Ruh-Roh: Senate Committee Launches First New Clinton Corruption Investigation


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

During the 2016 Election the Clintons were under Multiple FBI Investigations. One dealt with her crimes involving her UN-Authorized, UN-Encrypted, UN-Secured server / violations regarding handling of classified / violations of FOIA & the Federal Records Act. The 2nd investigation dealt with the Clinton's selling access / favors / etc - Influence Peddling.

The 2nd Investigation is still on-going and heating up - or rather a new criminal investigation into the Clinton's Influence Peddling is opened up.

'They Threatened Me'

Senate Committee Launches First New Clinton Corruption Investigation

"Senate Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has launched a new investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s effort to thwart a Bangladesh government corruption probe of Muhammad Yunus, a Clinton Foundation donor and close friend of the Clintons."

"Then US Secretary of State Clinton sent top U.S. diplomats to pressure Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheik Hasina and her son Sajeeb Wazed in an effort to kill that country’s corruption investigation of Yunus and Grameen Bank. Yunus was then managing director of the state-owned Bangladesh bank.

In a June 1, 2017, letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Grassley repeated TheDCNF charge that Clinton threatened Wazed with an IRS tax audit if his mother did not back away from the corruption probe. Wazed has lived in the U.S. for 17 years."


"Another official, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Rajiv Shah also met with Wazed. Shah’s agency awarded $13 million to Yunus organizations and another $11 million to allied Yunus organizations during Clinton’s tenure. The Department of State oversees USAID programs.

As TheDCNF previously
reported, Clinton’s aid to Yunus included 18 grants, contracts and loans awarded to two of his America-based foundations, the Grameen Foundation USA and Grameen America, according to

Yunus was stripped of his directorship of the state owned Grameen Bank in 2011 as a result of the Bangladesh government’s review of his financial mismanagement of the bank and its “micro-credit” loan program for poor peasants, mainly women.

Yunus eventually returned the money to Grameen Bank, but the government’s investigation exposed serious financial mismanagement and found the micro-loan program failed to lift recipients out of poverty."


"Clinton’s support for Yunus dates to former President Bill Clinton’s years as Arkansas governor. Both Clintons became micro-credit loan advocates and enthusiastic backers of Yunus, who invented the lending scheme. Bill Clinton reportedly lobbied the Nobel Prize Committee on behalf of Yunus. The committee awarded him the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.

From 2008 onward, Yunus was a featured speaker at the glitzy Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting. He donated between $100,000-$250,000 to CGI and $25,000-$50,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to the Clinton Foundation website.

Wazed told TheDCNF it was “astounding and mind boggling” to him that between 2010 and 2012 senior State Department officials repeatedly pressured him to influence his mother to drop the Grameen Bank investigation."

“They threatened me with the possibility of an audit by the Internal Revenue Service,” Wazed said. “They would say over and over again, ‘Yunus has powerful friends’ and we all knew they were talking of Secretary Clinton. Everybody knew it was Mrs. Clinton.”

It is no secret Hillary still wants to 'RUN'...if I were her, I would not wait until 2020. I would start 'running' NOW before she is Perp-Walked and JAILED!

During the 2016 Election the Clintons were under Multiple FBI Investigations. One dealt with her crimes involving her UN-Authorized, UN-Encrypted, UN-Secured server / violations regarding handling of classified / violations of FOIA & the Federal Records Act. The 2nd investigation dealt with the Clinton's selling access / favors / etc - Influence Peddling.

The 2nd Investigation is still on-going and heating up - or rather a new criminal investigation into the Clinton's Influence Peddling is opened up.

'They Threatened Me'

Senate Committee Launches First New Clinton Corruption Investigation

"Senate Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has launched a new investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s effort to thwart a Bangladesh government corruption probe of Muhammad Yunus, a Clinton Foundation donor and close friend of the Clintons."

"Then US Secretary of State Clinton sent top U.S. diplomats to pressure Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheik Hasina and her son Sajeeb Wazed in an effort to kill that country’s corruption investigation of Yunus and Grameen Bank. Yunus was then managing director of the state-owned Bangladesh bank.

In a June 1, 2017, letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Grassley repeated TheDCNF charge that Clinton threatened Wazed with an IRS tax audit if his mother did not back away from the corruption probe. Wazed has lived in the U.S. for 17 years."


