Rumors of war N. Korea set to launch another missile this Sunday.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
RUMORS OF WAR: Is North Korea Set To Launch Another Missile This Sunday?
Kim Jong-un could launch another deadly missile this Sunday as the North Korean tyrant escalates tensions in the Pacific. Fears the despot could be gearing up for another military provocation have been heightened in recent days after the DPRK’s supreme leader called his top army and government officials to a meeting yesterday. And an ominous visit to Mount Paektu – often a place used for contemplation by Kim before he launches attacks on his detractors –

Oh here we go again
Fat boy is playing with these things as if they were toy rockets guess we better hope all his toys end up fizzing out.
and below is what the defcon system is reporting


The DEFCON Warning System – Ongoing Geointel and Analysis in the theater of nuclear war. Established 1984
Honestly as fucked as this world is...

Who cares as long as it lands in the pacific ocean.
What is all the fear of the mouse that roared? There is little evidence that he has ONE missile that would reach the mainland US. And if he were able to do that what would be the response? His nation would be destroyed just like Trump said. The fat little fellow better not believe that he is dealing with an Obama, I hope he thinks he is dealing with an outright lunatic just waiting to light up NK. MAD works
Kim thinks he can win. I suspect he is right ----- at least it's possible. Remember that they did NOT lose last time: they got half the Korean peninsula and an Armistice, which always leads to another war.

Hitler thought he could win, and declared war on us. Tojo thought he could win, and hit Pearl Harbor. It turned out both were wrong, but they had pretty good reasons, and it did take us 3-4 years of furious, world-historic war to deal with them.

The most important thing is that this would be a proxy war with China as the principal. And last time, that's why we lost: Chinese soldiers pouring over the border into NOKO. So I think Kim has a good case here.

What provocation, if any, would get Trump to pull the trigger on NOKO? Anybody?
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the mouse is baiting trump ... best to just ignore the rodent.
For what purpose is the mouse baiting Trump? It seems as if lately that is what Trump has been doing.
For what purpose is the mouse baiting Trump?

for fame, what else ... the rodent is the one having fun.
Yeah if being insane is fun. His people are starving and he wants to make bombs for what purpose? Who is going to attack NK? Yeah, he might be having some fund or trying to leverage some sort of deal, as was the case in the movie "The Mouse that Roared." But I do not see this ending well for him or the people he supposedly leads.
What is all the fear of the mouse that roared? There is little evidence that he has ONE missile that would reach the mainland US. And if he were able to do that what would be the response? His nation would be destroyed just like Trump said. The fat little fellow better not believe that he is dealing with an Obama, I hope he thinks he is dealing with an outright lunatic just waiting to light up NK. MAD works

No, this is the mistake everyone always makes. "This war will be over by the time the leaves fall!" "This war will be over by Christmas!" "Should I pack my dress uniform for lunch in Paris?"

It's never, never like this. It is long, grinding, takes years, and many thousands of deaths. Whole towns and cities die. People always predict we will win easily and the war will be over very soon, and they are always wrong.
Kim thinks he can win. I suspect he is right ----- at least it's possible. Remember that they did NOT lose last time: they got half the Korean peninsula and an Armistice, which always leads to another war.

Hitler thought he could win, and declared war on us. Tojo thought he could win, and hit Pearl Harbor. It turned out both were wrong, but they had pretty good reasons, and it did take us 3-4 years of furious, world-historic war to deal with them.

The most important thing is that this would be a proxy war with China as the principal. And last time, that's why we lost: Chinese soldiers pouring over the border into NOKO. So I think Kim has a good case here.

What provocation, if any, would get Trump to pull the trigger on NOKO? Anybody?
We lost in Korea? Really? They threw everything they had at the south and got beaten back. That does not sound like losing. If they would have listened to McArthur the combined forces would have taken all of Korea. BUT the cost would have been too high since China had an almost inexhaustible supply of soldiers.
What is all the fear of the mouse that roared? There is little evidence that he has ONE missile that would reach the mainland US. And if he were able to do that what would be the response? His nation would be destroyed just like Trump said. The fat little fellow better not believe that he is dealing with an Obama, I hope he thinks he is dealing with an outright lunatic just waiting to light up NK. MAD works

No, this is the mistake everyone always makes. "This war will be over by the time the leaves fall!" "This war will be over by Christmas!" "Should I pack my dress uniform for lunch in Paris?"

It's never, never like this. It is long, grinding, takes years, and many thousands of deaths. Whole towns and cities die. People always predict we will win easily and the war will be over very soon, and they are always wrong.
If we act like Obama would act. If we used nukes against nukes, it is over very quickly. There is a submarine sitting in the Sea of Japan right now with more fire power then was used during WW2. If we are crazy or have the guts to use them. Either way if NK launches a nuke or tries to invade the gloves should come off and total destruction rained down on them. We have the technology. The worry is, what will China do.
We lost in Korea? Really? They threw everything they had at the south and got beaten back. That does not sound like losing. If they would have listened to McArthur the combined forces would have taken all of Korea. BUT the cost would have been too high since China had an almost inexhaustible supply of soldiers.

Right, so we lost. We fought for the whole Korean peninsula and we didn't win it. What we "won" was a South Korea with its capital 30 miles away from the DMZ likely to be shelled out within ten minutes of war beginning. And now this horrible "Armistice" with the armed tripwire DMZ is a casus bellum on the very brink of nuclear war. Could we please never again do an armistice no matter what? Thank you.
We lost in Korea? Really? They threw everything they had at the south and got beaten back. That does not sound like losing. If they would have listened to McArthur the combined forces would have taken all of Korea. BUT the cost would have been too high since China had an almost inexhaustible supply of soldiers.

