Ruh Roh!!! Mueller tied directly to Russian oligarch Deripaska Can we say "conflict of interest"?

The black side of Obama is what caused him to be such a terrible POTUS. If his mom wasn't such a slut he would have been completely white, thus a better POTUS
True story
What an epic post full of RACISM!

True story.
So you have Mueller linked to Deripaska. The oligarch that Mueller is using against Manafort. Manafort's lawyers are going to have a field day with this.
You LIED about Mueller being linked to Uranium One, why should we believe this when it comes from a known LIAR, you?

Mueller is linked to Uranium One. Whether you like it or not. He was head of the FBI. And hid the bribery/money laundering/racketeering etc scandal from those that would approve the deal.

Oh he's up to his ever rotten dirty cop eyeballs in this.

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow
By John Solomon and Alison Spann - 10/17/17 06:00 AM EDT

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow
Seems like everyone has a connection to Russia except Trump.....LMAO
Laughing Hyena.

Grand Jury Indicts Thirteen Russian Individuals and Three Russian Companies for Scheme to Interfere in the United States Political System


I believe the sons. Why should they lie?
How funny is this? As if it wasn't bad enough that Mueller was Hillary's bag man in Uranium One
It is funny just how STUPID you have to be to swallow that BULLSHIT!!!

Who is the stupid one?

It's on record that he flew to Moscow with a sample.

"In 2009, Mueller flew to Moscow to provide Russia with a sample of 10 grams of highly enriched uranium (HEU).

The exchange was revealed in a government cable released by information-leaking website WikiLeaks, which states, “Embassy Moscow is requested to alert at the highest appropriate level the Russian Federation that FBI Director Mueller plans to deliver the HEU sample once he arrives to Moscow on September 21.”

As FBI Chief, Special Counsel Robert Mueller Watched and Allowed Clinton Deals With Russia
Dum dum. Hillary was Secretary of State. Nothing to do with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

What is with this determined ignorance. It's not cute nor is it funny.

Once you've lost Fox News, you have lost even the most mild of credibility.
How funny is this? As if it wasn't bad enough that Mueller was Hillary's bag man in Uranium One, now we find out this.

"But there’s one episode even Mueller’s former law enforcement comrades — and independent ethicists — acknowledge raises legitimate legal issues and a possible conflict of interest in his overseeing the Russia election probe.

In 2009, when Mueller ran the FBI, the bureau asked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to spend millions of his own dollars funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007."

Mueller may have a conflict — and it leads directly to a Russian oligarch
Wow OMG OMG OMG Holy Shit Batman.

A long time FBI guy had contact with people in other countries!!!!!

How funny is this? As if it wasn't bad enough that Mueller was Hillary's bag man in Uranium One, now we find out this.

"But there’s one episode even Mueller’s former law enforcement comrades — and independent ethicists — acknowledge raises legitimate legal issues and a possible conflict of interest in his overseeing the Russia election probe.

In 2009, when Mueller ran the FBI, the bureau asked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to spend millions of his own dollars funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007."

Mueller may have a conflict — and it leads directly to a Russian oligarch
Wow OMG OMG OMG Holy Shit Batman.

A long time FBI guy had contact with people in other countries!!!!!


OMG OMG OMG American businessmen had contact with other businessmen in Russia. Apparently that was never ever allowed. Well as long as it was Republican businessmen.

Actually the link of this oligarch in particular to Mueller involves millions of dollars and a rescue attempt of an American citizen.
How funny is this? As if it wasn't bad enough that Mueller was Hillary's bag man in Uranium One, now we find out this.

"But there’s one episode even Mueller’s former law enforcement comrades — and independent ethicists — acknowledge raises legitimate legal issues and a possible conflict of interest in his overseeing the Russia election probe.

In 2009, when Mueller ran the FBI, the bureau asked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to spend millions of his own dollars funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007."

Mueller may have a conflict — and it leads directly to a Russian oligarch
I think it’s hillarious to hear all you Trumpsters bitching about the democrats baseless accusations about Trump and Russia and then see you try and do the same thing to Mueller in the next breath. Can you say hypocrite?
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BREAKING: Iran Threatens to Release Names of Western Officials Who Took Bribes to Pass Nuke Deal.
More FAKE Russian NEWS from the Russian Troll Farm zerohedge.

So every media outlet that is not in the Obama/Clinton pocket is now a Russian troll farm?

You said it, not me.
Here is the actual truth from the actual cable, now compare it to your Russian lies.
You hate that your fellow Russian HEU smugglers got caught and are being prosecuted by Mueller.

