Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

You didn't watch the interview with Shokin where he stated he was fired because he was on Hunter's ass? HIs father had him fired for that reason, so yes, personal favors.

And of course Shokin has no reason to lie at all and he is so well known for being upright and honest.

No wonder you believe him so easily.

But the Democrats are? After you witnessed their spying on Trump and his administration, putting us through a two year phony investigation, and then Schiff stating he obtained phone records, even on another member of the House, those people are to be trusted???

You do know that you are LYING.

IG Horowitz assigned and work for Trump administration......Confirmed Obama did not spied or plant bugs in Trump Tower.
Uranium One investigation assigned by Jeff Session before he left this administration. Confirmed and cleared Hillary.

And of course people like you believed the Russians more than your own intelligence assigned by this lousy inept POTUS.

You watched Shokin then you believed a corrupted Ukrainian prosecutor general. Good for you.

I never said anything about planting bugs. When you leftists hear or read things, your mind wonders off and makes up nonsense. With these phony FISA applications, you want me to believe this all didn't go back to the White House? Of course DumBama knew all about it, and probably led the charge.

According to the Horowitz report, that’s complete nonsense. You’re making completely unsupported accusations. Again.

Please go update your self. Dude.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You didn't watch the interview with Shokin where he stated he was fired because he was on Hunter's ass? HIs father had him fired for that reason, so yes, personal favors.

And of course Shokin has no reason to lie at all and he is so well known for being upright and honest.

No wonder you believe him so easily.

But the Democrats are? After you witnessed their spying on Trump and his administration, putting us through a two year phony investigation, and then Schiff stating he obtained phone records, even on another member of the House, those people are to be trusted???

You do know that you are LYING.

IG Horowitz assigned and work for Trump administration......Confirmed Obama did not spied or plant bugs in Trump Tower.
Uranium One investigation assigned by Jeff Session before he left this administration. Confirmed and cleared Hillary.

And of course people like you believed the Russians more than your own intelligence assigned by this lousy inept POTUS.

You watched Shokin then you believed a corrupted Ukrainian prosecutor general. Good for you.

The one lying is you.

Besides, what does an Iranian Mullah like you care anyway?

READ: DOJ Inspector General's Report On The Russia Investigation

That is so funny.
Read your link ignorant Trump supporter.

Your link....... Where did it say Obama spied on Trump tower?
I don’t lie.

Hey ignorant. Read this link.

DOJ inspector general refutes Trump claim that Obama tapped his wires

Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz said Wednesday that he found no evidence the FBI wiretapped anyone other than former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in connection with its Russia investigation.

Horowitz's comments at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing refuted a series of tweets sent by President Trump in March 2017 in which he claimed that Obama had his "wires tapped" at Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign.
The dance just started. Give it time. It's unraveling slowly but surly.
It’s been about a year since Giuliani started peddling this nonsense. There’s no unraveling other than Giuliani’s story. Did you aquatint yourself with George Kent’s testimony?

Yes, did you acquaint yourself to the testimony I posted?

A year? The phone call only took place last July. It didn't hit the media until September.
I haven’t seen you post any testimony, just a federalist piece that has no actual testimony and is a fair bit out of context, even so does nothing to back up your assertions. If I missed it, I apologize. Who’s testimony were you referring to?

Giuliani has been beating this horse since Nov 2018. It’s been over a year and nothing to show for it other than an affidavit from someone no one really trusts.

Yeah? Well the House impeachment was conducted by somebody nobody really trusts.
Devin Nunes?

Nunes will go down the drain with his involvement with Parnas and Ukraine scandal.
You didn't watch the interview with Shokin where he stated he was fired because he was on Hunter's ass? HIs father had him fired for that reason, so yes, personal favors.

And of course Shokin has no reason to lie at all and he is so well known for being upright and honest.

No wonder you believe him so easily.

But the Democrats are? After you witnessed their spying on Trump and his administration, putting us through a two year phony investigation, and then Schiff stating he obtained phone records, even on another member of the House, those people are to be trusted???

