Rules of engagement in the insurgency


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Rules of engagement in the insurgency

14 Aug 2020 ~~ By John Dietrich

Few people realize that the United States is involved in a domestic war. It appears to be a war of civilization against anarchy. It is actually a war of civilization against the totalitarian left. These anarchist riots are only a prelude to an attempted leftist totalitarian takeover. The troops confronting the forces of anarchy are a thin blue line, the nation's police forces. They are being handicapped by ludicrous rules of engagement.

The commander in chief, rank-and-file law enforcement, and a majority of the American people are on one side of this conflict. Many local officials up to the level of governor are sympathetic with the insurgents. If they were not in positions of leadership, they would be out on the streets themselves.
This is a conflict where many captains and generals side with the opposition. Nancy Pelosi has tweeted about "Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti." The intelligence agencies and the organizations that provide information (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS) side with the opposition. The judicial system often sides with the rioters. "Prisoners of war" are captured and immediately released to rejoin the battle. These POWs have been augmented by criminals who were released because of the coronavirus.
Police are being handicapped by rules of engagement that do not apply to the insurgents. Cities like Seattle and Portland have banned the use of tear gas and pepper spray. There do not appear to be any restrictions of the weapons used by the insurgency. In addition to rocks and bottles, they have been using lasers. A laser safety site claims they are used to temporarily flash blind law enforcement. The site warns, "Be wary of any official accounts of eye injuries. They may not be accurate." Revealing where the site stands on this issue is its remark that government claims that three officers may not recover their sight appeared to be untrue. They quote an official: "We've had a number of officers (113) who had days-long blindness. So far, they've all kind of come back, if you will." Yes, "kind of." Insurgents in Portland have also used a mortars to launch commercial-grade fireworks at police.
This policy is followed in major cities and even in some smaller towns. In Fredericksburg, Virginia, a young mother's car was surrounded by rioters. She called 911 and was informed, "We can't do anything, ma'am. The city told us that this is a sanctioned event." The dispatcher advised her, "We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations." This must have been very reassuring as terrorists were jumping on her car.
The media have gone to absurd lengths to portray these riots as "peaceful protests." A classic example is MSNBC's Ali Velshi claiming, "This is a mostly a protest. It is not generally speaking unruly." He makes this statement with fires raging in the background.
There has been sparse coverage of the deaths resulting from the riots. A watchdog group found that "all coverage of mass protests and civil unrest on ABC's Good Morning America, ABC's World News Tonight, CBS This Morning, CBS Sunday Morning, the CBS Evening News, NBC's Today, NBC's Sunday Today and the NBC Nightly News between May 28 and June 3" found an overwhelming absence of riot death mentions.
Incidents that would show the insurgents in a bad light are downplayed. The attack on the Ronald McDonald House has been described as unconscionable. This home provides supports for sick children and their families while the child receives medical treatment. More than 30 families and their sick children were sleeping inside when the looters started attacking the building.

So far the citizens of America have shown great restraint. That will not last forever.
The "Rules of Engagement" apply to the Police governed by Blue Plantation Mayors only. When the animals (I'm being ungenerous to real animals) get froggy and come to the suburbs the ROE will be "My family sees the morning".
The police and the guard when used should have the same ROE's as our troops in Afghanistan. When the enemy uses lethal or potentially lethal force the police should have the same option to protect themselves. Chances are all would end quickly if two or three of the attacking Snowflakes got a rubber bullet to scream in front of their colleagues. Pick out individuals throwing Molotov cocktail or fireworks or shooting ball bearings and take them out.
The police may have their hands tied by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist government officials, but private citizens do not. We have “self defense” and “disparity of force” and “stand your ground” rules of engagement. Snowflakes are going to rue the day when the police disappear or are made to “stand down,” because citizen responders will not be as tolerant of anarchy as government responders.
There are no rules of engagement in a civil war. Bringing this crap to the burb's is a non starter. Be advised a majority of us hunt during season. Hitting a pie plate at 300 yards is equal to hitting vital organs at distance to instigate a quick humane death of our quarry. You have been warned. Rioters bent on violence, pillage and arson must be at least close to their targets which leads to the defensive use of shotguns. There will be fewer slugs used and more likely Double 0 Buck and #4 Buck employed assuring more than multiple hits...
Yeah, my plan for 2 20 gauge semi-autos with #4 shot (one for each hand) got derailed with Coronavirus and leftist rioter panic.
I got 9mm, .38 Special, and .44. :dunno:
IMO, 9mm is over-penetratey for indoor use, but at least it doesn't have the concussive blast of a rifle that might stun me, too.
Yeah, my plan for 2 20 gauge semi-autos with #4 shot (one for each hand) got derailed with Coronavirus and leftist rioter panic.
I got 9mm, .38 Special, and .44. :dunno:

