Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

It was words.. it’s was on tv lol helloooo

This will shock you, but TV also includes pictures and that makes is possible to provide evidence. Lacking any evidence nothing Rudy says should be taken as anything more than a lie.

Are you saying because trump ran for president The Trump family successful business enterprise Hass to stop? Are you lot proud that we have a successful American family in the oval office and they should be punished?? W.T.F. is wrong with you?

I do not think the Trump family has anything to do with Hass avocados...but you seem to think that Biden family should have stopped their business enterprises, why should they stop and not the Trump family?

I dont think anyone is saying the bidens have to stop their businesses, but, knowing that ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries, and burisma is one the most corrupt companies in Ukraine, why did anyone think it was a good idea for the vice presidents son to work there.

Also, I'm not buying that biden didnt have knowledge that hunter was working there. Biden was the vice president, there is little to zero chance that he didnt know his sons dealings. Even if he himself never sought out what his son was up to, there are people in the White House who probably know everything his family is doing, someone somewhere would have told biden "hey, hunter just got hired at burisma"

Making millions for a vp son, not a problem. Going to work for a known corrupt company in a know corrupt country , and you are the vp son? There are some problems with that.
I could be wrong but I don't believe Biden ever said he didn't know his son worked for Burisma.
The problem is the investigations into Trump’s buddies keep turning into convictions. Darn it!

If democrats are above the law, they can't be convicted.

Affidavit: Ukrainian Prosecutor Testified Under Oath That Biden Got Him Fired to Stop Investigation of Son's Firm - Big League Politics
They’re not above the law. They’re just not as corrupt like you like to claim.

Trying to stop the will of the voters is indeed the very worst crime

It’s like y’all are claiming Trump can’t be impeached because he won the election.

The fact is that the ONLY reason the Stalinists are impeaching him is to try and keep him from winning the next election.

It's not an impeachment, it's election tampering.

And you know Shokin's story was false how--because that's what the commies told you? And what hundreds of millions of dollars do you speak of?

I know that at the time of Shokin’s removal, everyone in the US embassy at Ukraine thought Shokin was corrupt and his office was not investigating any corrupt oligarchs. I know the president of the IMF agreed. I know the top anti-corruption prosecutor in Ukraine resigned in protest of Shokin. I know that Ukrainian anti-corruption activists opposed him.

It seems that every person who both knows anything about Ukraine and has any integrity agreed that Shokin was not helping Ukraine clean up its act.

That is all you need to know to derail the phony narrative against Biden.

So I’ll ask you a similar question. After everything I just said, why do you believe Shokin?

I already explained that to you. But since you have such a short memory........

Two stories about Sokin that's been presented.

Story 1: VP Biden went to Ukraine to get Prosecutor Shokin fired. The reason was because Shokin wasn't doing enough to investigate the company his son worked for, that was paying him 83K a month to sit home.

Story 2: VP Biden learned from his son that Shokin was breathing down the necks of him and Burisma, so the VP went to Ukraine, made a threat involving only hours, to stop the Prosecutor from continuing the investigation that would ultimately implicate his son.

Now, which story is more believable.
You’re being a bit simplistic. The reason to fire Shokin was not solely because of lack of prosecution of Burisma. That was a small component. Burisma is not top of everyone’s mind with regard to corruption in Ukraine. That would be the former president Yanukovych, now in exile in Russia, and the person whom Shokin made no effort to recover any stolen Ukrainian assets from. There’s far more to it than you stated.

The reason to fire Shokin was that he was doing little if anything to reform the famously corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor office, who was incidentally not doing any investigation into Burisma, but more to the point was not doing any investigation into any corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs and almost certainly extorting them for payouts.

This story is consistent with all other reporting and statements from our allies and anti-corruption NGOs at the time. It’s even consistent with Republican Senators statements from the time.

Story 2 isn’t logical because it conflicts with all of this information.

So after amending story 1 to reflect reality, id say it’s far more likely.

Shokin only held that office for 13 months, hardly enough time to prove himself not trustworthy or incompetent. Everything you listed was provided to you by the Democrat party, and their accomplices in the MSM.

