Rupert Murdoch urges Bloomberg to run for president

Isn't it too late for anyone to join the parade? States with early primaries had a cut off for candidates to get their names on the ballot...?
Fox should be happy Trump could be the Republican candidate....then if Hillary wins they will have something to bitch about for the next 4 years keeping their ratings up with all of their conspiracy theories, and same with Trump, if by a miracle from Lucifer, :D wins.... they have him to bitch about for the next 4 years.....???
Jews are deceitful,conniving and very smart. Christians are fools who need a crutch but its also taken THOUSANDS of years of brainwashing from the Jew to get them there..its brilliant really but the thread is about a supposed "conservative" telling a LIBERAL on the line of Sanders to join the race.

It hasn't taken thousands of years because no matter WHO we bring up, even someone from a MILLION years ago, you will accuse them of being a Jew.
I am rather proud to be a member of that segment of society that so frustrates you with our success that all you can do in your failure is scream, "JEW!!!!!!!!".
Of course you are. Why wouldn't you be proud to be part of a race that's managed to pull the wool over the rest of the world albeit for a small minority of us. Some famous men knew the real jew. Ben Franklin,Henry Ford,Charles Lindbergh among others.

So let me get this straight. . . . Murdoch is half Jew, but in your eyes, half is good enough, that makes him all Jew.

And Obama, well, he's half Black, half Muslim, w/e, so again, the white Christian part doesn't count. He's black, right?

No wonder the white folks are disappearing. Any one that is of mixed descent automatically goes to whomever is of a different ethnicity in your warped POV, is that it?
Isn't it too late for anyone to join the parade? States with early primaries had a cut off for candidates to get their names on the ballot...?
Not as an independent or third party candidate. Only the primaries and caucuses for the two idiotic establishment/media controlled parties is going on right now. The real election doesn't start until. . . well, later.
Jews are deceitful,conniving and very smart. Christians are fools who need a crutch but its also taken THOUSANDS of years of brainwashing from the Jew to get them there..its brilliant really but the thread is about a supposed "conservative" telling a LIBERAL on the line of Sanders to join the race.

It hasn't taken thousands of years because no matter WHO we bring up, even someone from a MILLION years ago, you will accuse them of being a Jew.
I am rather proud to be a member of that segment of society that so frustrates you with our success that all you can do in your failure is scream, "JEW!!!!!!!!".
Of course you are. Why wouldn't you be proud to be part of a race that's managed to pull the wool over the rest of the world albeit for a small minority of us. Some famous men knew the real jew. Ben Franklin,Henry Ford,Charles Lindbergh among others.

So let me get this straight. . . . Murdoch is half Jew, but in your eyes, half is good enough, that makes him all Jew.

And Obama, well, he's half Black, half Muslim, w/e, so again, the white Christian part doesn't count. He's black, right?

No wonder the white folks are disappearing. Any one that is of mixed descent automatically goes to whomever is of a different ethnicity in your warped POV, is that it?
Him being a jew his races ultimate goal is genocide of the white race and world domination. They own or control 96% of the media. That's how they brainwash people with mixing in movies,commercials,tv shows etc. People see disgusting things enough times they become used to it and eventually accept it. Whites are going extinct because our women have been brainwashed to think working is better and more important than being mothers our men are turned into metrosexual feminine bitches and our kids in to drug addicted n!gger lovers. Fortunately a LARGE minority of us aren't like that and are raising LARGE white wholesome families.
Rupert Murdoch Urges Michael Bloomberg to Run for President

Yep...Trump is scaring the hell out of them! OH VEY! ANUDER GOYIM WE CAN'T CONTROL!

Bloomberg running would most likely put Trump in the White House.

Hmmm. . . . .

I don't know about that.

Most of the Gen Xers I know either like Trump, Cruz, Clinton, or Sanders.

I get the sense that the Millennials are enchanted with Sanders. . . .

OTH, I get the sense that the silent generation and the Boomers are disgusted with them all. . . .

Bloomberg would have the older generations, and the folks that actually believe media wire services & CFR bullshit wrapped up and in the bag.
Either Jews are geniuses or Christians are idiots!
Jews are deceitful,conniving and very smart. Christians are fools who need a crutch but its also taken THOUSANDS of years of brainwashing from the Jew to get them there..its brilliant really but the thread is about a supposed "conservative" telling a LIBERAL on the line of Sanders to join the race.