"Another official, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Rajiv Shah also met with Wazed. Shah’s agency awarded $13 million to Yunus organizations and another $11 million to allied Yunus organizations during Clinton’s tenure. The Department of State oversees USAID programs.

As TheDCNF previously reported, Clinton’s aid to Yunus included 18 grants, contracts and loans awarded to two of his America-based foundations, the Grameen Foundation USA and Grameen America, according to

Yunus was stripped of his directorship of the state owned Grameen Bank in 2011 as a result of the Bangladesh government’s review of his financial mismanagement of the bank and its “micro-credit” loan program for poor peasants, mainly women.

Yunus eventually returned the money to Grameen Bank, but the government’s investigation exposed serious financial mismanagement and found the micro-loan program failed to lift recipients out of poverty."


"Clinton’s support for Yunus dates to former President Bill Clinton’s years as Arkansas governor. Both Clintons became micro-credit loan advocates and enthusiastic backers of Yunus, who invented the lending scheme. Bill Clinton reportedly lobbied the Nobel Prize Committee on behalf of Yunus. The committee awarded him the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.

From 2008 onward, Yunus was a featured speaker at the glitzy Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting. He donated between $100,000-$250,000 to CGI and $25,000-$50,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to the Clinton Foundation website.

Wazed told TheDCNF it was “astounding and mind boggling” to him that between 2010 and 2012 senior State Department officials repeatedly pressured him to influence his mother to drop the Grameen Bank investigation."

“They threatened me with the possibility of an audit by the Internal Revenue Service,” Wazed said. “They would say over and over again, ‘Yunus has powerful friends’ and we all knew they were talking of Secretary Clinton. Everybody knew it was Mrs. Clinton.”

It is no secret Hillary still wants to 'RUN'...if I were her, I would not wait until 2020. I would start 'running' NOW before she is Perp-Walked and JAILED!
Who threatened him? Obviously not Sec. Clinton.

During the 2016 Election the Clintons were under Multiple FBI Investigations. One dealt with her crimes involving her UN-Authorized, UN-Encrypted, UN-Secured server / violations regarding handling of classified / violations of FOIA & the Federal Records Act. The 2nd investigation dealt with the Clinton's selling access / favors / etc - Influence Peddling.

The 2nd Investigation is still on-going and heating up - or rather a new criminal investigation into the Clinton's Influence Peddling is opened up.

'They Threatened Me'

Senate Committee Launches First New Clinton Corruption Investigation

"Senate Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has launched a new investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s effort to thwart a Bangladesh government corruption probe of Muhammad Yunus, a Clinton Foundation donor and close friend of the Clintons."

"Then US Secretary of State Clinton sent top U.S. diplomats to pressure Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheik Hasina and her son Sajeeb Wazed in an effort to kill that country’s corruption investigation of Yunus and Grameen Bank. Yunus was then managing director of the state-owned Bangladesh bank.

In a June 1, 2017, letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Grassley repeated TheDCNF charge that Clinton threatened Wazed with an IRS tax audit if his mother did not back away from the corruption probe. Wazed has lived in the U.S. for 17 years."


"Another official, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Rajiv Shah also met with Wazed. Shah’s agency awarded $13 million to Yunus organizations and another $11 million to allied Yunus organizations during Clinton’s tenure. The Department of State oversees USAID programs.

As TheDCNF previously reported, Clinton’s aid to Yunus included 18 grants, contracts and loans awarded to two of his America-based foundations, the Grameen Foundation USA and Grameen America, according to

Yunus was stripped of his directorship of the state owned Grameen Bank in 2011 as a result of the Bangladesh government’s review of his financial mismanagement of the bank and its “micro-credit” loan program for poor peasants, mainly women.

Yunus eventually returned the money to Grameen Bank, but the government’s investigation exposed serious financial mismanagement and found the micro-loan program failed to lift recipients out of poverty."


"Clinton’s support for Yunus dates to former President Bill Clinton’s years as Arkansas governor. Both Clintons became micro-credit loan advocates and enthusiastic backers of Yunus, who invented the lending scheme. Bill Clinton reportedly lobbied the Nobel Prize Committee on behalf of Yunus. The committee awarded him the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.

From 2008 onward, Yunus was a featured speaker at the glitzy Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting. He donated between $100,000-$250,000 to CGI and $25,000-$50,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to the Clinton Foundation website.

Wazed told TheDCNF it was “astounding and mind boggling” to him that between 2010 and 2012 senior State Department officials repeatedly pressured him to influence his mother to drop the Grameen Bank investigation."