Joe took care of his family via government. This is something nobody can deny. His son, Hunter, had no experience in the energy field, not familiar with the country, and has a very shady past.

He's a drug addict who was not only thrown out of the military, but attended rehab at least three times that we are aware of. He had a child who he is not financially taking care of, and God only knows if he even seen the kid. He's owed taxes to the federal government for five years, and not so much as a penalty. He is now under criminal investigation in the US, and Burisma is part of that investigation.

Joe used a quid pro quo to get Shokin fired. If that wasn't bad enough, the urgency to get him fired so fast certainly reeks of desperation.
"Shokin only held that office for 13 months, hardly enough time to prove himself not trustworthy or incompetent."

Shokin was Deputy Prosecutor General before becoming Prosecutor General and he was assigned the Burisma case a year before that promotion when the U.K. was investigating Zlochevsky. Their investigation ultimately stalled and they were forced to unfreeze $23 million of Zlochevsky's assets because Deputy Prosecutor General Shokin wouldn't cooperate with them. He sat on that case for two years until Biden finally got him out. Only then did Ukraine reopen the case into Zlochevsky which was settled with Zlochevsky paying Hr 180 million in taxes.

This was proven over and over as facts and reality.

Yet you have these gullibles so fascinated with Shokin as good guy just because Trump and his gangster said so. That includes his news media Fox.

1. Get your facts straight and verified and your ducks in a row.

2. Do they have confirmation, or are they waiting for more information?

3. In politics, timing is everything.
should the DOJ actions be based on political timing?
well, roy, it sure was for the last admin. but you liked it then.

sucks when you let it go for your side and it comes back to you like a bad used car.

You mean like when they announced the “reopening” of the Clinton investigation days before Election Day?

The uninformed have no idea of the background concerning that announcement. Do you?
Certainly. I read and listened to Comey discuss it under oath and also the IG report about it.

Can you explain it in your own words?
All is Monday morning....I am sure this will be the day that Rudy drops his dirt!

Can't wait, this is so exciting!
should the DOJ actions be based on political timing?
well, roy, it sure was for the last admin. but you liked it then.

sucks when you let it go for your side and it comes back to you like a bad used car.

You mean like when they announced the “reopening” of the Clinton investigation days before Election Day?

The uninformed have no idea of the background concerning that announcement. Do you?
Certainly. I read and listened to Comey discuss it under oath and also the IG report about it.

Can you explain it in your own words?

Comey felt compelled to inform Congress since he had already testified on the investigation. He informed Chaffetz who immediately blasted it out on twitter.

It was completely unfair and counter to fundamentals of the DoJ which does not make these things public as a matter of policy.
Rudy sounds like Joseph McCarthy.....I have a list of 200 Communists
Well the House impeachment was conducted by somebody nobody really trusts.

I trust Schiff, as does 60% of the USA
I don't trust Dotard or any of his minions.
Already 7 indicted.
Many more to come. But ok, lol.

Sadly, Dotard still actually has a chance to be reelected.

Yeah, see my post What Happened To The 18th Witness. Better yet, you can read it for yourself and then tell me how trustworthy he is.

So That's Why Schiff Won't Release the Transcript of the 18th Witness

Atkinson's testimony is classified. The President can de-classify if he wants. I doubt he wants. In the meantime, Ratcliffe can make any claim he feels like, without fear of contradiction.
well, roy, it sure was for the last admin. but you liked it then.

sucks when you let it go for your side and it comes back to you like a bad used car.

You mean like when they announced the “reopening” of the Clinton investigation days before Election Day?

The uninformed have no idea of the background concerning that announcement. Do you?
Certainly. I read and listened to Comey discuss it under oath and also the IG report about it.

Can you explain it in your own words?

Comey felt compelled to inform Congress since he had already testified on the investigation. He informed Chaffetz who immediately blasted it out on twitter.

It was completely unfair and counter to fundamentals of the DoJ which does not make these things public as a matter of policy.

Like I said - The uninformed have no idea of the background concerning that announcement.

