Ruh roh! Hillary is in trouble now. Russia Is Set To Release Clinton's Intercepted Emails

It doesn't matter. Hillary has a "D" after her name and 0bama is in charge. Who's going to prosecute her? Nobody.
heres one of those who think trumps a strait talker ... if anyone thinks trump is a strait talker they are dumb as shit

Not only are you an uneducated dolt who can't spell, but you are wrong about me as well. Two time loser eh? Sucks to be you.
seems you little upset ... lost your temper did ya ??? well thats what happens when stupid people like you who thinks trump is a straight talker...
its not misspelled ... its grammatically incorrect ... I do that a lot just to hear morons try a say its misspelled but we can see you're to stupid to understand the difference
They could release her taking a shit on black babies, and the negro people in this country would still overwhelmingly vote for her.

She could be seen kicking gay midgets and the gays would still overwhelmingly vote for her.

Look at ALL of stuff the left already ALLOWS the clintons to get away with, while they quickly go ape shit over some white conservative using the wrong PREFERRED pronoun.

Should I list all of the sexual assaults alleged by women over the last 50 years? Not even including the under age girls he is linked to at that private pervert island.

Every left winger is nothing more than a bag of shit.
Actually it is you who is a bag of shit .... it is you who is angry that nothing became of benghazi .. because all the things the right said, It did't happen ... then they had the email so called crisis ....that they felt we got you now hillary by all these right wing sites telling what law she violated ... when a known republican strait shooter come to the microphone and tells you there wasn't any law violated, you guys lose your mind ... then start calling Comey names because he told the truth ... you can't stand it because you know hillary is going to win this election .. you know hillary is going to select liberal judges.... you can't stand the fact that its time for the people to get a break from the greedy the rich 1% ... you can't stand the fact that the people now are getting affordable health care ... you can stand the Idea that the poor can get medicaid now with out paying a dime ... thats killing you
Oh, so you are one of those fucking morons who think the FBI guy said she did nothing wrong.

You are a fucking loser. You not worth an ounce of my time. If I could, I would every tooth out of your fucking head.

You are nothing but a piece of worthless shit.
no ...your just a stupid shit who whines all the time...where was you anger the Colen powell did the same thing ...where was your anger when condo rice did the same thing ... now that its hillary and she didn't do anything wrong pretty much say who the moron is .. that would be you
Did Powell and Rice have their own private server?
Hillary did you fucking moron!
Give it up. You're only continuing to make a fool of yourself.
But wasn't it you who claimed Zimmerman's "cheap gun" recoiled and that's how his nose was broken?
Fucking LOSER!
It doesn't matter. Hillary has a "D" after her name and 0bama is in charge. Who's going to prosecute her? Nobody.
heres one of those who think trumps a strait talker ... if anyone thinks trump is a strait talker they are dumb as shit

Not only are you an uneducated dolt who can't spell, but you are wrong about me as well. Two time loser eh? Sucks to be you.
seems you little upset ... lost your temper did ya ??? well thats what happens when stupid people like you who thinks trump is a straight talker...
its not misspelled ... its grammatically incorrect ... I do that a lot just to hear morons try a say its misspelled but we can see you're to stupid to understand the difference
That's the END!
You're a fucking illiterate dummy! You're too stupid to use 'spell-check'.
Permanent Ignore.
It doesn't matter. Hillary has a "D" after her name and 0bama is in charge. Who's going to prosecute her? Nobody.
heres one of those who think trumps a strait talker ... if anyone thinks trump is a strait talker they are dumb as shit

Not only are you an uneducated dolt who can't spell, but you are wrong about me as well. Two time loser eh? Sucks to be you.
seems you little upset ... lost your temper did ya ??? well thats what happens when stupid people like you who thinks trump is a straight talker...
its not misspelled ... its grammatically incorrect ... I do that a lot just to hear morons try a say its misspelled but we can see you're to stupid to understand the difference

Just a helpful hint to you: It's never a good idea to double down on your stupid.
This is stupidity on so many levels, especially wanting for it to happen.

And since when is spying/hacking ok to just openly admit? That's cool with anybody? Proud of that? Who are you guys?
We have systems in place to prevent's important to know what the enemy is doing to circumvent these systems.....
Hillary circumvented the systems with her private server,. The "enemy" really didn't have to do anything at all.
They could release her taking a shit on black babies, and the negro people in this country would still overwhelmingly vote for her.

She could be seen kicking gay midgets and the gays would still overwhelmingly vote for her.

Look at ALL of stuff the left already ALLOWS the clintons to get away with, while they quickly go ape shit over some white conservative using the wrong PREFERRED pronoun.

Should I list all of the sexual assaults alleged by women over the last 50 years? Not even including the under age girls he is linked to at that private pervert island.

