Rumored & current presidential hopefuls with the most cash in the bank

overturn citizens united, get money out of politics. this is ridiculous

What? You don't think corporations are citizens too? Wasn't there corporations sitting in your public school classroom and kneeling down to pray beside you at your church when you took Communion. Surely you had corporations on your state university football and basketball teams when you were in school. I bet there were corporations on the same trail I was on, hiking Mt LeConte, although I don't remember seeing a Corporation taking off it's pack and catching a breath on the side of the trail or at the lodge at the top. You think elected officials should wait for the corporate lobbyists until after they get elected to belly up to the trough? Sure Congress passed a law and did, but not one that could not be overruled by legislating from the bench, since these poor underfunded corporations, especially the ones that pay no corporate income tax. Don't you have any compassion for the starving trust fund kids of these corporations?
Yeah, the idea that money=speech is straight out of a fairy tale.

I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one of them.

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