You do know that you are LYING.

IG Horowitz assigned and work for Trump administration......Confirmed Obama did not spied or plant bugs in Trump Tower.
Uranium One investigation assigned by Jeff Session before he left this administration. Confirmed and cleared Hillary.

And of course people like you believed the Russians more than your own intelligence assigned by this lousy inept POTUS.

You watched Shokin then you believed a corrupted Ukrainian prosecutor general. Good for you.

The one lying is you.

Besides, what does an Iranian Mullah like you care anyway?

READ: DOJ Inspector General's Report On The Russia Investigation

That is so funny.
Read your link ignorant Trump supporter.

Your link....... Where did it say Obama spied on Trump tower?
I don’t lie.

Hey ignorant. Read this link.

DOJ inspector general refutes Trump claim that Obama tapped his wires

Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz said Wednesday that he found no evidence the FBI wiretapped anyone other than former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in connection with its Russia investigation.

Horowitz's comments at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing refuted a series of tweets sent by President Trump in March 2017 in which he claimed that Obama had his "wires tapped" at Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign.

The judiciary committee held by Chairman GOP Graham...... never disagreed.

Where he also said 1000% it’s the Russians messed with our 2016 election not the Ukraine.
Well the House impeachment was conducted by somebody nobody really trusts.

I trust Schiff, as does 60% of the USA
I don't trust Dotard or any of his minions.
Already 7 indicted.
Many more to come. But ok, lol.

Sadly, Dotard still actually has a chance to be reelected.
Well the House impeachment was conducted by somebody nobody really trusts.

I trust Schiff, as does 60% of the USA
I don't trust Dotard or any of his minions.
Already 7 indicted.
Many more to come. But ok, lol.

Sadly, Dotard still actually has a chance to be reelected.

Yeah, see my post What Happened To The 18th Witness. Better yet, you can read it for yourself and then tell me how trustworthy he is.

So That's Why Schiff Won't Release the Transcript of the 18th Witness
Well the House impeachment was conducted by somebody nobody really trusts.

I trust Schiff, as does 60% of the USA
I don't trust Dotard or any of his minions.
Already 7 indicted.
Many more to come. But ok, lol.

Sadly, Dotard still actually has a chance to be reelected.

Yeah, see my post What Happened To The 18th Witness. Better yet, you can read it for yourself and then tell me how trustworthy he is.

So That's Why Schiff Won't Release the Transcript of the 18th Witness

I’m just wondering...... Do you even read links you people are posting?

1. What do you expect coming from Senator Ratliff and Fox?

2. High ranking Republican member of Intelligence Committee is Sen. Nunez. Are you saying Nunes do not have access to IG Atkinson? Nunes assistant was even trying to release the WB name.

Schiff and the Democrats are refusing to release the testimony of Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson, and according to Republicans who were present during Atkinson's closed-door testimony, the reason the transcript hasn't been released is because it proves both the whistleblower and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff did not tell the truth about their contact with each other.
Well the House impeachment was conducted by somebody nobody really trusts.

I trust Schiff, as does 60% of the USA
I don't trust Dotard or any of his minions.
Already 7 indicted.
Many more to come. But ok, lol.

Sadly, Dotard still actually has a chance to be reelected.

Yeah, see my post What Happened To The 18th Witness. Better yet, you can read it for yourself and then tell me how trustworthy he is.

So That's Why Schiff Won't Release the Transcript of the 18th Witness

I’m just wondering...... Do you even read links you people are posting?

1. What do you expect coming from Senator Ratliff and Fox?

2. High ranking Republican member of Intelligence Committee is Sen. Nunez. Are you saying Nunes do not have access to IG Atkinson? Nunes assistant was even trying to release the WB name.

Schiff and the Democrats are refusing to release the testimony of Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson, and according to Republicans who were present during Atkinson's closed-door testimony, the reason the transcript hasn't been released is because it proves both the whistleblower and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff did not tell the truth about their contact with each other.

