Rush Limbaugh Just Announced Advanced Lung Cancer!

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I'm talking about the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Which just keeps getting worse and you people don't know a damn thing about LOL arrggghhhh. Rush is a Non-Stop liar and you are totally misinformed. Last three years of Obama's economy was better than Trump's first three years. But you believe Obama economy was a disaster and Trump's is wonderful. Because you are a brainwashed functional moron end of story...
Trump and perhaps bernie sanders have identified the problem as free trade with red china taking jobs from Americans

add the invasion of millions of illegal aliens to our failed public education system and its a wonder that anyone is improving their economic situation

What? We have had an invasion of millions of aliens? I thought that was why you elected Trump! In fact, he promised to deport 12 million of them within 2 years? At what point does Trump get held responsible for this?
We did elect trump to fix the illegal alien problem

but the democrats that you elected along with unelected swamp rats in the Deep State and the judiciary have blocked the will of the people just as they did the bernie campaign in Iowa

Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Trump and perhaps bernie sanders have identified the problem as free trade with red china taking jobs from Americans

add the invasion of millions of illegal aliens to our failed public education system and its a wonder that anyone is improving their economic situation

What? We have had an invasion of millions of aliens? I thought that was why you elected Trump! In fact, he promised to deport 12 million of them within 2 years? At what point does Trump get held responsible for this?
We did elect trump to fix the illegal alien problem

but the democrats that you elected along with unelected swamp rats in the Deep State and the judiciary have blocked the will of the people just as they did the bernie campaign in Iowa

Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?
Trump and perhaps bernie sanders have identified the problem as free trade with red china taking jobs from Americans

add the invasion of millions of illegal aliens to our failed public education system and its a wonder that anyone is improving their economic situation

What? We have had an invasion of millions of aliens? I thought that was why you elected Trump! In fact, he promised to deport 12 million of them within 2 years? At what point does Trump get held responsible for this?
We did elect trump to fix the illegal alien problem

but the democrats that you elected along with unelected swamp rats in the Deep State and the judiciary have blocked the will of the people just as they did the bernie campaign in Iowa

Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?

Actually, President Trump has done a tremendous job on this. The Wall is getting built, the caravans have petered out, and our Mexican friends are keeping more and more of the Illegals claiming "asylum" on their side of the border. He couldn't get any help from the American Democrat Party, but he was able to get assistance from our Taco Eating friends south of the border.
I'm talking about the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Which just keeps getting worse and you people don't know a damn thing about LOL arrggghhhh. Rush is a Non-Stop liar and you are totally misinformed. Last three years of Obama's economy was better than Trump's first three years. But you believe Obama economy was a disaster and Trump's is wonderful. Because you are a brainwashed functional moron end of story...
Trump and perhaps bernie sanders have identified the problem as free trade with red china taking jobs from Americans

add the invasion of millions of illegal aliens to our failed public education system and its a wonder that anyone is improving their economic situation

What? We have had an invasion of millions of aliens? I thought that was why you elected Trump! In fact, he promised to deport 12 million of them within 2 years? At what point does Trump get held responsible for this?
We did elect trump to fix the illegal alien problem

but the democrats that you elected along with unelected swamp rats in the Deep State and the judiciary have blocked the will of the people just as they did the bernie campaign in Iowa
Great conspiracy theory! Too bad you don't have any evidence except hundreds of garbage propaganda phony scandals all discredited never retracted.
You dont know that the democrat elite conspired against bernie in 2016?

knowing that its easy to think they are not as incompetent as they appeared to be in Iowa
They had superdelegates who probably leaned towards Hillary but if Bernie Sanders had beaten her in the primaries they would have switched to Bernie. It's a big joke and just more GOP propaganda that Bernie Sanders supporters were wrong in accepting.
What? We have had an invasion of millions of aliens? I thought that was why you elected Trump! In fact, he promised to deport 12 million of them within 2 years? At what point does Trump get held responsible for this?
We did elect trump to fix the illegal alien problem

but the democrats that you elected along with unelected swamp rats in the Deep State and the judiciary have blocked the will of the people just as they did the bernie campaign in Iowa

Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?

I don't give a rat's ass if you can't answer my question of why you will continue to vote for a pathological liar, knowing full well that he has no practical plan whatsoever to keep his promises about deporting 12 million illegal aliens. It is the same mindset that voters had when they elected Nixon who had a "secret plan to end the Vietnam war with honor".
What? We have had an invasion of millions of aliens? I thought that was why you elected Trump! In fact, he promised to deport 12 million of them within 2 years? At what point does Trump get held responsible for this?
We did elect trump to fix the illegal alien problem

but the democrats that you elected along with unelected swamp rats in the Deep State and the judiciary have blocked the will of the people just as they did the bernie campaign in Iowa

Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?