Every left winger is nothing more than a bag of shit.
Actually it is you who is a bag of shit .... it is you who is angry that nothing became of benghazi .. because all the things the right said, It did't happen ... then they had the email so called crisis ....that they felt we got you now hillary by all these right wing sites telling what law she violated ... when a known republican strait shooter come to the microphone and tells you there wasn't any law violated, you guys lose your mind ... then start calling Comey names because he told the truth ... you can't stand it because you know hillary is going to win this election .. you know hillary is going to select liberal judges.... you can't stand the fact that its time for the people to get a break from the greedy the rich 1% ... you can't stand the fact that the people now are getting affordable health care ... you can stand the Idea that the poor can get medicaid now with out paying a dime ... thats killing you
Oh, so you are one of those fucking morons who think the FBI guy said she did nothing wrong.

You are a fucking loser. You not worth an ounce of my time. If I could, I would every tooth out of your fucking head.

You are nothing but a piece of worthless shit.
no ...your just a stupid shit who whines all the time...where was you anger the Colen powell did the same thing ...where was your anger when condo rice did the same thing ... now that its hillary and she didn't do anything wrong pretty much say who the moron is .. that would be you
Did Powell and Rice have their own private server?
Hillary did you fucking moron!
Give it up. You're only continuing to make a fool of yourself.
But wasn't it you who claimed Zimmerman's "cheap gun" recoiled and that's how his nose was broken?
Fucking LOSER!
Yes Condi Rice and Colin powell had their own private servers ... pay attention you idiot ... as for Zimmerman I've never commented on him at all ... if anyone is making a fool of them selves that would be you ...Colin powell even said it on the news that he had one where he said refused to give it up ... nothing was done to him or condi rice... where the hell have you been hiding under a rock ???

Colin Powell relied on personal emails while secretary of state

03/03/15 02:59 PM EST

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Like Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State Colin Powell also used a personal email account during his tenure at the State Department, an aide confirmed in a statement.

“He was not aware of any restrictions nor does he recall being made aware of any over the four years he served at State,” the statement says. “He sent emails to his staff generally via their State Department email addresses. These emails should be on the State Department computers. He might have occasionally used personal email addresses, as he did when emailing to family and friends.” just like Hillary

where's your anger there seems you're a bit one-sided aren't ya
SJ hasn't finish 5 grade yet you can see how childish his post are ...
Anyone with a 5th grade education could see the irony of this post. :lol:

Billy cock has no clue.........
Hands down, he is the dumbest SOB on this forum.

Yeah, since Truthmatters left.
and yet you keep making a fool of yourself with your lack of knowledge ....
This is stupidity on so many levels, especially wanting for it to happen.

And since when is spying/hacking ok to just openly admit? That's cool with anybody? Proud of that? Who are you guys?

they hate this country. they think if they defame her enough that their troll of a presidential candidate has to win.

It doesn't matter. Hillary has a "D" after her name and 0bama is in charge. Who's going to prosecute her? Nobody.
heres one of those who think trumps a strait talker ... if anyone thinks trump is a strait talker they are dumb as shit

Not only are you an uneducated dolt who can't spell, but you are wrong about me as well. Two time loser eh? Sucks to be you.
seems you little upset ... lost your temper did ya ??? well thats what happens when stupid people like you who thinks trump is a straight talker...
its not misspelled ... its grammatically incorrect ... I do that a lot just to hear morons try a say its misspelled but we can see you're to stupid to understand the difference
That's the END!
You're a fucking illiterate dummy! You're too stupid to use 'spell-check'.
Permanent Ignore.
spell check doesn't correct grammar you moron
It doesn't matter. Hillary has a "D" after her name and 0bama is in charge. Who's going to prosecute her? Nobody.
heres one of those who think trumps a strait talker ... if anyone thinks trump is a strait talker they are dumb as shit

Not only are you an uneducated dolt who can't spell, but you are wrong about me as well. Two time loser eh? Sucks to be you.
seems you little upset ... lost your temper did ya ??? well thats what happens when stupid people like you who thinks trump is a straight talker...
its not misspelled ... its grammatically incorrect ... I do that a lot just to hear morons try a say its misspelled but we can see you're to stupid to understand the difference

Just a helpful hint to you: It's never a good idea to double down on your stupid.
it seem to me that you didn't realize that "strait" isn't misspelled ... thats error one on your part ... then when I corrected you that it was a grammar error, you then realized how stupid you were in your post ... so what did brilliant you do??? you show us how stupid you really are ... instead of saying yes your right it was a grammar error and not a misspelled word ... you tried to save face ... you made a bigger fool of your self ... nice going dumb fuck!!!!
SJ hasn't finish 5 grade yet you can see how childish his post are ...
Anyone with a 5th grade education could see the irony of this post. :lol:

Billy cock has no clue.........
Hands down, he is the dumbest SOB on this forum.

Yeah, since Truthmatters left.
Yeah, what does any republican know about truth ??? answer Nothing!!!!

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