It hasn't taken thousands of years because no matter WHO we bring up, even someone from a MILLION years ago, you will accuse them of being a Jew.
I am rather proud to be a member of that segment of society that so frustrates you with our success that all you can do in your failure is scream, "JEW!!!!!!!!".
Of course you are. Why wouldn't you be proud to be part of a race that's managed to pull the wool over the rest of the world albeit for a small minority of us. Some famous men knew the real jew. Ben Franklin,Henry Ford,Charles Lindbergh among others.

So let me get this straight. . . . Murdoch is half Jew, but in your eyes, half is good enough, that makes him all Jew.

And Obama, well, he's half Black, half Muslim, w/e, so again, the white Christian part doesn't count. He's black, right?

No wonder the white folks are disappearing. Any one that is of mixed descent automatically goes to whomever is of a different ethnicity in your warped POV, is that it?
Him being a jew his races ultimate goal is genocide of the white race and world domination. They own or control 96% of the media. That's how they brainwash people with mixing in movies,commercials,tv shows etc. People see disgusting things enough times they become used to it and eventually accept it. Whites are going extinct because our women have been brainwashed to think working is better and more important than being mothers our men are turned into metrosexual feminine bitches and our kids in to drug addicted n!gger lovers. Fortunately a LARGE minority of us aren't like that and are raising LARGE white wholesome families.

Ya sort of dodged that question there, didn't ya?

What makes Obama black, and not white? What makes Rupert a Jew and not white?

B/C you say so?

What if they both reject that part of themselves that isn't pure, and take up with your divisive hatred, then will you consider them part of your white brotherhood?
Either Jews are geniuses or Christians are idiots!
Jews are deceitful,conniving and very smart. Christians are fools who need a crutch but its also taken THOUSANDS of years of brainwashing from the Jew to get them there..its brilliant really but the thread is about a supposed "conservative" telling a LIBERAL on the line of Sanders to join the race.

It hasn't taken thousands of years because no matter WHO we bring up, even someone from a MILLION years ago, you will accuse them of being a Jew.
I am rather proud to be a member of that segment of society that so frustrates you with our success that all you can do in your failure is scream, "JEW!!!!!!!!".
Of course you are. Why wouldn't you be proud to be part of a race that's managed to pull the wool over the rest of the world albeit for a small minority of us. Some famous men knew the real jew. Ben Franklin,Henry Ford,Charles Lindbergh among others.

So let me get this straight. . . . Murdoch is half Jew, but in your eyes, half is good enough, that makes him all Jew.

And Obama, well, he's half Black, half Muslim, w/e, so again, the white Christian part doesn't count. He's black, right?

No wonder the white folks are disappearing. Any one that is of mixed descent automatically goes to whomever is of a different ethnicity in your warped POV, is that it?
Him being a jew his races ultimate goal is genocide of the white race and world domination. They own or control 96% of the media. That's how they brainwash people with mixing in movies,commercials,tv shows etc. People see disgusting things enough times they become used to it and eventually accept it. Whites are going extinct because our women have been brainwashed to think working is better and more important than being mothers our men are turned into metrosexual feminine bitches and our kids in to drug addicted n!gger lovers. Fortunately a LARGE minority of us aren't like that and are raising LARGE white wholesome families.
Rupert Murdoch Urges Michael Bloomberg to Run for President

Yep...Trump is scaring the hell out of them! OH VEY! ANUDER GOYIM WE CAN'T CONTROL!
I think he knows something we don't. Bad news coming down on Hillary, and the fight will be between Sanders and Trump. He doesn't like either one.
I'm thinking Obama doesn't either. If I was a betting man, that's what the conversation with Sanders was about. Something about how they might have to work together, and what Bernie would give to get the support of the establishment.
Rupert Murdoch Urges Michael Bloomberg to Run for President

Yep...Trump is scaring the hell out of them! OH VEY! ANUDER GOYIM WE CAN'T CONTROL!
I think he knows something we don't. Bad news coming down on Hillary, and the fight will be between Sanders and Trump. He doesn't like either one.
I'm thinking Obama doesn't either. If I was a betting man, that's what the conversation with Sanders was about. Something about how they might have to work together, and what Bernie would give to get the support of the establishment.
You could be right. You wash my back, I'll wash yours.

I really do think something is going to break about Hillary. They can't just poo poo this. Too much notoriety.

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