CDZ Runner slaps reporter on the butt, arrested for sexual battery.

OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

So you're saying she was asking for it?

The only "bad judgement" was on the part of the runner. Period.
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I stated very clearly there was bad judgement on both sides. If she picks a different part of the course where she can stand several feet away from the runners, that incident does not happen.

You are basically saying that it's the woman's fault because she shouldn't have been there. Shouldn't have been in a male environment.

Sounds like what they think in Saudi Arabia.

Yeah, this worthless nothing guy definitely should have been arrested. And convicted, since he did it. It's not okay to slap women around just because you can reach them if you are running at them.
I just think there are many bigger fish to fry, and this case is not one of real abuse, but is simply symbolic and really unnecessary. Are you saying that you would have somebody arrested for giving you a little slap on the butt?

I'm a woman and I sure would, in a New York minute. What, you think it's okay for strange men to run around slapping women on the bottom? Darn.

Do YOU do that?? I bet you don't.
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If I so happen to cop a feel you’re partially to blame b/c you should know better to be near me when I am excited. :lol:

If you gave me a little slap on the butt, I would not have you arrested.

It is the overreaction that is at the heart of this matter. It's not like his hands were all over her genitals, you know.

I like how I am the absurd one for daring to think people should keep their hands off other people. lol
I never called you absurd, my friend. You are one of my favorite people here.

I just think there are many bigger fish to fry, and this case is not one of real abuse, but is simply symbolic and really unnecessary. Are you saying that you would have somebody arrested for giving you a little slap on the butt?

Arrested? No. Punched in the face? Abso-fucking-lutely. Perhaps it isn’t a big deal for strangers to grab your ass, but I am not down with it.

At the end of the day: This man has no one blame, but himself.
I just think there are many bigger fish to fry, and this case is not one of real abuse, but is simply symbolic and really unnecessary. Are you saying that you would have somebody arrested for giving you a little slap on the butt?

I'm a woman and I sure would, in a New York minute. What, you think it's okay for strange men to run around slapping women on the bottom? Darn.

Do YOU do that?? I bet you don't.
I don't do that. I never have. Calling what this man did "sexual battery" is absolutely absurd, however.

The issue here is how this trivializes REAL abuse of women at the hands of men. Calling this "sexual battery" and worthy of arrest as such is an insult to cases of actual sexual battery. The man did not grope her genitals. He did not grab her breasts. He did not injure her in any way. The incident lasted less than a second. She will suffer no lasting harm. His penis was not involved in any way. There was no sex involved -- AT ALL. It was a stupid thing to do, certainly, but all the folks here who want him charged with sexual batter are WAY past the ability to reason.

There are 1400 children in Rotherham, England,alone, who were the victims of organized Muslim sexual battery. They were gang raped, beat up, has gasoline poured on them with threats to light it, were forced to eat feces and were degraded beyond belief. People here are getting worked up over a little butt slap when there are real and absolutely EGREGIOUS examples of sexual abuse occurring all over.

I think it is better to focus on the real sexual abuse, myself, even if it is politically incorrect to do so.
The other aspect of this story is now everyone suddenly knows this previously unknown female reporter. Victimhood has it's rewards in today's America.
If I so happen to cop a feel you’re partially to blame b/c you should know better to be near me when I am excited. :lol:

If you gave me a little slap on the butt, I would not have you arrested.

It is the overreaction that is at the heart of this matter. It's not like his hands were all over her genitals, you know.

I like how I am the absurd one for daring to think people should keep their hands off other people. lol
I never called you absurd, my friend. You are one of my favorite people here.

I just think there are many bigger fish to fry, and this case is not one of real abuse, but is simply symbolic and really unnecessary. Are you saying that you would have somebody arrested for giving you a little slap on the butt?

Arrested? No. Punched in the face? Abso-fucking-lutely. Perhaps it isn’t a big deal for strangers to grab your ass, but I am not down with it.

At the end of the day: This man has no one blame, but himself.

You can see for yourself in the video that there was no grab. Why do you insist on calling it a grab?
Clearly an act of God. Wasn't that the reason He made women's asses so slappable?

Or maybe he just thought it was her birthday and didn't know how many times to spank her.

Or maybe she was wearing these, who knows?


I am not perfectly convinced you are taking this seriously...………...

OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

So you're saying she was asking for it?

The only "bad judgement" was on the part of the runner. Period.

I'm saying a professional reporter knows full well what she is doing when she chooses to stand 3 feet away from hundreds of men running by. Like I stated, what I have seen in races I have run is the reporters stand on the sidewalk or well away from the runners. I've never seen one that close, it's dangerous. She could have caused a collision as well when the flow of runners shifts. Like I said bad judgement on both parties.
OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

“Runner slaps reporter on the butt, arrested for sexual battery.”