Right, so we lost. We fought for the whole Korean peninsula and we didn't win it. What we "won" was a South Korea with its capital 30 miles away from the DMZ likely to be shelled out within ten minutes of war beginning. And now this horrible "Armistice" with the armed tripwire DMZ is a casus bellum on the very brink of nuclear war. Could we please never again do an armistice no matter what? Thank you.
By your own words we didn't lose, at worse it was a stalemate. That is what the armistice is all about. We are technically still at war.
If we act like Obama would act. If we used nukes against nukes, it is over very quickly. There is a submarine sitting in the Sea of Japan right now with more fire power then was used during WW2. If we are crazy or have the guts to use them. Either way if NK launches a nuke or tries to invade the gloves should come off and total destruction rained down on them. We have the technology. The worry is, what will China do.

Well, yeah, the worry is what China will do!!!!

All the (American) geopolitical books in the last few years have claimed we cannot avoid war with China and they will drive us out of Asia. This will be a proxy war: all the world loves a proxy war. Except we have to do our own fighting: China doesn't. Unless we look like winning, in which case they come in again, overwhelmingly, like last time. The Chinese have FIVE TIMES our population. Five times. And we'd be fighting over there. Hmmmmmmm, doesn't look too good to me. Nuclear submarines don't matter if we don't dare use them.

I don't know what will happen. I know from the clear, happy smiles of Kim and his whole cohort in the photos, that they think they can win. I think anyone who thinks war with NOKO is a pushover is indulging in wishful thinking. You know every Dem would yell and scream if we went to war: we are WAAAAY too disunited to make war seriously. And what, draft women? We couldn't even fight Iraq and Afghanistan successfully with the overstretched volunteer Army we have.
By your own words we didn't lose, at worse it was a stalemate. That is what the armistice is all about. We are technically still at war.

By my own words, WE LOST. We fought, we lost. Better not to do that again.

My main question is what about the interim before the nukes? I'm wondering what would start a new war ---- testing H-bombs in the Pacific? Kim is inching up on it, more and a little more each time, he may get away with it. Can he shoot one of our planes down, or force it down like the Chinese did in 2001? Can he shell another island or sink another South Korean sub? I THINK Kim wants war because he thinks he can win and China wants a proxy war. But I'm not sure of that. Certainly Trump wants Kim to start it, even if he has to take a provocation at sea (we usually use attacks on our ships as excuses for war -- that's why bin Laden attacked the U.S.S. Cole. But he never could get our attention till he hit New York). An attack on Guam would do it. But the strategy may simply be to do less and less more and more until presto-change, NOKO is a nuclear power and too dangerous to back off.
If we act like Obama would act. If we used nukes against nukes, it is over very quickly. There is a submarine sitting in the Sea of Japan right now with more fire power then was used during WW2. If we are crazy or have the guts to use them. Either way if NK launches a nuke or tries to invade the gloves should come off and total destruction rained down on them. We have the technology. The worry is, what will China do.

Well, yeah, the worry is what China will do!!!!

All the (American) geopolitical books in the last few years have claimed we cannot avoid war with China and they will drive us out of Asia. This will be a proxy war: all the world loves a proxy war. Except we have to do our own fighting: China doesn't. Unless we look like winning, in which case they come in again, overwhelmingly, like last time. The Chinese have FIVE TIMES our population. Five times. And we'd be fighting over there. Hmmmmmmm, doesn't look too good to me. Nuclear submarines don't matter if we don't dare use them.

I don't know what will happen. I know from the clear, happy smiles of Kim and his whole cohort in the photos, that they think they can win. I think anyone who thinks war with NOKO is a pushover is indulging in wishful thinking. You know every Dem would yell and scream if we went to war: we are WAAAAY too disunited to make war seriously. And what, draft women? We couldn't even fight Iraq and Afghanistan successfully with the overstretched volunteer Army we have.
Iraq and Afghanistan were both taken very quickly with a much smaller predicted casualty toll. But both are very different than NK will be. If we don't get China on board with us then any war would be terrible.

I would threaten China with shutting down all the Harbor Freight stores. The truth is, is China going to attack one of their biggest, if not biggest, trading partners? For what? To control Asia? In history I don't believe that has been a goal of China.
RUMORS OF WAR: Is North Korea Set To Launch Another Missile This Sunday?
Kim Jong-un could launch another deadly missile this Sunday as the North Korean tyrant escalates tensions in the Pacific.

So what? We have shown we'll put up with endless numbers of missile launches. So they'll just keep doing these at their leisure.

What I am interested in is atmospheric tests of H-bombs and such in the Pacific. Will we allow that without war? Maybe --- after all, both the U.S. and Russia did extensive atmospheric tests for years. And we're all still here, more overpopulated than ever.
Iraq and Afghanistan were both taken very quickly with a much smaller predicted casualty toll. But both are very different than NK will be. If we don't get China on board with us then any war would be terrible.

You must be living in a different part of the multiverse than I am. Here, the war on Afghanistan goes on, endlessly, never winning. And the same with Iraq. Must be nice in your dimension where we win every war we lose here!

I would threaten China with shutting down all the Harbor Freight stores. The truth is, is China going to attack one of their biggest, if not biggest, trading partners? For what? To control Asia? In history I don't believe that has been a goal of China.

Well, it sure is a goal now. That's why they have been sailing ships around and around Formosa this week (Taiwan) and building runways on rock islands in the China Sea and so on. Why not attack their biggest trading partner? Germany did, twice. People said in 1910 that the bankers would never allow war in Europe, too much trade --- whoops, error. Besides, China owns Africa now. (Which is fine with me: let them take their turn with that hopeless continent.) War is the most important thing people do, and we're about to do it again.
When did Congress declare war on North Korea?

How many participants here are aware of what happened to the people of North Korea between 1950 and 1953?

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