“They threatened me with the possibility of an audit by the Internal Revenue Service,” Wazed said. “They would say over and over again, ‘Yunus has powerful friends’ and we all knew they were talking of Secretary Clinton. Everybody knew it was Mrs. Clinton.”

It is no secret Hillary still wants to 'RUN'...if I were her, I would not wait until 2020. I would start 'running' NOW before she is Perp-Walked and JAILED!
Who threatened him? Obviously not Sec. Clinton.

When you get threatened by the mafia you're not accosted by the main dude, one of his minions does the leg work....duh....
Again? Don't you brainless right wing lapdogs ever learn?

You're being played for Useful Idiots again, the reliable tools of your Stalinist masters. They know you'll fall for every scam, no matter how stupid. They know they can just repeat their debunked conspiracy theories over and over, and you'll fall for every new iteration.

But then, if you weren't supremely gullible, you'd be liberals.
Who threatened him? Obviously not Sec. Clinton.
Did you not read that State Department officials working for Clinton were sent?

Snowflakes continue to insist that the 'buck' stops anywhere but at the top when a Democrat is in charge. :p

Hillary's / the Clinton's history of Influence Peddling is finally catching up with them. After losing the election they no longer have any power - no favors, no access, no power to threaten - NOTHING. That has made them 'vulnerable'. No one is protecting them that much anymore because they have become 'useless'.

There's 'blood in the water', and the sharks are finally coming for the Clintons.

'Reckoning Day' is here.... :p


So what happened with all your previous conspiracy theories about Clinton and congress?


Imagine that. Yet you still BELIEVE. Good cultists. Keep obeying.

During the 2016 Election the Clintons were under Multiple FBI Investigations. One dealt with her crimes involving her UN-Authorized, UN-Encrypted, UN-Secured server / violations regarding handling of classified / violations of FOIA & the Federal Records Act. The 2nd investigation dealt with the Clinton's selling access / favors / etc - Influence Peddling.

The 2nd Investigation is still on-going and heating up - or rather a new criminal investigation into the Clinton's Influence Peddling is opened up.

'They Threatened Me'

Senate Committee Launches First New Clinton Corruption Investigation

"Senate Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has launched a new investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s effort to thwart a Bangladesh government corruption probe of Muhammad Yunus, a Clinton Foundation donor and close friend of the Clintons."

"Then US Secretary of State Clinton sent top U.S. diplomats to pressure Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheik Hasina and her son Sajeeb Wazed in an effort to kill that country’s corruption investigation of Yunus and Grameen Bank. Yunus was then managing director of the state-owned Bangladesh bank.

In a June 1, 2017, letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Grassley repeated TheDCNF charge that Clinton threatened Wazed with an IRS tax audit if his mother did not back away from the corruption probe. Wazed has lived in the U.S. for 17 years."


"Another official, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Rajiv Shah also met with Wazed. Shah’s agency awarded $13 million to Yunus organizations and another $11 million to allied Yunus organizations during Clinton’s tenure. The Department of State oversees USAID programs.

As TheDCNF previously reported, Clinton’s aid to Yunus included 18 grants, contracts and loans awarded to two of his America-based foundations, the Grameen Foundation USA and Grameen America, according to

Yunus was stripped of his directorship of the state owned Grameen Bank in 2011 as a result of the Bangladesh government’s review of his financial mismanagement of the bank and its “micro-credit” loan program for poor peasants, mainly women.

Yunus eventually returned the money to Grameen Bank, but the government’s investigation exposed serious financial mismanagement and found the micro-loan program failed to lift recipients out of poverty."


"Clinton’s support for Yunus dates to former President Bill Clinton’s years as Arkansas governor. Both Clintons became micro-credit loan advocates and enthusiastic backers of Yunus, who invented the lending scheme. Bill Clinton reportedly lobbied the Nobel Prize Committee on behalf of Yunus. The committee awarded him the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.

From 2008 onward, Yunus was a featured speaker at the glitzy Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting. He donated between $100,000-$250,000 to CGI and $25,000-$50,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to the Clinton Foundation website.

Wazed told TheDCNF it was “astounding and mind boggling” to him that between 2010 and 2012 senior State Department officials repeatedly pressured him to influence his mother to drop the Grameen Bank investigation."