Read in its entirety, however, the cable itself reveals nothing questionable or nefarious about the transfer of evidence between Mueller and a similarly placed Russian law enforcement official in Moscow. It merely asked the U.S. Embassy in Moscow to inform the Russian government that the transfer, which was postponed from an earlier date, would take place on 21 September 2009.

Moreover, it provided a complete explanation of why the transfer was taking place:

2. (S/NF) Background: Over two years ago Russia requested a ten-gram sample of highly enriched uranium (HEU) seized in early 2006 in Georgia during a nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian accomplices. The seized HEU was transferred to U.S. custody and is being held at a secure DOE facility. In response to the Russian request, the Georgian Government authorized the United States to share a sample of the material with the Russians for forensic analysis. Director Mueller previously planned to deliver the sample in April (Ref A), but due to a scheduling conflict the trip was canceled. Embassy Moscow LegAtt informed the FSB prior to Mueller’s intended April delivery and received confirmation that the FSB would take custody of the sample after the Director’s plane landed. EST Moscow also informed Rosatom of the planned transfer and that the U.S. placed a high priority on completing this transfer (Ref B). Once the LegAtt told FSB counterparts the April trip had been canceled, Ambassador Beyrle informed Igor Neverov (Ref C), who said that he understood but was disappointed the trip was postponed. The September 21 visit provides again an opportunity to deliver the requested ten-gram sample from the seized HEU in order to obtain cooperation from the GOR on this nuclear smuggling case and to eventually establish a more productive mechanism of U.S.-Russian cooperation on nuclear forensics.

Now I'm a Russian smuggler??????????????????????????????

Anyone who pokes holes in the Russian conspiracy theory is an enemy of the people, Komrade!

Anyone who thinks the FBI director would personally deliver uranium is a special sort of dumbass.
How funny is this? As if it wasn't bad enough that Mueller was Hillary's bag man in Uranium One
It is funny just how STUPID you have to be to swallow that BULLSHIT!!!
They want to.

Just like how they DIDN'T want to hear any good news of the American economy during Obama's tenure, and how they downplayed EVERY. SINGLE. SUCCESS during his term.

All of a sudden, the day T-Rump took Office, everything magically turned around.

That's the talking point they were given to march with, and that's what they're sticking too.

You know at this point it shouldn't even be about Trump any more but actually the focus should be on the corrupt agenda of the socialist left. The truth is everyone in this nation who is paying attention and not living under a rock with no internet, TV, or radio should be scared shitless at the possibility that the democrats could actually get back into power. That they could overtake the house in the midterms and then reverse everything Trump has done putting this nation back into the condition Obama the traitor left it. I mean even if liberal supporters refuse to believe in all of their criminality, they should at least be able to see by now what their plan for this nation is.

Just looking at what those socialists have done to California should have everyone quaking in their boots at this point because that's what they want to do to the entire nation. They want to open the borders wide and let everyone in and why? Because they want to use them for their votes while the taxpayers support them. And It's so bad, if we don't get them out of office, it will continue even with the GOP in all three branches since it takes 60% to carry the vote in important issues like stopping all these immigrants from overtaking this country. Guaranteed if this isn't brought under control and soon, it's going to eventually happen and that will keep democrats in office FOREVER. The U.S. will become one large sinking ship. This while they keep coming across the border.

There are billions of people around the planet who would love to jump on that gravy train. So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this will destroy America causing it to become another like Venezuela whose people are starving in the streets fighting over garbage in trash cans, eating sewer rats and even devouring the zoo animals. Not long ago they had a booming economy like the U.S. until liberal socialists took that country over. Afterwards they took away all of their guns so they couldn't fight back...SOUND FAMILIAR? Is this resonating at all with you liberal supporters? Do you ever look beyond the tips of your noses at the bigger picture?

How Venezuela went from a rich democracy to a dictatorship on the brink of collapse

WATCH: Footage Of Homelessness In California Shows Devastating Effects Of Democrats' Policies
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How funny is this? As if it wasn't bad enough that Mueller was Hillary's bag man in Uranium One
It is funny just how STUPID you have to be to swallow that BULLSHIT!!!
They want to.

Just like how they DIDN'T want to hear any good news of the American economy during Obama's tenure, and how they downplayed EVERY. SINGLE. SUCCESS during his term.

All of a sudden, the day T-Rump took Office, everything magically turned around.

That's the talking point they were given to march with, and that's what they're sticking too.