Actually, President Trump has done a tremendous job on this. The Wall is getting built, the caravans have petered out, and our Mexican friends are keeping more and more of the Illegals claiming "asylum" on their side of the border. He couldn't get any help from the American Democrat Party, but he was able to get assistance from our Taco Eating friends south of the border.
What? We have had an invasion of millions of aliens? I thought that was why you elected Trump! In fact, he promised to deport 12 million of them within 2 years? At what point does Trump get held responsible for this?
We did elect trump to fix the illegal alien problem

but the democrats that you elected along with unelected swamp rats in the Deep State and the judiciary have blocked the will of the people just as they did the bernie campaign in Iowa

Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?
Republicans only give a damn in the middle of one of their corrupt economic meltdowns or in election years. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill that started out with an ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. There is no crisis except in the propaganda machine and in Central America which is a GOP war on drugs war zone, not to mention a gop-led global warming crisis. It's about time we took some responsibility For Latin America, instead of just being a corporate scumbag.... Trump cut aid to Central America brilliant move LOL
We did elect trump to fix the illegal alien problem

but the democrats that you elected along with unelected swamp rats in the Deep State and the judiciary have blocked the will of the people just as they did the bernie campaign in Iowa

Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?
Republicans only give a damn in the middle of one of their corrupt economic meltdowns or in election years. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill that started out with an ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. There is no crisis except in the propaganda machine and in Central America which is a GOP war on drugs war zone, not to mention a gop-led global warming crisis. It's about time we took some responsibility For Latin America, instead of just being a corporate scumbag.... Trump cut aid to Central America brilliant move LOL

Obama was in office for 8 years, and failed completely in his work to change the Climate.

No matter what he did, sign the Paris Accords, established new cafe standards, banned exploration in the ANWR or stopping the Keystone Pipeline, the weather did not change.
They are the ones who said Obama's you can keep your doctor was the biggest lie tho he said it three years before LOL. They are hardly a liberal bastion.

WOW! That's impressive! What did they do before that? Confirm that the sky is blue? They had no choice!


There is notrhing in the ACA that sets providers networks. Thereby, it is not a lie.

No there isn't. However, Obama implied that it DID when he lied and said that people could keep their doctors if they liked them.

Bullshit. He was talking about the ACA.

Exactly. And the ACA didn't guarantee anyone that they could keep their own doctor and Obama knew it did't.

Yet, he still repeated that lie thousands of times.

What? We have had an invasion of millions of aliens? I thought that was why you elected Trump! In fact, he promised to deport 12 million of them within 2 years? At what point does Trump get held responsible for this?
We did elect trump to fix the illegal alien problem

but the democrats that you elected along with unelected swamp rats in the Deep State and the judiciary have blocked the will of the people just as they did the bernie campaign in Iowa

Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?


Actually, President Trump has done a tremendous job on this. The Wall is getting built, the caravans have petered out, and our Mexican friends are keeping more and more of the Illegals claiming "asylum" on their side of the border. He couldn't get any help from the American Democrat Party, but he was able to get assistance from our Taco Eating friends south of the border.

Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?
Republicans only give a damn in the middle of one of their corrupt economic meltdowns or in election years. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill that started out with an ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. There is no crisis except in the propaganda machine and in Central America which is a GOP war on drugs war zone, not to mention a gop-led global warming crisis. It's about time we took some responsibility For Latin America, instead of just being a corporate scumbag.... Trump cut aid to Central America brilliant move LOL

Obama was in office for 8 years, and failed completely in his work to change the Climate.

No matter what he did, sign the Paris Accords, established new cafe standards, banned exploration in the ANWR or stopping the Keystone Pipeline, the weather did not change.
Yes he was totally obstructed congratulations. And it's about the climate not the weather. Make the distinction. He did do a lot of good with executive orders and regulations.
We did elect trump to fix the illegal alien problem

but the democrats that you elected along with unelected swamp rats in the Deep State and the judiciary have blocked the will of the people just as they did the bernie campaign in Iowa

Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?

