RUMOR?..Donald Trump Will Not Debate Hillary, if Third Parties not Allowed to Participate

Jill Stein hates Crooked Hillary. She would pwn her even more eloquently, repeatedly, than The Donald would because he has to be careful not to be too masculine with that post menopausal corrupt, brain damaged, pathological lying basketcase Crooked Hillary..
I'm thinking bobblehead Hillary will show up for the debates... She's nothing but a mental basket case at this point...

Hillary is a nut case even to the least casual observer.

.. as well as a coward... Not having press conferences to answer to the American people is the most gutless example of candidate cowardice I've seen since Obama was running.
I'm thinking bobblehead Hillary will show up for the debates... She's nothing but a mental basket case at this point...

Hillary is a nut case even to the least casual observer.

.. as well as a coward... Not having press conferences to answer to the American people is the most gutless example of candidate cowardice I've seen since Obama was running.

I would never call her a coward and she probably has health issues.
He's a fucking coward.
You've got to be kidding me.

He's not the one who hasn't held a press conference in 275 days. Hillary is a coward because she refuses to expose herself to questioning.
So why is he running like a bat outta hell AWAY from having a one-on-one debate with Senator Hillary Clinton?

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I'm not buying that into that rumor. If Trump doesn't show he'll be thought of as a pussy. So to me it sounds like wishful thinking of either somebody supporting Hillary or one who simply has too much time on his hands.
He's a fucking coward.
You've got to be kidding me.

He's not the one who hasn't held a press conference in 275 days. Hillary is a coward because she refuses to expose herself to questioning.
So why is he running like a bat outta he'll AWAY from having a one-on-one debate with Senator Hillary Clinton?

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Hillary will use big words that Trump does not understand.
I'm thinking bobblehead Hillary will show up for the debates... She's nothing but a mental basket case at this point...

Hillary is a nut case even to the least casual observer.

.. as well as a coward... Not having press conferences to answer to the American people is the most gutless example of candidate cowardice I've seen since Obama was running.

I would never call her a coward and she probably has health issues.

When you don't face your life challenges and hide away instead, you're a coward but you're welcome to disagree, no problem.

The MFer is running like the lily coward he is.

Hillary's coming, and hell's coming with her. Run, Amnesty Don, run!

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Sounds like Marc's SCARED that the BLACKS won't stay on the plantation once they hear Trump and use their brains to think about all the shit the DemoRATS haven't done for them, like HIGH unemployment and a LOSS of take home pay under the Obomanation!
More like Trump's scared out of his bunghole at the mere thought of facing Senator Hillary Clinton in a debate one-on-one.

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She won't even give a PRESS CONFERENCE in 275 days for FEAR a REAL JOURNALIST MIGHT ask her a HARDQUESTION!
What kind of pussycat does that make Trump for running from her like that?

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I'm thinking bobblehead Hillary will show up for the debates... She's nothing but a mental basket case at this point...

Hillary is a nut case even to the least casual observer.

.. as well as a coward... Not having press conferences to answer to the American people is the most gutless example of candidate cowardice I've seen since Obama was running.

I would never call her a coward and she probably has health issues.

When you don't face your life challenges and hide away instead, you're a coward but you're welcome to disagree, no problem.

Informative but silly in real life. Make hay when the Sun shines. : )
So why is he running like a bat outta hell AWAY from having a one-on-one debate with Senator Hillary Clinton?

Who says she'll be there either? If she can't show her face in a news conference, what makes you think she'll show her face at a debate?
I'm thinking bobblehead Hillary will show up for the debates... She's nothing but a mental basket case at this point...

Hillary is a nut case even to the least casual observer.

.. as well as a coward... Not having press conferences to answer to the American people is the most gutless example of candidate cowardice I've seen since Obama was running.

I would never call her a coward and she probably has health issues.

When you don't face your life challenges and hide away instead, you're a coward but you're welcome to disagree, no problem.

Informative but silly in real life. Make hay when the Sun shines. : )

:laugh: .. I'm guessing you still live with mommy.

The MFer is running like the lily coward he is.

Hillary's coming, and hell's coming with her. Run, Amnesty Don, run!

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. What are you going to do when Hilary's head starts shaking like a bobble head and her tongue hangs out like Lassie during a questioning session?
When Hillary went to visit Biden's home in Deleware, she had to hang on to a sidewalk railing as Joe greeted her there. Then on a tour of the house, she would grab on to furniture to hold herslf upright. Her sickness is being covered up but the camera doesn't lie.
The Donald Trump for President 2016 campaign has announced that it will pull out of the September 26 schedule debate between democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Trump, unless third-party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are also allowed to participate.

Interesting concept. It doesn’t take an MIT mathematician to see that Trump would probably do better in a 4 way race rather than 2.

He wants Johnson and Stein to get exposure and thus more votes, presumably more from Hillary than from him, as Johnson is a left wing radiucal libertarian, and Jill Stein is to the FAR LEFT of Bernie Sanders!

Plus, it makes him look fair and magnanimous, the leader of the people, truly PRESIDENTIAL...FAIR and BALANCED!


*snip picture of racist scum's idon*

he was always going to make an excuse because he's not capable of debate.

trumpsters are such deluded loons. :rofl:
No, Donnie baby knows the rules, he's known them all along.

He's a fucking coward that knows he doesn't have a chance in a debate where he can't dictate the questions or get teleprompted answers.

He's a fucking coward.
And hillary's debates were held at what time and on what night?

Trump loses with two. He loses with three. He loses with four.

It doesn't matter.
The Donald Trump for President 2016 campaign has announced that it will pull out of the September 26 schedule debate between democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Trump, unless third-party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are also allowed to participate.

Interesting concept. It doesn’t take an MIT mathematician to see that Trump would probably do better in a 4 way race rather than 2.

He wants Johnson and Stein to get exposure and thus more votes, presumably more from Hillary than from him, as Johnson is a left wing radiucal libertarian, and Jill Stein is to the FAR LEFT of Bernie Sanders!

Plus, it makes him look fair and magnanimous, the leader of the people, truly PRESIDENTIAL...FAIR and BALANCED!



The media would stop this. The debates are set for Trump & Clinton. Moderators have their questions, and they aren't going to add two other no shot in hell candidates to the debates because Trump wants them too--LOL.

If ( Keyword is IF ) Johnson or Stein were able to reach the 15% mark then they would be added but at this point it look like neither will make it.

I do agree with the idea adding more candidates to the debate stage and not just run out the two party candidates that are usually just one political party that goes by two different names...

Also let me note that the OP'er was discussing Trump demand to add the Green and Libertarian Candidates to the stage and this is not about Clinton lack of Press Conferences and the switch of topic is childish on the OP'er part, but is expected seeing they know Trump is not going to get his way on this issue...

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