Rush L exposed Bill Clinton on his TV show in the late 90s

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
showed a clip of Clinton walking back from funeral of Ron Browne matter-of-fact-but, when Clinton notices the cameras - starts with the crocodile tears
I used to tape his shows,one of my VHS tapes has up to two hours of some of his funnier moments, he was so funny! and got to love the Translating Gorilla bits!
Moved from the Politics board.

Only reason I started the thread - is because Chris Mathews has this doc on MSNBC titled: Bill Clinton - President Of The World.
Mathews saw his pal Olberdork go.

(O'Reilly never mentioned latter by name)
Rush failed on television and Hannity, O'reilly, and Beck succeeded. That must gall his fat ass something awful.
I love Rush, he lives a great life, flies in private airplanes, marries whoever he likes which in his case is a hot young woman. I wish I had the power of Rush, it would be great. Rush gets to buy the most expensive airplane if he likes, I imagine as he does his golf show, raises money for disease, and exposes the lies of the Democrats, the furthest thing from his mind is more if Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly are doing well.

Rush exposed a lot of people and gave power to people like Matt Drudge, without Rush, there would be no Drudge Report, there would be no Fox news, there would be nothing but Democrats and Tyrants.

Compared to the rest of the world, Rush is perfect.
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