“They threatened me with the possibility of an audit by the Internal Revenue Service,” Wazed said. “They would say over and over again, ‘Yunus has powerful friends’ and we all knew they were talking of Secretary Clinton. Everybody knew it was Mrs. Clinton.”

It is no secret Hillary still wants to 'RUN'...if I were her, I would not wait until 2020. I would start 'running' NOW before she is Perp-Walked and JAILED!
Who threatened him? Obviously not Sec. Clinton.

When you get threatened by the mafia you're not accosted by the main dude, one of his minions does the leg work....duh....

So now you're an expert in mafia threats too? Seems you're an expert in every subject ever addressed here. I'm impressed. I put your claims right up there next to Mr 214 when it comes to credibility.

During the 2016 Election the Clintons were under Multiple FBI Investigations. One dealt with her crimes involving her UN-Authorized, UN-Encrypted, UN-Secured server / violations regarding handling of classified / violations of FOIA & the Federal Records Act. The 2nd investigation dealt with the Clinton's selling access / favors / etc - Influence Peddling.

The 2nd Investigation is still on-going and heating up - or rather a new criminal investigation into the Clinton's Influence Peddling is opened up.

'They Threatened Me'

Senate Committee Launches First New Clinton Corruption Investigation

"Senate Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has launched a new investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s effort to thwart a Bangladesh government corruption probe of Muhammad Yunus, a Clinton Foundation donor and close friend of the Clintons."

"Then US Secretary of State Clinton sent top U.S. diplomats to pressure Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheik Hasina and her son Sajeeb Wazed in an effort to kill that country’s corruption investigation of Yunus and Grameen Bank. Yunus was then managing director of the state-owned Bangladesh bank.

In a June 1, 2017, letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Grassley repeated TheDCNF charge that Clinton threatened Wazed with an IRS tax audit if his mother did not back away from the corruption probe. Wazed has lived in the U.S. for 17 years."


"Another official, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Rajiv Shah also met with Wazed. Shah’s agency awarded $13 million to Yunus organizations and another $11 million to allied Yunus organizations during Clinton’s tenure. The Department of State oversees USAID programs.

As TheDCNF previously reported, Clinton’s aid to Yunus included 18 grants, contracts and loans awarded to two of his America-based foundations, the Grameen Foundation USA and Grameen America, according to

Yunus was stripped of his directorship of the state owned Grameen Bank in 2011 as a result of the Bangladesh government’s review of his financial mismanagement of the bank and its “micro-credit” loan program for poor peasants, mainly women.

Yunus eventually returned the money to Grameen Bank, but the government’s investigation exposed serious financial mismanagement and found the micro-loan program failed to lift recipients out of poverty."


"Clinton’s support for Yunus dates to former President Bill Clinton’s years as Arkansas governor. Both Clintons became micro-credit loan advocates and enthusiastic backers of Yunus, who invented the lending scheme. Bill Clinton reportedly lobbied the Nobel Prize Committee on behalf of Yunus. The committee awarded him the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.

From 2008 onward, Yunus was a featured speaker at the glitzy Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting. He donated between $100,000-$250,000 to CGI and $25,000-$50,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to the Clinton Foundation website.

Wazed told TheDCNF it was “astounding and mind boggling” to him that between 2010 and 2012 senior State Department officials repeatedly pressured him to influence his mother to drop the Grameen Bank investigation."

“They threatened me with the possibility of an audit by the Internal Revenue Service,” Wazed said. “They would say over and over again, ‘Yunus has powerful friends’ and we all knew they were talking of Secretary Clinton. Everybody knew it was Mrs. Clinton.”

It is no secret Hillary still wants to 'RUN'...if I were her, I would not wait until 2020. I would start 'running' NOW before she is Perp-Walked and JAILED!
Who threatened him? Obviously not Sec. Clinton.

When you get threatened by the mafia you're not accosted by the main dude, one of his minions does the leg work....duh....

So now you're an expert in mafia threats too? Seems you're an expert in every subject ever addressed here. I'm impressed. I put your claims right up there next to Mr 214 when it comes to credibility.
Mafia, shmafia - it's standard Clinton M.O.
This seems like a abuse of authority. There is no oversight here as the people involved are no longer in power. This is a matter for law enforcement as the Senate is not a law enforcement agency. Besides Republicans have never been worried about businesses doing influence peddling when they got rid of a EO designed to prevent businesses from bribing foreign governments.

