Rush Limbaugh Just Announced Advanced Lung Cancer!

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His influence is a result of crafting his art.
Which, for the most part, is deceiving gullible, ignorant people using well crafted fallacies and lies.

Limbaugh doesn't "lie" at all,merely reports the facts as well as articulates his opinions. Which BTW, have been audited and found to be well over 99% accurate.

His opinions are based on lies.

Audited by whom?
Himself, he invented a FAKE auditing group he named after a fellow lying shock jock, The Sullivan Group, And the dumb SUCKERS ate it up!!!!
PLEASE step up and show us all the times Rush Limbaugh has said that he is an unbiased journalist
Your wish is my command, here are some samples!
January 18, 2013
RUSH: Snerdley is wanting to know why I didn't object to the previous caller praising my talents as a journalist. I think what happens here on this show is closer to real journalism than anything we're getting from so-called journalists. I have said for the longest time, "We do here what the mainstream journalists used to do."

January 10, 2014
RUSH: I'm just doing what I always do. Folks, I observe. I'm a journalist

Flashback 1992: Rush Limbaugh Calls Chelsea Clinton, Age 12, the ‘White House Dog’

You gotta admire a man who attacks pre teen girls. No wonder Trump gave him a medal.

Maybe he was given the medal for attacking Obama's daughters back in 2010?

I don't know. I wonder how many he's attacked?

I guess that's his "thing".
Let's you bring the video of him saying that. :rolleyes:
Will you leave USMB forever if I link you to a video where he implies Chelsea, the new kid in the White House, is a dog on his TV show?

Flashback 1992: Rush Limbaugh Calls Chelsea Clinton, Age 12, the ‘White House Dog’

You gotta admire a man who attacks pre teen girls. No wonder Trump gave him a medal.

Maybe he was given the medal for attacking Obama's daughters back in 2010?

I don't know. I wonder how many he's attacked?

I guess that's his "thing".

I thought tRumps commie wife gave him a medal. Limbaugh is doing a great job of annihilating western culture with misinformation which is Putin's plan.
that is why I call him by his full name, Russia, and not his shortened nickname.
We did elect trump to fix the illegal alien problem

but the democrats that you elected along with unelected swamp rats in the Deep State and the judiciary have blocked the will of the people just as they did the bernie campaign in Iowa

All tRump has to do is send a Presidential order to jail employers that knowingly hiring illegals. Done. Reversing daddy bushes H1B would also be a great idea.
Trump cant throw people in jail by signing an executive order

But There is bipartisan support for preventing illegal aliens from taking jobs from American workers

that should include sanctions against employers who knowingly hire illegals as well as summary deportation of the illegal worker and anyone in their family who is here illegally
*And a short track to citizenship
No track at all to citizenship for any illegal alien

A green card maybe, if they are squeaky clean, but never citizenship

No green cards.
Not citizenship

I know we will not deport everyone

the best will be allowed to stay as permanent residents

but no path to citizenship

More bloviating? Again, take one fact from PolitiFact and disprove it. Since you are so smart it shouldn't take you more than five minutes.
All you shit stains are alike, you beg for proof just so you can deny it. You are pathetic. Your games are all exposed.

You have yet to present any proof, and you call me playing games.
How many times does your demented ass have to be told I can't prove it before you get it through your concrete head? No wonder you idiots are losing.
They think we have to convince them to accept our opinions

when in fact I dont care what they think

BULLSHIT, it's proving your point with facts; non-bloviating.
I dont need your consent to mistrust the lying lib media
They are both the same

if you believe this was an honest mistake then it means the democrats are totally incompetent from the IT dept to the management that uses the software

Democrats have their own IT Department?
They obviously need someone who knows how to use a telephone

How is that going to help?
The dems claim they could not even call the results in by telephone

When did that happen?
That night and the following day

why do you think they didnt just pick up the phone and relay the results that way?
We did elect trump to fix the illegal alien problem

but the democrats that you elected along with unelected swamp rats in the Deep State and the judiciary have blocked the will of the people just as they did the bernie campaign in Iowa

All tRump has to do is send a Presidential order to jail employers that knowingly hiring illegals. Done. Reversing daddy bushes H1B would also be a great idea.
Trump cant throw people in jail by signing an executive order

But There is bipartisan support for preventing illegal aliens from taking jobs from American workers

that should include sanctions against employers who knowingly hire illegals as well as summary deportation of the illegal worker and anyone in their family who is here illegally

There is already a law that states that employers can't hire illegals. An executive order pushes the federal police to do such.
It may be difficult to prove the employers knowingly hire illegals since the workers often use fake documentation

then there is the issue of fairness

if one roofer hires illegals all the roofers have to hire them too in order to remain in business

BULLSHIT. All of my workers have to have a birth certificate from the US AND a US passport or star ID. Done.
I am not going to quibble with you using antidotal examples that you supply and I cant verify

The competition for customers is cutthroat, particularly in the trades

if one contractor uses illegals then all of them must
This sure seems to have gone way off topic. Time to go back on topic.
All tRump has to do is send a Presidential order to jail employers that knowingly hiring illegals. Done. Reversing daddy bushes H1B would also be a great idea.
Trump cant throw people in jail by signing an executive order

But There is bipartisan support for preventing illegal aliens from taking jobs from American workers

that should include sanctions against employers who knowingly hire illegals as well as summary deportation of the illegal worker and anyone in their family who is here illegally
*And a short track to citizenship
No track at all to citizenship for any illegal alien

A green card maybe, if they are squeaky clean, but never citizenship

No green cards.
Not citizenship

I know we will not deport everyone

the best will be allowed to stay as permanent residents

but no path to citizenship

Haha, except the white ones, I bet....
That's why tRump hired/hires illegals.
You wouldn't guess he hired more union people when he was in his building years. He wanted the best, he got the best.

I'm sure that you have a link for that. You just forgot to post it.
I read about it several months ago. Start yer slimin'.

Let me see if I can give you more information on the subject of foreign labor and trade...

Six Facts on Donald Trump’s Use of Chinese Steel | AFL-CIO
Sorry, VH. The steel industry in PA was already closed down, so tell me where was he supposed to go. He is now doing all that can be done to bring the industry back to America so people who didn't leave can get jobs there and win competitively. And yes, I read that a couple of years back too, but it's consistent with what he has done getting jobs back to this continent and forming alliances with other countries on this and other continents.

...and yet, in spite of the higher prices due to Trump tariffs, there are no new steel jobs or plants. You know, the Soviet government tried to artificially control their economy, too.

How much have Trump's tariff's cost Michigan companies? Group says $1.9B through November
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