I don't give a rat's ass if you can't answer my question of why you will continue to vote for a pathological liar, knowing full well that he has no practical plan whatsoever to keep his promises about deporting 12 million illegal aliens. It is the same mindset that voters had when they elected Nixon who had a "secret plan to end the Vietnam war with honor".
And typically you cant or wont answer my question

Are you ashamed to admit that democrats like you are FOR the illegal alien invasion?
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We did elect trump to fix the illegal alien problem

but the democrats that you elected along with unelected swamp rats in the Deep State and the judiciary have blocked the will of the people just as they did the bernie campaign in Iowa

Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?
Republicans only give a damn in the middle of one of their corrupt economic meltdowns or in election years. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill that started out with an ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. There is no crisis except in the propaganda machine and in Central America which is a GOP war on drugs war zone, not to mention a gop-led global warming crisis. It's about time we took some responsibility For Latin America, instead of just being a corporate scumbag.... Trump cut aid to Central America brilliant move LOL
Dems do not want to convict and deport illegals they catch even if they are murderers

So an id card would be meaningless but not enough even if libs were serious

we have to stop them at the border
Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?

I don't give a rat's ass if you can't answer my question of why you will continue to vote for a pathological liar, knowing full well that he has no practical plan whatsoever to keep his promises about deporting 12 million illegal aliens. It is the same mindset that voters had when they elected Nixon who had a "secret plan to end the Vietnam war with honor".
And typically your cant or wont answer my question

Are you ashamed to admit that democrats like you are FOR the illegal alien invasion?

I am proud that I am not so deluded and brainwashed that I would believe a man who has lied publicly over 16,000 times in 3 years.
Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?

I don't give a rat's ass if you can't answer my question of why you will continue to vote for a pathological liar, knowing full well that he has no practical plan whatsoever to keep his promises about deporting 12 million illegal aliens. It is the same mindset that voters had when they elected Nixon who had a "secret plan to end the Vietnam war with honor".
And typically your cant or wont answer my question

Are you ashamed to admit that democrats like you are FOR the illegal alien invasion?
You are totally misinformed of course.pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card that would end this crap. The only solution. We are not for separating families and scaring the hell out of these poor people who are asking for asylum because they need asylum from the GOP war on drugs war zones and the gop-led global warming destruction of their farms. Which you never heard of either.
Entertainers do what makes them money.
He is superb at what he does even if he is personally a hypocrite.

Mr. Limbaugh isn't an "entertainer" at all. He's an advocate for peace and civility who was even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, following in the footsteps of MLK who the liberal establishment also hated
Remember that time when Rushblower mocked Ruth Bader Ginsburg after her cancer diagnosis? Or called 12 yr. old Chelsea Clinton a dog? Limblower is a bastard who's finally getting his. Burn.
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?

I don't give a rat's ass if you can't answer my question of why you will continue to vote for a pathological liar, knowing full well that he has no practical plan whatsoever to keep his promises about deporting 12 million illegal aliens. It is the same mindset that voters had when they elected Nixon who had a "secret plan to end the Vietnam war with honor".
And typically your cant or wont answer my question

Are you ashamed to admit that democrats like you are FOR the illegal alien invasion?
You are totally misinformed of course.pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card that would end this crap. The only solution. We are not for separating families and scaring the hell out of these poor people who are asking for asylum because they need asylum from the GOP war on drugs war zones and the gop-led global warming destruction of their farms. Which you never heard of either.

Giving Amnesty to tens of millions of illegals would "solve" a damned thing. Particularly, if we follow the Democrat Party's suggestion that Illegals be given Free Medical.

The numbers of illegals would explode.
Bullshit. He was talking about the ACA.

Exactly. And the ACA didn't guarantee anyone that they could keep their own doctor and Obama knew it did't.

Yet, he still repeated that lie thousands of times.

We did elect trump to fix the illegal alien problem

but the democrats that you elected along with unelected swamp rats in the Deep State and the judiciary have blocked the will of the people just as they did the bernie campaign in Iowa

Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?

Actually, President Trump has done a tremendous job on this. The Wall is getting built, the caravans have petered out, and our Mexican friends are keeping more and more of the Illegals claiming "asylum" on their side of the border. He couldn't get any help from the American Democrat Party, but he was able to get assistance from our Taco Eating friends south of the border.
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?
Republicans only give a damn in the middle of one of their corrupt economic meltdowns or in election years. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill that started out with an ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. There is no crisis except in the propaganda machine and in Central America which is a GOP war on drugs war zone, not to mention a gop-led global warming crisis. It's about time we took some responsibility For Latin America, instead of just being a corporate scumbag.... Trump cut aid to Central America brilliant move LOL

Obama was in office for 8 years, and failed completely in his work to change the Climate.