The FBI, under Attorney General Lynch, had taken the Investigation out of the field offices and Comey was making it go away.
The non corrupt people in the New York Field Office were not playing that game.
They had info that they were going to investigate - Comey took it from them, announced it so that he could then bury that too, which he did.

Comey worked to cover all this up for Hillary.

Any who claims that Comey worked against Hillary in any way - I dismiss completely as woefully uninformed.
Rudy is getting his ducks in order to slam dunk the crooked democrats on news station oann
What is Rudy waiting for?

He is not bluffing is he?

I am very disappointed how amateurs are these people. Very disappointed.

His boss being impeached for digging dirt........ You would think this dude should STFU. Nah goes to Ukraine continue the same stupidity dig dirt.

Comes back with an evidence from Shokin testimony. Goes on Fox News......... I save Trump.
You mean like when they announced the “reopening” of the Clinton investigation days before Election Day?

The uninformed have no idea of the background concerning that announcement. Do you?
Certainly. I read and listened to Comey discuss it under oath and also the IG report about it.

Can you explain it in your own words?

Comey felt compelled to inform Congress since he had already testified on the investigation. He informed Chaffetz who immediately blasted it out on twitter.

It was completely unfair and counter to fundamentals of the DoJ which does not make these things public as a matter of policy.

Like I said - The uninformed have no idea of the background concerning that announcement.

The FBI, under Attorney General Lynch, had taken the Investigation out of the field offices and Comey was making it go away.
The non corrupt people in the New York Field Office were not playing that game.
They had info that they were going to investigate - Comey took it from them, announced it so that he could then bury that too, which he did.

Comey worked to cover all this up for Hillary.

Any who claims that Comey worked against Hillary in any way - I dismiss completely as woefully uninformed.

Fun story but completely unsupported by any factual investigation of the matter. This is a fantasy spun by Trump supporters.

The IG debunks all of this. Let’s summarize.

The investigation was never in a field office. From the start of the investigation, it always took place at FBI headquarters. This is not unusual for such an important investigation. Lynch had no part in determining where it would occur.

The New York Field office never was going to investigate Clinton on their own. In all likelihood they were leaking the presence of Weiner’s laptop to Giuliani. The IG report shows evidence of bias in that office against Clinton and the leaks reinforce it. The field office passed the info on to FBI headquarters as they should.

You know what’s the opposite of a cover up? Announcing the investigation was reopened. Your narrative is bogus.
The uninformed have no idea of the background concerning that announcement. Do you?
Certainly. I read and listened to Comey discuss it under oath and also the IG report about it.

Can you explain it in your own words?

Comey felt compelled to inform Congress since he had already testified on the investigation. He informed Chaffetz who immediately blasted it out on twitter.

It was completely unfair and counter to fundamentals of the DoJ which does not make these things public as a matter of policy.

Like I said - The uninformed have no idea of the background concerning that announcement.

The FBI, under Attorney General Lynch, had taken the Investigation out of the field offices and Comey was making it go away.
The non corrupt people in the New York Field Office were not playing that game.
They had info that they were going to investigate - Comey took it from them, announced it so that he could then bury that too, which he did.

Comey worked to cover all this up for Hillary.

Any who claims that Comey worked against Hillary in any way - I dismiss completely as woefully uninformed.

Fun story but completely unsupported by any factual investigation of the matter. This is a fantasy spun by Trump supporters.

The IG debunks all of this. Let’s summarize.

The investigation was never in a field office. From the start of the investigation, it always took place at FBI headquarters. This is not unusual for such an important investigation. Lynch had no part in determining where it would occur.

The New York Field office never was going to investigate Clinton on their own. In all likelihood they were leaking the presence of Weiner’s laptop to Giuliani. The IG report shows evidence of bias in that office against Clinton and the leaks reinforce it. The field office passed the info on to FBI headquarters as they should.

You know what’s the opposite of a cover up? Announcing the investigation was reopened. Your narrative is bogus.

I have already dismissed you due to your lack of information.
Certainly. I read and listened to Comey discuss it under oath and also the IG report about it.