Hmmm..... 20 gauge is okay for hunting deer with solid slug, or shooting dove. I prefer the good Ole 12 gauge using 3" #4 buck for defense and street cleaning the BLM mobs......
Yeah, my plan for 2 20 gauge semi-autos with #4 shot (one for each hand) got derailed with Coronavirus and leftist rioter panic.
I got 9mm, .38 Special, and .44. :dunno:

Hmmm..... 20 gauge is okay for hunting deer with solid slug, or shooting dove. I prefer the good Ole 12 gauge using 3" #4 buck for defense and street cleaning the BLM mobs......

I have a Winchester Defender 18 inch 12 gauge that I bought at Wal-Mart 20 years ago that works like I bought it yesterday!
Yeah, my plan for 2 20 gauge semi-autos with #4 shot (one for each hand) got derailed with Coronavirus and leftist rioter panic.
I got 9mm, .38 Special, and .44. :dunno:

Hmmm..... 20 gauge is okay for hunting deer with solid slug, or shooting dove. I prefer the good Ole 12 gauge using 3" #4 buck for defense and street cleaning the BLM mobs......
One doesn't simply shoot a 12 gauge with 3" #4 buck with one hand.
20 gauge with 2 1/2" #4 can be done with 1 hand.
Yeah, my plan for 2 20 gauge semi-autos with #4 shot (one for each hand) got derailed with Coronavirus and leftist rioter panic.
I got 9mm, .38 Special, and .44. :dunno:
IMO, 9mm is over-penetratey for indoor use, but at least it doesn't have the concussive blast of a rifle that might stun me, too.
At home defense distances the spread really isn't all that bad. I keep a 20 gauge loaded in the closet for home defense.
BTW, there isn't any rules of engagement in a street fight!
Machete's are a go, too!

Yeah, my plan for 2 20 gauge semi-autos with #4 shot (one for each hand) got derailed with Coronavirus and leftist rioter panic.
I got 9mm, .38 Special, and .44. :dunno:

Hmmm..... 20 gauge is okay for hunting deer with solid slug, or shooting dove. I prefer the good Ole 12 gauge using 3" #4 buck for defense and street cleaning the BLM mobs......

I have a Winchester Defender 18 inch 12 gauge that I bought at Wal-Mart 20 years ago that works like I bought it yesterday!

Keep it clean, well oiled, nearby and ready for immediate use in today's circumstances.
Yeah, my plan for 2 20 gauge semi-autos with #4 shot (one for each hand) got derailed with Coronavirus and leftist rioter panic.
I got 9mm, .38 Special, and .44. :dunno:

Hmmm..... 20 gauge is okay for hunting deer with solid slug, or shooting dove. I prefer the good Ole 12 gauge using 3" #4 buck for defense and street cleaning the BLM mobs......
One doesn't simply shoot a 12 gauge with 3" #4 buck with one hand.
20 gauge with 2 1/2" #4 can be done with 1 hand.

Okay Duke....

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