No matter what he did, sign the Paris Accords, established new cafe standards, banned exploration in the ANWR or stopping the Keystone Pipeline, the weather did not change.
Yes he was totally obstructed congratulations. And it's about the climate not the weather. Make the distinction. He did do a lot of good with executive orders and regulations.
Yes, we are a deeply divided nation and cant seem to agree on anything including the illegal alien invasion or the man-made global warming doomsday hoax
Oh. I see. Trump has not kept his campaign promise to deport 12 million illegal aliens, but it is our fault that he didn't do that. What, exactly, did us democrats do to keep Trump from deporting 12 million illegal aliens?
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?
Republicans only give a damn in the middle of one of their corrupt economic meltdowns or in election years. Pass the 2010 Democratic immigration bill that started out with an ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. There is no crisis except in the propaganda machine and in Central America which is a GOP war on drugs war zone, not to mention a gop-led global warming crisis. It's about time we took some responsibility For Latin America, instead of just being a corporate scumbag.... Trump cut aid to Central America brilliant move LOL
Dems do not want to convict and deport illegals they catch even if they are murderers

So an id card would be meaningless but not enough even if libs were serious

we have to stop them at the border
Sanctuary cities are designed so that illegals who are witnesses to crimes are not afraid to help convicted the actual criminals. That is why Obama deported more then trump has. you are a brainwashed functional moron and racist. Now the question is are you a racist or are you just a brainwashed functional racist? The whole GOP policy on immigration is racist and un American..... The crises you believe are simply garbage propaganda. You can't stop people from coming in, half of them just overstay their visas anyway. What we have to do is get this organized with an ID card so they can't work unless they are legal. Do it and stop being a dupe.
Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?

I don't give a rat's ass if you can't answer my question of why you will continue to vote for a pathological liar, knowing full well that he has no practical plan whatsoever to keep his promises about deporting 12 million illegal aliens. It is the same mindset that voters had when they elected Nixon who had a "secret plan to end the Vietnam war with honor".
And typically your cant or wont answer my question

Are you ashamed to admit that democrats like you are FOR the illegal alien invasion?
You are totally misinformed of course.pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card that would end this crap. The only solution. We are not for separating families and scaring the hell out of these poor people who are asking for asylum because they need asylum from the GOP war on drugs war zones and the gop-led global warming destruction of their farms. Which you never heard of either.

Giving Amnesty to tens of millions of illegals would "solve" a damned thing. Particularly, if we follow the Democrat Party's suggestion that Illegals be given Free Medical.

The numbers of illegals would explode.
Government experts believe there are 12 million illegals in total. You are a brainwashed functional hysteric....
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?

I don't give a rat's ass if you can't answer my question of why you will continue to vote for a pathological liar, knowing full well that he has no practical plan whatsoever to keep his promises about deporting 12 million illegal aliens. It is the same mindset that voters had when they elected Nixon who had a "secret plan to end the Vietnam war with honor".
And typically your cant or wont answer my question

Are you ashamed to admit that democrats like you are FOR the illegal alien invasion?

I am proud that I am not so deluded and brainwashed that I would believe a man who has lied publicly over 16,000 times in 3 years.
A simple “go to hell cause I’m not
America is a constitutional republic

If you dont know that means power is shared

It also means trump is not a dictator in spite of what liberals have been telling you

trump has used his authority to do as much as possible to end the illegal alien invasion

and if reelected he will do even more in the next four years

Why would you believe that he will do more in the next four years about illegal aliens, when he has utterly failed to do anything about them in the last 3 years?
Before I answer any more of your questions you answer mine

Are you for or against the illegal alien invasion?

I don't give a rat's ass if you can't answer my question of why you will continue to vote for a pathological liar, knowing full well that he has no practical plan whatsoever to keep his promises about deporting 12 million illegal aliens. It is the same mindset that voters had when they elected Nixon who had a "secret plan to end the Vietnam war with honor".
And typically your cant or wont answer my question

Are you ashamed to admit that democrats like you are FOR the illegal alien invasion?
You are totally misinformed of course.pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card that would end this crap. The only solution. We are not for separating families and scaring the hell out of these poor people who are asking for asylum because they need asylum from the GOP war on drugs war zones and the gop-led global warming destruction of their farms. Which you never heard of either.
we cannot give asylum to every poor person in latin America

sometimes liberals tell us that robots will take over all the jobs

If so then we certainly dont need millions more unproductive mouths to feed
"I would be rich if it weren't for illegal aliens".

If you can say the above out loud 3 times will a straight face, you are allowed to join the republican party.
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