You know at this point it shouldn't even be about Trump any more but actually the focus should be on the corrupt agenda of the socialist left. The truth is everyone in this nation who is paying attention and not living under a rock with no internet, TV, or radio should be scared shitless at the possibility that the democrats could actually get back into power. That they could overtake the house in the midterms and then reverse everything Trump has done putting this nation back into the condition Obama the traitor left it. I mean even if liberal supporters refuse to believe in all of their criminality, they should at least be able to see by now what their plan for this nation is.

Just looking at what those socialists have done to California should have everyone quaking in their boots at this point because that's what they want to do to the entire nation. They want to open the borders wide and let everyone in that wants to come and why? To use them for their votes while the taxpayers support them. It's so bad, that if we don't get them out of office, it will continue even with the GOP in all three branches since it takes 60% to carry the vote in important issues like stopping all these immigrants from overtaking this country. Guaranteed if this isn't brought under control and soon, it's going to eventually happen and that will keep democrats in office FOREVER. The U.S. will become a large sinking ship. This while they keep coming across the border. which will eventually bankrupt the country because more people will be on welfare than there are working American taxpayers paying the bill. And we're almost to that point now which will then cause the government to have to raise taxes high enough to cover meaning all the working people will become poor probably lose their homes in the process.

There are billions of people around the planet who would love to jump on that gravy train. So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this will destroy America causing it to become another like Venezuela. Those people are starving in the streets fighting over garbage in trash cans, eating sewer rats and even devouring the zoo animals. Not long ago they had a booming economy like the U.S. until liberal socialists took that country over. Afterwards they took away all of their guns so they couldn't fight back...SOUND FAMILIAR? Is this resonating at all with you liberal supporters? Do you ever look beyond the tips of your noses at the far picture?

How Venezuela went from a rich democracy to a dictatorship on the brink of collapse

WATCH: Footage Of Homelessness In California Shows Devastating Effects Of Democrats' Policies

How funny is this? As if it wasn't bad enough that Mueller was Hillary's bag man in Uranium One, now we find out this.

"But there’s one episode even Mueller’s former law enforcement comrades — and independent ethicists — acknowledge raises legitimate legal issues and a possible conflict of interest in his overseeing the Russia election probe.

In 2009, when Mueller ran the FBI, the bureau asked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to spend millions of his own dollars funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007."

Mueller may have a conflict — and it leads directly to a Russian oligarch

this is the part I like....that Mueller actually broke the law...

Second, the FBI wanted a foreigner to fund the operation because spending money in Iran might violate U.S. sanctions and other laws.


Former Clinton Justice Department lawyer Melanie Sloan told The Hill that an even more significant issue for Mueller is that the FBI operation involving Deripaska might have been illegal.

“It’s possible the bureau’s arrangement with Mr. Deripaska violated the Antideficiency Act, which prohibits the government from accepting voluntary services,” Sloan said.
How funny is this? As if it wasn't bad enough that Mueller was Hillary's bag man in Uranium One, now we find out this.

"But there’s one episode even Mueller’s former law enforcement comrades — and independent ethicists — acknowledge raises legitimate legal issues and a possible conflict of interest in his overseeing the Russia election probe.

In 2009, when Mueller ran the FBI, the bureau asked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to spend millions of his own dollars funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007."

Mueller may have a conflict — and it leads directly to a Russian oligarch
It’s apparent that this oligarch was contacted to interfer with trump
So mueller colluded with a Russian with designs against trump
Mueller is such a moron. t
BREAKING: Iran Threatens to Release Names of Western Officials Who Took Bribes to Pass Nuke Deal.
More FAKE Russian NEWS from the Russian Troll Farm zerohedge.

So every media outlet that is not in the Obama/Clinton pocket is now a Russian troll farm?

You said it, not me.
Here is the actual truth from the actual cable, now compare it to your Russian lies.
You hate that your fellow Russian HEU smugglers got caught and are being prosecuted by Mueller.

Read in its entirety, however, the cable itself reveals nothing questionable or nefarious about the transfer of evidence between Mueller and a similarly placed Russian law enforcement official in Moscow. It merely asked the U.S. Embassy in Moscow to inform the Russian government that the transfer, which was postponed from an earlier date, would take place on 21 September 2009.

