he’s telling the truth about Biden? I’d say he’s 0/1 in terms of truthfulness.

I have no reason to doubt him. Stalinist democrats lie every single day about every single issue, they are crooks and vile scumbags.

Shokin has never lied to me, as far as I know.
His reason to lie is to get revenge on the people that forced him out for being corrupt.

Your trust is misplaced and if you knew anything about him you wouldn’t be saying this.

Assumes facts not in evidence.
Why? Because he tells you what you want to hear?

Because he's lied to me and to America FAR less than you democrats have.

How would you know if he’s telling the truth about Biden? I’d say he’s 0/1 in terms of truthfulness.

I have no reason to doubt him. Stalinist democrats lie every single day about every single issue, they are crooks and vile scumbags.

Shokin has never lied to me, as far as I know.
His reason to lie is to get revenge on the people that forced him out for being corrupt.

Your trust is misplaced and if you knew anything about him you wouldn’t be saying this.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

George Kent’s testimony is in evidence. Shokin’s is not.
You didn't watch the interview with Shokin where he stated he was fired because he was on Hunter's ass? HIs father had him fired for that reason, so yes, personal favors.

And of course Shokin has no reason to lie at all and he is so well known for being upright and honest.

No wonder you believe him so easily.

But the Democrats are? After you witnessed their spying on Trump and his administration, putting us through a two year phony investigation, and then Schiff stating he obtained phone records, even on another member of the House, those people are to be trusted???

You do know that you are LYING.

IG Horowitz assigned and work for Trump administration......Confirmed Obama did not spied or plant bugs in Trump Tower.
Uranium One investigation assigned by Jeff Session before he left this administration. Confirmed and cleared Hillary.

And of course people like you believed the Russians more than your own intelligence assigned by this lousy inept POTUS.

You watched Shokin then you believed a corrupted Ukrainian prosecutor general. Good for you.
You didn't watch the interview with Shokin where he stated he was fired because he was on Hunter's ass? HIs father had him fired for that reason, so yes, personal favors.

And of course Shokin has no reason to lie at all and he is so well known for being upright and honest.

No wonder you believe him so easily.

But the Democrats are? After you witnessed their spying on Trump and his administration, putting us through a two year phony investigation, and then Schiff stating he obtained phone records, even on another member of the House, those people are to be trusted???

You do know that you are LYING.

IG Horowitz assigned and work for Trump administration......Confirmed Obama did not spied or plant bugs in Trump Tower.
Uranium One investigation assigned by Jeff Session before he left this administration. Confirmed and cleared Hillary.

And of course people like you believed the Russians more than your own intelligence assigned by this lousy inept POTUS.

You watched Shokin then you believed a corrupted Ukrainian prosecutor general. Good for you.

The one lying is you.

Besides, what does an Iranian Mullah like you care anyway?

READ: DOJ Inspector General's Report On The Russia Investigation
You didn't watch the interview with Shokin where he stated he was fired because he was on Hunter's ass? HIs father had him fired for that reason, so yes, personal favors.

And of course Shokin has no reason to lie at all and he is so well known for being upright and honest.

No wonder you believe him so easily.

But the Democrats are? After you witnessed their spying on Trump and his administration, putting us through a two year phony investigation, and then Schiff stating he obtained phone records, even on another member of the House, those people are to be trusted???

You do know that you are LYING.

IG Horowitz assigned and work for Trump administration......Confirmed Obama did not spied or plant bugs in Trump Tower.
Uranium One investigation assigned by Jeff Session before he left this administration. Confirmed and cleared Hillary.

And of course people like you believed the Russians more than your own intelligence assigned by this lousy inept POTUS.

You watched Shokin then you believed a corrupted Ukrainian prosecutor general. Good for you.

I never said anything about planting bugs. When you leftists hear or read things, your mind wonders off and makes up nonsense. With these phony FISA applications, you want me to believe this all didn't go back to the White House? Of course DumBama knew all about it, and probably led the charge.
You didn't watch the interview with Shokin where he stated he was fired because he was on Hunter's ass? HIs father had him fired for that reason, so yes, personal favors.

And of course Shokin has no reason to lie at all and he is so well known for being upright and honest.

No wonder you believe him so easily.

But the Democrats are? After you witnessed their spying on Trump and his administration, putting us through a two year phony investigation, and then Schiff stating he obtained phone records, even on another member of the House, those people are to be trusted???

You do know that you are LYING.

IG Horowitz assigned and work for Trump administration......Confirmed Obama did not spied or plant bugs in Trump Tower.
Uranium One investigation assigned by Jeff Session before he left this administration. Confirmed and cleared Hillary.

And of course people like you believed the Russians more than your own intelligence assigned by this lousy inept POTUS.

You watched Shokin then you believed a corrupted Ukrainian prosecutor general. Good for you.

I never said anything about planting bugs. When you leftists hear or read things, your mind wonders off and makes up nonsense. With these phony FISA applications, you want me to believe this all didn't go back to the White House? Of course DumBama knew all about it, and probably led the charge.

According to the Horowitz report, that’s complete nonsense. You’re making completely unsupported accusations. Again.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani [emoji818] @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?

Guilliani is a total joke Dude. Probably the most amateur and inept investigator I’ve ever seen.

Go to Ukraine work with corrupted people to dig dirt for Trump. Work with Ukrainian people or parliament that are Russian separatist hard liner that are enemies of Zelensky. The same pro Russian that pushed Ukraine rape our democracy in 2016 election. Not Putin.

Accompanied by John Solomon and Trump media OANN.

Come back to US. Goes to Fox News Hannity. Broadcast what he did. That is so fucking hilarious.

Senator Graham sent Guilliani a letter invited him to his judiciary committee. To share his investigations Ukraine .

Guilliani NEVER responded.

Guilliani keeps yapping bullshit like his boss. Why not just layout what he found out and show proof of money laundering? It’s very easy to say Biden laundered $8 millions. Where is your evidence? Guilliani is nothing but a piece of garbage.

His 2 buddies are indicted of illegal campaign contributions to Republicans with Trump was made very aware. Guilliani is also under investigation.

Don’t be surprised if goes to jail.
You didn't watch the interview with Shokin where he stated he was fired because he was on Hunter's ass? HIs father had him fired for that reason, so yes, personal favors.

And of course Shokin has no reason to lie at all and he is so well known for being upright and honest.

No wonder you believe him so easily.

But the Democrats are? After you witnessed their spying on Trump and his administration, putting us through a two year phony investigation, and then Schiff stating he obtained phone records, even on another member of the House, those people are to be trusted???

You do know that you are LYING.

IG Horowitz assigned and work for Trump administration......Confirmed Obama did not spied or plant bugs in Trump Tower.
Uranium One investigation assigned by Jeff Session before he left this administration. Confirmed and cleared Hillary.

And of course people like you believed the Russians more than your own intelligence assigned by this lousy inept POTUS.

You watched Shokin then you believed a corrupted Ukrainian prosecutor general. Good for you.

I never said anything about planting bugs. When you leftists hear or read things, your mind wonders off and makes up nonsense. With these phony FISA applications, you want me to believe this all didn't go back to the White House? Of course DumBama knew all about it, and probably led the charge.

The phony application was for Gates only not in general.

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