Run up the debt, Pay the debt


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Betsy DeVos Rolls Back Obama-Era Guidelines On Student Debt Collection

C’mon. What’s wring with that? Taxpayers are asked to support these snowflakes as they attend such important classes as Interracial Harmony and Peace or Interstitial Figures and Joy or a thousand others. Then, they whine when they get out and can’t find a job.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Tuesday rescinded a pair of Obama-era policies that aimed to reform how the government collects student loan debt, citing inconsistencies with the approach.

The Obama administration issued two memorandums in 2016 that directed student loan debt collectors to focus more on assisting borrowers with managing their debt, rather than maximizing their net collections.

The move was intended to improve how the government collects the almost $1.1 trillion of outstanding government-owned student loans, a process the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in 2015 said was marred by “widespread failures.”

Full story @ Betsy DeVos Just Took A Jackhammer To One Of Obama's Favorite Policies [Video]
Maybe if the rich bastards that control education in this country didn't push cost through the fucking roof people could do that.

You really want us to be poor and backwards.

No, I want our education system to provide options other academia.
Chief debt monger criticizes debt...

Pelosi: GOP Congress ‘Robbing from Future by Increasing Debt;' She Upped Debt $5T in 4 Years
December 14, 2017 | House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, during whose four-year speakership the debt increased by more than $5 trillion, said at her press briefing today that the Republican-controlled Congress is “robbing from the future by increasing the debt.”
Pelosi made the remark as part of her criticism of the Republican tax-reform plan. “This is who they are,” Pelosi said. “This is what they came here to do: tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class, at the expense of the health and well-being of the American people. Robbing from the future by increasing the debt.” Under the last three House speakers—the Democrat Pelosi and the Republicans John Boehner and Paul Ryan—the federal debt has more than doubled, increasing by an average of more than $1 trillion per year. From the time Pelosi started as speaker, on Jan. 4, 2007, until the close of business on Dec. 12 of this year, the debt climbed from $8,670,596,242,973.04 to $20,492,607,932,866.63—an increase of $11,822,689,011,893.59 That is an increase of 136 percent in a little less than eleven years.

During the 3,996 days in the combined speakerships of Pelosi, Boehner and Ryan (so far), the debt has increased at an average of $2,958,630,883.86 per day—or almost $3 billion per day. In that time, it increased fastest under Pelosi’s speakership, second fastest (so far) under Ryan, and third fastest under Boehner. In the 1,462 days that Pelosi served as speaker--Jan. 4, 2007 to Jan. 5, 2011--the debt jumped from $8,670,596,242,973.04 to $14,011,526,727,895.85. That was an increase of $5,340,930,484,922.81 in four years. That means that during Pelosi’s speakership, the debt increased at an annual average of more than $1.3 trillion ($1,335,232,621,230.70) and a daily average of more than $3.6 billion ($3,653,167,226.35).


In the 1,759 days that Boehner served as speaker—Jan. 5, 2011 to Oct. 29, 2015—the debt jumped from $14,011,526,727,895.85 to $18,152,590,112,385.69. That was an increase of $4,141,063,384,489.84 in the approximately 4.8 years Boehner served as speaker. That means that during Boehner’s speakership, the debt increased at annual average of approximately $862.7 billion ($862,721,548,435) and a daily average of more than $2.3 billion ($2,354,214,544.90).

In the 775 days Ryan has served as speaker for which the debt has been reported—Oct. 29, 2015 through Dec. 12, 2017—the debt jumped from $18,152,590,112,385.69 to $20,492,607,932,866.63. That was an increase of $2,340,017,820,480.94 in the approximately 2.1 years Ryan has served as speaker. That means that during Ryan’s speakership, the debt increased at an annual average of more than $1.1 trillion ($1,114,294,200,229.02) and a daily average of a more than $3 billion ($3,019,377,832.88)

Pelosi: GOP Congress ‘Robbing from Future by Increasing Debt;' She Upped Debt $5T in 4 Years

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