So you are saying he went on live TV and made up the entire story? That would destroy any credibility he has. Furthermore if Atkinson didn't testify, or didn't testify to what he is claiming, he'd come right out with it and tell people it was all a lie.

I really don't believe he is making this up. It's way more than likely Schiff Face lied about not knowing, or discussing this matter with the whistleblower.
Why is the Presidents personal attorney investigating members of Congress?

Doesn’t Trump have a Justice Dept?
Yeah, see my post What Happened To The 18th Witness.

Radcliffe. lol.

Let me ask?

Is the 18th witness transcript a document?

If so, the Senate will allow ZERO documents or witnesses, so what difference does it make?
Sure, bring on this document, so ALL others can be presented as evidence too.
I'm POSITIVE all other House documents are far more damaging to Dotard than that one is to Schiff.

So, yes, submit that 18th Witness Document, because you do want the ENTIRE truth and will certainly welcome all other witness documents, CORRECT?

What do you say Ray From Cleveland
Yeah, see my post What Happened To The 18th Witness.

Radcliffe. lol.

Let me ask?

Is the 18th witness transcript a document?

If so, the Senate will allow ZERO documents or witnesses, so what difference does it make?
Sure, bring on this document, so ALL others can be presented as evidence too.
I'm POSITIVE all other House documents are far more damaging to Dotard than that one is to Schiff.

So, yes, submit that 18th Witness Document, because you do want the ENTIRE truth and will certainly welcome all other witness documents, CORRECT?

What do you say Ray From Cleveland

I say the Republicans allow one witness from each side to be called. We will call Atkinson or Schiff, put them under oath, and if it's Schiff, I want to see big shot perjure himself to the US Senate.
I say the Republicans allow one witness from each side to be called. We will call Atkinson or Schiff, put them under oath, and if it's Schiff, I want to see big shot perjure himself to the US Senate.

Just ONE.
What are you afraid of? Oh, we know. The truth.

If Schiff lied, well damn, prove it and lock him up. I got no problem with that.
If Pompeo, McCulvany, etc. If they lied, lock them up too.

Is that fair Ray?
Fair trial, that is what we want.
I say the Republicans allow one witness from each side to be called. We will call Atkinson or Schiff, put them under oath, and if it's Schiff, I want to see big shot perjure himself to the US Senate.

Just ONE.
What are you afraid of? Oh, we know. The truth.

If Schiff lied, well damn, prove it and lock him up. I got no problem with that.
If Pompeo, McCulvany, etc. If they lied, lock them up too.

Is that fair Ray?
Fair trial, that is what we want.

Oh, you mean like the fair trial during the inquiry? You know, where closing statements by constitutional experts included three for the commies and one for Trump?? That kind of fair trial?
Oh, you mean like the fair trial during the inquiry? You know, where closing statements by constitutional experts included three for the commies and one for Trump?? That kind of fair trial?

Trial in the House?
Did they have a trial in the House?

It wasn't a trial Ray.
Is the 18th witness transcript a document?

If so, the Senate will allow ZERO documents or witnesses, so what difference does it make?
Sure, bring on this document, so ALL others can be presented as evidence too.
I'm POSITIVE all other House documents are far more damaging to Dotard than that one is to Schiff.

So, yes, submit that 18th Witness Document, because you do want the ENTIRE truth and will certainly welcome all other witness documents, CORRECT?

In the last minute, under pressure from Democrats and one or two handful of not-completely-spineless Republicans, Moscow Mitch changed the Senate Trial Rules so as to allow the inclusion of the entire House Impeachment inquiry into the Senate trial record. That's to say, the entire documentary record should already be available to the honorable Senators.

The fight in the Senate is not about the House inquiry documentation, but about witnesses and documents the White House, OMB, Departments of State and Defense have yet to make available, despite dozens of subpoenas.

But, as you rightly surmise, it's somewhat more promising to howl about the contents of a transcript no one has, or likely will, read, so as to distract from one's own side's fierce determination to favor ignorance over pertinent information.
This thread reminds me of the time Trump had his private investigators looking into Obama’s birth certificate......and they can’t believe what they are finding
Oh, you mean like the fair trial during the inquiry? You know, where closing statements by constitutional experts included three for the commies and one for Trump?? That kind of fair trial?