Hillary Clinton to the Republicans seem to be what Moby Dick was to Captain Ahab. They can't help themselves. Like crack to a drug addict. They beat her and they come across as sore winners. Or are they really worried about Clinton in 2020?
Who threatened him? Obviously not Sec. Clinton.
Did you not read that State Department officials working for Clinton were sent?

Snowflakes continue to insist that the 'buck' stops anywhere but at the top when a Democrat is in charge. :p

Hillary's / the Clinton's history of Influence Peddling is finally catching up with them. After losing the election they no longer have any power - no favors, no access, no power to threaten - NOTHING. That has made them 'vulnerable'. No one is protecting them that much anymore because they have become 'useless'.

There's 'blood in the water', and the sharks are finally coming for the Clintons.

'Reckoning Day' is here.... :p
You guys have been saying that - for decades. And it's never - true.

During the 2016 Election the Clintons were under Multiple FBI Investigations. One dealt with her crimes involving her UN-Authorized, UN-Encrypted, UN-Secured server / violations regarding handling of classified / violations of FOIA & the Federal Records Act. The 2nd investigation dealt with the Clinton's selling access / favors / etc - Influence Peddling.

The 2nd Investigation is still on-going and heating up - or rather a new criminal investigation into the Clinton's Influence Peddling is opened up.

'They Threatened Me'

Senate Committee Launches First New Clinton Corruption Investigation

"Senate Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has launched a new investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s effort to thwart a Bangladesh government corruption probe of Muhammad Yunus, a Clinton Foundation donor and close friend of the Clintons."

"Then US Secretary of State Clinton sent top U.S. diplomats to pressure Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheik Hasina and her son Sajeeb Wazed in an effort to kill that country’s corruption investigation of Yunus and Grameen Bank. Yunus was then managing director of the state-owned Bangladesh bank.

In a June 1, 2017, letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Grassley repeated TheDCNF charge that Clinton threatened Wazed with an IRS tax audit if his mother did not back away from the corruption probe. Wazed has lived in the U.S. for 17 years."


"Another official, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Rajiv Shah also met with Wazed. Shah’s agency awarded $13 million to Yunus organizations and another $11 million to allied Yunus organizations during Clinton’s tenure. The Department of State oversees USAID programs.

As TheDCNF previously reported, Clinton’s aid to Yunus included 18 grants, contracts and loans awarded to two of his America-based foundations, the Grameen Foundation USA and Grameen America, according to

Yunus was stripped of his directorship of the state owned Grameen Bank in 2011 as a result of the Bangladesh government’s review of his financial mismanagement of the bank and its “micro-credit” loan program for poor peasants, mainly women.

Yunus eventually returned the money to Grameen Bank, but the government’s investigation exposed serious financial mismanagement and found the micro-loan program failed to lift recipients out of poverty."


"Clinton’s support for Yunus dates to former President Bill Clinton’s years as Arkansas governor. Both Clintons became micro-credit loan advocates and enthusiastic backers of Yunus, who invented the lending scheme. Bill Clinton reportedly lobbied the Nobel Prize Committee on behalf of Yunus. The committee awarded him the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.

From 2008 onward, Yunus was a featured speaker at the glitzy Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting. He donated between $100,000-$250,000 to CGI and $25,000-$50,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to the Clinton Foundation website.

Wazed told TheDCNF it was “astounding and mind boggling” to him that between 2010 and 2012 senior State Department officials repeatedly pressured him to influence his mother to drop the Grameen Bank investigation."

“They threatened me with the possibility of an audit by the Internal Revenue Service,” Wazed said. “They would say over and over again, ‘Yunus has powerful friends’ and we all knew they were talking of Secretary Clinton. Everybody knew it was Mrs. Clinton.”

It is no secret Hillary still wants to 'RUN'...if I were her, I would not wait until 2020. I would start 'running' NOW before she is Perp-Walked and JAILED!
Who threatened him? Obviously not Sec. Clinton.

When you get threatened by the mafia you're not accosted by the main dude, one of his minions does the leg work....duh....
Great, all you have to do now is prove that it goes to the top? That's what we're doing in going after Turmp's minions.
Great, all you have to do now is prove that it goes to the top? That's what we're doing in going after Turmp's minions.
The FBI and Congress is working on that. Hillary was already being investigated by cases of Influence Peddling during the election...and now there is another case of Influence Peddling popping up. Hillary is hemorrhaging 'crimes' like a submarine with a screen door lets in water. :p

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