Moreover, it provided a complete explanation of why the transfer was taking place:

2. (S/NF) Background: Over two years ago Russia requested a ten-gram sample of highly enriched uranium (HEU) seized in early 2006 in Georgia during a nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian accomplices. The seized HEU was transferred to U.S. custody and is being held at a secure DOE facility. In response to the Russian request, the Georgian Government authorized the United States to share a sample of the material with the Russians for forensic analysis. Director Mueller previously planned to deliver the sample in April (Ref A), but due to a scheduling conflict the trip was canceled. Embassy Moscow LegAtt informed the FSB prior to Mueller’s intended April delivery and received confirmation that the FSB would take custody of the sample after the Director’s plane landed. EST Moscow also informed Rosatom of the planned transfer and that the U.S. placed a high priority on completing this transfer (Ref B). Once the LegAtt told FSB counterparts the April trip had been canceled, Ambassador Beyrle informed Igor Neverov (Ref C), who said that he understood but was disappointed the trip was postponed. The September 21 visit provides again an opportunity to deliver the requested ten-gram sample from the seized HEU in order to obtain cooperation from the GOR on this nuclear smuggling case and to eventually establish a more productive mechanism of U.S.-Russian cooperation on nuclear forensics.

Thank you! Just another NaziCon conspiracy theory thread.
Take the words conspiracy theory out of the English language and lakhotas religion would collapse
Funny....the guy looking for Russian collusion colluded with Russians..... Must have slipped his memory. :p
Here is piece these WeakWhyte overlooked in this write up... they went straight to an opinion:

In 2009, when Mueller ran the FBI, the bureau asked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to spend millions of his own dollars funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007.

Nice. :113:
'Justify His Own Existence'
Dismiss The 'Make-Believe' Charges -- Indicted Russian Firm Comes Straight After Mueller

"One of the Russian companies special counsel Robert Mueller accused of interfering in the 2016 presidential election is asking a federal judge to determine if he is engaging in a sham criminal case.

Foreign interference in the presidential election is a “make-believe crime,” Concord Management and Consulting
said in a court filing Monday. The company argues the case is an example of Mueller attempting to “justify his own existence” by indicting “a Russian — any Russian.”

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has “rejected the history and integrity of the DOJ and instead licensed a Special Counsel who for all practical political purposes cannot be fired, to indict a case that has absolutely nothing to do with any links or coordination between any candidate and the Russian Government,” Concord wrote in the court filing.

Concord’s lawyers also petitioned the judge to review the instructions Mueller’s team gave the grand jury in securing the indictment."

Claiming he has authority to do whatever he wants because his orders are in a sealed envelope only he can open and see isn't going to float...Mueller just got called out - 'Put up or shut up'.

Going on 2 years without evidence to prove there was anything to investigate, Mueller is being challenged by the Russians he indicted...and he wasn't ready for it. :p

Indicted Russian Company Asks Judge To Dismiss Mueller’s ‘Make-Believe’ Charges
You know at this point it shouldn't even be about Trump any more but actually the focus should be on the corrupt agenda of the socialist left. The truth is everyone in this nation who is paying attention and not living under a rock with no internet, TV, or radio should be scared shitless at the possibility that the democrats could actually get back into power. That they could overtake the house in the midterms and then reverse everything Trump has done putting this nation back into the condition Obama the traitor left it. I mean even if liberal supporters refuse to believe in all of their criminality, they should at least be able to see by now what their plan for this nation is.

Just looking at what those socialists have done to California should have everyone quaking in their boots at this point because that's what they want to do to the entire nation. They want to open the borders wide and let everyone in and why? Because they want to use them for their votes while the taxpayers support them. And It's so bad, if we don't get them out of office, it will continue even with the GOP in all three branches since it takes 60% to carry the vote in important issues like stopping all these immigrants from overtaking this country. Guaranteed if this isn't brought under control and soon, it's going to eventually happen and that will keep democrats in office FOREVER. The U.S. will become one large sinking ship. This while they keep coming across the border.

There are billions of people around the planet who would love to jump on that gravy train. So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this will destroy America causing it to become another like Venezuela whose people are starving in the streets fighting over garbage in trash cans, eating sewer rats and even devouring the zoo animals. Not long ago they had a booming economy like the U.S. until liberal socialists took that country over. Afterwards they took away all of their guns so they couldn't fight back...SOUND FAMILIAR? Is this resonating at all with you liberal supporters? Do you ever look beyond the tips of your noses at the bigger picture?

How Venezuela went from a rich democracy to a dictatorship on the brink of collapse

WATCH: Footage Of Homelessness In California Shows Devastating Effects Of Democrats' Policies
Uh huh....good luck with that.

Meantime, get ready for the blue's coming.


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