Trial in the House?
Did they have a trial in the House?

It wasn't a trial Ray.

Which is why I said during the inquiry.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s penal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?

Rudy Giuiliani. They guy that's under investigation, and will probably be in jail soon, is going to reveal something? LOL
Except the story about what Shokin was fired is false.

So Trump is using hundreds of millions of American dollars to have the Ukrainian government investigate a phony story. I’d say that’s a big deal.

And you know Shokin's story was false how--because that's what the commies told you? And what hundreds of millions of dollars do you speak of?

I know that at the time of Shokin’s removal, everyone in the US embassy at Ukraine thought Shokin was corrupt and his office was not investigating any corrupt oligarchs. I know the president of the IMF agreed. I know the top anti-corruption prosecutor in Ukraine resigned in protest of Shokin. I know that Ukrainian anti-corruption activists opposed him.

It seems that every person who both knows anything about Ukraine and has any integrity agreed that Shokin was not helping Ukraine clean up its act.

That is all you need to know to derail the phony narrative against Biden.

So I’ll ask you a similar question. After everything I just said, why do you believe Shokin?

I already explained that to you. But since you have such a short memory........

Two stories about Sokin that's been presented.

Story 1: VP Biden went to Ukraine to get Prosecutor Shokin fired. The reason was because Shokin wasn't doing enough to investigate the company his son worked for, that was paying him 83K a month to sit home.

Story 2: VP Biden learned from his son that Shokin was breathing down the necks of him and Burisma, so the VP went to Ukraine, made a threat involving only hours, to stop the Prosecutor from continuing the investigation that would ultimately implicate his son.

Now, which story is more believable.
You’re being a bit simplistic. The reason to fire Shokin was not solely because of lack of prosecution of Burisma. That was a small component. Burisma is not top of everyone’s mind with regard to corruption in Ukraine. That would be the former president Yanukovych, now in exile in Russia, and the person whom Shokin made no effort to recover any stolen Ukrainian assets from. There’s far more to it than you stated.

The reason to fire Shokin was that he was doing little if anything to reform the famously corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor office, who was incidentally not doing any investigation into Burisma, but more to the point was not doing any investigation into any corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs and almost certainly extorting them for payouts.

This story is consistent with all other reporting and statements from our allies and anti-corruption NGOs at the time. It’s even consistent with Republican Senators statements from the time.

Story 2 isn’t logical because it conflicts with all of this information.

So after amending story 1 to reflect reality, id say it’s far more likely.

Shokin only held that office for 13 months, hardly enough time to prove himself not trustworthy or incompetent. Everything you listed was provided to you by the Democrat party, and their accomplices in the MSM.

Joe took care of his family via government. This is something nobody can deny. His son, Hunter, had no experience in the energy field, not familiar with the country, and has a very shady past.

He's a drug addict who was not only thrown out of the military, but attended rehab at least three times that we are aware of. He had a child who he is not financially taking care of, and God only knows if he even seen the kid. He's owed taxes to the federal government for five years, and not so much as a penalty. He is now under criminal investigation in the US, and Burisma is part of that investigation.

Joe used a quid pro quo to get Shokin fired. If that wasn't bad enough, the urgency to get him fired so fast certainly reeks of desperation.
"Shokin only held that office for 13 months, hardly enough time to prove himself not trustworthy or incompetent."

Shokin was Deputy Prosecutor General before becoming Prosecutor General and he was assigned the Burisma case a year before that promotion when the U.K. was investigating Zlochevsky. Their investigation ultimately stalled and they were forced to unfreeze $23 million of Zlochevsky's assets because Deputy Prosecutor General Shokin wouldn't cooperate with them. He sat on that case for two years until Biden finally got him out. Only then did Ukraine reopen the case into Zlochevsky which was settled with Zlochevsky paying Hr 180 million in taxes.

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