Can you explain it in your own words?

Comey felt compelled to inform Congress since he had already testified on the investigation. He informed Chaffetz who immediately blasted it out on twitter.

It was completely unfair and counter to fundamentals of the DoJ which does not make these things public as a matter of policy.

Like I said - The uninformed have no idea of the background concerning that announcement.

The FBI, under Attorney General Lynch, had taken the Investigation out of the field offices and Comey was making it go away.
The non corrupt people in the New York Field Office were not playing that game.
They had info that they were going to investigate - Comey took it from them, announced it so that he could then bury that too, which he did.

Comey worked to cover all this up for Hillary.

Any who claims that Comey worked against Hillary in any way - I dismiss completely as woefully uninformed.

Fun story but completely unsupported by any factual investigation of the matter. This is a fantasy spun by Trump supporters.

The IG debunks all of this. Let’s summarize.

The investigation was never in a field office. From the start of the investigation, it always took place at FBI headquarters. This is not unusual for such an important investigation. Lynch had no part in determining where it would occur.

The New York Field office never was going to investigate Clinton on their own. In all likelihood they were leaking the presence of Weiner’s laptop to Giuliani. The IG report shows evidence of bias in that office against Clinton and the leaks reinforce it. The field office passed the info on to FBI headquarters as they should.

You know what’s the opposite of a cover up? Announcing the investigation was reopened. Your narrative is bogus.

I have already dismissed you due to your lack of information.
You don’t have the facts. You have a fantasy.
Can you explain it in your own words?

Comey felt compelled to inform Congress since he had already testified on the investigation. He informed Chaffetz who immediately blasted it out on twitter.

It was completely unfair and counter to fundamentals of the DoJ which does not make these things public as a matter of policy.

Like I said - The uninformed have no idea of the background concerning that announcement.

The FBI, under Attorney General Lynch, had taken the Investigation out of the field offices and Comey was making it go away.
The non corrupt people in the New York Field Office were not playing that game.
They had info that they were going to investigate - Comey took it from them, announced it so that he could then bury that too, which he did.

Comey worked to cover all this up for Hillary.

Any who claims that Comey worked against Hillary in any way - I dismiss completely as woefully uninformed.

Fun story but completely unsupported by any factual investigation of the matter. This is a fantasy spun by Trump supporters.

The IG debunks all of this. Let’s summarize.

The investigation was never in a field office. From the start of the investigation, it always took place at FBI headquarters. This is not unusual for such an important investigation. Lynch had no part in determining where it would occur.

The New York Field office never was going to investigate Clinton on their own. In all likelihood they were leaking the presence of Weiner’s laptop to Giuliani. The IG report shows evidence of bias in that office against Clinton and the leaks reinforce it. The field office passed the info on to FBI headquarters as they should.

You know what’s the opposite of a cover up? Announcing the investigation was reopened. Your narrative is bogus.

I have already dismissed you due to your lack of information.
You don’t have the facts. You have a fantasy.

Poor baby
Rudy sounds like Joseph McCarthy.....I have a list of 200 Communists
And ya gotta wonder why he was looking for corruption but only democratic corruption.... that's a tale tell sign.....

Consider he, Giuliani has sought corrupt business in the Ukraine for a decade at least.... And Rick Perry just worked a deal with Velensky to hire a Texas oil and gas buddy of his to advise him... And Giuliani got in to see the DOJ about the extradition on a criminal Ukrainian oligarch, Firtash, that Victoria and DiGenova are representing, that they do not want extradited to the USA for his crimes against us, or that Rudy n friends were trying to get two USA crony oil and gas guy on their board of directors and remove two board members who were fig h ting the corruption in the business.

Trump swamp, is up to our eyeballs at this point.....
Comey worked to cover all this up for Hillary.

Any who claims that Comey worked against Hillary in any way - I dismiss completely as woefully uninformed.
Sadly, you are the uninformed one. Unless you mean like Comey working for Hillary by publicly announcing the FBI was reopening the investigation into her email as early voting had already begun.


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