#RUNAWAY: Poll: Majority Say Dem Candidates ‘Out of Step’ With Most Americans’ Thinking

Republicans are virtually tied with Democrats in the poll.


And Dotards are walking around with their chests out.


Amusing as it may seem when you see someone strike a pose, it's even funnier observing someone with their head shoved firmly up their own ass.

How can you see yourself with your head up your ass? :dunno:
Republicans are virtually tied with Democrats in the poll.


And Dotards are walking around with their chests out.


Amusing as it may seem when you see someone strike a pose, it's even funnier observing someone with their head shoved firmly up their own ass.

How can you see yourself with your head up your ass? :dunno:
Not I...

Like I said, I'm just an observer.

#RUNAWAY: Poll: Majority Say Dem Candidates ‘Out of Step’ With Most Americans’ Thinking

And now for a couple of other things from your poll:

Q7 What is your preference for the outcome of this November’s congressional elections -- (ROTATE:) a Congress controlled by Republicans or a Congress controlled by Democrats?

43% Republican controlled
49% Democrat controlled
8% Not sure

Q11 When it comes to their approaches to issues, would you say that [INSERT ITEM] are generally in the mainstream of most Americans' thinking, or are generally out of step with most Americans' thinking?

56% Republican
57% Democrat

Q12 Which party do you think is more influenced by special interests and lobbyists––the Democratic Party or the Republican Party?

38% Republican
31% Democrat

Q13 In general, do you believe that Republicans in Congress have been (ROTATE TOP TO BOTTOM, BOTTOM TO TOP EVERY OTHER INTERVIEW.) too close to Donald Trump and have not stood up to him enough, Republicans in Congress have struck the right balance, or have Republicans in Congress not been close enough to Donald Trump and have not stood by him enough?
Have been too close to Donald Trump and have not stood up to him enough ............................................................................................ 38
Have struck the right balance ................................................................ 15
Have not been close enough to Donald Trump and have not stood by him enough ...............................................................40
Unsure about this ...............................................................................7


So, from the OP's poll.

#1 More people support Dem's being in control of Congress.

#2 Dem's and GOP are basically tied for being out of step with Americans.

#3 People think the GOP is more in the pockets of special interests.

#4 78% say Congress hasn't stood up enough against Trump.


As a member of the GOP, that doesn't look very good. But then again I voted for Kaisch.

They think about Russia more than this country.
The Donald White House? Yes, they do consider Russia over America. As evidenced by Donald’s sad display of Putin ass kissing

Why then, always when I hear "RUSSIA!" it comes from someone that opposes Donald?

Except when Donald signed the tariffs.

Anyway, Russia seems like a capitalist Christian nation. I respect that... certainly better than the Muslim hell holes you keep worshiping.
Russia is neither capitalist, Christian or much of a nation. It is fascist, pretend Christian, and very confused.
Russia is neither capitalist, Christian or much of a nation. It is fascist, pretend Christian, and very confused.

Yes, it's about as far from the leftist globalist as you can get.

And that's why you HATE them.

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