And appropriately so.
OK the guy was dumb to do this, but why did the reporter decide to stand on the road 3 feet from the runners? I've seen reporters at marathons before and they are always several feet off to the side, she was nearly in their path. You have a bunch of excited male runners and a cute girl within arms reach. I'd say there was bad judgement on both sides.

So you're saying she was asking for it?

The only "bad judgement" was on the part of the runner. Period.

I'm saying a professional reporter knows full well what she is doing when she chooses to stand 3 feet away from hundreds of men running by. Like I stated, what I have seen in races I have run is the reporters stand on the sidewalk or well away from the runners. I've never seen one that close, it's dangerous. She could have caused a collision as well when the flow of runners shifts. Like I said bad judgement on both parties.

You're wrong. Bad judgement on the part of the runner. Period.
She didn't exhibited any bad judgement whatsoever. Why you insist on blaming the victim is beyond bewildering to me.
I stated very clearly there was bad judgement on both sides. If she picks a different part of the course where she can stand several feet away from the runners, that incident does not happen.
What’s clear is that this is wrong – the only bad judgement is that of the runner.

But at least conservatives are consistent in their misogyny.
If I so happen to cop a feel you’re partially to blame b/c you should know better to be near me when I am excited. :lol:

If you gave me a little slap on the butt, I would not have you arrested.

It is the overreaction that is at the heart of this matter. It's not like his hands were all over her genitals, you know.

I like how I am the absurd one for daring to think people should keep their hands off other people. lol
I never called you absurd, my friend. You are one of my favorite people here.

I just think there are many bigger fish to fry, and this case is not one of real abuse, but is simply symbolic and really unnecessary. Are you saying that you would have somebody arrested for giving you a little slap on the butt?

Arrested? No. Punched in the face? Abso-fucking-lutely. Perhaps it isn’t a big deal for strangers to grab your ass, but I am not down with it.

At the end of the day: This man has no one blame, but himself.

You can see for yourself in the video that there was no grab. Why do you insist on calling it a grab?

You’re right. It was a slap and the runner is entirely to blame for actions. No one else.
His penis was not involved in any way.

Oh, I think his penis was involved, all right. You don't see women slapping strange men on the bottom!

And yeah, she will suffer lasting damage --- or she would have if she had put up with it, as these arrogant, sex-driven types always expect her to. Charging him with a crime is what we all HAVE to do from now on to stop all this stuff. I just finished the Ronan Farrow book Catch and Kill about the Harvey Weinstein abuses that went on for decades. He had all these procurers hired, women and men, all these lawyers that paid them off if they started to complain -- he liked them afraid, confused, resisting: it was always rape. It's a horrific story, and one good whacking police charge would have stopped it, but nobody did that -- the women enabled him because they were afraid. He raged, he threw things, he's a huge man with lots of employees who existed purely to satisfy his rapes. All this has to stop, and there are so MANY of these arrogant men! We watched that Halperin show for most of 2016 and were horrified when the stories about him came out. Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, all of them gross abusers who belonged in jail, still do. I want them all in jail. I want no non-disclosure contracts. I want women to charge these types with crimes! As soon as it happens.
If you gave me a little slap on the butt, I would not have you arrested.

It is the overreaction that is at the heart of this matter. It's not like his hands were all over her genitals, you know.

I like how I am the absurd one for daring to think people should keep their hands off other people. lol
I never called you absurd, my friend. You are one of my favorite people here.

I just think there are many bigger fish to fry, and this case is not one of real abuse, but is simply symbolic and really unnecessary. Are you saying that you would have somebody arrested for giving you a little slap on the butt?

Arrested? No. Punched in the face? Abso-fucking-lutely. Perhaps it isn’t a big deal for strangers to grab your ass, but I am not down with it.

At the end of the day: This man has no one blame, but himself.

You can see for yourself in the video that there was no grab. Why do you insist on calling it a grab?

You’re right. It was a slap and the runner is entirely to blame for actions. No one else.
I have never suggested he wasn't to blame.

Why were you calling it a grab when it wasn't a grab?

I do not believe in making a mountain out of a mole hill, myself.

England - A Nation of Pedophiles Here is a case where a person who has weighed in is lying about the horrific sexual abuse of children -- REAL Sexual battery -- so as to defend the actions.

But, hey -- why should anybody get worked up about 1400 children being gang raped and tortured psychologically when we have a case right in front of us of a man giving a little slap to a reporter's butt!! Don't people realize that one case is politically correct outrage and the other isn't?

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